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1. Who would you normally confirm work requirements with? Why?

Work requirements are the qualities or qualifications that an individual must have to do a specific job. The work
requirements are normally confirm with the employees and confirmed by the manager or the person who hire
them which can be the Boss. The work requirements are confirmed with the employees because they need to
perform the work or the job and that’s why they need to understand it very well by confirming.

Team negotiation, multiparty negotiation or integrative negotiation may take place in civil construction.
These negotiations can be regarding the job offer, increase in the budget and regarding the selling and purchasing of
a property for the construction purpose. Success of the negotiation depends upon the care by which the negotiation
takes place.

Australian Consumer Law (ACL) protects the small businesses having less than twenty employees. It helps
in entering or renewing the contract of value up to $300,000 or $1 million in case of 12 months contract. In case of
any unfair conduct, the aggrieved party can go to the court and take benefit from the Australian Consumer law.
Hence this law protects the rights of both parties and that’s why is relevant in contract negotiations.

SWOT analysis indicates the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the businesses. SWOT analysis
helps in identifying the business opportunities. These opportunities can be identified in market trends. This will help
the company or the business to respond these opportunities by altering prices of the new products, introducing new
products, adapting the advertising or adding value to the customer experiences.

Different risks may appear in the identification and targeting new businesses. These risks can be controlled
 Careful planning
 Proper and right strategy
 Stability and security in terms of business growth by proper planning
 Lon term profit making strategy

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