Reflection Paper

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by: Gabriel Gilo
According to Google, a computer is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of
arithmetic or logical operations automatically. What could once fill an entire room despite being only capable of
simple arithmetic, the computer in our modern times has become more of a necessity rather than a want.
Computers are all around us, from our phones to our PCs. There are even computers nowadays on appliances
such as fridges! Because of these main reasons, education regarding computers and how to use them has now
become necessary for the students of this generation. Most people will now have no choice but to use computers
eventually. We use computers in our day-day lives, for writing documents or even creating presentations. In this
year of Computer 10, I’ve learned not just about computers, but also about life lessons that I surely won’t forget.

To be quite honest, my expectations for this class were only above average. I expected to only learn about
the fundamentals and intricacies of computer hardware. What I did not expect, however, was that my initial
thoughts would be completely shattered. I didn’t just learn about basic topics such as the parts of a computer and
what they do, but I also learned about subjects such as ICT, networking, and the online decorum that we must
follow when interacting with others while on the internet. Every lesson was engaging and entertaining, making
learning more fun rather than to be a boring chore. I loved how there was great emphasis on application and
reflection regarding the topics instead of just memorization when it came to exams, quizzes, and activities. This
helped me a lot in truly absorbing the subject instead of just forgetting it the next day. There are, however, three
main lessons that I have learned during this year. These lessons are not just facts or details, rather, these will serve
to guide me for the rest of my life.

The first fundamental lesson that I have learned during this year of Computer 10 is the importance of
computers. Previously, I thought computers were more a pastime than a tool for innovation, education, and
knowledge. This year, however taught me otherwise. I’ve learned that computers cannot just be used for playing
games such as Valorant, but for also doing research and assisting in the spread of knowledge for generations to
come. Before, the computer for me was like a toy. Now, however, in my eyes, it is more akin to a great
encyclopedia of knowledge, a convergence of everything that a person desires to know or wants. The second
fundamental lesson that I have learned is the importance of taking care of our computers. For me, there have been
too many times where I have been careless with the protection and care of my devices. My laptop even has a big
crack on it. However, being taught about hardware maintenance, the different parts of computer hardware and
their functions, and the importance of taking care of our computers has affected me for the better to maintain my
computer better. And finally, the final fundamental lesson that I have learned regarding computers is how to use
computers for good. I have learned about the many ways in which we could use computers for good, such as
helping others online. I’ve learned how to be a responsible netizen and the importance of observing netiquette
when it comes to dealing with others. I’ve learned about the importance of ICT and it’s many good effects.

In conclusion, this year of Computer 10 has taught me much. From hardware to software, networks to
netiquette, and even ICT. Computers are essential, which is why it is incredibly important to learn about them.
Computing is not just something you can use for your gain, but a tool to gain information or even help others. To
learn more about computers, the summary and beginning of human innovation is not just for the now, but for the
future also.

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