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Geurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MB8 ~ 8117 821 CONTROL AND STABILITY AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (CSAS) Table of Contents Paragraph Tite Page 821-1 DESCRIPTION - CONTROL ANO STABILITY AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (sas svsTEM) =... ‘TROUBLESHOOTING -PIR CSAS SYSTEM — INSPECTION SCHEDULE - PIR CSAS SYSTEM . cose 1) INSPECTION FOR CONDITION —P/R CSAS SYSTEM PREFLIGHT CHECK - PIR CSAS SYSTEM ....... 2 FUNCTIONAL TEST OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ~PIR CSAS SYSTEM «1.0... 24 ADJUSTMENT - TRANSOUCERS PIR CSAS SYSTEM. at Removal PIR OSAS computer 221-9 nsaltion—PIR CSAS computer... 821-10 Removal~ pitch and roll actuators 221-11 nation pitch and rol actuators .. 821-12 Removal~ pitch transducer... 21-19 nsalaion-pch wanscucor 821-14 Removal ral ransducor 21—15 —nsalaion-roltransducor 821-16 Removal CSAS cont pane! 821-17 _nstalaion CSAS contol panel 221-18 Removal and instalation ~aricll horizon pt Revision 15, (codec (CHAPTER 821 Page 1 Geuccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~BK:t7 BLANK PAGE CHAPTER #21 code Reson 15 Page2 Qeurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 {821-1 DESCRIPTION - CONTROL AND STABILITY AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (CSAS-SYSTEM) 1 components ‘The CSAS system consis of wo Independent systems: = PRCSAS system YAW OSAS system “The slandard YAW CSAS installation s described in chapter 709, ‘common components of P/R-CSAS and VAW CSAS systems: (CSAS contr! panel ‘ushbuttons in both ele sks. Abbreviations ae aiceat ANN PN, annurcatr pane! cB rut breaker cosas onto an sabity augmentation system ena lect hysrauic actuator ENG ‘engine fur ‘ght tne tester FLTESS 8US ‘ight essential bus aw inverter panel Instrument panel Maa mechanialnydraute actuator mw itil prc angular placement (ateral axe) PmR-CsAS PITOWROLL OSAS ROLL angular displacement (longitudinal xs) sstas CUT OFF STABILISATION GUT OFF (Emergency Of swich of CSAS sytem) stv ‘staneoy w test point TAM se ‘wim speee vac vot aerating curent CHAPTER 221 code Page @eurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 voe vot deoct current wow wiring diagram manual yaw angular displacement (vertca axis) 8. Component cations For locations ofthe CSAS components ert gure 621-1, 4.Tank ‘The PIR CSAS (Control and Stabity Augmentation Systom) improves the helicopter’ tight contro characteristics and stably. The contol signals forthe rospoctve actuators are Gelormied bythe pierre attudos ‘5. Componens -P/R CSAS system The PIR-CSAS cones ot: = PIR-OSAS computer ‘teil horzon pet le raneducer Fol vanesocor pitch actuator follacvatr Waring ight inthe annuncitor panel ‘rut breakers inthe ovetead coneole 6. Functional characterises - CSAS system The block eiagram (igure 621-2) uta the following functional characteris: ‘The electrical systom ofthe helicopter supplies tho P/R-CSAS-system with 28VDC and 26 Vi400 He x Each af the two helicopter axes - PITCH, ROLL - canbe swiched on and of Independent of each ‘other by means of the CSAS contol pana. In an emergency tho PIR. CGAS-oystem can be swiched ‘of with he pushbution STAB GUT OFF, loeted in both sho. oz plo ano aol an ducto-machana inet naa ahah haat a {luir in place stn conta og. Ceca sina propertona ote cata ipute oe eee Stk ae enema the PRCOSAS computer tom fe Pech an el vanes ‘The artical horizon generates an elctical sonal corresponding othe helcopter'ptch and ol artluges, With these signals he PiR-CSAS computer caluate the postions ofthe ch an facuators ano the actuator mators ave iggered Wien switched othe actuators are locked by solenoid brakes. The movements of the pitch and ol acualors are tansmated fo the PIA-CSAS computer by inograiad traneducer. Wan acustorsope {ortonger han approx. 18 seconds, or # ts reatom of movement is mpaed. the appropriate CSAS P2 Repair connections Test CSAS ewitch PITCH or ROLL In CSAS conto! pane Ga Replace CSAS contrat panel “Test 28 VOC supply of aetusor motor in TP TP4S) 0 Test FLT ESS 2, repaie necessary “est 28 VOC supply of aoieoid| brake in TP 1a (TP 46) = Replace actuator Replace PIR CSAS computer ‘Table 821-2 Flowcnar- troubleshooting (to 4) (CHAPTER got Page 14 code Qeurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 FLOWCHART - TROUBLESHOOTING (continued) Undesirable pitch movement ot novenen “Teetconnactons 040 U 640, 1942 U 043) and J 059 tor contity no faut Fepair relevant wiring (Check pth ransducer (ol traneaveer) or aecure tt fears 18 Tighten loose screw comectons t Test signal ouput of pitch transducer (rol raneducee) er para, 821-8 0 ‘Adust vansdvoer Diterance = 2 VAC per para, 82110 (Chesk vaneducer es mechanical movement ‘Measure extension of transducer rod (6 VAC 75 VAC) ‘Table 821-2 Flowchart troubleshooting (20 4) (CHAPTER 621 code e Page 15 @eurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 FLOWCHART - TROUBLESHOOTING (continued) Test PITCH ACTUATOR with horizon tor sgn tattor centering) Extond with NOSE DOWN, no. Check pin (tract with ROLL LEFT) assignmer Test actuator or centering In TP 2022 <0 OP 63764), no _| Check ‘wing ‘OVAC=06 VAC, face rlavant actuator ~ Orin FLT crane eae Test signal output hrizan in TP 0/8 1P 44/43) at 20" [NOSE UP (ROLL RIGHT? U6 VAC orion plot Table 621-2 Flowchart - troubleshooting (2 of 4) ‘cuaPTER a2 Page 16, Code o Qeurvconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 FLOWCHART - TROUBLESHOOTING (continues) RUNAWAY PITCH CSAS (ROLL CSAS) Test connections J 040 and J 941 W941 ana J 043) fr continuity Test signal output of pitch transducer (ol ransaucer) In TP 24g (TP 47/56) 7 CSAS etches of) (Gyole stk input 0 VAC Replace transducer “Test PITCH (ROLL) SERVO POSITION in TP 2v22 (TP 83/58) with PSTCK § (RSTCK 10), >ovac Replace actuator Replace P/R CSAS computor “able 621-2 Flowchart - troubleshooting (4 of 4) CHAPTER gat code ¢ Page 1718 G@euccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MB ~ 2x17 821-3 INSPECTION SCHEDULE (REFER TO APPENDIX A) Revision 16 ode © (CHAPTER #21 Page 19 @errccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 BLANK PAGE (CHAPTER 823 codec vision 16 Page 20 Qeurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 821-4 INSPECTION FOR CONDITION - PIR CSAS SYSTEM 1. Inspec wing of PR CSAS system or chaling and connacton for tight ft. Fasten lose wing, replace winng having chating marks. 2, Inspect hose lines of PR CSAS system for chang and connections for leaks, 4, Fasten lose hose tes, replace hose nes having chafing marks. », Hleaks are evident atthe connections, phen appropriate union nut by 1/6 tus. leakage Perit, replace seating element 3. Inspect bonding jumpers for undamaged condition and ght. Replace damaged bonding jumpers, retghten loose bol connections 4. Inspect PIR CSAS computer. 4. Inspect siden modulo (2 igure 821-5) for secure attachment, etightonbotod jens. », Inepect PIR CSAS computer (1 for seuteatachment. Fasten loose PIR CSAS computer by posing mend secure wh ot (3). 5, Check PIR rane 4. Open nose door » Inepect electrical cable (18 oF 36, tgure 821-7 for damaged conation and at transducer 88 or ‘Ugh necessary replace Pm wansoucer. Inspect connector for tight. Tighten lose tumlock fastener 4. Inspect bonding jumpers (2 21) or 2as0 of movernent. ease of movement is reduced connect respeciwe bonaig Jumper and ratigton according foe maximum eaco of hovement Inspect jit ora 1. Inspect PIR ransdicer for ght of clamp (19), 1) Retighton loose bot connection 2) Heimension is changed, aust PIR Wransducer eter o para. 621-7. 3) Renew damaged seating compound (CM 620) and locking compound (CM 683). 19. Inspect sng surtace of rR transducer fr undamaged condton and contamination Play. Retighien loose bot connections and secure with oc +) I contamination is evident lean sing surtace. 2) I sng sutace is conodes or damaged replace PIR wansucer. 1, Inspect supporing ube (22) of PIR transduce or xia play. ayia play is evident, apace PIR traneaveor | Inspect surtace protection of atachng elements for undamaged contlon. Coat protection with tacquer (CM £01), tages sutace CHAPTER 621 code © Page 2 Geurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 6 Inspect oll and ptch actuator (1,2, gure 821-6) 8. Check bearings for ease of movement and radia play, without removing the boarngs are hare tomove ore racial pay exceeds 01 mm, replace tha bearings or te fod end ay, Inspect serew connection (upper and loner or sacuty of spi pin split pine missing, check torque value of nyonstop nus (0) and sacure wih spn Inspect bellows or cracks, porosity and secur of nealaton, Replace damaged belows, 4. Inspect connection cable (17 or conton and connector (7, 8) for secur ft {Check locking ut (12) for ight ching nut (12) i ose, check dimensions of Instaled actuator i uter pasion and readjust main rotor ntol i necessay (se appropriate ‘SPPENDIXB) GAUTION —_IF SCREW CONNECTION HAS TOE TIGHTENED, DO NOT APPLY ANY TORQUE BETWEEN THRUST ROD (14, FIGURE 631-8) ANO MOTOR HOUSING (1) 7. Inspect CSAS conrl panel (igure 621-6) '. Check svtches on CSAS conrl pane (1) for mechanical operation. necessary, place CSAS ‘contol pal, Check electric able (5) for ght connection as otows: 1) Remove CSAS cortrl panel (1 (rt o para. 821-16). 2) Check elecical connection for secure instalation. Tighten loose pans. 3) Insta CSAS contol pt 51 (oor to para, 821-17) CHAPTER 82 Page 22 code © Geurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL M88 —BK117 821-5 PREFLIGHT CHECK (REFER TO APPENDIX A) evsion 16 codec CHAPTER 21 Page 23 @eurocopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 [821-6 FUNCTIONAL TEST OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS - PIR CSAS SYSTEM ‘Spactaoot: Testing devee FLIGHT LINE TESTER 5190 H- 2009 (FLT) or 117-99701 L 9600 DE 4. Generar ‘The functional test of elt! componont is pertormed ater inetaling a PR CSAS system and aft ‘replacing an elctical componont ofthe PIR CSAS system ‘must be assured thatthe PIR CSAS system has been itlled in conormiy with instructions and thatthe power supply ofthe hecopter is swtcned of 4: noessay remove he aking onthe cabin eto perform the operational heck fhe pc and rollecuators . Remove the PR CSAS comput 9 para, 821-8), © Connect he FLIGHT LINE TESTER 5120 H- 2003 (FLT) (¢00 figure 821-9 and 821-4), GUTOR —_DONOT REMOVE HORIZON PLOT WHEN TIS OPERATING, WATT UNTIL IT ‘STANDS STILL, (WAIT 15 MINUTES FOR HORIZON STOP). 1. Remove horizon pil and connect othe helcopter with an extension cable ©. Inthe FLT set the ACT switch fo AC, METER to ACT anc ACISIM (socket panel fo AC, |. Gonnost a 28 V'0C external power supply of adequate capacity (eee chapter 82) tthe helicopter power system ‘9. Sel MASTER PWRSW awich to NORM, MAINBUS PRWRSEL to EXT PWR, MAINBUS BUSTIE to NORM ang INVERTER 1 +210 ON 4 Connect an external craic suppl to th hekcaptr (see chapter 43). |. Press CSAS PIR 1A, CSAS Pm 5A and HOR PILOT circu breakers inthe overead console. | Sotthe PITCH and ROLL switches inthe CSAS contol panel tothe OFF poston and wait appro. §nnutas ul he hozon has run up (FLAG G ceappear), CSAS PITCH and CSAS ROLL ne IN PNE must come on mE © The PITCH CSAS oystom tested nthe same way asthe ROLL CSAS system, (© The vas given in brackets rete tothe test ofthe ROLL CSAS system. CHAPTER 621 Page 24 code © Qeurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 2. Testing he power supply ‘4, Sethe PITCH and ROLL switchs inthe CSAS conto panel othe ON poston. Inne socket panel of ho FLT tost the votages a est points TP 1 (SIGNAL GROUND), TP 9 (26 VAC HIGH). TP. (26 VAC LOW, TP6 (2 19."1 VOC) TPT (- 15 £1 VD) and TP ¥2 28 VDC Y3Vstaa curoFe), = In TP the volage must be 26 VAC. = tpn voltage must be 26 VAC. = In TP 6 the votage must be + 15 VOC =1 VOC. = tere voc. voltage must be 15 VO In TP 12 he voltage must be 28 VOC = Voo. , Pras the STAB CUT OFF snitch on the eyele sek and hod ‘The voltage in TP 12 must srop to below 4.2 VOC. Release swich the votage mus se again 28 VOC, «6, Pultne HOR PILOT ckeut breaker and measure voltage TP 10 28 VOC HORIZON VALID. FLAG G inthe hoszon plot must appear, the voltage in TP 10 must dop to below 1 VOC. ©, Press HOR PILOT creut breaker and measure voltage TP 0. + Aer FLAG G has esappeare, the votage TP 10 must ree again to 28 VOC 1. st st PITCH (ROLL) svt inthe CSAS contol panel othe OFF positon then to ON and ‘measure tho volage it TP SIGNAL GROUND TP 11" 26 VDC PITCH ENGAGE (TP 43-28 VDC ROLL ENGAGE}, ‘The voltage in TP 11 (TP 45) must be 28 VOC. 9. Setthe PITCH (ROLL) switch in he CSAS contro panel othe ON poston and measur tho voltage In TP 1 SIGNAL GROUND TP 19.28 VOC PITCH BRAKE (FP 46 28 VDC HOLL BRAKE) ‘The votage in TP 13 (TP 46) must be 28 VOC. Set the PITCH (ROLL) wich tothe OFF poslon, he volage in TP 13 (TP 46) must crop again woovbe. ‘3. Testing he stands montors and cutoff 1, Sot the PITCH (ROL) swten in the CSAS conto panel othe ON poston. », Move cyl ck fowardiat (tight) “CSAS PITCH (ROLL) in he ANN PRL must go out (CHAPTER 621 coe © Page 25 Geurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 GROG ©——_AVOID.AN VIBRATION OF THE HORIZON WHEN TESTING THE LOCK ROTOR MONITORS = SAS PITCH (FOL) inthe ANN PAE must come an again aprox. 18 seconds after Ie ast, ‘yc sick input or movement a the horizon pio ©. Move the horizon plot aroun the pch (ol) axe. (©SAS PITCH (ROLL) must go out (CSAS PITCH (ROLL must come on again aprox. 18 seconds ator the lst horizon inp 1. Move contol sick torwardat atsgh) and ater he CSAS PITCH (ROLL) splay has gone out press STAB CUT OFF onthe cyct stk immedsatly, (OSAS PITCH (ROLL) must come on immediate. «, First set the PITCH (ROLL) sith inthe CSAS contol panelto OFF, nen ON, |. Alor CSAS PITCH (ROLL) has come on in the ANN PNL, move eyeli sickforwardat (taht) = CSAS PITCH (ROLL) must go out agnin Sethe PITCH (ROLL) switch to the OFF positon, CSAS PITCH (ROLL) must immediately come on again ‘9. Ensure that both PITCH and ROLL switches are inthe OFF positon. 4, Sign check of actuator motors 4, Sethe PITCH (ROLL) switch nthe CSAS contro panel othe ON postion and walt approx. 18 soeand unt the pach motor (cl mon hae moved othe centre poston, ». Simulate me NOSE DOWN (ROLL LEFT signal withthe horizon, pitch motor (oll motor) mus extend (erat. ‘© Mer centering the actuator moter, mave the eye sk af (othe Hoh cn motor (rol motor) must extend (retract. 4. Move he PITCH (ROLL) switch in the CSAS conto! pane to the OFF postion, 5. Testing th pitch and rl ransducers 8 Tim ey stick otha it ean be atached without force to he yee stk suppor, », Ensure thatthe PITCH (ROLL) site inthe CSAS contol panel is inthe OFF positon ‘©. Move ne cycle stick toward tothe et stop and measure the votage in TP Jt - 24 and - 14 Gt a'ana 50) “The voltage must be 9.6 VAC =1 VAG (7 VAC 1 VAC), HAPTER 621 Page 26 code ¢ Geurcopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 6, Move cyte sick back othe right stop. + The vollage must again be 9.6 VAC +1 VAC (75 VAC #1 VAC) ior the votage terence exceeds 2 VAG, the relevant ansducor must be ftjusted (see para 821-7) «6, Set tne PITCH (ROLL) snitein the CSAS contol pane tothe ON positon {. Setthe ACT switch in the socket pane of he FLT tothe SIM postion. ‘9. Tum potentiometer P-STOK (.STCK} ot positon § AFT (10 FT) ~ pitch motor rol motor) must move approximately tothe stop. 1, posttest in potentiometer postion 5 FWD (10 LT). 1 ramen (LL SERVO POSTION age TP aN. 21 and 22 (TP 52 ant ‘ater centering, the votage must be 0 VAG 20.6 VAC, the PITCH (ROLL) spay inthe FLT must be at approximately 0% {Move the ACISIM switch nthe socket panol ole FLT fo the postion AC. 6. Tesing the horizon pilot ‘Simulate 90° NOSE UP and 30° NOSE DOWN (90: RIGHT and S0° LEFT) wih the horizon pit and measure the votage In TP Jt Sand Jt B (Jt ~ 44 and Jt 49), ‘The voltage must always be 1.5 VAC 0.8 VAC. 7. Operational check attr instalation 1. Pulthe HOR PILOT, CSAS PIR 1 Aand CSAS PIR A GreultBroakers inthe ovemead console by Insta me norizon plat inthe instrument pane! within sppeox. 9 minutes. mE tinstaatons not possible witin is me ts necessary to wat 15 minutes fr tha Ronzon to stop before Intaling TAUTOR —_FALURE TO OBSERVE THESE TIMES MAY RENDER HORIZON PILOT LUNSERVICEABLE Insta PIR CSAS computer (se para. 821-8). 6, Press the HOR PILOT, CSAS Pf 1 Aand CSAS PIR SA cru bre ro longer deplayed €, Settne PITCH switch in the CSAS contol pane to he ON postion and wat unl CSAS PITCH fomes on inthe ANN PN re and wai unt FLAG Gis ‘CHAPTER 821 code Page 27 a MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117, 1. Move eyte sick oar (GSAS PITCHIn ANN PML must go out (CSAS PITCH must come on again ater approx. 18 second, 9. Move instument panel towardat, (OSAS PITCH must go out hi, Sat PITCH anc to OFF poston, ROLL switch to ON poston and wat until CSAS ROLL comes on ine ARN PN 1 Move oye sik eturignt, CSAS ROLL must go ou |. Mer the CSAS ROLL display has come on, move -panel eight, (SAS ROLL must go out Set ROLL switen in CSAS contol pane tothe OFF poston and move contol stick onward and ‘et ‘CSAS PITCH and CSAS ROLL must nt go ou. |. Setthe PITCH and ROLL switches in the CSAS conto panel othe ON poston ILOSAS PITCH and CSAS ROLL. donot go out, move cyce stk forward and eight, CSAS PITCH and CSAS ROLL must go out ~ Immediately ater the dspays have gone cu, poss STAB CUT OFF, CSAS PITCH and CSAS FROLL must immediately come on again. 1. Pula ret breakers, test cycle completa, ‘CHAPTER 21 Page 28 code © Qeurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 Figure 621-9 Fight Line Tester (FLT) 5190 - 2009 CHAPTER 821 (code © Page 23 Qeurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 IR CSAS computer 4 FLT connecton 5 Sit pues connecton 8 YAW CSAS computer Figure 821-4 Setup for testing PIR CSAS System ‘CHAPTER 21 Page 20 code © @eurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 821-7 ADJUSTMENT TRANSDUCERS PIR CSAS SYSTEM Special 0s: “Testing device FLIGHT LINE TESTER 5190 H - 2009 (FLT) oF 417-997001L 9600 WOE ‘This agustment was cari out wa the fight tne teste 5190 H - 2009, For application of oer test equpment tne operating instucton must be considered 4. General “The traneucers are ajsted afte ‘equred bythe operational chock ( toro para, 621-6 for preparatory work and test equipment. alg PIR CSAS system, ater replacing a wansducer and as para. 821-8). It shouldbe assured that al adjustment work on tho main rtorcotrel has boon completed. Fraud ‘Adjustment of he transducers fr longitudinal and lateral controls otic. 2, Adjusting transducers for pitch and ot TADTON §=—_HYORAWUC sySTems EQUIPPED WITH STOPS, DO NOT OVERRIDE THE HYDRAULIC NPUT VALVE ‘2. Sel PITCH (FOL) switch in the CSAS contol pant the ON poston and wat until the actuator ‘motor has moveait the centre posion TATION §—_AVOID ANY VIBRATION OF THE HELICOPTER AND MOVEMENT OF THE ‘CONTROL STICK DURING THE CENTERING OPERATION '. After the CSAS PITCH (CSAS ROLL) spay in tho ANN PNL has come on seth PITCH (ROLL) ‘Swich onthe CSAS contol pane tothe OFF poston. 6. Measure he votlage attest points J1-14 and Jt-24 (TP J1-47 and J1-56) Inthe socket panel ot {he FLIGHTLINE TESTER, <2, Move contol sick at (othe let) as fr ast wil go and record the vokage X ©, Move the contol stick forward (othe right) as far a it wil go and record the votage f. Calelate kom the voltages X and ¥ the value Z= (% «YY 19, Move the contol tick af (othe et) a8 far a8 will go and act relevant transducer to obtain a vwotmotorreacng of #08 VAC. hi, Move the contol stk forward (tothe right) as fa as t wl go and check voltage reading. + The votage in TP Jt-14 and Jt-24 (TPJ1-47 and J1-56) must aso be 2=05 VAC. (CHAPTER 621 code © Paget (MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB ~ BK117 (Open nase door 2. Stacken pin (2, igre 821-5). 3. PUIPIF CSAS computer (1) out ofthe so, using hand (6) eat Installation -PIR CSAS computer ‘The computers excel sald in he reverse ode of remo 2. Perorm funetonal check of PIR CSAS systom In accordance with paragraph 8216. 821-10 Removal - pitch and rol actuators NoTE + Removal ot pich actuator (2, gure 6218) same as of ro sctuste (1). + Dono apply any torque betwen trust rd (14) and meta housing (1). 1 Remove tating tom cabin oo as necessary. 2, Remove acing harware (4,5, 6 and) rom inptover (10) 8. Centr actuator (1,2) according to APPENDIX ES, step 12. 4 Measure contrto-conter mension ofr end bearings and note for later usa, Thiele determine the actustor has been previously dlepacod 5. Disconnect ol con! plug (7) or pth cont plug 6. Remove ataching haware (4 5,6 and) om belterank lever (11) and remave actuators (, 2). ‘GHAPTER 21 Code © Revision 15 Pages Qeuvconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 1 PIR OSAS computor 2 Se 3 Pn 4 YAW CSAS computor 5 Handle Figure 821-5 Removalinetalation - PIR CSAS Computer CHAPTER 621 cose ¢ Page 33 @errccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MB® ~BK{17 {821-11 Installation —pitch and rll actuators Nore + Installation of pic actuator 2, gue 821-8) same aso ll actuator (1). + Do not apa any torque between thus rd (14) and moter housing (13). + Black plug fr pth conto (re fo tl conto (7) 1 Insert actuator (1 and 2} in fo heads of bell

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