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220 Leigh Farm Road

Durham, NC 27707

This certifies that Varudhini Sadananda Patki has successfully completed the course
Digital Minds et Pack – Strategic Importance of Digital Trans formation and
Underpinning Technologies
and is awarded this certificate on 08/ 27/ 2023
Bus ine s s Ma na ge m e nt & Orga niza tion : 1
In a ccorda nce with the s ta nda rds of the Na tiona l Regis try of CPE Spons ors , CPE credits ha ve been gra nted ba s ed on a
50-m inute hour. Pa rticipa ting s ta te boa rds of a ccounting ha ve fina l a uthority on the a ccepta nce of individua l cours es
for CPE credit.
Type of ins tructiona l Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study


Illinois : 158-000880 Na tiona l Regis try: 141642

New J ers ey: Texa s : 000215
Michael Grant 20CE00029900 All Others : A-0001
Sr. Director - Learning Innovation & Design Penns ylva nia : PX-177106

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