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臺北市大同區延平國民小學 109 學年度第二學期五年級期中評量試卷

科目:英文科 五年 班 座號: 姓名:姓名:姓名:

口語測驗 (10%) ( 期中考前一周舉行) 得分_________
一請聽 CD,圈選出正確的發音字(5%)

1 oy o ay 2 ow oi ai 3 oi ou ee

4 sk sp bl 5 cl gl br

二請聽 CD,填入正確的發音字(10%)
oi、 ow、o、cl 、gr、br 、i

1 __ ock 2 br___n 3 c___n 4 ___gloo 5 ___ush

三 請聽 CD, 選出正確的代碼 (21 %)

1( ) A B C

2( ) A B C

3( ) A B C

4( ) A B C

5( ) A B C

6( ) A B C

7( ) A B C

四 請聽CD, 寫下中文解釋(12%)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

五請聽CD, 寫下英文句型 (3%)

(1) __________________________________________________

(2) __________________________________________________

(3) __________________________________________________
六讀一讀,選出正確的答案 (8%)
( ) 1. A: I like these B: Me, too.
(A) sockes (B) an sock (C) a sock (D) socks
( ) 2. A: _____ marker is it? B; It’s Jimmy’s marker.
(A) Where (B) Who’s (C) Whose (D) How
( ) 3. A: We don’t ______ after school on Wednesday. .
(A) goes jogging (B) go jog (C) go jogging (D) jogging
( ) 4. A: Do you want these pants? B; No, it’s hot now. I want to buy these___.
(A) jackets (B) short (C) shorts (D) scarfs
七請拼出下列單字 (15 %)
1 2 3 4 5
膠水 筆記本 襯衫 毛衣 裙子

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

6 7 8 9 10
小丑 雲 咖啡色 去游泳 籃球

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

11 12 13 14 15
去衝浪 去露營 膠帶 2000 運動鞋

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

八寫下問句或答句 (8 %) (遠的)
1 A:____________________________________________
B: It’s two hundred dollars.
2 A:What do you do in your free time?
3 A: ____________________________________________
B: My mother goes shopping in her free time.
4 A: How much are these apples. (三百五十元)
B: _____________________________________________
九閱讀(8 %)
Today is Sunday. Cindy is shopping with his family at the night market.
Cindy wants the scarf. It’s two hundred dollars. Cindy’s sister wants those pants.
They’re one thousand dollars. Cindy’s father wants that white shirt. It’s on sale.
It’s eight hundred dollars. Cindy’s mother wants these shorts. They’re four hundred
and forty dollars.  on sale 打折
( ) 1. Which is correct(正確)? (A) It’s Monday. (B) Cindy is sleeping.
(C) The white shirt is on sale.
( ) 2.Where is Cindy’s mother?
(A) At home (B) At bookstore (C) At the night market.
( ) 3. How much are the scarf and pants?
(A) $ 200 (B) $ 1000 (C) $ 1200
Who wants to buy the shorts? ____________________________(完整句回答)_
臺北市大同區延平國民小學 109 學年度第二學期五年級期中評量試卷(資源班)
科目:英文科 五年 班 座號: 姓名:姓名:姓名:
口語測驗 (10%) ( 期中考前一周舉行) 得分_________
一請聽 CD,圈選出正確的發音字(5%)

1 oy o ay 2 ow oi ai 3 oi ou ee

4 sk sp bl 5 cl gl br

二請聽 CD,填入正確的發音字(10%)
oi、 ow、o、cl 、gr、br 、i

1 __ ock 2 br___n 3 c___n 4 ___gloo 5 ___ush

三 請聽 CD, 選出正確的代碼 (21 %)

1( ) A B C

2( ) A B C

3( ) A B C

4( ) A B C

5( ) A B C

6( ) A B C

7( ) A B C

四 請聽CD, 寫下中文解釋(12%)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

五請聽CD, 寫下英文句型 (3%)

(1) __________________________________________________

(2) __________________________________________________

(3) __________________________________________________
六讀一讀,選出正確的答案 (16%)
( ) 1. A: I like these B: Me, too.
(A) sockes (B) an sock (C) a sock (D) socks
( ) 2. A: _____ marker is it? B; It’s Jimmy’s marker.
(A) What (B) Who’s (C) Whose (D) How
( ) 3. A: We don’t ______ after school on Wednesday. .
(A) goes jogging (B) go jog (C) go jogging (D) jogging
( ) 4. A: Do you want these pants? B; No, it’s hot now. I want to buy these___.
(A) jackets (B) short (C) shorts (D) scarfs
七請拼出或找出下列單字 (15 %)
1 2 3 4 5
膠水 筆記本 襯衫 毛衣 裙子

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

sneakers、tape、 go surfing、 go camping、two thousand

basketball、go swimming、clown、cloud、brown
Taiwan、go camping、east、name、go swimming、giant
6 7 8 9 10
小丑 雲 咖啡色 去游泳 籃球

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

11 12 13 14 15
去衝浪 去露營 膠帶 2000 運動鞋

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

八找出答案並寫下問句或答句 (8 %)

What does your mother do in her free time?

How much is that scarf? They are three hundred and fifty dollars
I go biking in my free time.
How much is that scarf? How much are these scarfs?

1 A:____________________________________________
B: It’s two hundred dollars.

2 A:What do you do in your free time?


3 A: ____________________________________________
B: My mother goes shopping in her free time.
4 A: How much are these apples. (三百五十元)
B: _____________________________________________

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