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Audit Finding Report

Subject: Non-Conformance Identified in Clause 4 of ISO 9001:2015

Date: 24 August 2023
Organization: [Automotive Organization Name]
Lead Auditor: Ofentse Moshidi
Finding ID: AU-2023-001
Clause: ISO 9001:2015, Clause 4 - Context of the Organization

Description of Non-Conformance:
During the audit of the organization's quality management system, a non-conformance was
identified in relation to Clause 4 of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, which addresses the context of the
organization. The non-conformance is detailed as follows:

The organization's documented context did not adequately encompass all relevant internal and
external factors that could impact its ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its quality
management system. The context statement failed to address [specific factor(s)] which are significant
in the organization's industry and business environment. This omission hinders the organization's
comprehensive understanding of its operational landscape and potential risks and opportunities.

Classification of Non-Conformance
Non-conformances are classified based on their severity and potential impact on the organization's
quality management system. The classification helps prioritize corrective actions. The identified non-
conformance falls under the following classification.

Critical Non-Conformance (Category 1)

The organization's failure to adequately define its context in accordance with ISO 9001:2015
represents a significant departure from the requirements of the standard. This non-conformance has
the potential to undermine the entire quality management system, impede effective decision-
making, and compromise the organization's ability to achieve desired outcomes. Immediate
corrective action is essential to bring the organization's context statement in line with the standard's

To address the identified non-conformance, the following corrective actions are recommended
*Review and revise the organization's context statement to encompass all relevant internal and
external factors that could impact the quality management system.
*Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential risks and opportunities associated with
the newly identified context factors.

Deadline for Corrective Actions

All corrective actions should be completed no later than [Recommended Deadline] to ensure
compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and the effective functioning of the organization's quality
management system

Lead Auditor's Signature: _ofentse___________________

Date: ___24/08/2023__________________.

This audit finding report serves to communicate the identified non-conformance to the relevant
stakeholders and guide the organization in taking appropriate corrective actions to align with ISO
9001:2015 requirements

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