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Table ANAS Ass ‘Table ANAS Ec7 NA to BS BN 1997-1:2004 Parcial resistance factors ()) for continuous light auger CPA Flenfor he and GEO tiie states | Mo TESTS. Taamenee [Smt [Ber +1 Br [itciont Pe wn fet") [ease eee (eee im [a 7 ut eis is ta Crem oatemenet |x xo 20 a (Sopeanen Staninimtoe [x xo [20 1 ‘oe rs me Ba TRY ETS ‘ead (elininaryander wot eaedou ogre an 1 he ons pet ods etn han 1 oso preva en {Sem ae ate (ier apy odie ‘Beam 2 ree thn in) (Senet penny Snare 0 snc, ‘Correlation factors for pile foundations | "or the veifeatins of Structural (STR) and Geothehnieal (GEO) tnt stats, tho following correlation factors ¢atoulé be applied to derivethe ‘Sharacenistcreaistance of eal Joded ples! onthe mean vals ofthe messared resistances in aie ond tts 4 om the minimum value ofthe mesnured resistances in state lout satan iene om nd & onanism rao te cluaed estan om round et 4 onthemean hes th meanreetanin da on eine fhe end eit in yan os ‘able ANA9, Table ANA.10 and Table ANA.11 give the correlation {actor rates, Correlation factors (f to derive characterste values of the relane of aay ote ps rom state end ate (a= numberof teste piles) a a a a & 166 taba) das 08 [NOTE For srachirs having ain wlan an roth o war [cade rom usa to"arong ey atu of dE may De doa by lch provid hat ener Ws Nan 10, So EN TOO? ELEC) ae sizer + 13 BS EN 1997-1:2004 EN 1997-1:2004 key — te retarding ntuenc ct cheresein the al, — sol eampacton dus tothe ving of iplacoment ps — s0 dstrbance de to the boring of a pl sat 75. Pio load tests 754 Gonerat (9° Pie los tests eal be cared atin the fling stustlons: — shen ug 8 yp leo ntalsion method for which ther is no comrable — wn he pls hae nt Deen tee nde cmp and lang ens; = hon he pilose subject talon for which haar and experience do ot prowde Enifcies cordance nthe dein. The pile ting procedure eal thn prove loading Simro the anpated oacng, = whan abservatienscuing he process insallton ideas ple behaviou at Govates ‘Sony and ufavouray tram te beevouanespted onthe basta hess imesteens mpatenn chen sider punter core ty reasons fortis devaton (2) Pte oases may be used a: | — saterrive he rescance ola presente pe a he sure ground Yo ea, both a tome of stdemont ara wean ] — assess the sutabity of he contruction method, — teat judgrant ofthe vert pl foundation (a) Whar oa tessa not praccal duet cuties in adeting tho variation nthe oad (oe tr ey cso dni ae rata rope shoud (WP oe pe ones cre out shat noma be foaled where the most svarse (gourd convene ao botved to cour. iss rt posible, an allowance shall be made Athen cerning the characterize o he compres estes. ] (6)? iad et ae cated cut on two or mote tet plas, tots eatins shal be Fepresetatve othe st of he le union and ons of te et pls shel ba cele wh the most adverse ground condos ae boleved 0 occ. | (69° Semcon to inaallaion of tho tat pe anno tgining ofthe eas toe, adoquate ine ‘Ballbeslewed to anaur that te requtea sent ol te ple mats is achievectan he porewaler pressures have vogalned lel valves. (7) nce casos can bo eacesar te eco the pena preasuos caused by pila Ineaston andthe subsequent span inorder tke 2 rope docksonrenargng the Saf he oad teat. ooa201s — 7H BE cE Hi ona (wees —> Preled ona ena omaa 7&7 apinst STANDARD Investigation tests Imvestigeion ress typkaly involve loaing a scifi ple up ts timate int Investigation tests have todtionaly been known as “prelininay ple et” 6112.1 investigation test should conform to one ofthe methods desrbed in ena t 6.1.22 investigation tests may be used to determine the performance Fa pile ype, under spec lading condltions, in he ground condiors Fesevent to the construction project 6.11.25 Atleast preliminary ple for every 500 working piles ould normally be subjected to an inveigation tet, 6.11.24 Whenever practicable, piles thet are to be subjected 9 investigation {shouldbe installed before commencement ofthe main pling works ‘Working piles hat are estaled before the results of Investigation toss are 2.allble should be designed with the larger model factor gn inthe UK ational Anes to BS EN 1997-1-20086A:2013, A332 6.11.25 Detaled notes should be taken during imvestigaton texts to anit thelr subsequent evaluation 6.11.26 investigation tests shouldbe supervised by people expprienced in pile toting NOTE. Guconce on pile capciy testing can be found nthe KE mera of ‘geotechnical engineering (012), vue, Caper 38 Control tests | COMMENTARY ON 6.11.3 onto! tet pial involve losing a working ple upto» specie lad in excess ofits semezabity init sat. Control test hove vadtenaly ben krown as “working pile te 6.11.1 Control tests should conform to ane of the methods describad in 6.114. 53122 anel wa mayo edo Seeing he evomae of parr Preeti he deere tinier 6.11.3. Atleast 1 working pile for every 100 working piles should erally be subjected toa contol test. Dewailed notes should be taken during control test to assist in their Subrequent evaluation 6.11.25 Conteol tests should be supervise by people experienced in pile testing. Static load tests | General | Static load tests may be used to datormine the wlémate static esstance of Slagle pile and Ws serie performance under stati load, «the Beh Standards rtustin 205, |

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