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It terminates a marriage based on a ground that occurred during the marriage, which makes the

marital relationship no longer tenable, regardless of the spouse's psychological constitution. A

divorce law will provide a straightforward remedy to a marital failure. It will benefit Filipinos
wherever they are.

The bill looks upon divorce as a women’s rights issue. The bill’s explanatory note states that not
being able to get out of an eventual loveless, unhappy, even abusive marriage is a human rights
concern for women,” the bill provides that the proposed divorce law is “pro-woman legislation”
because it would allow Philippine wives to be liberated from abusive relationships and “regain
dignity and self-esteem.”

The purpose of a divorce is to terminate the parties' marriage. Marriage is a legal contract or a social
union that unites people of the opposite sex who agree to live as a husband and a wife. It is a binding
contract between two people who decide to join their lives, income and possessions.

Divorce should be legalized in the Philippines. Divorce can solve marital problems, gives separated
people a chance to re-marry, it is globally accepted, and we are all in the modern times.

It should be implemented in the Philippines.

Present situation demands it. Reality tells us that there are many failed, unhappy marriages across the
nation. Marriage is never as blissful as people expect. Divorce is never as devastating as people imagine.
Divorce gives people a fresh start to lead better lives. Living in a marriage where love, respect,
friendship, and compatibility are gone is a life without hope. Let us think about other people suffering
due to unhappiness brought by their marriage. What is the sense of being binded by a piece of paper
when it is actually ruining your whole life? Divorce nullifies marriage, therefore, giving couples the
freedom to remarry and to escape from an unhappy relationship.

The goal of a divorce is to terminate the marriage between the two people. Marriage is a legal or social
union that brings together persons of opposite or even same sex who agree to live together as husband
and wife, husband and husband, or wife and wife. It is a legally binding agreement between two persons
who choose to unite their lives, income, and resources.

In the Philippines, divorce should be written into law. Divorce can help address marital problems and
allow separated people to remarry. It is also widely acknowledged, and we are now in modern times.

Divorce is indeed an essential step in the process of recovering and moving on to a healthier life since
not every marriage can be rebuilt. The reality is that there are a lot of failed and unhappy marriages all
around the world. Marriage is hardly as beautiful as people imagine. Divorce is not as painful as many
believe. Divorce gives people the opportunity to start over and live better lives. A life without hope
means living in a marriage that lacks love, respect, friendship, and connection. Consider how other
individuals are suffering as a result of their marriage's distress. What good is it to be bound by a piece of
paper if it is destroying your life? at the end of the day, stepping out of a relationship that has left you
unhappy, agitated, or even depressed is the first step toward healing and come across a more
contented version of oneself.

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