Activity 1 History

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Activity 1. Briefly discuss history as an academic discourse.

When we discuss history as a subject of study, we are referring to the body

of knowledge that deals with the interpretation of the past, particularly by
historians. History is regarded as an academic discourse since it incorporates
the concept of conversation, the language utilized, and a framework that
encourages effective classroom discussion. The discourse can take many
different forms, including debate, listening, writing, presentations, peer-to-
peer conversation, and evaluating the work of others. It can also range from
small-group discussions to class discussions. It's crucial that pupils can
comprehend and communicate using academic historical terms. In order to
organize and sequence historical events and past systems for a particular
audience, subject, or set of aims, historians use a variety of strategies. I
wholeheartedly concurred with Sterns that studying history is important for
both society and individuals because it enables us to gain a deeper
understanding of our own personalities, including our talents, weaknesses, and
goals. Historical occurrences serve as a reminder of the common experience of
the people, including their suffering, joy, and aspirations. All of these topics
could make for interesting classroom discussions or debates. As a result,
history is a topic of academic discourse since it enhances all classroom
discussions and promotes greater understanding and retention.

Activity 2. Explain and cite example why despite colonial historiography’s hostility to the
Filipinos are still considered important to modern day historians.

History is based on sources. Sources are selective. By applying the same

logic, one may contend that sources should not be used by historians since
they are prejudiced. But since the beginning of history, sources (as well as
historians) have been skewed. Bias is something modern historians are very
conscious of. They are aware that they are biased as well as the sources and
the historiography. We only know knowledge about the Philippines before to
the arrival of the Spaniards and up until the late Nineteenth Century from
colonial histories and records. There may not be any modern Filipino-hating
history written. Because the concept or underlying principle of past
historiography still exists, it is up modern historians to interpret it in the way
that makes sense to them. History enables one to deal with the challenges and
opportunities of the present and future by assisting one in comprehending the
tremendous complexity of our world. We gain a feeling of ourselves from

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