Nationalism in India

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(Cursstime [Pane No. Of ee: a a a \ a ee 18d. Fr Tara : 71 * Eaten verion Ldea y WATION STATE S~> Cueatled a2 fee a Selanping = ae tend Y ons es ope kon, res 4074 oe Fideas. sc] An&- Coloma Wivenitnd _[:@ne , ceromen parat fer2 toad eneolah ealiemntay on ee How) bib THe Conserou SESS EMERGED WW be cofenres 2206 | ‘2 Sense f. cet ppressed; bavvided 2 shaned bend> WE Fens? Woktp CAR. AKIO AIATIONACT EA. | How b1b The Fia'sT Gon tb GAR Forged THE KECLIAIE OFF AUATIONALISA. tat 101018 3 Fist —Ionld 1Jay Sera? = i faehla e192 econoonre | s olebeal sibrcbion. | Spence Ege ae eae ard ed by “7 Wan bette Th enconcd| a cAsential Commodihes umbseaked a ba ce v WE Selden’ Ze 2a lone = oe adr hve. Lider efo (SIE Yep dre, a of for dps hwank hae | Errengence 9 Of new Leadent woh neo made Gi Atnaygte Scanned with CamScanner came}; nS DH) «| He Zeca Oe Sarvacaned Anse MAHATMA ae Mahatma Gandhi oehsaned ule india: Lr on 1984 Final exbesiiment f 10 gaha —~ fn South Lm t ~ Ea Taal! (egies iD, apesnd Gault [feginre — WHAT IS SATAYAfAAHA = SATIA + AGAAHA ThoTH #12 HOC FIRM “w emphasised on, hla bas f foot and the vaeed. faxpnnnehs fo Ane hws 4 WN AS Ala & | Auuosotut =~ 2) Mle couse is hace, Alowggl psa, enpushee Lhen piped fonce 4 t_nol cteguined rie Lat agaist tb hewue, sdinues thee be Poaceae A lhe dol ainhtead oe ber enced © a_accepp Savth Ahadgh he _v4te of urolence o>. A BN 4 —S —— ¢ VEXPERNMEDTT § 38% CHAM CAR AN BIHAR W4IES. Cte sfpontof Bayo Planta? & + kue oA , Geraar C7) 4 (cho? Fanon J a \ MEMOAEAS, Fexkaz Caley 8 th support of colon itl} wostkev. E s a Scanned with CamScanner Date cam] | 12:| He Rowearr Aer Taccimwara Gain Ineisenr Ans - ine acar Movententr iF Te Rowearr Aer Taccrauraca Blin [new.) kucaFAT Movewenr * |The act gave He govenn-|- Vislence: due. Le je Ahaliya ‘Shaitual Head ment persen to ohebness | Gorolatl hel (fanhil | of Lslamic sonld ) | other achvihes, | Lor ras imposed. ehbeal deadens can be wn. S| Fm estos of aterian jasinesled and) bepl in|» On (8 Apa ofle | (efealed an WT) Posen wilhowl Lidl, | gathened v9 Jallioala byl. * pox G20. ras V7. = |[Bemoum plat kau’ . Ca SaeM . FOR FhOTe tT ee Boas °F Be . fun efbosed aii be: cmposed on him fonpust Lasse hunched |e “feneral yen lish Sf Qranespect a Maslio’| Aantal [hoolalt Sabjay nah, command. Ye closed lasses szeste Cr meee was eputers ies exh and, epee soo B Men. Talal tlie, Tal Jaolesd sexe Hasnled in Frotested. ai “ay feb wexe filled, | Lis ang ested 6210234, knit AFAT MOlEMeNT {Berks of Taal ple ook guer violence, tkhislafat Cannes, “Jeleshes. vith alice amd } ta Mastek 1914 % contro) all Ll britih Lok vastions shps and act om Prope onthe Jere 1205 thal they preden|» Government gala. i Babi « Caen ode i )ang eacy/¢/ pnocebusion rn | Aoninlian . i Juovoked |”: | Luce Gand: EF wiabended at btuke v|elaench nahon wide lrnovement =. Lreafle to took vioknce. | | steayprction on 7 role. Md Al, Shavkal ALE Gandhi FF Scanned with CamScanner came] bg. | WHY Won Cc OOFERATION gs =r | Gaon Ti->-His book © nih GaonalF > uth get i End & dee wo Coopesaton pe gt 54 Dudans nyosed LO coop enale | & tn @nda Wosld Coftapse- WE $-| Hon THeUE B BECOME A MOVEMENT FR «> + |B shecld onfold tm blagh > Sonnenden J Hele hat government os boy cot? x Cuil Sesuicd ann ace , Couns and fia ive” Councils, boots _ an Panes bet: Bi cate avennment ober crab rbAbion + co gol! Eee Mabedience ‘iene would be AOE x he x | ome Ewahcewaet ® c > Leadesrs:sithin Coypores ene Bien B i lyyot Gone] election” i " wae 2 aed rolence - = aed an buppon tens 2 fone A > Finally Ln ayer Sason oy oy. edd, Oecember 920° Ven = logperts pupae ab" ais adghd & | Gow ARB LPAAED 3 WITH UHC AMOTIOM & [AAD How F Scanned with CamScanner Page No. OF Date 21 RIONL = COOPERATION 2 Zar TONS ~~ oe Ca them orsparitted ilo “Bla Call of 119470}, buf is meant gpesent Af = Sifenent oe * f Chdde-Class lateipahen ti dtudents ype ‘pchools and Collages , teachers. and. feadmastias nerigned, aasyens gave op Lhein Legal practices + mre ame WN WO7E $- ELECTION B01C67 * justice Party (PARTY OF niONl - GRAHHANS ° Nor LoycoTré& ELECTION wh FECT THAT THe7 CAN GAIN POWER THROUGH PARTICIPATING IN COUAICIL ELECTION EFFECT “gar EconoNY i Foxergn goods ~p0eare Be colted, | = Se pene 7 abe eke Cine 2 was: ign. cleat Roloce’ beboeen (1-2 LUMTATIONS @ wc guadoaly Alowed denn un cikes- Kha (oths wene expensive Lan wats noduced ail | Absence alkanakce Griian Gubloherr (schoo) and aly) | whene esould. Peb& pera @? Scanned with CamScanner cama | oF , é 2:2. [AION ~ COOPERATION MOVEMENT - Tal COOWTAY $1 | PARTICUATION BY PEASANTS. 3- >| Gn Awadh -- Gaba Gamchandna [ indentowe ee fyi) Led th. peasants againss ale kdan id denlootd he demanded as een ¢ ttl Ve i - Ohobr Bonds > Ez ae Oe 1h ¥ Gai Leonid wy VRAMCHANCEAA, Sea kesan Bille = Ed Z ye Fe MEMRU ay J GAGA . ae A valan Pomel hd goatee otha Hopled Caled ) means, lacked on Lhe Rovser ‘| Alokdans. and Merchants; bazaans rene cloole AS We name ° Monckanik Mahalia (andhi +10 anveked Tcl pantheon all achen'ond aspinahons. Scanned with CamScanner Pace No. 87 PARTICIPATI ORT BY TRIBAL S 2- La Godem Hills, AP_Lhlilan?t guerrilla movement spread an 25) (97205 (wolence. eg >| Seed faeit Bigg Colonial Jovi) fs ped ti 20, le. J: ds THE Uh LIVELIHOODS ~> z OnCES 7s bo GEGAK ANS = TRABITITIONAL. —— 2 “ALLUAT. SUTARAM eats tet Claimed apecial ODER ' Aslsologicdd “baedichtons and can heal Pepe. Xe Sool ever senvite bullet shot Gebel proclaimed Lidl he 20h. an uncanmaten 4 Ged. He Ee pondhi I a Daond- bh ati, Deivacbd Fool Saad Pris ae an ‘one ra violence. AS | fe aoas caps executed wa 1924, and even hme til a folk hasta Wal Scanned with CamScanner pa 28 d yy) » | Alon - CoorenAtions Movemeny In VLANTA: rien Fietb} IF. PLANTATION @ORKERT WAB THEM OUR AOTION! OF LOAKAT ¢ FAeebon= Bik cle more Pref an andort gf He Conjined Bight! sfx (antabien Vield, ~ oretainif a clink with Le villofe frm _f ih thy Had came Zareanio EmiarATion Aer OF 1659-—> Whaken wene rot * Pesmitled eo leave th he 3 gaxilen ssithou! faite Wen > Gandhs' 3? Koj > Wonhess teaded Lwrsaxd: bh § tom. Gol thy neven seated han delinah or Cech ssp Leck be dina datnaiin ty v0 capt 6 Jolie and boll bealen ye U Ye the neler soene fester? bef cf csneahed an emotion pa an Alt ~ WIBIA AGITATION: CALCAIE OFF OF t00s- COOPERATION MOVEMENT Ae aii Chausa Cut) (922 feacyel demenstiahion un basaan Sonne” unk a viilent cloth sith the pootce- bonned Jolie stehon ). & © Yabatna Gandhi called o (fell te dh win, Scanned with CamScanner cussmme] Pace No. 04 sumaal [Oote jf f / 8: | Towanos Crit Bisoseorence 2 Swanos CARTY, Simon Commission, Puaria SwAanas Allen Le calli Y acy h ‘| Leadens within Yoong 16nd wanted Me Pasiticipale Ln elechin cho pnevitial council: Morea Néukv Aue CK: bAS councils - onned *°§wAhAS PARTI? vos Te pastheipate wn Glectons a Ae el Lhal Ay can Sp pois beiloh. potiee earthin *| ul some oung and Badical hate oT Congetess Ch a = T-t-NEWAY, $-6° bosé | Too Tcrore “GHAPED Dub1AN.s hurries Beans Tas Tie (| ort) Economic. DEPRESSION 295 vos Agencultustal cages OO EN OAM een * Wh "Simon Comision (1926). >| He Leaded by Sin John Simen given Le Zak Le oy Lda Cerulilion win De Was paceled Ty jr all parks ail. a apg “fo Tack Sino’ mic a Hi Vicenony Wine Borris: Zed L " Mdhinion Slalrs’ and D found tebe Confenen ce disewssion lolone Comiblolion un ocd: 1929 | Gn ee 1929, lahone Lesson, T4 Naw, fetsed Gesclotion a aeons Yoram Sconsnay Goa Saab Jendante J | 26 Bx celenaed 24 Drdefendonn Day | So, Gansu 31 WAS AMOTHER IDEA To fo WITH Owl Fianabenee MoveMeN 7 . Scanned with CamScanner : ) hee Taenched CoM ibefpanben! & bud Ait th Meinsntom , Scanned with CamScanner Pare No. 1 —1 fo Hout fARTICIPANTS. SAud THE | MOVEMENT eeu Pare RICH FAAMERS on Se ZAOUSTRIAC | TatustAiac | 4462 of 5 PEASANTS OwNER wokKkERS Ba hota kas Revenve le fyyh Recenve§]- Fonmed Fleer C+) —F waz ir tee Fonpard Rent fe | agate sted! |~ 1827 fed, pucks) | = lee 7310 Sieeentsieweeaceniione=l ve Paniteibabed - Breda au i joer | Aedical Movewens > 6p Bink wad nde teal Pa =a v Pocus hattawida = Conga Teeny Seat d os Congotels ash whew wi “Daal be x esgrtbatic Eight ee an enon" De aganat | support He WEST k | 8-3. TAVBIVIDUAL | AMBEDKAR LUNTATION OF CiVie 7h pi SoBe DIENMCE lRlEMENT - Gaion] MUHAMMAD ALITINOAT HR ay a GROUPS | HARITANS ‘Bh AHued Mose Hineu | Cagaessmen wiers agandy taki uly Gandhifr ideas pa WP ae of Hanjat Belts oxgnised Lhemelia(orgensed seah, politcal Zao) e& Of BK AMBEDKAL —> Depew Satsd fipsociahen —> Menandit | Spork cLeclouale —> Gandhi ft Fash aie Pat, Seb4 W93z TT yave amEy ea ata Ada Hind—Mahatabhe Religious O3gan's ahi on == bible Hinde Makasabhe amd Mosher Leagve 1 | Negoliations over fle nefaenlahon (gelled? d a Scanned with CamScanner J q CC —— Date the Sewsé OF Coccectan GeloN¢iNit | # fh ale Expeatnce of Onited Bey a ee Peet and Clheral Poroctys Chhiboy) and Giclion folklosit ard i es a Cmte z In | Carrhim ara Ch adhyay ___ | Eotage A Bhat Maha ‘ = Ties “Vande Natasravy’ | AbaindnanalhTeyonePatnled on in nice - | Meche Arne Cain Coat tle and SPitibes) , = heinten) Gabon EZ Hiker y yen ‘ é TT Revive Radian fJolklne Cnbruboton 4 habindnandh Tafone + | Malia Sasl§- Cthe ftklone Ca boolhen Bidia) Here © >| Be Cahoy ee ny 4 + | Red, ger0en ‘and yelloud 4 8 bbe Dies represent bribish: Provinig® * | Crescent Hoon neban feate. Hind and Mihis { SS) fandhis siamo “wy : 4 || Biesloun ed’ grben ond ishilt ) Sbinngy ehaf. Scanned with CamScanner

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