A.M. Report

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well, after 3 days of work and observation in the A.M.

department, i can say with 100% self-

assurance that you will be receiving a positive report regarding that department. The
difference is clear even to the naked eye-my eyes in particular-.

Starting from “Ines” who is an exemplary figure to her team members as well as a well-
educated and especially well-presented person. So it's not surprising that the environment
in which she works reflects her personality and attitude. Her team follow her instructions
even though she give them the chance to improvise and provide solutions to any sort of
problem they face.

Moreover, she is a nice person with a positive vision.

She recognizes the value of time in our industry. As a result, she always gets to the point
quickly. She manages her team with remarkable efficiency, attempting to include them in
decision making. She also has her own recruitment references that suits her department.
Essentially, she is one of the few who deserves to be where she is.


She is aware of the issues we're having with our clients. She is being innovative by
attempting to collect the necessary data in order to identify the issues "high rates of churn
for example." This way, if there are any solutions to this problem, she will be able to find
them. Her selection of "Saddok" as a member of her team, as well as his evolution,
demonstrates her abilities as a person with vision, a good decision making and as reliable
manager. To help her with the time management and to solve problems that require a
faster response.

. She should also remember that there are no friendships at work. It means that attempting
to solve problems in secret will reduce our chances of detecting and resolving future
problems before they occur.

Salem ‘s way of interaction with all the team is normal. He is trying to be very cheerful while
talking with them. He demonstrates this with physical gestures such as hugging and kissing.
(I don’t think a team leader or a manager is supposed to do that). He keeps showing
constantly that he is better than all the juniors and that he can make any client buy from
him. In this case, maybe he should ‘ve stayed an account manager given that he himself
admits how good he is at it. He has difficulties to listen to his teammates (except for Rania
and Ramy of course). This technique keeps him in control. I also have some reservations
regarding his selling methods.

On the other hand, he is a good human being. He has the potential to improve and probably
run the whole US account department in the future if he accepts to change some of his
attitudes as well.

Is in fact an excellent account manager. He is an aggressive salesman and it seems to work

with minimum errors actually. That’s good. He respects working hours, doesn’t waste time.
In fact, sometimes he works during his pause. He tries to work relentlessly to make the cut.

but I don’t think that he has the abilities to be a team leader nor a manager in the future.

Ahlem is employing a novel approach to client management, completely different from

Salem and Rami. She is composed, self-sufficient, and patient. Her attitude is rarely affected
by the negative reactions of the clients or her teammates. I listened to some amount of calls
she made, I heard that even though she was calm, that didn’t stop her from addressing the
client aggressively and show him where he did wrong.

Her approach is being questioned by some of her teammates based on the fact that their
treatment is different from her.


During my time here, I learned about many decisions and how they were made.

In the US department, you have five pillars (Ameni, Cirine, Rania, Salem, Rami,). They are all
friends, so you had to find a way to promote them all without relying on their first-place
performances. However, you considered their seniority and also wanted to avoid disrupting
the dynamism of their friendship as a secondary consideration.

Then there are the other conditions. If they need the right skills to be managers. If it works
don’t change it.

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