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Furthermore, unethical behavior can also impact the construction team and

subcontractors involved in the project. If the architect prioritizes personal gain

over fair treatment and payment to contractors and suppliers, it can lead to
strained relationships, disputes, and potential legal battles. This not only disrupts
the smooth execution of the project but also damages the overall morale and
trust within the construction industry. A study about perception of American
construction companies concerning corruption and unscrupulous business
practices in worldwide construction had been done by Azhar et al (2011) and
they exposed that that debasement and deceptive business practices have
marginally decreased in the last five years, due to taking after strict codes of
morals by a few major universal temporary workers. Meanwhile, in Pakistan
Ehsan et al (2009) deals with the ethical issues existing in the Pakistan
construction sector through a comprehensive research done through
questionnaires, telephonic surveys and interviews with different stakeholders.
According to the research, there is no single person in the industry of
construction who had not faced some level of unethical behaviour. Through
undertaking work past ability 15 percent, pay off 20 percent, bias 30 percent,
uncalled for behaviour 30 percent, strict principles 18 percent and superseding of
review technique over contracting strategy 35 percent. Political defilement and
remuneration is being managed directly by various business gatherings and
expert social orders far and wide.

To address these ethical concerns, several measures can be implemented.

Firstly, architects and design-build firms should prioritize transparency and open
communication with clients, clearly outlining their roles, responsibilities, and
potential conflicts of interest. This ensures that clients are well-informed and can
make decisions based on complete information.

Secondly, professional organizations and regulatory bodies can play a crucial

role in establishing and enforcing ethical standards and codes of conduct specific
to design-build services. This includes providing guidelines on fair competition,
conflict resolution, and professional integrity. Regular audits and inspections can
be conducted to ensure compliance and maintain ethical standards within the

Education and training also play a vital role in addressing ethical concerns.
Architects should be equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate ethical
dilemmas and make informed decisions. Continuous professional development
programs can provide opportunities for architects to enhance their understanding
of ethical practices and stay updated with the latest regulations and best
Lastly, fostering a culture of accountability and ethical leadership is essential. Design-
build firms should establish a strong ethical framework that emphasizes the importance
of integrity, honesty, and fairness in all aspects of their work.

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