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Day 3: 写作技能 1: 5 类,结构和段意模版

为什么能保分: 技能,对应哪项评分,模版来源

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example
working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extend do you agree or

Step 1: Agree/ disagree

Step 2: 观点类题目

确认自己的观点: 同意的观点


写出自己的 观点: 同意
Body 1: 1 个支持自己观点的原因 100 字 >段落大意: 高中生 unpaid community service 的好处 1

Body 2: 1 个支持自己观点的原因 100 字 >段落大意: 高中生 unpaid community service 的好处 2


Body 1 Body 2 的原因 做总结

模版来源 1 IDP 官方模版

模版来源 2 剑桥雅思 官方范文

Agree/Disagree 8 分范文

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example
working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extend do you agree or

It has been suggested that high school students should be involved in unpaid community services as a compulsory part of

high school programmes. Most of the colleges are already providing opportunities to gain work experience, however, these

are not compulsory. In my opinion, sending students to work in a community services is a good idea as it can provide them

with many valuable skills.

Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work, students can learn ….. (原因 1 )

By giving them compulsory work activities with charitable or community organisations, they will be encouraged to do

something more creative. ….. (原因 2 )

Healthy life balance and exercise are strongly promoted by the NHS, … (原因 3)

In conclusion, I think this is a very good idea, and I hope this programme will be put into action for high school/colleges

Both Views 满分范文 Cambridge 6, Test 2 Task 2

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions . Some
people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair . Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at

the top are paid huge salaries (改写背景) . Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.


Many people find their rewards unfair, .....

Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that ….

Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars,

but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and


问题 你的观 开头的功能 Body 1 功能 Body 2 功能 Body 3 功能 结尾的功能

点 参考句型
Agree 任何 30-40 字 100 字 100 字 可以多写 1 个原因 30-40 个字
/ 观点 改写观点,给出观点 支持原因 1 支持原因 2 每个 Body 段落 1-2 个句子
Disagree 变成 70 个字
It is suggested/ believed 总结原因 1 和原因 2
that …

I strongly agree with this


I strongly disaagree with this

statement. (反对)

I disagree with this statement

because there are special
cases (分类讨论).

Both Views 任何 There are conflicting views 80-90 个字 80-90 个字 40-60 个字

观点 about .. (改写观点) 讨论 A 观点 讨论 B 观点 2-4 句
为什么是对的 为什么是对的
给出自己的观点 1 个原因 1 个原因 给出自己的观点
Those who support the However, those 解释自己的观点
idea that .. may present who support the 为什么合理
following arguments. idea that ..can
also justify their

题目 Step 1 Step 2 理解观点,确定段意

读最后 1 个句子,

确定题目类型 找到观点句,划名词,理解意思

选择结构模版 翻译观点句,判断题目观点的类型


Some people think museums and art galleries A Rather than B : 反对 因为 2 个都对

should show works of art and history from their

Body 1: A 的独特好处
own country rather than from different parts of
Body 2: B 的独特好处 (A 不能提供的好处)
the world. Do you agree or disagree ?
Some people believe that unpaid community A 是否合理: 同意/反对/分类讨论

service should be a compulsory part of high

同意: Body 1: 好处 Body 2: 好处
school programmes (for example working for a
反对: Body 1: 坏处 Body 2: 坏处
charity, improving the neighbourhood or

teaching sports to younger children). To what

extend do you agree or disagree? Body1: 教育质量高的国家,应该把社区服务作为高中的一部分,因

Body 2: 对于教育质量很低的国家,不应该把社区服务作为高中的

Some people say that we no longer need 消失类: 同意/反对

printed newspaper. Do you agree or disagree? 同意:Body 1: 有替代品,具备更好的功能;Body2:替代品很好获得

反对:Body 1: 报纸,无可取代的好处; Body 2:报纸,无可取代的好处

题目 Step 1 Step 2 理解观点,确定段意

读最后 1 个句子,
确定题目类型 翻译观点句,判断题目观点的类型

选择结构模版 根据生活经历,选择观点-确定段意

People have different views on how to reduce 2 个观点,都同意

traffic congestion. Some think that
governments should build more train and 结尾:
subway lines, while others think that building
more and wider roads will reduce traffic 我同意 2 个观点.因为 2 个方法有不同的好处
congestion. Discuss both views and give your 如果做 2 个,可以让问题,更有效果的解决

Some people say that the government should 2 个观点,只能同意 1 个

spend money on measures to save languages

that are used by few speakers, while others
believe that it is a waste of financial resources.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
帮助. (让步反驳 对应 Body 2 )

人可以理解这些语言,就可以了解这个名族过去的成功经验. 这些
经验,也许对于我们现在的生活有帮助 (继续反驳)

Older people have their own ideas of how to think, behave and live. It is suitable for young people to follow their lead in

preparing their modern life. However, others claim that it is not suitable to follow traditions. Discuss both views and give

your opinion.

Some people think that people who are over 60 years old should not work and retire earlier. To what extend do you agree or


Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension

rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that children should learn paint and draw. Others believe that is a waste of time. Discuss both views and

give your opinion.

Some people think that schools should stop teaching students by using books because students find them boring and that

children can learn from films, TV, video games and computer instead. To what extend do you agree or disagree ?
Some people say that educational success is caused by a good teacher, while others believe that students attitudes are

important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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