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On Non Conformable Fractional Laplace Transform

Article in Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences · July 2021

DOI: 10.18576/amis/150401


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5 authors, including:

Miguel Vivas-Cortez Juan Napoles

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador National University of the Northeast


Jorge Eliecer Hernandez Hernandez Oswaldo Larreal

Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado, UCLA Universidad Técnica de Manabí (UTM)


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On Weak Compactness in Banach Spaces View project

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Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 15, No. 4, 403-409 (2021) 403
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences
An International Journal

On Non Conformable Fractional Laplace Transform

Miguel Vivas-Cortez1,∗ , Juan E. Nápoles Valdés2 , Jorge Eliecer Hernández Hernández3, Jeaneth Velasco Velasco4 and
Oswaldo Larreal5
1 Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, School of Physics and Mathematics, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador , Quito, Ecuador
2 Faculty of Exact, Natural and Surveying Sciences ( UNNE, FaCENA), National University of the Northeast, Ave. Libertad 5450,
Corrientes 3400, Argentina
3 Economic and Business Sciences, Quantitative Techniques Department, Lisandro Alvarado Westcentral University (UCLA),
Barquisimeto, Venezuela
4 Exact Sciencies Department, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Ejército (ESPE), Quito, Ecuador
5 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Technical University of Manabı́, Institute of Basic Sciences, 130105, Portoviejo, Ecuador

Received: 2 Mar. 2021, Revised: 22 May 2021, Accepted: 24 Jun. 2021

Published online: 1 Jul. 2021

Abstract: In the present paper, the main theorems of the classical Laplace transform are generalized in the non-conforming Laplace
transform with nucleus et . We calculate the Laplace transform of non-conforming agreement of this kernel from some elementary
functions and establish the non-conforming version of the transform of the successive derivative, the integral of a function and the
convolution of fractional functions. In addition, the bounded and the existence of the non-conforming Laplace transform is presented.
Finally, we show the application of N1 − Transform to solving fractional differential equations.

Keywords: Laplace fractional transform, fractional calculus

1 Introduction chain rule, integration by parts and Taylor series

expansion. Consequently, the conformable derivative
What we know today as Fractional Calculus is the satisfies almost all the classical properties that the
compendium of results found as a product of research and derivative holds. Some other works make refer to this
application developed from the answer given by conformable fractional derivative.
L’Hopital to a question asked by Leibinitz [1–3]. In this
context, derivatives and integrals of arbitrary order are
defined. In some goodbooks and important research 2 Preliminaries
articles the contributions of the fractional calculus to
science, engineering, applied mathematics, economics Now, we present the definition of the non conformable
and biomechanics are explored [4–10]. derivative with its important properties which are useful
The Riemann–Liouville, Caputo, Hadamard, for obtaining our main results, explained in the following
Caputo–Hadamard, Erdélyi–Kober, Weyl, Marchaud and definition [14, 15]:
Riesz fractional derivative operator have been introduced
Definition 1. Given a function h : [0, ∞) → R. Then, the
to date [11]. All of them satisfy the property of linearity,
but unfortunately the product rule of two functions, the non conformable fractional derivative N1α h(t) of order
chain rule and other properties are dissatisfying. Khalil et α ∈ (0, 1) of h at t ∈ [0, ∞] is defined by
al. [12] proposed the so-called conformable fractional  −α

derivative of order α , 0 < α < 1, to generalize classical h t + ε et − h(t)
properties of integer–order calculus and proved the N1α h(t) = lim . (1)
ε →0 ε
conformable fractional Leibniz rule. Furthermore,
Abdeljawad in [13] generalized the conformable We will say that h is N1α −differentiable in a point t of
operators to higher orders, presented for instance the (0, ∞) if the limit (1) exists. Also, h is N1α −differentiable
∗ Corresponding author e-mail:
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404 M. Vivas-Cortez et. al.: On non conformable fractional Laplace transform

on A, where A ⊂ (0, ∞) if h is N1α −differentiable in every Now, we give the definition of non conformable
point of A. If h is N1α −differentiable in some (0,t), and fractional integral:
limt→0+ N1α h(t) exists, then define
Definition 3. Let α ∈ (0, 1] and 0 ≤ u ≤ v. We say that a
N1α h(0) = lim N1α h(t). function h : [u, v] → R is α -fractional integrable on [u, v],
t→0+ if the integral
Remark. In addition, note that if h is differentiable, then Z x
N1 Ju h(x) = e−t h(t)dt
t −α
N1α h(t) = e h′ (t), (2) u

where h′ is the ordinary derivative. exists and is finite.

The following statement is analogous to the one known
We can write h(α ) (t) for Dα (h)(t) or ddααt (h(t)) to
from the Ordinary Calculus (see [17]).
denote the non conformable derivatives of h of order α at
t. In addition, if the non conformable derivative N1α of h Theorem 3. Let f be N-differentiable function in (t0 , ∞)
of order α exists, then we simply say h is with α ∈ (0, 1]. Then for all t > t0 we have
N-differentiable. a)If f is differentiable N1 Jtα0 (N1α f (t)) = f (t) − f (t0 ).
We list some basic properties related to the N1α
b)N1α N1 Jtα0 f (t) = f (t).

derivative [15, Theorem 2.3].
Theorem 1.Let α ∈ (0, 1] and f , g be N1α −differentiable Proof.
at a point t > 0. Then, a) From definition we have
1. N1α (u f + vg) = uN1α ( f ) + vN1α (g) for all u, v ∈ R, Z t
2. N1α (f g) = f N1α (g) + gN1α (h), α α
N1 Jt0 (N1 f (t)) = e−s N1α f (s)ds
f N α (g)−gN α ( f ) t0
3. N1α gf = 1 g2 1 , Z t
−α −α
4. N1α (λ ) = 0 , λ ∈ R, = e−s es f ′ (s)ds
−α t0
5. N1α (t p ) = et pt p−1,
−α = f (t) − f (t0 ).
6. If f is differentiable, then N1α f (t) = et f ′ (t)
b) Analogously we have
Also some results for classical functions are found
using the property 6 in the previous Z t 
t −α d −s−α
N1α α

theorem. [15, Theorem 2.7]. J
N1 t0 f (t) = e e f (s)ds = f (t).
dt t0
Theorem 2. We have
The proof is complete.
1. N1α (1) = 0
2. N1α (ect ) = cect et
−α An important property in our work is established in the
−α following result:
3. N1α (sin(bt)) = bet cos(bt)
N1α (cos(bt) = −bet sin(bt) Theorem 4. [Integration by parts] Be the functions u, v
N-differentiable functions in (t0 , ∞) with α ∈ (0, 1]. Then
Some important properties with respect to this for all t > t0 we have
definition of non-conformable fractional derivative have
α α
been proved in [14, 15]. Among them are the following: N1 Jt0 ((uN1 v)(t)) = [uv(t) − uv(t0)] −N1 Jtα0 ((vN1α u)(t))
the determination of the monotony of the function from
the sign of the fractional derivative [14, Theorem 2.2], the Proof. It is sufficient to use Theorem 1 and Theorem 3.
Racetrack type principle [14, Theorem 2.3], Rolle’s In this paper we establish the first results to formalize
theorem [14, Theorem 2.6], the mean value a new version of a Laplace Transform which will allow its
theorem [14, Theorem 2.7], the determination of the application to a wide class of fractional differential
uniform continuity of a function from the boundedness of equations. In the conformable case, there are some
the fractional derivative [14, Theorem 2.10], the attempts that can be consulted in [18–23].
representation of a function by Taylor series [14, Theorem
2.13], the chain rule [15, Theorem 3.1]
The following function will play an important role in
our work. 3 Main Results
Definition 2. Let α ∈ (0, 1) and c a real number. We Definition 4. (Exponential order) A function f is said to
define the fractional exponential in the following way be of generalized exponential order if there exist constants
R t −u−α M and a such that | f (t)| ≤ MEαn1,a (t) for sufficiently large
Eαn1,c (t) = ec 0 e du
. t.

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We are now in a position to define the non conformable 2. LN1 (Eαn1,c (t)) = s−c 1
, c any real number and s − c >
fractional Laplace Transform. 0.
3. LN1 ( f (t)Eαn1,c (t)) = F(s − c), with
Definition 5. Let α ∈ (0, 1) and c be a real number. Let LN1 ( f (t)) = F(s), c any real number and s − c > 0.
f be a real function defined for t ≥ 0 and consider s ∈ C.   −α

4. LN1 sin c 0t e−u du = s2 +cc
If the integral 2.
  R −α

 Z +∞ −α
5. LN1 cos c 0t e−u du = s2 +c s
N1 J0,+∞ Eαn1,−s f = e−t Eαn1,−s (t) f (t)dt   R − α

0 6. LN1 sinh c 0t e−u du = s2 −c c
converge for the given value of s, you can define the t −u−α s
7. LN1 cosh c 0 e du = s2 −c 2.
function F given by the expression
F(s) =N1 J0,+∞ Eαn1,−s f ,

(3) Proof. (1) From definition directly.

and we will write F = LN1 ( f ). (2) Consider f (t) = Eαn1,c (t) with c ∈ R then

To the operator LN1 we will call it the N1 -Transformed α n1 n1  α ,∞ n1

N1 J0,+∞ Eα ,−s (t)Eα ,c (t) =N3 J0 Eα ,−(s−c) (t)
of Laplace and we will say that F is the N1 -Transformed
of f . In turn, f is the N1 -Inverse transform function of F 1
= .
and we will write it as f = LN−1 {F}, where LN−1 is the s−c
1 1
N1 -transformed inverse Laplace operator.
(3) Suppose LN f (t) = F(s) for s > k. Hence we have
As in the classic case, we must impose conditions to
(3), so the previous definition makes sense. If f satisfies α n1 n1 
N1 J0,+∞ Eα ,−s (t)Eα ,c (c,t) f (t)
the following two conditions:  
=N1 J0,+∞ Eαn1,−(s−c) (t) f (t) = F(s − c), s − c > k.
1. f is a piecewise continuous in the interval (0, T ] for
any T ∈ (0, +∞).
2. f is of generalized exponential order; that is, there (4) Using the definition of the N1 −transform we have
are positive constants M and a, satisfying Definition 4 Z +∞  Zt 
with Re(a − c) < 0 and | f (t)| ≤ MEαn1,a (t) for all t and −α
e−t Eαn1,−s (t) sin c e−u du dt

α ∈ (0, 1], 0 0
Z +∞ − α
−α R t −u −α
then the N1 -Transformed of Laplace F(s) of f exists for = e−t e−s 0 e du
sin c e−u du dt
s > a. Indeed, since f is of generalized exponential order, 0 0
Z +∞
there exists constants T > 0, K > 0 and a ∈ R such that
= e−su sin (cu) du,
| f (t)| ≤ KEαn1,a (t) for all t ≥ T and α ∈ (0, 1]. Now we 0
using integration by parts we obtain the desired result.
Eαn1,−s f

I =N1 J0,+∞ (5) Similar to previous one.
=N1 J0α Eαn1,−s f (T ) +N1 JT,+∞
Eαn1,−s f
 (6) and (7). Using the definition of sinh and cosh; the
Definition 2 and the linearity of the N1 −transform we
= I1 + I2. obtain the desired results.
The proof is complete.
Since f is a piecewise continuous, I1 exists. For the
second integral I1 , we note that for t ≥ T we have Analogously, the following propositions can be
Eαn4 (−s,t) f (t) ≤ KEαn1,−(s−a) (t). Thus proved from the definition of N-Transformed and the
  non-conformable integral.
Eαn1,−s f ≤ KN1 JT,+∞

N1 JT,+∞
Proposition 1. If the functions f and g are
K N1 −transformable, then there exists the transform of the
= , s > a.
s−a sum and is equal to the sum of the transforms, that is
Since the integral I2 converges absolutely for s > a, I2 LN1 ( f + g) = LN1 ( f ) + LN1 (g).
converges for s > a. Thus, both I1 and I2 exist and so I
exists for s > a. Then we will say that f is an Proposition 2. If the function f is N1 −transformable
N1 -transformable function. and λ is a real number, then there exists the
Theorem 5. Let α ∈ (0, 1] so we have N1 −transform of product of λ by f and is equal to the
product of λ by the transform of f , i.e.
1. LN1 (1) = 1s , from here we have LN1 (c) = cLN1 (1)
for any c ∈ R. LN1 (λ f ) = λ LN1 ( f ).

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Remark. Considering the two previous propositions, we Theorem 6. Let α ∈ (0, 1) and f be a N-transformable
say that LN is a linear operator. function, then we have

Proposition 3. If f is a N1 −transformable function, then

h  i
LN1 ( f ) = L f ln−1/α (z) ,
so is its N1 -derivative and you have

LN1 (N1α f ) = sLN1 ( f ) − f (0). (4) where LR is the classical Laplace transform defined by
L (g) = 0+∞ e−st g(t)dt.
Proof. LN1 (N1α f ) exists because f is of non
conformable exponential order and continuous. On an Proof. With the change of the variables z = et the proof
arbitrary interval [a, b] where N1α f is continuous, follows.
integrating by parts in (4) gives
Z b One of the most important results of the classic
−t −α Laplace Transform is the Convolution Product of two
e EαN,−s
(t)N1α f (t)dt
a L -transformable functions. We are already in a position
= f (b)EαN,−s
(b) − f (a)EαN,−s
(a) to provide an analogous result for the N1 -transform
Z b defined in (3).
+s e−t EαN,−s
(t)N1α f (t)dt.
a Definition 6. Let f and g be two functions which are
piecewise continuous at each interval [0; T ] and of
Without loss of generality, we can consider an interval of generalized exponential order. We define the
the type [0, K] where N1α f is continuous. So N1 −convolution of f and g by
e−t EαN,−s (t)N1α f (t)dt
 −α −α

( f ∗ g)N1 (t) = f (u)g ln1/α (et − eu ) du
0 0
= f (K)EαN,−s
(b) − f (0)
Z K Proposition 6. Let f and g be two functions which are
+s e−t EαN,−s
(t)N1α f (t)dt. piecewise continuous at each interval [0; T ] and of
0 generalized exponential order, then
Taking the limit K → +∞ across this equality, we obtain ( f ∗ g)N1 = (g ∗ f )N1
the desired result.
The proof is complete. −α −α
Proof. From definition 6 and the change er = et −
Analogously we have eu we establish the desired result.
Proposition 4. If the k consecutive derivatives Theorem 7. Let f and g be two functions which are
N1α (N1α (· · · (N1α f ))) are N-transformable, then we have piecewise continuous at each interval [0; T ] and of
generalized exponential order, then
LN1 [N1α (N1α (· · · (N1α f )))]
= sk LN1 ( f ) − sk−1 f (0)−sk−2 N1α f (0) LN ( f ∗ g)(s) = LN1 ( f ).LN1 (g).
− sk−3 N1α (N1α f (0)) − · · · − N1α (N1α (· · · (N1α f (0)))).
Proof. It is sufficient to change the variables
−α −α −α
Proposition 5. Let g(t) be of non conformable er = et − eu and apply the properties of the LN1
exponential order and continuous for t ≥ 0. Then operator.
Z x 
−α 1
LN1 e−t g(t)dt = LN1 {g(x)} .
0 s 3.1 Existence of non Conformable Laplace
R −α
Proof. Let f (x) = 0x e−t g(t)dt . Then f is of
exponential order and continuous. So using (4) and In this subsection, the bounded and existence of non
considering f (0) = 0, we obtain the desired result. conformable Laplace transform are presented.
The proof is complete.
Theorem 8.Let f be piecewise continuous on [0, ∞) and
The following result establishes the relationship non conformable exponentially bounded, then
between the classic Laplace Transform and the
N1 -transform defined above. lim LN1 ( f )(s) = 0.

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Proof. Since f is generalized order exponential, there The solution of the classic Bertalanffy-logistic differential
exists t0 , M1 , c such that | f (t)| ≤ M1 Eαn1,c (t) for t ≥ t0 . 2
equation x′ (t) = x 3 (t) − x(t), x(0) = x0 is
Also, f is piecewise continuous on [0,t0 ] and so f is  
3 − 3t
bounded. Accordingly, there exists M2 such that x(t) = 1 + x0 − 1 e . Using the change variable
| f (t)| ≤ M2 for t ∈ [0,t0 ]. Choosing M = max{M1 , M2 }, 1
so | f (t)| ≤ MEαn1,c (t) for t ≥ 0. Now we have‘ z = 3x 3 in equation (7), we find
Z τ Z τ 2 1

Eαn1,−s (t) f (t)dα t ≤ Eαn1,−s (t) f (t) dt N1α z(t) = 1 − z(t), z0 = 3x03 . (8)
0 0
Z τ
≤M Eαn1,−(s−c) (,t)dt Applying the non conformable Laplace Transform L to
0 both sides of the equation (8) we obtain
M Eα ,−(s−c) (t)
= − . 3 z0 − 3
s−c s−c LN (z(t)) = + .
s s + 13
This gives
Finally, applying the inverse Laplace Transform we have
Z τ
M the solution of (7) in the form
lim Eαn1,−s (t) f (t)dt ≤ .  

t 1+α
τ →∞ 0 s−c −
x(t) = 1 + x03 − 1 e 3(1+α ) .
This completes the proof.
Example 3. Consider the non-conformable fractional
differential equation
4 Examples and applications
N1α (N1α x(t)) + cx(t) = 0, α ∈ (0, 1], (9)
Example 1.Consider the nonconformable differential with the initial conditions x(0) = x0 , N1α x(0)
= 0.
equation: Clearly, if α = 1 the previous differential equation
approximates the characterization of small oscillations of
N1α x(t) = λ x(t), x(0) = x0 , α ∈ (0, 1]. (5) a pendulum, i.e. x′′ (t) + cx(t) = 0, x(0) = x0 , x′ (0) = 0
where c = Lg with g the gravity acceleration an L the
Clearly, if α = 1 the equation above is just one of the
length of the pendulum rod. The exact q solution to this
simplest classical ordinary differential equations which √
are defined by the hypothesis that the rate of growth of a problem is x(t) = x0 cos ct = x0 cos Lg t. Applying the
given function x(t) is proportional to the current value non-conformable Laplace Transform to both sides of the
(e.g. Maltius’s population model), i.e. equation (9) we get (s2 + c)X(s) − sx0 = 0. Thus
x′ (t) = λ x(t), x(0) = x0 . The exact solution of this is X(s) = sx 0
. Taking the inverse non-conformable
(s2 +c)
x(t) = x0 eλ t . q α +1 
Applying the non-conformable Laplace Transform to Laplace transform we obtain x(t) = x0 cos L α +1 .
both sides of the equation (5), we get
Example 4. Now consider the circuit consisting of a
voltage source v(t) in series with a resistor (R), a
LN1 (N1α x(t)) = λ LN1 (x(t)) , capacitor (C) and an inductor (L), as well as a switch that
s Xα (s) − x0 = λ Xα (s). can be in the open or closed position. The circuit equation
in R the time domain is
Simplifying this we get Rx(t) + 1c 0t x(u)du + vC (0) + Lx′ (t) = v(t). We assume
that x(0) = 0 (i.e. the switch is open until t = 0, allowing
Xα (s) = . (6) the capacitor to maintain its initial condition vC (t) before
s−λ that moment), and v(t) = A. The corresponding
Taking the inverse non conformable Laplace transform non-conformable fractional differential equation is
to (6), we get
1 α α
Rx(t) + N J0 (x)(t) + vC (0) + LN1 x(t) = A, α ∈ (0, 1].
λ t e−u du c
x0 EαN,1λ (t)
x(t) = = x0 e 0 .
Applying the non-conformable Laplace Transform to
C (0)
Example 2.Consider the non-conformable fractional both sides of above equation, we get X(s) = A−v
2 R 1 .
Bertalanffy-logistic differential equation L(s + L s+ LC )
The poles of the
qcharacteristic equation can be obtained
R 2
N1α x(t) = x 3 (t) − x(t), R 1

x(0) = x0 , α ∈ (0, 1). (7) as s = − 2L ± i LC − 2C = −σ ± iw. Assuming the

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c 2021 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 15, No. 4, 403-409 (2021) / 409

Miguel J. Vivas-Cortez.
earned his Ph.D. degree Jorge Eliecer Hernández
from Universidad Central H. earned his M.Sc.
de Venezuela, Caracas, degree from Universidad
Distrito Capital (2014) Centroccidental Lisandro
in the field Pure Mathematics Alvarado, Barquisimeto,
(Nonlinear Analysis), Estado Lara (2001) in
and earned his Master Degree the field Pure Mathematics
in Pure Mathematics in the (Harmonic Analysis). He has
area of Differential Equations vast experience of teaching
(Ecological Models). He has vast experience of teaching at university levels. It covers
and research at university levels. It covers many areas of many areas of Mathematical such as Mathematics applied
Mathematical such as Inequalities, Bounded Variation to Economy, Functional Analysis, Harmonical Analysis
Functions and Ordinary Differential Equations. He has (Wavelets). He is currently Associated Professor in
written and published several research articles in reputed Decanato de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales of
international journals of mathematical and textbooks. He Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA),
was Titular Professor in Decanato de Ciencias y Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela.
Tecnologı́a of Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro
Alvarado (UCLA), Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela,
and invited Professor in Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Janneth Velasco
Matemáticas from Escuela Superior Politécnica del received the Master degree
Litoral (ESPOL), Guayaquil, Ecuador, actually is in Mathematics for Faculty
Principal Professor and Researcher in Pontificia of Engineering, Mathematics
Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Sede Quito, Ecuador. and Physical Sciences
at The Central University
Juan E. Náapoles of Ecuador. She is Professor
V. Graduated from Bachelor of Mathematical at Armed
of Education, Specialist Forces University-ESPE. Her
in Mathematics in 1983, research interests are in the
studied two specialties mathematical analysis. She has published research
and finished the Doctorate articles in fractional calculus
in Mathematical Sciences
in 1994, in Universidad Oswaldo Larreal
de Oriente (Santiago de received the PhD degree
Cuba). In 1997 he was elected at Universitat Politécnica
President of the Cuban Society of Mathematics and de Catalunya under the
Computing until 1998 when it established residence in the supervision of Tere M-Seara.
Argentine Republic. He has directed postgraduate careers His main research interest
in Cuba and Argentina and held management positions at are in the areas of dynamical
various universities Cuban and Argentine. He has systems, differential
participated in various scientific conferences of Cuba, equations, numerical methods
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and published different and applied mathematics. He
works in magazines scientists specialized in the topics of has published research articles in reputed international
qualitative theory of equations ordinary differentials, journals of mathematics. He has also been a visiting
math education, problem solving, and history and professor at universitat Politécnica de Catalunya
philosophy of mathematics. For his teaching and research (UPC-Spain), Spain and Centre de Recerca Matemática
work he has received several awards and distinctions, (8CRM), Spain. Aditionally, he is referee of several
both in Cuba and Argentina. international journals in Mathematics.

c 2021 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.

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