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Dear Overseas Filipino Workers,

They have a saying that when you are working abroad, you're rich but behind the pile
of money is a mountain of suffering, patience and longing for your loved ones and you
fought through it all so that we can have a life that is enjoyed in exchange for your service to
people you’ve not known, not your relative and most of all not with the same race. Years of
sleepless nights, homesickness and the eagerness to have a stable life for your family even
it is hard for you to leave the country, work and sometimes being discriminated by other
nationalities, scolded by employers and live alone, you still fight for our future.
I am proud of you and I hope this letter finds you in high spirits. Leaving your home
and loved ones behind to seek better opportunities abroad is a remarkable display of your
resilience and commitment to provide your family’s needs and contribute to our nation’s
growth. Indeed, you are the biggest contributor on why the country’s economy is increasing.
Please know that your efforts do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Your
remittances play a crucial role in sustaining our economy and improving the lives of many.
You are the living proof of the new Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio of this generation.
Thank you for standing still and showing that Filipinos can withstand along gigantic
nationalities and being a representation of our hospitality, courage and bravery to fulfill the
dreams of your child. Thank you for the huge house and properties you built in exchange of
working in a foreign land as well as the balikbayan boxes and branded items that you
worked hard for even sometimes you had nothing to eat.
In times of difficulty, remember that your resilience is a testament to the enduring
spirit of Filipino people. Stay strong, take care of yourself and never lose your fight.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication and sacrifices you made for our nation.
You are the foundation of a brighter future of each Filipino.

Yours sincerely,


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