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12th grade

Oral Bagrut
Personal Questions (40%)

❖ Tell me about yourself-

My name is ____________ ____________

I'm ____________ years old

I live in ____________

I study at ____________ ____________ school

I like to study __________________________________________________________

My major is ___________________________________________________________

I like to study here because ______________________________________________


❖ Tell me about your family-

I have a ____________ family.

I have ____________ brothers, and ____________ sisters.

My father's name is ____________, and my mother's name is ____________.

My father is a _________________ and my mother is a _________________.

My big brother/ sister is ________________________________________________.

And my little brother/ sister is____________________________________________.

My family and I like to __________________________________________________


I live in a _____________________________________________________________.
There I like to _________________________________________________________


❖ Tell me about your hobbies-

❖ What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to _______________________________________________________________


I like to listen to music. My favorite band/ singer is __________________________.


Listening to music _____________________________________________________.

❖ What do you like to do with your friends?

My favorite friends are _________________________________________________.

We like to _____________________________________________________together.

❖ Tell me about your city-

I like / don't like to live here because _______________________________________


In my city I like to ______________________________________________________.

In the future, I would like to live here/ leave the city and move to _______________.

❖ Do you work?

No, I don't work because________________________________________________.

Yes, I work as a _________________________ in ____________________________.

I like my job because ___________________________________________________.

I don’t like my job because ______________________________________________.

❖ What are your plans in the future?

In the future/ after I finish school I would like to ______________________________


Because _____________________________________________________________.

Project (60%)

❖ Tell me about your project?

I did my project about __________________________________________________.

I did it with my friend/s _________________________________________________.

I did it alone.

I chose this topic because ________________________________________________


On our project we wrote about ___________________________________________




I liked to do this job because _____________________________________________


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