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ESPOS, Julieanne C.

PSY1308 Section 3
M-Thurs 12:00-1:30pm FC 703
May 11, 2023

Finals Individual Activity #1

Chapter 12: Human Process Intervention, Interpersonal and Group Process Approaches

1. Human process intervention and interpersonal and group process approaches are all important
factors in understanding human behavior in organizations. Human process intervention focuses
on the individual and their behavior in the workplace, while interpersonal and group process
approaches explore into team dynamics and how people interact with one another. By combining
knowledge from these approaches, we can gain a more holistic understanding of organizational
behavior and how to improve it.

2. By implementing these approaches, businesses can better understand their employees’ needs,
establish effective communication channels, and foster a healthy work environment. These can
also help in identifying potential conflicts within the organization and resolving them promptly,
leading to increased teamwork, productivity, and profitability of the company.

Multiple Choice

1. It involves a wide range of organized activities that assist organizations enhance the way
they execute tasks, individuals improve their interpersonal and problem-solving skills,
and teams perform better.

A. Team Building
B. Group Interventions
C. Process Consultation

Answer: A
Page 263

Rationale: Team Building shows the different activities that will help individuals to improve
their overall team performance. Group interventions is not the answer because it does not show
interventions that reflects on the process, content, or neither the structure of the group. It is not
also Process Consultation because it does not show any consultation with the group.
2. It pertains to the importance of consultants to fully comprehend the methods related to
leadership and how various types of leadership can positively or negatively impact the
operation of a group.

A. Group Norms
B. Group problem solving and decision making
C. The use of leadership and authority

Answer: C
Page 255

Rationale: The use of leadership and authority understands how the process of leadership helps
in a group. It is not group norms because it does not show the behavior of a group whether it is
good or bad. It is not group problem solving and decision making because it does not reflect on
identifying problems and making decisions.

3. It refers to make the group more aware of its own internal operations and to stimulate an
interest in understanding them.

A. Content Interventions
B. Group Interventions
C. Process Interventions

Answer: C
Page 257

Rationale: The process interventions continues to analyze the internal processes of the group. It
is not content interventions because it does not determine what is going to work on. It is not
group intervention because it does not aim any process of the group.

True or False

1. A general framework for establishing supportive interactions is process consultation.

Answer: True
Page 253
2. “Unknown” window comprises personal issues that are unknown to the individual but are
communicated clearly to others.

Answer: False
Page 256

Rationale: It is not “unknown” window because it does not show that personal aspects are
unknown to the both parties. “Blind” window is the correct answer.

3. Group problem solving and decision making is a group of people work together over a
period of time, it develops group norms or standards of behavior about what is good or
bad, allowed or forbidden, right or wrong.

Answer: False
Page 255

Rationale: It is not called the group problem and decision making because it does not show how
a group to be effective. Group norms is the correct answer since they work together at the same


1. The group's recurrent and consistent procedures for completing tasks and addressing
external concerns can be examined with the use of _____ interventions.

Answer: Structural Interventions

Page 257
2. Conflicts that arise between two or more individuals within the same organization are the
target of _____ interventions.

Answer: Third-party
Page 259

3. There are several consistent, cyclical stages of interpersonal conflict known as "____."

Answer: Episodes
Page 260

Chapter 13: Organization Process Approaches

1. Organizational process approaches are an essential aspect of any successful business. They
provide structure, direction, and help to ensure that the business runs efficiently. Effective
organization can lead to better planning, more streamlined decision-making, and improved
communication. Furthermore, incorporating organizational process approaches can also help to
identify and minimize potential risks, allowing businesses to operate smoothly and with more
confidence in their strategies.

2. In today’s fast-paced business world, there are many different approaches to organizing
processes. Companies constantly seek ways to streamline and optimize their operations.
However, it is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each
organization must carefully consider its unique needs and goals before selecting an approach.
Multiple Choice

1. It pertains to a procedure aimed at bringing the organization's resources in order to

identify issues, determine objectives and goals, and start working on such issues.

A. Microcosm Groups
B. Large-group interventions
C. Confrontation Meeting

Answer: C
Page 276

Rationale: It is not microcosm group since it is not pertaining to a number of individuals. It

is also not large-group interventions since there is no referred conference or such planning
for organization. Hence, the correct answer is confrontation meeting that reflects on the
intervention that would help the organization.

2. Determine the appropriate microcosm group application stages:

A. Identify an issue > Convene the group > Provide group training > address the issue >
dissolve the group
B. Dissolve the group > provide group training > address the issue > identify an issue >
convene the group
C. Provide group training > convene the group > identify an issue > dissolve the group >
address the issue
D. Address the issue > identify an issue > dissolve the group > provide group training >
convene the group

Answer: A
Page 280

Rationale: Utilizing a microcosm group to address organizational wide problems

encompasses five stages which are Identify an issue, convene the group, provide group
training, address the issue, and dissolve the group.
3. It pertains to a system created primarily to support two groups or departments inside an
organization in resolving challenging situations.

A. Open-systems method
B. Productive Workplaces
C. Intergroup conflict intervention

Answer: C
Page 281

Rationale: It is not open-systems method since it is not mentioned to have larger groups to
practice having methods that will use to help organization. It is not also productive
workplaces since it does not show any productivity regarding the groups. Hence, the correct
answer is intergroup conflict intervention that provides solutions to problems.

True or False

1. Small-group intervention is the title of the third system-wide process intervention.

Answer: False
Page 284

Rationale: It is not small-group intervention because its typically having few individuals.
Rather, Large-group interventions is said to be the third systemwide process which refers to
the group of people that involves system for a change process.
2. The second strategy for large-group interventions, known as open-space approaches,
aims to solve the four problems by imposing a low amount of formal structure.

Answer: True
Page 289

3. The organizational confrontation meeting is a technique for mobilizing resources for

organizational problem solutions, and it seems particularly pertinent for organizations
under stress.

Answer: True
Page 295


1. These are the three types of systemwide process interventions: _____, _____, _____.

Answer: Confrontation meetings, intergroup interventions, and large-group

Page 295

2. _____ is the final large-group intervention representing a hybrid approach to the four

Answer: Positive methods

Page 293
3. The participation and _____ assumptions support the open-systems view. The
participation assumption suggests that a variety of organization stakeholders must be
involved to create an accurate view of the environment and organization.

Answer: Social construction

Page 286

Chapter 14: Restructuring Organizations

1. Organization restructuring is an essential and strategic move that helps businesses to enhance
efficiency, flexibility, and organizational alignment. The process involves the reorganization of
resources, processes, and operations to bring about a structural change aimed at streamlining
business activities.

2. Restructuring is vital for implementing changes in your organization that will align your
operations with your business goals. With a well-executed restructuring plan, an organization can
eliminate redundancies, optimize costs, and create a culture of accountability and responsibility
towards the organization's goals.

Multiple Choice

1. By making the company smaller, it hopes to cut expenses and bureaucracy.

A. Organization Size
B. Technology
C. Downsizing

Answer: C
Page 315

Rationale: It is not organization size because it does not refer to the number of the
employees in the organization. Also, it is not technology since there is no connection
between making the company smaller. The correct answer is downsizing. By this, it helps to
make the company smaller.
2. Organizational structures should be created to accommodate at least four of the following

A. Downsizing, Reengineering, interventions, structural design

B. Environment, Organization Size, Technology, Organization Strategy
C. Functional Structure, Divisional Structure, Matrix Structure, Process Structure

Answer: B
Page 315

Rationale: The four factors that influence the organizational structure of the company is by
having environment, organization size, technology, and organization strategy.

3.It represents a radically different method of structuring. It was created about the same time
by General Motors, Sears, Standard Oil of New Jersey, and DuPont and is also known as a
product or self-contained-unit structure.

A. Divisional Structure
B. Process Structure
C. Functional Structure

Answer: A
Page 318

Rationale: It is not the functional structure because it does not represent any divided
functions such as marketing. It is not process structure because it does not represent the flow
of the process. The correct answer is divisional structure which involves different resources
to function.
True or False

1. One of the advantages of the Divisional Form is it may use skills and resources

Answer: False
Page 319

Rationale: It is not stated as an advantage for using skills and resources inefficiently because
it somehow has a negative impact.

2. One of the advantages of the Matrix Form is it makes specialized, functional knowledge
available to all projects.

Answer: True
Page 321

3. One of the contingencies of the Process-Based Form is it requires new skills and
knowledge to manage lateral relationships and teams.

Answer: False
Page 324
Rationale: One of the disadvantages of the Process-Based Form is that it requires new skills
and knowledge to manage teams and it is not under the contingencies.


1. Closely related to the process-based structure, the _____ focuses sub-units on the creation
of solutions and the satisfaction of key customers or customer groups.

Answer: Customer-centric structure

Page 324

2. The _____ process was responsible for scanning AMHC’s external environment for
business opportunities, trends, regulatory changes, and competitive intelligence.

Answer: Understand-the-market
Page 325

3. In the _____ process, the small corporate headquarters staff was responsible for human
resources, financial governance, information technology standards, medical leadership,
and corporate image and branding.

Answer: Manage-the-business
Page 325
Chapter 15: Employee Involvement

1. Employee involvement is an essential aspect of the success of any company. When employees
are invested in the company and its goals, they are more likely to go above and beyond to
achieve them. This involves creating a work environment that fosters communication, trust, and
collaboration. By involving employees in decision-making processes and encouraging their
input, companies can also benefit from a wider range of perspectives and ideas, ultimately
leading to increased innovation and success.

2. Employee involvement is crucial in any organization. It empowers the workforce and gives them
a sense of belongingness. When employees feel involved, they are more motivated and
productive. This can be achieved through various initiatives such as regular surveys to gather
feedback, open communication channels, team building activities, and recognizing employee

Multiple Choice

1. It pertains to the name currently applied to a group of behaviors and theories that had
their start with the quality-of-work-life movement in the late 1950s.

A. Power
B. Employee Involvement
C. Work Design

Answer: B
Page 350

Rationale: It is not power because the statement does not pertain to any relations to it. Also,
work design is not the answer since it does not concern to give contents of the organization in
which workloads, tasks, and the activities are involved. Moreover, the correct answer is
employee involvement which identifies how group of people in the organizations that starts
to have quality of work.
2. It speaks of the professional background of an organization member. Employees who are
engaged at work are driven, devoted, and enthusiastic about it.

A. Employee Involvement
B. Engagement
C. Management

Answer: B
Page 350

Rationale: Employee involvement has something to do with the employees allowing to give
their own thoughts, opinion and decisions that will definitely affect their work. Management
is not the answer because it has nothing to do with process or system which works in
achieving the goals and visions of the company. Hence, engagement is the correct answer
that reflects on how people are engaged with the work itself and the company.

3. It is explained in terms of four essential components that encourage employee involvement:

A. Power, Information, Knowledge and Skills, Rewards

B. Define the Purpose and Scope, Form a Steering Committee, Communicate with
Organization Members, Create Forums for Employee Problem Solving
C. Gain Long-Term Senior Management Commitment, Train Members in Quality Methods,
Start Quality Improvement Projects, Measure Progress

Answer: A
Page 351

Rationale: Employee involvement aims to improve members that will have an impact on the
effectiveness of the company. The following are essential factors to improving it – power,
information, knowledge and skills, and rewards.
True or False

1. Parallel structures help bureaucratic organizations become adaptable by including

members in the solution of poorly defined complex challenges.

Answer: True
Page 354

2. An approach to employee involvement that is more all-encompassing is total quality

management. Likewise called "continuous quality," "continuous process improvement,"
"lean," and "six-sigma."

Answer: True
Page 359

3. Total Quality Management is typically applied in four main application stages. The most
of the processes can take place roughly simultaneously, with the exception of securing senior
management commitment.

Answer: False
Page 361

Rationale: Total Quality Management is known to be a continuous process for improvement.

It is stated to have five main application stages which are – gain long-term senior
management commitment, train members in quality methods, start quality improvement,
measure progress, and rewarding accomplishments.

1. ____ refers to the process that routinely occurs as an insurance company manages its

Answer: Optimization
Page 365

2. _____ of employees for HIOs can be improved through a realistic job preview providing
information about what it will be like to work in such situations.

Answer: Selection
Page 367

3. _____ systems can contribute to employee involvement when information about them is
open and the rewards are based on acquiring new skills, as well as on sharing gains from
improved performance.

Answer: Reward
Page 368

Chapter 16: Work Design

1. Work design is a critical element in any organization, as it can affect the productivity and
efficiency of employees, as well as the overall success of the company. Properly designed
workspaces and processes can promote collaboration, creativity, and innovation, while poorly
designed ones can lead to frustration, burnout, and high turnover rates. It is essential for
organizations to prioritize work design and regularly evaluate and improve their practices to
ensure the best possible outcomes.

2. Work design plays a vital role in the success and satisfaction of employees in their job roles.
Creating an effective work design involves taking into consideration the tasks and
responsibilities of each employee, together with the goals and objectives of the organization. By
doing so, employees can work more effectively leading to increased productivity and job

Multiple Choice

1. It pertains to the most traditional and widely used method of designing a piece of work,
which is based on the principles of engineering and practices.

A. Motivational Approach
B. Engineering Approach
C. Sociotechnical Systems Approach

Answer: B
Page 376

Rationale: The motivational approach refers to how organizations will be effective through
activities that will give satisfaction to the employees. While sociotechnical systems approach
shows how to improve in both social and technical aspects of the organization. Engineering
approach is the correct answer since it is referring on how the organization will design a
specific method to improve the nature of work.

2. It pertains to how much autonomy, freedom, and discretion a worker has in determining
when and how to complete work.

A. Task Identity
B. Task Significance
C. Autonomy

Answer: C
Page 379
Rationale: Task identity refers to the individual who completes a comprehensive piece of
work. While the task significance reflects on the impact of work to other people. Autonomy
is the correct answer since it refers to the freedom of an individual to perform and finish

3. It pertains to the fundamental aspect, which stands for the information that employees are
given regarding the value of their labor.

A. Task Identity
B. Skill Variety
C. Feedback from the Work Itself

Answer: C
Page 379

Rationale: Task identity shows that a person can finish the designated work. Skill variety
refers to a wider range of doing the tasks of the employees. In contrast, feedback from the
work itself is the correct answer since it gives information from a specific task about how
effective it is.

True or False

1. The most extensive collection of scientific and applied research now supporting
employee involvement and creative work designs is the sociotechnical systems approach.

Answer: True
Page 386
2. With regard to the fact that self-managed work teams are tasked with carrying out
specific tasks, the effectiveness of the team's task design can have a significant impact on
how successfully it performs.

Answer: True
Page 389

3. Another aspect of team functioning is team process interventions, which measure how
well the wider company is set up to enable self-managed work teams.

Answer: False
Page 390

Rationale: It is not team process interventions because it does not refer to any activities
that will improve the overall organization. Organization support systems is the correct
answer that will clearly support self-managed work teams.


1. _____ refers to the extensive formal and on-the-job training in human relations, group
dynamics, and leadership styles has been instituted for leaders of self-managed work

Answer: Training
Page 391
2. _____ work groups are composed of members who perform routine yet interrelated
tasks. Member interactions are controlled externally, usually by rigid work flows,
schedules, and supervisors.

Answer: Traditional
Page 401

3. The _____ approach produces enriched jobs involving high levels of skill variety,
task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback from the work itself.

Answer: Motivational
Page 401

Chapter 17: Performance Management

1. Performance management is an essential process that helps organizations achieve their goals by
maximizing the performance of their employees. By setting clear objectives, providing feedback,
and aligning goals with organizational objectives, performance management can help employees
achieve their full potential.

2. Performance management can help organizations identify areas where employees may need
additional training or support. Effective performance management can result in increased
productivity, improved employee morale, and a better overall workplace culture.

Multiple Choice

1. It pertains to the application of mechanisms for setting objectives, performance evaluation,

and incentives that coordinate worker behavior with corporate strategy, worker engagement,
and technological advances in the workplace.

A. Goal Setting
B. Group Performance
C. Performance Management

Answer: C
Page 420
Rationale: Goal setting defines on how managers and employees communicate with one
another in describing work habits and its outcomes. Group performance rely more on
individuals to achieve their goal. In this case, the answer is performance management since it
is describe as process in the whole organization from performance to step-by-step process of
the workplace in reaching its goals.

2. In collaboratively determining member work behaviors and outcomes, it defines the

relationship between managers and employees.

A. Human Resource Management

B. Performance Management
C. Goal Setting

Answer: C
Page 420

Rationale: Human resource management helps in giving employees a positive environment

in their work specifically helping them to improve quality of work. Performance
management is the overall details in which could help to determine the employees’
performance. Lastly, the goal setting is the correct answer since it is communication between
the employee and the manager in describing their work habits and the results of it.

3. It pertains to the process of gathering and sharing information about performance in order
to enhance work results. It serves as the main human resources management intervention for
giving both individual's and work groups feedback on their performance.

A. Group Performance
B. Performance Appraisal
C. Reward Systems

Answer: C
Page 420

Rationale: Group performance refers to the individuals who works together in achieving its
goal. Performance appraisal measures the work performance of each individual. Moreover,
the correct answer is reward systems because it indicates on the results or feedback of ones’

True or False

1. Employee goals are jointly established and clarified by managers and subordinates as part of
the balanced scorecard process.

Answer: False
Page 422

Rationale: It is not called balanced scorecard, rather it is goal setting which means giving
information with the manager and employee to set goals.

2. At different levels of an organization, goal-setting sets objectives in a number of clearly

defined categories in order to build a direct connection with business strategy.

Answer: False
Page 422

Rationale: It is not called goal setting, rather it is balanced scorecard which identifies the system
on how to promote organizations’ goals.
3. Management by objectives is a typical goal-setting method used in businesses.

Answer: True
Page 424


1. _____ this broader approach is used more for member development than for
compensation purposes. This wider involvement provides a number of different views of
the appraisee’s performance.

Answer: 360-degree feedback

Page 429

2. _____ although not often a formal policy, many organizations offer different types of
rewards based on a position’s level in the organization structure.

Answer: Hierarchy
Page 435

3. _____ refers to the organizational changes, such as new technology, and product mixes,
can disrupt the bonus formula. Many plans include steering committee to review the
plans and to make necessary adjustments.
Answer: Change Management
Page 441

Chapter 18: Developing Talent

1. Developing talent is crucial for any organization seeking to achieve success. From identifying
promising employees to providing them with the right training and resources, investing in talent
development can lead to improved productivity, innovation, and retention.

2. Companies that prioritize talent development can create a culture of learning, growth, and
excellence, which can set them apart in a competitive market. By recognizing the importance of
developing talent, businesses can position themselves for long-term success and ensure they have
a stable pipeline of skilled employees to drive their growth.

Multiple Choice

1. It describes efforts to enhance a person's capacity to develop and achieve goals, drive
change, foster better interpersonal connections, manage conflict, or resolve style

A. Coaching Interventions
B. Resource-intense Interventions
C. Management and Leadership Development Processes

Answer: A
Page 451

Rationale: Resource-intense interventions focuses more on the qualities, knowledge, and

skills of the team on how it can be effective to each individual. Management and leadership
development processes are used to help individuals acquire new skills and information. The
correct is coaching interventions since it is improving and helping individuals to reach their
full potential that can benefit the organization.
2. Human resource interventions are trying to impart to an extensive amount of people new
information and skills. It may consist of internal training initiatives, outside educational
opportunities, projects involving action learning, and other initiatives.

A. Management and Leadership Development Processes

B. Coaching Interventions
C. Coaching and Mentoring

Answer: A
Page 451

Rationale: Coaching interventions, coaching and mentoring are almost the same with each
other which involves method on developing and fostering one individual at work.
Management and leadership development processes is the correct answer since it pertains to
have activities that gives opportunities to wider vision in reaching the company’s goals.

3.It offers the ideal resources, methods, and processes required to support members of an
organization in making plans for and achieving their professional goals.

A. Career Planning and Development Interventions

B. Coaching Interventions
C. Mentoring

Answer: A
Page 454

Rationale: Coaching interventions helps to improve one individual in improving their

quality of work. While mentoring refers to sharing of knowledge or experience to other
people. Hence, this question specifically identifies the methods and processes to support
members in the organization which fall under career planning and development interventions.
True or False

1. The different career stages are: Establishment, Advancement, Maintenance, and


Answer: True
Page 456

2. Former workers receive career development initiatives unlike younger ones.

Answer: False
Page 457

Rationale: Career development interventions is given to the younger ones since they still
have plenty of years in the company. Younger individuals can improve more and can
contribute to the organization’s success in the future.

3. During the hiring process, assessment centers are the intervention that gives candidates
realistic expectations about the position.

Answer: False
Page 458

Rationale: Assessment centers is not the correct answer since it is defined as a method in
which you will determine the employee’s potential in the work position. Hence, the
correct answer is realistic job preview in which you will give information during the

1. The intervention that gives participants a precise expectation of their task

requirements is ___.

Answer: Realistic job preview

Page 459

2. Members' job and personal goals are balanced with the aid of _____. Additionally,
boost morale, productivity, and quality of life.

Answer: Work-life balance

Page 459

3. The intervention that was historically intended to assist businesses in choosing and
developing workers with high potential for management posts is referred to as _____.

Answer: Assessment Centers

Page 459
Chapter 19: Managing Workforce Diversity

1. In today's globalized world, managing workforce diversity has become increasingly important.
The diversity of employees in terms of their gender, race, religion, and nationality can bring a
wide range of ideas, perspectives, and experiences to the industry.

2. Effective management of this diversity is crucial for organizations to thrive in today's

competitive business environment. Diversity creates a better work culture, improves employee
morale and engagement, and enables businesses to be more innovative and adaptable to change.

Multiple Choice

1. This entails assisting staff members in comprehending the requirements of their job roles.
The position of manager is interconnected with a network of interactions with other
managers, each of whom has specific requirements pertaining to how the manager should
carry out the position.

A. Role Clarification
B. Job Duties
C. Supportive Relationships

Answer: A
Page 484

Rationale: Job duties refers to the work they needed to perform and complete. Supportive
relationships help in having a healthy relationship with other people especially in work. But
the correct answer here is role clarification because it is knowing and identifying the
responsibilities and role of the employee in the organization.

3. Instead of attempting to modify the pressures themselves, this involves creating support
connections for workers.

A. Individual Differences
B. Work Leaves
C. Supportive Relationships
Answer: C
Page 484

Rationale: Individual differences are aspects of life in which people are different from one
another which may not be seen in the question. Work leaves defines as a time that employees
will take off to work. With regards to this question, the correct answer is supportive
relationship since it is clearly defined as building support system and connection to other
people in workplace.

3. This pertains to the fact that an increasing number of businesses offer resources to aid their
staff in managing stress.

A. Work Leaves
B. Health Facilities
C. Supportive Relationships

Answer: B
Page 485

Rationale: Work leaves is not the answer since it does not reflect on employee’s time to take
off. It is not also supportive relationships because there is nothing to do with how to manage
stress. Rather, the correct answer is health facilities. This is also helpful to employees to cope
up with their problems and increase more their quality in performing their works.

True or False

1. The two important human resources interventions are workforce diversity interventions
and employee stress and wellness interventions.

Answer: True
Page 487
2. Interventions for employee stress and health are created to adjust human resources
procedures to a workplace that is becoming more diverse.

Answer: False
Page 487

Rationale: The answer is not the employee stress and wellness interventions since the
question identifies to having more diverse workplace. The correct answer is workplace
diversity interventions since it is reflecting to the differences of individuals in becoming one
in workplace.

3. A fundamental relationship between worker health and business efficiency is

acknowledged through employee stress and wellness treatments, such as leaves and
employee assistance programs.

Answer: True
Page 487


1. In conjunction with organizations' efforts to diversify their senior leadership and board
members, _____ remains an important challenge in diversity interventions.
Answer: Race/Ethnicity
Page 476

1. _____ Organizations' views on human resources are changing as a result of the

diversity in sexual orientation, including gay, lesbian, and bisexual people and

Answer: Sexual Orientation

Page 477

2. _____ it is the organizational effects of the increase toward disability represent

opportunity and adjustment. Managers are frequently taken aback by the productivity
of employees with physical and mental disabilities.

Answer: Disability
Page 477
Organizational Development Journal

Title: Organizational Change: Case Study of General Motors

Author(s): Muhammad Hashim and Muhammad Aliuddin Khan

Facts of the Journal: Case Study of General Motors has help revolutionize the business world.
The General Motors’ organizational transformation provided valuable insights that businesses
around the world continue to benefit from. It gives details General Motors’ efforts to streamline
its company structure, improve efficiencies, and ultimately emerge as a more competitive entity
in the automotive industry. Through its case study approach, the journal presents a
comprehensive understanding of the challenges involved in organizational change and the key
factors that lead to success.

Significant Findings: Case study of General Motors highlights significant findings in a way that
has undergone changes over the years. This case study sheds light on how General Motors dealt
with various challenges over tie and provides insights into the company’s decision-making
processes. The journal showcases how General Motors battled the negative consequences of
change and how they overcame them. The research and observations presented in this journal
can be applied to other organizations to help them tackle challenges related to organizational

Importance as a would be HROD practitioner and professional: In today’s rapidly changing

business environment, the role of HR professionals has become more crucial. As companies face
the challenges of organizational change, HR practitioners are required to lead the way in
facilitating smooth transitions while still ensuring productivity and employee well-being. This is
particularly relevant in the case of General Motors, a company that has undergone significant
transformations in recent times. In this context, this journal offers valuable insights into the best
practices and strategies for HR professionals to navigate change successfully.

Organizational Development Financial Literacy Journal

Title: Financial Education on Employee’s Financial-Wellbeing in Academia in Tharaka Nithi

Country in Kenya

Author(s): James Gitari and Viona Muleke

Facts of the Journal: Financial education is a crucial aspect that affects employees’ financial
well-being. Studies have shown that financial capability enables individuals to make informed
decisions about their monetary matters, thus improving their financial position. In Tharaka Nithi
Country in Kenya, financial education is becoming more and more important for employees to
help them navigate their way through uncertain times. It is important to understand the
significance of financial education in the workplace and how it impacts the financial well-being
of individuals.
Significant Findings: Financial education has proven to have a significant impact on
employees’ financial well-being. This is especially true in Tharaka Nithi Country in Kenya.
According to the study, employees who received financial education reported increased financial
confidence and were more likely to make sound financial decisions. This is why providing
financial education to employees is crucial for their financial stability and overall well-being.

Importance as a would be HROD practitioner and professional: In today’s fast-paced world,

financial education has become an essential element for every employee’s financial well-being.
The practical knowledge and skills gained from financial education provides individuals with a
better understanding and ability to manage finances. As an HR practitioner, it is important to
understand the financial literacy impacts employee’s overall wellness. In Tharaka Nithi Country
in Kenya, financial education plays a crucial role in equipping employees with the necessary
tools to make informed financial decisions.

Learning Aid Video: Financial Wellness in the Workplace

 Financial wellness is becoming an increasingly important topic in the workplace. As employees

face mounting financial pressures, such as student loan debt and rising living costs, they are
more likely to experience stress and distraction on the job. Employers are recognizing the impact
that financial stress can have on employee productivity and engagement, and are taking steps to
address it through financial wellness programs. By providing resources and education on topics
such as budgeting, saving, and managing debt, employers can help their employees achieve
greater financial stability and peace of mind, leading to improved job performance and morale.

 Financial wellness is an essential aspect of anyone's life, including those in the workplace. It has
become increasingly recognized that employees who are financially stable are more productive
and satisfied in their jobs, which in turn benefits the employer. Financial wellness includes not
only the ability to manage and save money, but also understanding financial concepts such as
investing and retirement planning. Employers who prioritize the financial wellness of their
employees can expect to see improved job performance and employee retention.

Synthesis of the Activity: Financial Wellness in the Workplace

 Financial wellness in the workplace is vital topic as employers recognize the impact of their
employees' financial stress on their productivity and well-being. There are many factors that
contribute to financial stress, including low salaries, high levels of debt, and inadequate
retirement savings. Employers can help alleviate some of these stressors by offering financial
education and wellness programs, as well as providing access to affordable benefits such as
retirement plans and insurance. By prioritizing financial wellness in the workplace, employers
can create a more productive and engaged workforce, as well as a more financially secure and
stable workforce for the future.

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