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Nama : Revanda Dwi O.

NBI :1611900087

"Exploring the Human Condition through Allegory: An Analysis of 'Life of Pi'"

"Life of Pi" is a novel by Yann Martel which describes the journey of an Indian boy named Pi
Patel who is stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after his ship sinks. The story
explores complex themes such as religion, belief, resilience, and human nature through a mix
of elements of realism and allegory. This article aims to analyze the aspects that make "Life
of Pi" an interesting scientific work.

"Life of Pi" is a unique fictional story that captivates readers' attention in surprising ways. In
this novel, Martel presents the real world and the imaginary world simultaneously, enabling
us to question reality, truth and the meaning of life. In Pi's journey against all odds and
surviving on a lifeboat in the middle of the vast ocean, Martel brilliantly depicts human
complexity and the human struggle to find meaning in life.

In this article, we use an analytical approach to discuss the main themes in "Life of Pi" as
well as the use of allegory in conveying philosophical messages to the reader. We also do
character analysis, narrative structure, and the use of imagination in this novel to strengthen
our argument.

Results and Discussion:

In "Life of Pi," Martel presents the story of Pi Patel who is forced to face extreme situations
and find unconventional ways of survival. He shows how Pi combines elements of different
religions and beliefs to maintain his mental and spiritual health. For example, Pi, who is a
Hindu, also embraces other religions such as Islam and Christianity. Through the character of
Pi, Martel teaches about the importance of tolerance and our ability to seek understanding
amidst differences.

In addition, "Life of Pi" also raises deep questions about truth and reality. In the novel's
finale, Pi provides two conflicting versions of his journey, forcing the reader to question what
really happened. Martel subtly suggests that truth can be subjective and may never be fully
In "Life of Pi," Yann Martel uses powerful allegories to address philosophical and existential
themes. This novel inspires readers' thoughts about religion, belief, and human nature. By
blending elements of realism and fantasy, Martel creates an engaging and reframing reading

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