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I Kiến thức cần nhớ :

1. Cách dùng Be used to: Đã quen với

Cấu trúc : Be used to + cụm danh từ hoặc verb-ing
(trong cấu trúc này, used là 1 tính từ và to là 1 giới từ).

Ex : You are used to do something

=> Nghĩa là bạn đã từng làm việc gì đó rất nhiều lần hoặc đã có kinh
nghiệm với việc đó rồi, vì vậy nó không còn lạ lẫm, mới lạ hay khó khăn
gì với bạn nữa.

 I am used to getting up early in the morning.
(Tôi đã quen với việc dậy sớm vào buổi sáng).
 He didn’t complain about the noise nextdoor. He was used to it.
(Anh ta không than phiền về tiếng ồn bên nhà hàng xóm nữa. Anh ta đã
quen với nó rồi).
Nghĩa ngược lại của be used to la be NOT used to: không quen với, chưa
quen với
 I am not used to the new system in the factory yet.
(Tôi vẫn chưa quen với hệ thống mới ở nhà máy).

2. Cách dùng Get used to: Dần quen với

Cấu trúc : Get used to + cụm danh từ hoặc verb-ing
(trong cấu trúc này, used là 1 tính từ và to là 1 giới từ)
You are used to something, nghĩa là bạn đang trở nên quen với việc đó.
Đây là một quá trình của việc dần trở nên quen với việc gì đó.
 I got used to getting up early in the morning.
(Tôi đã quen dần với việc dậy sớm buổi sáng.)
 After a while he didn’t mind the noise in the office, he got used to
(Sau một thời gian không để ý đến tiếng ồn trong văn phòng thì anh ta
quen dần với nó.)

3. Cách dùng Used to: Đã từng, từng

Cấu trúc : Used to + verb ( Nguyên thể )
( chỉ một thói quen hay một tình trạng ở quá khứ. Nó thường chỉ được sử
dụng ở quá khứ đơn )

a) Thói quen trong quá khứ: You used to do something, nghĩa là bạn
đã làm việc đó trong 1 khoảng thời gian ở quá khứ, nhưng bạn không
còn làm việc đó nữa.
 We used to live there when I as a child.
(Chúng tôi đã từng sống ở đó khi tôi còn là một đứa trẻ.)
 I used to walk to work when I was younger.
(Tôi từng hay đi bộ đến công ty khi tôi còn trẻ.)
b) Tình trạng/ trạng thái trong quá khứ: Used to còn thể hiện tình
trạng trong quá khứ nhưng không còn tồn tại nữa được thể hiện
bằng những động từ biểu hiện trạng thái sau: have, believe, know và
 I used to Like The Beatles but now I never listen to them.
(Tôi đã từng thích nhóm The Beatles nhưng bây giờ tôi không còn nghe
nhạc của họ nữa.)
 He used to have long hair but nowadays this hair is very short.
(Anh ta đã từng để tóc dài nhưng dạo này anh ấy để tóc rất ngắn.)
Dạng câu hỏi của Used to: Did(n’t) + subject + use to
 Did he use to work in the office very late at night?
(Anh ta có thường hay làm việc trong văn phòng rất trễ vào buổi tối
Dạng phủ định của Used to: Subject + didn’t + used to
 We didn’t use to be vegestarians.
(Chúng tôi không từng những người ăn chay.)
 We didn’t use to get up early when we were children.
(Chúng tôi không từng dậy sớm khi còn là những đứa trẻ.)

II Luyện tập

BÀI 1. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.(2)

1. Astronauts… in their spaceship, but they frequently work outside now.
A. were used to stay B. used to stay
C. were staying D. had used to stay
2. People _____ that the earth is round before.
A. were not used to believe B. used to believing
C. would not use to believe D. did not use to believe
3. Tuberculosis_____ incurable before.

A. use to be thought B. used to be thought

C. used to think D. use to think
4. Formerly babies_____ of whooping cough.
A. have died B. used to die
C. would die D. both B and C
5. These city girls are used_____ in the field.
A. to work B. used to lie
C. would like D. to working
6. Newton_____ scientific books when a boy.
A. used to read B. has read
C. had read D. had been reading
7. I am sorry I am not_____ fast.
A. used to drive B. used to driving
C. use to drive D. use to driving
8. Frank used to work in a small shop. He_____
A. doesn't any more B. still does
C. is now D. had never done anything else
9. Roy Trenton used to work in a small shop. He _____
A. is driving it B. doesn’t drive it any more
C. likes it D. didn’t like it
10. Roy Trenton use to drive a taxi. This means he_____
A. use to lie B. used live
C. used to living D. used to live
11. I_____ in Jakarta. I've lived here all my life.
A. am used to living B. used to living
C. use to live D. am used to live
12. Jane_____ for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the
post office.
A. used to working B. used to work
C. is used to working D. am used to work
13. This work doesn’t bother me. I _____ hard. I've worked hard all my
A. used to working B. used to work
C. am used to working D. am used to work
14. Dick_____ a moustache, but he doesn't any more. He shaved it off
because his wife didn't like it.
A. used to having B. is used to having
C. was used to having D. used to have
15. When I was a child, I _____ anyone 40 was old.
A. used to think B. was used to thinking
C. used to thinking D. was used to think
Bài 2. Fill in the blank with “use, used to, be used to, or be used for” :

1. I often………..this pen to write my lessons.

2. I…………………… love Ann but now she gets on my nerves.
3. There…………… be a tree in front of my house.
4. They……………… A computer to do the most complicated
5. These bricks…………………… Building a new school .
6. That knife……………………. cut oranges.
7. American women……………… being independent.
8. Cheques and credit cards…………. storing wealth.
9. It took me a long time to…………wearing glasses.
10. Metal and paper…………………. making money.

Bài 3. Write a sentence for each of the following using used to or

didn’t use to.

1. When Barbara was Intaly, she stayed with an Italian family.

2.I quite like drinking coffee in the morning, although I wasn’t keen on it
when I was younger
3. We seem to have lost interest in our work.
4. I don’t mind travelling by train now.
5. I went to the church when I was a child.
6. Since we’ve lived in the countryside, we’ve been much happier.
7. Mr.Michel grew tulips but he doesn’t any more.
8. I prefer listening to classical music now, although when I was young I
couldn’t stand it.
9. My sister looked so far when she returned from Paris.
10. He doesn’t love me any more.
He used………………………
11. They often went to school by bike when they were young.
They used ………………………….
12.I no longer eat meat.
I used to …………………………….
13. When Lan was small, she used to cry a lot.
Lan often ………………………………………

14. My father used to drive to work when he lived in Japan.

My father …………………………………………..
15. We had a nice garden once, but now we don’t any more.
We ……………………………………………….
16. David used to have long hair.
David no longer…………………………………..
17. Her mother usually got up early.
Her …………………………………………….
18. He often ate lots of ham.
He …………………………….
19. We lived in the country in 1980s but now we live in HCM City.
20. When Nam was young, he hated school. Now he likes school.
21. Ann was a secretary for many years, but now she owns her own
22. Before Adam got married, he went bowling five times a week.
23. When we raised our own chickens, we had fresh eggs every morning
24. Now you have a job every summer. Have you always worked during
BÀI 4: Fill in the blank
1. When I was a student, I sued to (work)……in a bar.
2. I will never get used to (work)…….nights. I prefer working days
3. She isn’t used to (live)…..on her own. The house feels quite empty.
4. When I worked in the city, I used to (get up)…….really early.
5. Are you getting used to (live)……………in your new house yet?
6. We are not used to (live)……. In a cold climate. We’re used to a
warm one.
7. I used to (be)……… a gardener. I’m not used to (sit)………….in an
office all day.
8. Since I retired from my job, I can’t get used to (have) …………..
nothing to do all day.
9. In my last job, I used to (wear)………….. a suite and tie. Now I wear
10. I was just getting used to (wear)……..glasses.
11. When I was a child, I used _________ (dream) of being an astronaut.
12. I'm terribly nervous. I'm not used ____ (speak) to a large audience.
13. It took us ages to get used _______ (live) in an apartment house.
14. Lots of trains used ___________ (stop) here, but not many do now.

15. Didn't Nick use _________ (work) on a building site?

16. I'll have an orange juice, please. I'm not used ____ (drink) alcohol.
17. David doesn't seem to mind being in hospital. I suppose he's got used
_________ (be) there.
18. When Laura was at college, she used ____________ (have) a picture
of Elvis Presley on her bedroom wall.
19. There used __________ (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down
a few years ago.
20. When she arrived in Britain, she wasn't used __________ (drive) on
the left, but she soon got used to it.
21, I was used to_____(eat) at noon when I started school.
22, He used to_____(eat) dinner at five o'clock.
23, When I was young, I used to___(swim) everyday.
24, He used to_____(like) her, but he doesn't anymore.
25, Don't worry, some day you will get used to_____(speak) English.
26, Lan can't get used to____(study)
27, He used to___(dance) every night, but now he studies.
28, Adam is used to____(sleep) late on the weekends.
29, Chieks is used to____(eat) American food now.
30, She finally got used to___(eat) our food.
Bài 5: Viết lại câu, sử dụng used to hoặc didn't use to
1. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed.
2. I quite like classical music now, although I wasn't keen on it when I
was younger.
3. I seem have lost interest in my work.
4. My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army.
5. Dennis gave up smoking three years ago.
6. My parents lived in the USA when they were young.
7. Jim was my best friend, but we aren't friends any more.
8. When he was younger, my uncle was a national swimming champion.
9. I eat ice-cream now, but I disliked eating it when I was a child.
Bài 6: Fill in each gap with the correct forms of used to or be used to.
(Điền vào chỗ trống dạng đúng của “used to” hoặc “be used to”).
1. When I was young, I ______ go swimming every day.

2. The Sherpas _______ living among the high mountains.

3. Porters _______ carrying heavy loads and burdens.
4. When the lighthouse keeper first settled here, he _______ feel lonely,
but now he _______ being alone for days.
5. Experienced mountaineers ________ breathing the thin air of the
6. There ________ be many shipwrecks on these rocks.
7. You shouldn't be so severe with the child. He (not) ________ being
treated like that.
8. Numerous tribes of Indians _______ live on the shores of the Great
Lakes in America.
9. Geologists ________ facing cold, rain and blizzards.
10. Jack _______ live in London, but he moved in 1980.
Bài 7, Rewrite the following sentences, using “USED TO” or
1. We usually lit our houses with candles.
2. Sailors were usually guided by strars.
3. People usually cooked on wood fires.
4. It usually took me several days to go to London.
5. Books were usually written by hand.
6. People usually traveled on foot.
7. They usually made their own bread.
8. The old sailro usually drank lots of whisky.
9. Mr. Smith usually smoked cigars
10. Bill usually worked very hard.
11. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed.
12. I quite like classical music now, although I wasn't keen on it when I
was younger.
13. I seem to have lost interest in my work.
14 My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army

14. Dennis gave up smoking three years ago.
15. My parents lived in the USA when they were young.
16. Jim was my best friend, but we aren't friends any more.
17. When he was younger, my uncle was a national swimming
18. I eat ice-cream now, but I disliked eating it when I was a child.
19. I quite like classical music now, although I wasn't keen on it when I
was younger.
20. Mary always went swimming after school last year.
21. She usually wore uniform when she was a student.
22. I don’t normally have coffee for breakfast.
23. When I was a child we lived in Bristol.
24. Lan usually walked pass the mosque on her way to primary school

Bài 8, Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.

1. My father didn’t _________ coffee for breakfast.
A. used to have B. use to have
C. use to having D. use be having
2. We ________ walk past the church on our way to primary school.
A. uses to walk B. used to walking
C. used to walk D. are used to walking
3. Mr. Poole has lived in Vietnam for many years. He ________the hot
climate here.
A. used to B. is used to
C. gets used to D. B and C are correct
4. Miss White is a nurse. She ________ working at night.
A. used to B. uses to
C. is used to D. has used to
5. Precious metals such as gold, silver________ for making jewelries.

A. used to B. are used to

C. is used to D. used
6. I always read books before bedtime. I ________ reading books at night.
A. am used for B. used to
C. am used to D. was used to
7. He never drinks beer. He ________ drinking beer.
A. used B. isn’t used to
C. used to D. isn’t used for
8. I’m from Vietnam. I _________ driving on the right.
A. use to B. used to
C. am used to D. get used
9. My uncle _________ policeman when I was young.
A. used to B. used to be
C. used to being D. used have been
10. Helen_________ to me very often, but now she phones.
A. used to write B. has written
C. wrote D. writes
11. Tam didn’t _______ do morning exercise. Now he is getting fat.
A. used to B. use to
C. get used to D. be used to
12. A lot of people use mobile phones nowadays. They
_____communicating through long distances.
A. are used for B. used for
C. used to D. are used to
13. It’s took me quite a long time to _________ wearing these glasses.
A. be used to B. used to
C. get used to D. be used for
14. There was a big tree in our garden but it has just been cut down.
There _______ a big tree there.
A. is used to B. has been
C. is D. used to be
15. I _________ driving on the left in London here so I often travel by
A. used to B. am used to
C. am not used to D. didn’t use to
16. Mrs. Lan is a nurse, so she _________ at night.
A. to work B. is used to working

C. worked D. used to work

17. He never drinks beer. He ___________ beer.
A. is used to drinking B. used to drink
C. didn’t used to drink D. isn’t used to drinking
18. I ________ stay up late watching TV last year but now I don’t.
A. be used to B. used to
C. get used to D. be used for
19. My father__________ a packet of cigarettes last year but now he has
given it up.
A. used to smoke B. used to smoking
C. is used to smoking D. used to smoking
20. He never drinks beer. He_________ drinking beer.
A. used B. isn’t used to
C. used to D. isn’t used for
21. When I was at primary school. My mother _______ to school every
A. takes B. is taking
C. used to take D. is used to taking
22. -“Do you play any sports, Ba?” -“Well I _______ play soccer when I
was at high school.
A. am used to B. used to
C. play D. am accustomed to
23. Mr. Ba is a doctor. He _______ working at night.
A. used to B. use to
C. be used to D. is used to
24. Maryam used to walk past the mosque on her way to school.
A. Maryam usually walked past the mosque on her way to school.
B. Maryam was used to walking pass the mosque on her way to
C. Maryam walks pass the mosque on her way to school.
D Maryam is going to walk pass the mosque on her way to school.
25. She is used to _______ early.
A. get B. getting
C. to get D. got
26. He didn’t use to _______ in the library.
A. work B. working
C. to work D. worked

27. You will get used to _______ emails soon.

A. send B. to send
C. sent D. sending
28. This knife is used ________ bread.
A. cut B. cutting
C. to cut D. to cutting
29. Milk used_______ early in the morning.
A. to be delivering B. be delivered
C. to be deliver D. to be delivered
30. She isn’t used to _______ as a princess.
A. be treated B. being treated
C. treating D. used to treat
31. Did you _______ to the circus when you were young.
A. used to go B. was used to go
C. use to go D. was used to going
32. That foreigner is used to _______ in a tropical country.
A. live B. to living
C. lived D. living
33. When being a boy, my uncle _______ fishing.
A. was used to going B. used to go
C. used to going D. is used to going
34. Long ago there _______ a banyan tree here.
A. is used to being B. used to be
C. used to being D. is used to be
35. We _______ to each other every month when we were at secondary
A. used to write B. usually wrote
C. was used to writing D. A and B are right
36. I _______ a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.
A. used to smoke B. use to smoke
C. used to smoking D. am used to smoking
37. Ben would travel a lot in his job but now, he doesn't.
A. used to B. use to
C. was used to D. is used to
38. I_______ to work but now I take the bus.
A. use to drive B. used to drive
C. was used to drive D. was used to driving

39. There _______ a cinema in the town but now there isn't.
A. use to be B. was used to
C. is used to D. used to be
40. She _______ really long hair but she's had it all cut off.
A. would have B used to have
C. is used to have D. A and B are right.
41. Mr. Poole has lived in Vietnam for many years. He ________the hot
climate here.
A. used to B. is used to
C. gets used to D. B and C are correct
42. Miss White is a nurse. She ________ working at night.
A. used to B. uses to
C. is used to D. has used to
43. Precious metals such as gold, silver ________ for making jewelries.
A. used to B. are used
C. is used to D. used to
44. I always read books before bedtime. I ________ reading books at
A. am used for B. used to
C. am used to D. was used to
45. He never drinks beer. He ________drinking beer.
A. used B. isn’t used to
C. used to D. isn’t used for
46. Mary is used to ________ her homework by herself.
A. do B. doing
C. to do D. did
47. Tom used to ________ to school by bus. Now he goes by bike.
A. go B. going
C. to go D. went
48. I’m from Vietnam. I _________ driving on the right.
A. use to B. used to
C. am used to D. get used
49. My uncle _________ policeman when I was young.
A. used to B. used to be
C. used to being D. used have been
50. Helen_________ to me very often, but now she phones.
A. used to write B. has written

C. wrote D. writes
Bài 9, Put in used to + V or be/ get used to + Ving. Use the verbs in
1. When I was a child. I _______ (dream) of being an astronaut.
2. I’m terribly nervous. I _______ (not speak) to a large audience.
3. It took us ages to _______ (live) in a block of flat.
4. A lot of trains _______ (stop) here, but now many do now.
5. Didn’t Nick _______ (work) on a building site?
6. I’ll have an orange juice, please. I _______ (not drink) alcohol.
7. David doesn’t seem to mind being in hospital. I suppose he _______
(be) there.
8. When Laura was at college, she _______ (have) a picture of Elvis
Presley on her bedroom wall.
9. We _______ (live) in a small village but now we live in London.
10. I feel very full after that meal. I _______ (eat) so much.
11. I _______ (have) a car but I sold it a few months ago.t
12. There _______ (be) a cinema here but it was knocked dow a few
years ago.
13. In the old days we _______ (not have) electricity and things
_______ (be) different from the way they are now.
14. After her husband died, the old woman had to _______ (live) on her
15. Most visitors to Britain _______ (not drive) on the left.
16. I was used to_____(eat) at noon when I started school.
17. He used to_____(eat) dinner at five o'clock.
18. When I was young, I used to___(swim) everyday.
19. He used to_____(like) her, but he doesn't anymore.
20. Don't worry, some day you will get used to_____(speak) English.
21. Lan can't get used to____(study)
22. He used to___(dance) every night, but now he studies.
23. Adam is used to____(sleep) late on the weekends.
24. Chieks is used to____(eat) American food now.
25. She finally got used to___(eat) our food.
26. When I was a child, I used _________ (dream) of being an astronaut.
27. I'm terribly nervous. I'm not used ___________ (speak) to a large
28. It took us ages to get used _________ (live) in an apartment house.
29. Lots of trains used ___________ (stop) here, but not many do now.
30. Didn't Nick use _________ (work) on a building site?
31. I'll have an orange juice, please. I'm not used ___________ (drink)
32. David doesn't seem to mind being in hospital. I suppose he's got
used _________ (be) there.

33. When Laura was at college, she used ____________ (have) a picture
of Elvis Presley on her bedroom wall.
34. There used __________ (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down
a few years ago.
35. When she arrived in Britain, she wasn't used __________ (drive) on
the left, but she soon got used to it.

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