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1) Luminous objects :-
Luminous objects are objects which give out or emit light
of their own. Eg:- sun, a lamp, a candle, a torch, an electric
light, fire fly etc.
2) Light helps us to see objects :-
When light from a luminous object like the sun falls on
objects and then travels towards our eyes, then we see the
3) Transparent, opaque and translucent objects :-
a) Transparent objects :- are objects through which we can
see clearly because it allows most of the light to pass
through it.
Eg:- clear glass, clear water, some plastics, air etc.
b) Opaque objects :- are objects through which we cannot
see at all because it does not allow any light to pass
through it.
Eg :- wood, rubber, some plastics, metals like iron,
aluminium, copper etc.
c) Translucent objects :- are objects through which we can
see but not clearly because it allows some light to pass
through it.
Eg:- ground glass, tracing paper, some plastics, muddy
water etc.
4) Shadows :-
A shadow is formed when an opaque object is placed in
the path of light. A shadow of an object can be seen only
on a screen. The ground, walls of buildings etc. act as a
screen for shadows.
Sometimes the shadow of an object gives us information
about the shape of the object.
Sometimes the shadow of an object does not give us
any information about the shape of the object.
5) Pinhole camera :-
A pinhole camera is a device which helps us to see
images of objects.
It has a box with a pinhole at one side and a screen at the
other side. The light from the object passes through the
pinhole and forms an inverted image of the object on the
6) Pinhole image of the sun :-
We can see a pinhole image of the sun by using a large
sheet of cardboard having a pinhole in the middle. Hold the
cardboard in sunlight and let its shadow fall on a clear
surface. A small circular image of the sun is seen in the
middle of the image of the cardboard.
This pinhole camera can be used to see the image of the
sun during solar eclipse.
We should never see the sun directly because it can
cause damage to our eyes.
7) Light travels in straight line :-
Activity :- To show that light travels in straight line :-
Light a candle and fix it on a table. Take a piece of straight
pipe or a rubber tube. Look at the candle through the pipe.
You can see the candle flame. If the pipe is bent, you cannot
see the candle flame. This shows that light travels in a
straight line.
8) Mirrors and reflections :-
a) Mirrors :- are objects use to see reflections of objects.
We can see reflections of our face and other objects in a

b) Reflection of light :- When light falls on a mirror the

direction of light changes. This is called reflection of light.
9) Periscope :-
A periscope is a device which helps us to see objects
which are not in direct line of sight.
A periscope can be made by placing two plane mirrors
parallel to each other inside a ‘Z’ shaped box.
10) Kaleidoscope :-
A kaleidoscope is a device used to see several images
of objects by reflections using three or more mirrors. We
can see beautiful patterns and designs in a kaleidoscope.

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