WholeMamaYoga p195

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yoga through the years


Arms up high and down low

With your toddler, practice lifting your arms “way up high” and moving
them “way down low.” Ask your child to practice doing this as slowly as
they can and then try to mirror each other’s movements so that both of
you are moving in time and connecting with the other. If they get bored
of going slow, try it quicker!

Lift halfway up
Let go of a big breath and fold all
the way forward. If you’re across
from your yoga friend, practice
lifting halfway up a few times and
giving each other a peek-a-boo
look, or a big smile. You can add
in silly noises here as you lift up.

Cobra pose
Get on your bellies and pretend you’re snakes
slithering around in the grass or the forest. A
few times, lift your chest off the ground when
you breathe in, just like a cobra. When you
breathe out, lie back down on the ground
again. Hissing is encouraged!
Down dog
From cobra pose, both of you can lift your hips
up toward the sky, pretending you’re dogs taking a
big stretch in the morning. Wiggle your tails and
take big breaths in through your nose as though

you were sniffing for yummy food. Yipping and

barking are allowed.

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