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Full name:……………………………… Score:………./20


Circle the word whose underlined part or main stressed syllable is differently from that of the others
by circling A, B, C, D (0,5pt)
1. A. long B. storm C. comb D. logical
2. A. massage B. voyage C. dosage D. carriage
3. A. analyze B. analysis C. analyst D. anarchy
4. A. familiarity B. environmentally C. examination D. grammatically
5. A. engineer B.employee C. equipment D. essential


I. Circle the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences (3,5pts)
1. He…………… (made,led,assured,confirmed) me to believe that they had left the district.
2. That minister’s………...... (disgust,objection,dislike,opposition) of party politics is well known to the
3. At school he had a good academic record and also……….. (prevailed,achieved,surpassed,excelled) at
4. But……….. (after, during, when,while) some countries have ruined their agriculture, squandering
money on uneconomic factories, the Irony Coast has stuck to what it is good at.
5. Old Houses have a………….. (tendency,habit,problem,characteristic) to be draughty.
6. He lost his job………….. (through,by,with,over) no fault of his own.
7. He was completely……………. (taken away, taken down, taken in, taken up) by her tale of hardship.
8. The lecture was rather boring, but the…………….. (subsequent,latter,consecutive,successive)
discussion proved fruitful.
9. After leaving school, Nigel decided to…………….. (enlist,enroll,register,resign) in the army.
10. The painting was a valuable family possession, which had been…………. (handed over, handed
down, handed out, handed across) from generation to generation.
11. By an unfortunate…………... (insult,oversight,neglect,disregard), the bride’s sister was not invited to
the wedding.
12. ………….. (As a result of, in the event of, by reason of, in the time of) a fire, hotel guests are asked
to remain calm.
13. There’s a tiny………...... (deformity,error,flaw,scar) in the diamond, that’s why the ring is so cheap.
14. Too many hotels have been built and this has……. (forced,cut,slowed,reduced) down prices, making
holidays cheaper.
15. She can’t be interested in the lessons, ……...... (viewing,seeing,noting,judging) that she always
arrives late.
16. When his business failed, he started again from…………..(scratch,blank,introduction, beginning)
17. The lecture………… (covered,included,ranged,dealt) from prehistory to modern times and gave
audience much to think about.
18. I will keep your application…………. (in, with, on, at) file for the time being.
19. It’s a foregone…………. (concept, proposal, conclusion,prediction) that he’ll be stop of the class
20. When he was younger, he………… (would, should, could,might) earn his living by selling second
hand books.
21. He………..(never fails, never failed, has never failed, will never fail) to send me a birthday card for
the last 20 years.

22. Since they…………. (were, are, have been, had been) in partnership with each other, they have
always been in agreement.
23. It was…………. (such,so,too,very) interesting a speech that everyone stayed till the end.
24. ………... (If it were not for, had it not been for, If it would have been for, If it had been for) the
captain, the ship would have sunk with all on board.
25. As a result of the adoption of advanced techniques, they have produced………….(as six times much,
as six times as much, as much as six times, six times as much) steel this year as they did ten years
26. If you don’t like it,……….. (nor I shall, nor shall I, so shall I, so shan’t I).
27. Rita know little history,………… (still less, yet less, still more, as well as) of philosophy.
28. After paying the money, I found that the waiter had a mistake………… (of, about,over,by) the bill.
29. A learner who wishes to speak and write English well should be concerned……….
(with,for,about,in) being idiomatic.
30. The teacher tried to help the student to become familiar…….. (to,at,for,with) those most frequently
used expression.
31. After class I remained to ask the teacher…………. (explain me, to explain me, to explain to me,
explaining to) difficult sentences.
32. I have asked him twice, Shall I ask him……………. (the third,third,one third,a third) time?
33. So little……………. (did I know,had I known,I knew,knew I) about stock exchange that the lecture
was complete beyond me.
34. One more day, …......... (or, so that, and, X ) we will be able to finish the work.
35. It is not what you expected to received but what you are ready to give……….(which, what, that, it)
counts in love.
II. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words. (1pt)
1. I am…………………… (famine)! How about you? Have you had lunch yet?
2. Our chairman is almost 90 years old. He seems almost…………………….. (destruction).
3. In rural area, technical experts often need to be extremely……………………. (resource) and
4. When a person begins a new job, he may feel rather……………………… (orientation) at the
5. On a large scale, scientists have been ………………….…. (occupy) with the problem of developing
nuclear energy.
6. Listening to the doctor’s talk was a very……………….… (rich) experience.
7. This metal has been…………………..… (tough) by a special process.
8. My lawyer has a great deal of……………..… (expert) in product liability law.
9. The workers who were………………….. (size) during the recession badly need help from the
10. His behavior in his father’s presence caused his……………..……… (inherit) and his sister ended up
inheriting the whole family fortune.
III. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition or a suitable particle. (2pts)
1. My boss is biased ……………. me, which explains why I’ll never get promoted if I stay with this
2. People who eat an unhealthy diet are susceptible…………… all kinds of illnesses and diseases.
3. Is there any evidence…………… the contrary?
4. The noisy children were frightened…………….. holding their tongues by the terrible accident.
5. Do you know the girl………………… long hair? – Yes, she is a girl………….few words.
6. We spent an hour trying to puzzle……………… the answer to this problem.
7. We have to finish……………..our essays for homework tonight.
8. Has your toothache passed……………..yet?
9. The two brothers set off in quest……………….gold.
I. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (2pts)
I’ve just got to talk about this problem I’m having with my postman. It all began a year ago, after the
birth of his first child. Not wanting to appear rude, I asked him about the baby. The next week, not wanting
him to think I had asked out of mere politeness the week before, I asked all about the baby again. Now I
can’t break the habit. I freeze whenever I see him coming. The words ‘How’s the baby?’ come out on their
own. It’s annoying. It holds me up. It holds him up. So why can’t I stop it?
The answer, of course, is that I want him to like me. Come to think of it, I want everyone to like me.
This was made clear to me the other day. I found myself in the bank, replying ‘Oh, as it comes’ when the
cashier asked how I’d like the money. Even as she was handing me the £20 note, I realized I’d have no small
change with which to buy my newspaper. But, not wanting her to dislike me (she’d already written ‘1 x £20’
on the back of my cheque), I said nothing.
In order to get the £20 note down to a decent, paper-buying size, I went into the grocer’s. Not wanting
to buy things I didn’t actually need (I do have some pride, you know), I bought some large cans of beans and
a frozen chicken for dinner that night. That got the price up to a respectable £5.12, which I duly paid. I then
bought my paper at the station with my hard-gained £5 note.
With my sister, it wasn’t the postman who was the problem, but the caretaker of her block of flats: ‘All
he ever does is moan and complain; he talks at me rather than to me, never listens to a word I say, and yet
for some reason I’m always really nice to him. I’m worried in case I have a domestic crisis one day, and he
won’t lift a finger to help.’
I have a friend called Stephen, who is a prisoner of the call-waiting device he has had installed on his
phone. ‘I get this beeping sound to tell me there’s another call on the line, but I can never bring myself to
interrupt the person I’m talking to. So I end up not concentrating on what the first person’s saying, while at
the same time annoying the person who’s trying to get through.’
What about at work? Richard Lawton, a management trainer, warns: ‘Those managers who are
actually liked by most of their staff are always those to whom being liked is not the primary goal. The
qualities that make managers popular are being honest with staff, treating them as human beings and
observing common courtesies like saying hello in the morning.’ To illustrate the point, Richard cites the
story of the company chairman who desperately wanted to be liked and who, after making one of his
managers redundant, said with moist eyes that he was so, so sorry the man was leaving. To which the
embittered employee replied: ‘If you were that sorry, I wouldn’t be leaving.’ The lesson being, therefore,
that if you try too hard to be liked, people won’t like you.
The experts say it all starts in childhood. ‘If children feel they can only get love from their parents by
being good,’ says Zelda West-Meads, a marriage guidance consultant, ‘they develop low self-confidence and
become compulsive givers.’ But is there anything wrong in being a giver, the world not being exactly short
of takers? Anne Cousins believes there is. ‘There is a point at which giving becomes unhealthy,’ she says. ‘It
comes when you do things for others but feel bad about t.’
I am now trying hard to say to people ‘I feel uncomfortable about saying this, but…’, and tell myself
‘Refusal of a request does not mean rejection of a person’ and I find I can say almost anything to almost

1. Why does the writer ask the postman about his baby?
A. He is interesting in the baby C. The postman is always polite to him
B. He wants to create a good impression D. The postman enjoys a chat
2. The writer went into the grocer’s so that
A. He had some food for dinner that night C. He could ask for 20 pound in change
B. He could buy a newspaper there D. He could buy something to get some change
3. What do we find out about the writer’s sister and the caretaker?
A. She doesn’t want to risk offending him C. He refuses to help her
B. She doesn’t Pay attention to him D. He asks her for advice
4. How does Stephen feel about his call-waiting equipment?
A.He gets annoyed when it interrupts him C. He finds it a relief from long conversations
B. He is unable to use it effectively D. He doesn’t think it works properly
5. Managers are more likely to be popular if they
A. help staff with their problems C. encourage staff to be polite to each other
B. make sure the staff do not lose their jobs D. do not make too much effort to be liked
6. When is it wrong to be ‘a giver’?
A. when it makes you ill C. when you make other people unhappy
B. when it does not give you pleasure D. when you are unable to take from others
7. What do we learn from this article?
A. If you tell the truth, it will not make people like you less
B. If you take time to talk to people, they will like you better
C. You should avoid unpleasant situations where possible
D. You shouldn’t refuse other people’s requests for help
8. Why was this article written?
A. to analyze the kinds of conversations people have
B. to persuade people to be more polite to each other
C. to encourage people to have more self-confidence
D. to suggest ways of dealing with difficult people

Music and the mind

Making music appears to be one of the fundamental activities of mankind; as characteristically humans
as drawing and painting. The survival of Palaeolithic cave-paintings bears witness ti the antiquity of this
from of art, and some of these paintings depict people dancing. Flutes made of bone found in these caves
suggest that they dance to some form of music. But, because music itself only survives when the invention
of a system of notation has made a written record possible, or else when a living member of a culture
recreates the sounds and rhythms which have been handed down to him by his forbears, we have no
information about prehistoric music. We are therefore accustomed to regarding drawing and painting as
integral parts of the life of early man, but less inclined to think of music in the same way.
When biologists consider complex human activities such as the arts, they tend to assume that their
compelling qualities are derivations of basic drivers, If any given activities can be seen to aid survival of
facilitate adaptation to the environment, or to be derived from behavior which does so, if ‘make sense’ in
biological terms. But what is music? Music can certainly be regarded as a form of communication; but what
in communicates is not obvious. Music is not usually representational: it does not sharpen our perception of
the external world of general imitate it. Nor is music propositional: it does not put forward theories about the
world or convey information.

9. In discussing music, the writer states that

A. music and art evolved at the same time
B. Early humans were strongly influenced by music
C. early art forms provide evidence of prehistoric music
D. the first musician date back to Palaeolithic times
10. In these paragraphs, the writer’s purpose is to
A. explore the origins of music C. describe the overlap between music and art
B. explain why music is important to us D. Justify the existence of different musical tastes.

II. Read the text and decide which answer the best fits each space (6pts)

Look on the bright side

Do you ………………..1.(ever, then, also, yet) wish you were optimistic, someone who always.
…………….2.(counted, expected, felt, waited) to be successful? Having someone around who
always……………3.(worries, cares, fears, doubts) the worst isn’t really a lot of……………4. (amusement,
play, enjoyment, fun) – we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says, ‘it looks like
a rain’. But if you catch yourself thinking such things, it is important to do something …………..5.(with,
against, about, over) it.
You can change your view of life,…………….6.(judging, according, due, next) to psychologist. It
only takes a little effort, and you will find life more rewarding as a……………..7.(result, reason, purpose,
product). Optimism, they say, is partly about self-respect and confidence but it is also more positive way of
looking at life and all it has to……………..8.(supply, suggest, offer, propose). Optimists are more
…………….9.(possible, likely, hopeful, welcome) to start new projects and are generally more prepared to
take risks. Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your …………….10.(opinion, attitude, view,
position) to the world. Some people are brought up to……………….11.(trust, believe, depend, hope) too
much on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything………………12. (goes, falls,
comes, turns) wrong. Most optimists, on the………………13.( opposite, next, other, far) hand, have been
brought up not to………………14.( regard, respect, suppose, think) failure as the end of the world-they
just………………..15.(get up, get on, get out, get over) with the life.

Going on a diet
A typical person needs about 1800 calories per day to stay…….1.(live, lively, alive, living). These
calories keep your heart beating and your lungs breathing. They keep your organs operating……….2.
(properly, appropriately, approximately, effectively) and your brain running. They also keep your body
warm. A person………..3. (adds, increases, gains, puts)weight because he or she consumes more calories
per day than needed. They only way to lose fat is to…………4.(cut off, take down, remove, reduce) the
number of calories that you consume per day. This is the basic…………5.( way, principle, method, kind)
behind going on diet.
…………6.(Similarly,Though, Unfortunately, Although), diet don’t work for most people. They do
lose weight but then…………..7.(go off, go on, go after, go under) the diet and put it back. Building a
sensible diet and exercise plan is the key to ………………8.( getting, measuring, maintaining, reserving) a
consistent weight. You need to figure out how many calories you need in a day how many you …………9.
( preferably, actually, consistently, eventually) take in. The next step is to add exercise so that you can
………….10.(raise, go up, exceed, grow) the number of calories you can consume per day.
Exercise charts can show you know many calories different…………..11.(ways, factors, functions,
forms) of exercise can burn, Burning 250 pr 500 calories per day can………….12.(have, do, make, give) a
big difference. You can ride an exercise bike while you can watching TV or you can…………..13.(walk,
climb, run, take) the stairs instead of the elevator. Find an exercise………….14. (partner, colleague,
associate, friend). Exercise can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to. It’s a good idea to wear firm-
fitting clothes if you are on a dies…………..15.( tight, loose, casual, formal) clothes acts as reminder of
what you are trying to accomplish.
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each
space. (2pts)
One in six drivers in Britain is ……………..(1) between 17 and 25, but more drivers in this age group
are ………………...(2) for a greater number of accidents than older drivers; in fact one accident in four is
the…………..……..(3) of a young, inexperienced driver.

A team of researchers has spent two years studying the ……………...(4) performance, attitudes and
behavior of young people. The report says that ……….………(5) all young drivers are dangerous but a large
number of males: especially………….…….(6) from 17 to 20, do not drive as carefully as……..……….(7)
age groups. These young drivers are more likely to have an accident in their in their first year of driving
than…………….…(8) their experience increases. The report also notes that men are more likely
to………………..(9) driving rules than women, and ………….……….(10) a girlfriend or wife in the car has
a calming influence on the driving pattern of young men.

I. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of the sentence and correct it. (1pt)
1. I know Mary has two brothers, but I don’t know who is the elder. ………………………….
2. It’s a long trip. I’m getting tired of ridingin the car but we still have other two hundred ………………………….
miles to go.
3. It costmuch more to flydirectly to Hong Kong. ………………………….
4. It was not until I talked with him did I know all the facts. ………………………….
5. I can’t help feel sorry for poor people in this severe weather. ………………………….
6. My French friend isn’t use to driveon the left. ………………………….
7. Unless it rains you should take an umbrella with you. ………………………….
8. The Notice says that the form needs to sign twice. ………………………….
9.She preferred that her husband would so some cooking in the kitchen ………………………….
10. It is essential that every child has the same educational opportunities. ………………………….
II. Complete the following sentences so that they have the same meaning as the previous ones. Use the
words/phrases given at the beginning of each sentence without changing their forms. (2pts)
1. Although the weather was bad, the trip was enjoyable.
Despite the weather.............................................................................................................
2. It wasn’t a good idea for you to put so much salt in the soup.
You shouldn’t .....................................................................................................................
3. The police are sure to ask you that question.
You are ...............................................................................................................................
4. Lucy hasn’t worn that dress since Barbara’s wedding.
The last time........................................................................................................................
5. At the end of this week, I will have worked here for 2 years.
It was two years...................................................................................................................
6. Paul and George were always arguing but they remained good friends.
However .............................................................................................................................
7. I want to know the depth of the river at this point. DEEP
8. Trains in Britain are very expensive compared to those in Italy. COMPARISON
9. Every possible effort was made by the orphanage to find the boy’s parents. STONE
10. The Minister gave no precise figures about casualties. GO INTO

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