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P5 English



小學練習工作紙|P5 English
Tutor Circle尋補 tutorcircle +852 5916 8452
Synonyms and Antonyms
Complete the following table.

Word Synonyms Antonyms

Big Large Small

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Gerunds & Infinitives
Fill in the blanks.

1. My sister enjoys ____________ (read) books.

2. I like ____________ (chat) with my classmates.
3. My brother and I expected our mum ____________ (give)

us a break after studying but she did not.

4. I am tired of ____________ (study) on Sunday.
5. Do you like ____________ (drink) coffee?
6. Remember ____________ (tidy up) your school bag!

7. Dad asked me ____________ (clean) my bedroom.

8. My sister enjoys ____________ (buy) new clothes.

9. She wishes ____________ (receive) a big doll as her

birthday present.
10. I do not mind ____________ (pay) the fee.

11. My uncle decided ____________ (move) to London.

12. It began ____________ (rain).

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Reported Speech
Rewrite the sentences to reported speech.

1. My sister said, ”I want to watch this TV drama”.


2. Benny said, “My brother is sleeping in my room”.


3. My brother said, “ I don’t want to eat pizza”.


4. Anson said, “ I want to join the singing contest”.


5. Kelly said, “I have to go home now”.


6. My mum said, “I shall be very busy next week”.


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When / While
Fill in the blanks by using when or while.

1. I fall asleep ___________ I was studying last night.

2. I am having an important meeting ___________ my phone

3. I saw Sam ___________ I was walking back to school.

4. My brother ordered pizza ___________ I was sleeping.

5. My dog bites its toys ___________ we are watching TV

show at home.
6. It was raining ___________ I wake up this morning.

7. ___________ I was studying in my bedroom, my sister

was playing with her toys in the living room.

8. Tommy was playing badminton ___________ he hurt his


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Simple Past & Past Participle
Complete the following table.
Simple Simple Past Simple Simple Past
Form Past Participle Form Past Participle

Do Did Done Grow

Work Build

Put Learn

Give Ride

Make Hit

Fly Let

Write Swim

Feel Sink

Buy Shake

Tell Cut

Know Freeze

Eat Hold

Go Grow


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P5 English

小學練習工作紙|P5 English
Tutor Circle尋補 tutorcircle +852 5916 8452

Synonyms and Antonyms

Complete the following table. * Reference answer

Word Synonyms Antonyms

Big Large Small
False Wrong Correct
Begin Start End
Tiny Small Large
Tired Exhausted Energetic
Happy Amused Depressing
Loud Noisy Quiet
Famous Reputable Infamous
Fast Quick Slow
Funny Interesting Boring
Beautiful Pretty Ugly
Afraid Scared Calm
Packed Full Empty

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Gerunds & Infinitives

Fill in the blanks.

1. My sister enjoys reading books.

2. I like chatting with my classmates.

3. My brother and I expected our mum to give us a break

after studying but she did not.

4. I am tired of studying on Sunday.

5. Do you like drinking coffee?

6. Remember to tidy up your school bag!

7. Dad asked me to clean my bedroom.

8. My sister enjoys buying new clothes.

9. She wishes to receive a big doll as her birthday present.

10. I do not mind paying the fee.

11. My uncle decided to move to London.

12. It began raining.

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Reported Speech
Rewrite the sentences to reported speech.

1. My sister said, ”I want to watch this TV drama”.

My sister said she wanted to watch that TV drama.

2. Benny said, “My brother is sleeping in my room”.

Benny said his brother was sleeping in his room.

3. My brother said, “ I don’t want to eat pizza”.

My brother said he didn’t want to eat pizza.

4. Anson said, “ I want to join the singing contest”.

Anson said he wanted to join the singing contest.

5. Kelly said, “I have to go home now”.

Kelly said she had to go home then.

6. My mum said, “I shall be very busy next week.

My mum said she should be very busy the following week.

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When / While
Fill in the blanks by using when or while.

1. I fall asleep while I was studying last night.

2. I am having an important meeting when my phone rings.

3. I saw Sam when I was walking back to school.

4. My brother ordered pizza while I was sleeping.

5. My dog bites its toys while we are watching TV show at


6. It was raining when I woke up this morning.

7. While I was studying in my bedroom, my sister was playing

with her toys in the living room.

8. Tommy was playing badminton when he hurt his back.

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Simple Past & Past Participle

Complete the following table.
Simple Simple Past Simple Simple Past
Form Past Participle Form Past Participle

Do Did Done Grow Grew Grown

Work Worked Worked Build Built Built

Put Put Put Learn Learnt Learnt

Give Gave Given Ride Rode Ridden

Make Made Made Hit Hit Hit

Fly Flew Flown Let Let Let

Write Wrote Written Swim Swam Swum

Feel Felt Felt Sink Sank Sunk

Buy Bought Bought Shake Shook Shaken

Tell Told Told Cut Cut Cut

Know Knew Known Freeze Froze Frozen

Eat Ate Eaten Hold Held Held

Go Went Gone Grow Grew Grown

Hide Hid Hidden

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