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HELLO everyone

So what actually happened on the intro video which you just saw is not just a trailer of some action film,
but a real situation because – WE ALMOST WERE robbed ON THE ROAD IN SPAIN

So what I want to let you know in that video is how it actually was, how the robbers _ acted, and
basically go through that situation step by step to make everyone aware of such robbery and try to make
you protected from it by sharing my own experience.

So here are we go…. That situation happened to us in Spain on the AP-7 road near city… (Іван скаже
точне місце). We were driving in the car with Ukrainian plates registration (and It is very important to
mention because in most cases it happens to the foreign people in Spain).

My fiancé was the driver and I as a true passenger was sleeping on the right seat next to him and leaning
on his arm. So, from the outside it looked like my fiancé was driving alone.

The moment when they started cheating us was like on the freeway, we were driving on the right line
ahead of them and they tried to catch up on the left line of the road. And when we were driving at the
same speed a robber driver showed from his car to my fiancé that something was wrong with our car
and by that he actually forced us to be stopped.

Very important point is that when we were driving my fiancé saw just one person in the robber’s car and
all others were hiding.

So, we stopped on the SOS station of freeway which is very close to the freeway exit. That car stopped in
front of us, so we were behind them, but before the first robber, I mean a robber driver, got out of his
car he reversed gear to reduce a length between our cars.

So, my fiancé got out of the car and went together with this robber driver to to the rear right wing of our
car where he was showing to the wheel, that something happened to it.

When the robber driver saw me in the car, he opened the door on his own (such a gentleman behavior)
and in Spanish (my fiancé and I do not speak Spanish and even do not understand that language) tried to
get out me from the car by showing to the right wing of our car. At that time I guessed that maybe we
punctured a car wheel and I needed to get out to make the less car weight and then he would be able to
show what happened.

So, unfortunately, I hooked on his behavior and got out from the car and joined my fiancé and the robber
driver near the rear right wing of our car. Meanwhile when the robber driver tried to convince us that
something happened, for example showed even to the bottom of the car, I had some feeling inside
myself, like inside voice “Halyna, please come back to the car”, it was after maybe 6-8 sec after I left it, so
I stood up, because we __ squatted and when I just got closer to the front door I saw another man who
was inside our car from the driver sit side.

I was shocked… And really from that moment I forgot what fear was... I started yelling like ‘WTF, what are
u doing’ and something like that and by that behavior I ___ managed to catch the fiancé’s attention.

When the second man understood that he was caught he tried to escape but… he didn’t manage to do it
because I was behind him and my fiancé was attacking him in front.
And the funniest thing, and I really do not why, I grabbed his neck just to make him stopped… after that
my fiancé began to grapple with him. At that time a robber driver came to us, and tried to make us left
the second robber guy. AND at that time the third robber got out from their car and joined them…

SO, just imagine 3 robbers my fiancé and I… at first blush the forces were unequal, but the robbers
couldn’t even imagine who they made __ stop and ___ wanted to rob. We are Ukrainians and we always
protect__ our home/our staff and personality!

So, when my man was grappling with the second robber where the third guy joined them I ran
immediately to our car to check quickly if something was stolen and took my phone to call the
emergency line. But because of the situation I really forgot that number (but please you remember it
112), so what I did, not to allow to escape the robber driver who already got into his car, I decided to got

into his car as well 😊

did i think what i was doing? Definitely no, because, for example, he could hit me or even escape with
me… But at that moment I really felt that I could stand up for myself and actually ___ protect myself.

Would I ever do it in the same way? I guess no, and I can explain it by the fact that NOW I do my regular
exercises so I’m feeling a lot of force inside… So please subscribe to my YouTube channel and let’s
exercise with me to feel in the same way!

So when I got into his car, my fiance saw it and ran to me and started to protect me from the third
robber who tried to pull me out of there, so he was forced to let the second criminal go.

When the third robber realized that he would not be able to pull me out of the car he pretended to
move to our car which actually was fully opened and the engine was working…and at that moment my
fiancé tried to catch him and me as well that’s why I left the robber’s car…

After all happened, my critical thinking successfully came back to me and I decided to take a picture of
their car and their face and made a short video where it is clearly visible that they applied some force to
us to escape…So what we have a car photo/ face of second robber/ face of third robber. And thanks GOD

we had a video registration in the car that’s why we even have a face of the robber driver 😊

So, what’s going next, unfortunately these 2 robbers (the second and the third one) jumped into their car
and began to escape, but… we immediately decided to follow them.

Simultaneously, I remembered myself the emergency number (one more time it is 112) and tried to
explain emergency person what happened to us, where we were, where we were going, robber’s car info
and all other necessary information.
As that situation happened to us almost near the freeway exit these robbers broke the traffic rules after
some time driving in the direction of traffic. They turned around at the freeway exit and started driving
in the opposite direction, actually returning to the freeway… we did the same like the police turn ) and
for some time we were following them but unfortunately they managed to escape…

The emergency person told us that she passed all the necessary information to the police and what we
needed to do next was to go to the police office to create a report and explain everything what
happened to us and actually we did it.

When we arrived to the police office and provided all info which we had everyone was pleasantly
surprised, frankly speaking, because we had EVERITHING – car plates, robber’s faces and even the video
of the happened situation. Also as it turned out these men did the same to the German couple last
week but unfortunately, they managed to rob them fully so they just had 25 Eur to come back home…
really it’s a very terrible situation…

So, how this situation was finished, we created a report in the police office, and they told us that most
likely these guys will be caught and they will inform us via emails/phones the result of that case, and in
case of a court, we will be able to join it online.

And also, one important point, in the police office we were asked to identify these criminals. And for this,
they gave us several sheets with photos of various people who had already committed similar crimes,

and of course these three HEROES were there – and we actually recognized them in a few sec 😊

So, as a conclusion of this situation, please never stop in such cases on the freeway or any other road,
always lock your car and be very careful on the road. And of course, do your regular workouts to feel the

same force as I and I will be __ glad if u workout with me 😊

In case I have more information about the continuation of this situation, of course I will let you know. So
please subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay in touch with me.

And now for your attention I am adding the whole video which was recorded by video registration….

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