Hamisi J Lukanda Project Proposal

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ADMISSION No.: 120545412793

June, 2015


The undersigned certify that he has read the project titled: Design and Manufacture of peanut
butter grinding and mixing machine manually operated. In the fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering of Dar es
salaam Institute of Technology.

Dr. Malifedha
(Project supervisor)


I, Hamisi J Lukanda (120545412793), declare to the best of my knowledge that this project
which is the part of the module to be covered in the award of Bachelor in Mechanical
Engineering is my own work and has neither been copied from anywhere nor presented in any
Institution of higher learning for any award. Some of the information I have exhausted from
various books, lecture notes and other being browsed from internet.

Hamisi J Lukanda


This project work is on the design and manufacture of peanut butter grinding and mixing
machine manually operated. This is the machine is designs to grinding and then mixing at two
different chamber at the same machine start with grinding finished with mixing to other
addictives. Grinding and mixing peanuts to get butter in developing country like Tanzania is
mostly carried out manually using a local method like prepared stone and paste for grinding and
hands, sticks for mixing addictives like sugar. Apart from being lab our intensive method, also
waste a lot of time and produce a product of low quality.

Several efforts have been made to develop effective peanut butter grinding and mixing machines
in Peru, Brazil and in some parts of Africa, apart from all the effort made, most designs have
come up with low efficiency. They have not met the desired ability grinding and mixing at the
same machine. This machine intends to rectify the shortcomings. A manually operated machine
is designed and it possesses the stainless steel blades for mixing and stainless screwed shaft.

This report involves introduction, literature review, methodology, data collection and data
analysis. Through literature review the currently mixing, grinding methods and different mixing,
grinding machine were reviewed. In methodology various methods to achieve the project are
discussed and through data collection the data were collected from VETA (morogoro,Dar ees
salaam), SIDO and Gerezani in order to observe the available grinding and mixing machine and
the advantage and disadvantage of each method. Various parts were designed after analyzing the
data collected.


I thank the Almighty God for the good health. Special thanks to my supervisor Dr Malifedha and
all my love is given to my parents, for their attentive care, for their daily encouragement in my
frustrating situation, for there smile all the time and for their warm heart that is always
surrounding me. I would also like to send my appreciation to so many friends and specialists
although it is not possible to mention each by name. I am grateful acknowledge for the assistance
rendered to me by Dar es Salaam institute of technology especially for the guidance given by my
Lecturers. I am also very much indebted to authors who contributed to the machine element and
designing literatures, most of which has been useful in the preparation of this project. I would
like to thank to my staff of the Mechanical Engineering Department for their direct and indirect
assistance and advice they gave to me during the preparation of this project .I am also deeply
obliged to the Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Dr Mgonja. Lastly I would like to
thank the villagers of central regions, VETA and SIDO where I got a lot of information most of
which has been useful in the preparation of this project

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................... III
LIST OF FIGURE........................................................................................................................VIII
LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................................................IX
LIST OF ABBREVIATION......................................................................................................... XII
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................1
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT................................................................................................................4
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT......................................................................................................5
1.3.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE.....................................................................................................................5
1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES..............................................................................................................5
1.4 SIGNIFICANT OF THE PROJECT....................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................7
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................................7
2.1 PEANUTS....................................................................................................................................7
2.1.2 PROCEDURE OF MAKING A PEANUT BUTTER...........................................................................8
2.3 DIFFERENT EXISTING GRINDING MACHINE...............................................................................10
2.4.1 SIMPLE PEANUT BUTTER GRINDING MACHINE (WWW.ALIBABA.COM ).................................13
DECEMBER 2014)...........................................................................................................................13
2.5 DIFFERENT EXISTING MIXING METHOD....................................................................................14
2.6 DIFFERENT MIXING MACHINE...................................................................................................16
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................22
3.0 METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................22
3.1 PEANUTS..................................................................................................................................22

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

3.2 INSTRUMENTATION..................................................................................................................22
3.3 MACHINES................................................................................................................................22
. 3.4 LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................................23
3.5 DATA COLLECTION...................................................................................................................23
3.6 EQUATIONS AND CALCULATION...............................................................................................23
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................24
4.0 DATA COLLECTION...................................................................................................................24
4.1 VISITING DESIGN INDUSTRIES AND LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................24
4.2 MATERIAL................................................................................................................................24
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................26
5.0 DATA ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................26
5.1 DESIGN SPECIFICATION............................................................................................................26
5.2 CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT...................................................................................................26
5.3 SELECTION OF BEST ALTERNATIVE..........................................................................................27
5.3.1ALTERNATIVE 1; SPIRAL GRINDING AND STRIPS MIXING A MACHINE....................................27 ADVANTAGES.....................................................................................................................29 DISADVANTAGES................................................................................................................29
5.3.2ALTERNATIVE 2; SCREW SHAFT GRINDING AND BLADE MIXING MACHINE............................30 ADVANTAGES.....................................................................................................................31 DISADVANTAGES................................................................................................................31
AND AIR MIXING MACHINE.............................................................................................................32 DISADVANTAGES................................................................................................................33
5.4 DETERMINING THE WEIGHT FACTOR........................................................................................34
5.5 DESIGN CALCULATIONS...........................................................................................................36
5.5.1 DESIGN OF A PEANUT GRINDER.............................................................................................36
5.5.2 FORCE TO BE GRIND A PEANUT.............................................................................................37
5.5.3 DESIGNING OF A MIXING CYLINDRICAL CONTAINER.............................................................38
5.5.4 POWER TRANSMISSION BY BELT............................................................................................40
5.5.5 DESIGN OF A SCREW ROTATING SHAFT.................................................................................41
5.5.6 DESIGN OF A FRAME..............................................................................................................43

Table of Contents

5.5.7 DESIGN OF A BLADE..............................................................................................................47

5.5.8 DESIGN OF THE PULLEY........................................................................................................48
5.5.9 DESIGN OF THE KEY..............................................................................................................49
5.5.10 BEARING SELECTIONS........................................................................................................50
5.5.11 BEARING LIFE......................................................................................................................51
5.5.12 LENGTH OF CHAIN FROM SMALLER SPROCKET TO LARGER SPROCKET...............................51
FIGURE 5.14 SHOW LENGTH OF CHAIN...........................................................................................52
CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................55
6.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION....................................................................................55
6.1 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................55
6.2 RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................................................55

List of Figures


FIGURE 1.2 SHOWS THE HAVESTED PEANUTS (WWW..FAO.COM)......................................................3
FIGURE 1.3 SHOWS THE ROASTED PEANUTS (WWW.FAO.COM).........................................................3
FIGURE 1.5 SHOWS THE LOCAL METHOD OF GRINDING PEANUTS.....................................................4


FIGURE 2.6 SHOWS SIMPLE PEANUTS BUTTER GRINDING MACHINE................................................14

FIGURE 2.9 SHOWS THE ANGLE FOOD METHOD (WWW.EPYCLOPEDIA)...........................................16
FIGURE 2.11 SHOWS THE RIBBON BLENDERS..................................................................................18
FIGURE 2.12 SHOWS PLANETARY MIXING MACHINE.......................................................................19
FIGURE 2.13 SHOWS THE SIGMA BLADE MIXER..............................................................................20

MIXING MACHINE...........................................................................................................................31

List of Tables


Table 2.1 shows the constituent of peanuts butter 10


HANDBOOK )...................................................................................................................................23
TABLE 4.2 SHOWS THE PRODUCTION OF PEANUTS FROM 2001-2005.............................................23
TABLE 5.1 SHOWS THE AVARAGE MARKS OF ALTERNATIVE 1.......................................................27
TABLE 5.2 SHOWS THE AVARAGE MARKS OF FOR ALTENATIVE 2..................................................30
TABLE 5.3 SHOWS THE AVARAGE MARKS FOR ALTERNATIVE 3.....................................................32
TABLE 5.4 SHOWS WEIGHT FACTOR...............................................................................................33
TABLE 5.5 SHOWS RANKING THE DESIGN ALTERNATIVE...............................................................34

Abbreviation description

1. SIDO. Small industries Development Organization

2. VETA vocational education and training authority

3. NTA National Technical Awards

4. ME Mechanical Engineering

5. NM Newton meter

6. F Force

7. M mass

8. a acceleration

9. t time

10. D external diameter

11. Ρ density

12. µ viscosity

13. A Cross section area

14. g acceleration due to gravity

15. T Toque

16. C centre distance

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

1.1 background
Peanut butter grinding and mixing machine is a machine which used to break the roasted peanuts
from its original solid state to small particles and then combine with other addictive to get a
peanut butter.(wiki pedia,free eclopedia)
Different society has different local method of grinding peanut and lack the good machine of
grinding and mixing peanut butter
Peanut butter is a food paste made primarily from ground dry roasted peanuts, which is most
popular in the regions of Dodoma, Singida, Shinyanga where many peasant are cultivates, and
other parts of Tanzania .This crop is cultivates on the tropical area where the normal rain is
occurred. It is mainly used as a sandwich spread, sometimes in combination as in the peanut
butter and jelly sandwich. This crop (Peanuts) is known by many other local names such as
earthnuts, ground nuts, goober peas, monkey nuts, pygmy nuts and pig nuts. Despite its name
and appearance, the peanut is not a nut, but rather a legume.

Peanut butter machine is a machine which used to grind a peanut into semi liquid product.
dodoma, Singida, Tabora and Shinyanga are the areas where the peanuts are more cultivated.
During the session of the year (January), peasants tend to prepare their firm. This is a period
where the rains are start. This crop is a warm-weather perennial vegetable that requires 120 to
130 frost-free days to reach harvest when the soil has warmed to at least 65°F
(http://www.weather.com December 2014). The peanut is a tender perennial usually grown as an
annual, a member of the legume family. The peanut plant grows from 6 to 30 inches tall. Plants
form two sets of opposite leaves on each stem and yellow, sweet-pea-like, self-pollinating
flowers. The flowers occur on elongated, pea-like stems just above the soil and after pollination
they dip and push into the ground 1 to 3 inches to develop underground seed ends called pegs or
peduncles; these are the seed pods we call peanuts.(ministry of agriculture and food)

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Figure 1.1 shows the internal structure of peanut (Ellis Carleton 1992)

The pericarp is typically made up of three distinct layers: the epicarp, which is the outermost
layer; the mesocarp, which is the middle layer; and the endocarp, which is the inner layer
surrounding the ovary or the seeds. In a citrus fruit, the epicarp and mesocarp make up the peel.
Endosperm is a tissue produced inside the seeds of most flowering plants around the time of
fertilization. It surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition in the form of starch, though it can
also contain oils and protein (e.g Weil 2000, Andrew 1980)
Aleurone (from Greek aleuron, flour) is a protein found in protein granules of maturing seeds and
tubers. The term also describes one of the two major cell types of the endosperm, the aleurone
layer. The aleurone layer is the outermost layer of the endosperm, followed by the inn The germ
of a cereal is the reproductive part that germinates to grow into a plant; it is the embryo of the
seed. Along with bran, germ is often a by-product of the milling that produce refined grain
products. Cereal grains and their component ser starchy endosperm

Chapter One

Figure 1.2 show the havested peanuts(www.fao.com)

Most of people in central of Tanzania use peanut butter for many daily applications as well as a source of
income. Their current production method of grinding and mixing a peanut butter physically is not
demanding and lacks in quality, safety, time consumed, economy as well as efficiency.

Figure 1.3 shows the roasted peanuts (www.fao.com)

During the grinding of this peanuts and mixing with other addictives, these peasants tend to use their
hands or sometimes use a prepared stone to make the grinding. This is a big problem which is facing this
small peasant to produce the product of low quality. From a social perspective, the Tanzanian
communities are continues to be pour. The average Tanzanian makes less than two thousands a day and
this incomes does not cover the cost of medicine, food and clothing for an entire family .women and men
work very hard in this communities to maintain the health of the families cultural, the peanuts belongs to
the women and men, thus making, thus making a peanut butter an area where women and men gain more
economic freedom (wikipedia , free ecyclopedia)

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1.2 problem statement

The small peasant of peanuts waste a lot of time approximated (20-30 minutes per half kg of peanuts) and
produce a low quality product due to smoke and sand contamination when use local method to grind and
mix a peanuts with other addictive to get a peanut butter and lack of electricity to the rural area.

Figure 1.4 shows the local method of grinding peanuts (www.kilimo.go.tz)

Figure 1.5 shows local methods of grinding peanuts (source; www.kilimo.go.tz)

Chapter One

Figure 1.6 shows female mixing grinded peanuts with addictives at Dodoma

1.3 objectives of the project

1.3.1 Main objective

The main objective of the project is to design and manufacture a peanut butter grinding and mixing
machine manually operated so as to improve the economic status of the small peasant

1.3.2 Specific objectives

i. To study the existing grinding and mixing method ,existing peanuts butter grinding and mixing
machine manually operated and other machine with similar mechanism related to the project
ii. To design and prepare the engineering of the parts and machine to be manufactured
iii. To select materials and tools to be used for manufacturing a peanut butter grinding and mixing
machine manually operated
iv. To manufacture parts of the machine and assembly to obtain peanuts butter grinding and mixing
machine manually operated and test the prototype

1.4 Significant of the project

This project is significant and once the machine is manufactured and work property it will help the
peasants of peanuts in different ways;
1. Simplify the grinding and mixing process and man power eliminated to some extent
2. Boost the economic status of the peasants who participate peanut butter preparation by increasing

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3 Increasing quality and hygienic of the peanuts butter since no more stick and hands will be used
in grinding and mixing

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2.0 Literature review
2.1 Peanuts
The history of peanuts in a journal from south America to Asia ,East across the Atlantic ocean
and back again to north America’
Peanut butter was first introduced at St Louis world fair in 1904 and become a source of
delicious protein during the first two world wars.
The peanut plant probably originated in Peru or Brazil in South America. No fossil records prove
this but people in South America made pottery in the shape of peanuts or decorated jars with
peanuts as 3500 years ago.
Peanuts were grown as far north as Mexico when the Spanish began their exploration of the new
world. The explores took peanuts back to Spain and from these traders and explores spread them
to Asia and Africa. Record shows that it was not until the early 1800s that peanut were grown as
a commercial crops in the in the United States. They were the first grown in Virginia and used
mainly for oil , food and as cocoa substitute . As this time peanuts were regarded as a food for
livestock and the poor and were considered difficult to grow and harvest
And around 1900, lobour saving equipment was invented for planting, cultivating,
harvesting and picking as well as for shelling and cleaning the kernels with these significant
Mechanical aids, demand for peanuts grew rapidly and lack of uniformity kept down the demand
for peanuts.
In the early 1900s peanuts become a significant agricultural crop when the boll weevil threatened
the south cotton crop following the suggestion noted scientist Dr. George Washington carver,
peanuts served as an effective commercial crops and for a time rivaled the position of cotton in
the south.(www.peanutsus.com)
Nowadays, many people of the world eat an orange or drink orange juice every day, because
oranges are one of the best and cheapest sources of Vitamin C. Human bodies, unlike many other
animals, do not manufacture Vitamin C, so a human needs vitamin C in their diet regularly.
(Vitamin C helps the body to grow, to heal wounds and fight infection.) Oranges are also a very
good source of dietary fibre. But they do not contain high amounts of minerals. If a person eats
an orange and a banana together, then they have had a very nourishing snack that supplies both
vitamins and minerals. Oranges are sweet and juicy

Chapter Three

Figure 2.1 show locations where ground nuts are cultivated (www.fao.com)

Figure 2.2 above shows George Washington taste a peanut butter (www.peanutsus.com)
Peanuts will be ready for harvest when the leaves turn yellow and begin to wither, usually 120 to
150 days after planting. Lift pods with a garden fork, pulling up the whole plant. Shake away
loose soil and hang the whole plant to dry for about two weeks in a warm, dry place. Seeds can
be removed when the hulls are completely dry. Peanuts have no serious disease problem

2.1.2 Procedure of making a peanut butter

a) Prepare your peanuts before you use peanuts to make a peanut butter you should rinse
them under cool water so get rid of any excess dirty you can then pat them dry .if they
where unshielded then you should shell them by hand which is a bit easier when they are
dry they don’t have a perfectly shell

b) Roast the peanut ,some of the people prefer to roast their peanuts before processing them
to give them that additional crisps

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c) Cook them for about 10 minutes until they are lightly covered in oil and are golden
brown if you like shake gently in every 2 minutes also take the precautions against

d) By using any method grind the peanuts until to get a peanut butter hence some addictive
is added to the semi-fluid peanut to get peanut butter.

Figure2.2.1 above shows the preparation of peanuts before grinding (www.peanutsus.com)

Chapter Three

Table 2.1 the constituent of peanut butter (www.alibaba.com)

Content pr 100kg Units Contents
1 Energy Kj 262.2
2 Protein G 22.6
3 Fat G 53.7
4 Saturated fat G 10.7
5 Monounsaturated G 27.4
fatty acid
6 Polyunsaturated fatty G 13.5
7 Carbohydrates G 11.2
8 Dietary fibre G 7.6
9 Ash G 3.0
10 Moisture G 1.1

2.3 Different existing grinding machine

1. Old time peanut butter mill

2. The old time grinder is commercially duty mill. Its perfectly suited to specialty food
stores either as a self serve machine or behind the counter

Figure 2.3 show the old time peanut butter mill (www.alibaba.com)

3 Jinan Taiyuan Multifunctional grind machine

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The crops grinder machine is used to grind dry brittle materials, such as pepper,
chili, aniseed, ginger, coffee, cocoa beans, herbs or medicine, tea leaves, wheat,
corn, rice, soybean, green beans, red beans, tobacco, dry vegetables, dry fruits,
and so on. It is widely used in food, feed, chemical, medical or pharmaceutical,
refractory, non-metallic, abrasive, metallurgy, construction materials and
agricultural industries. (www.alibaba.com)

Figure 2.4 show Jinan Taiyuan multifunctional grind machine



(i) The grinder is consistent with a stand.

(ii) Suitable for crushing dry brittle materials.

(iii) Compact structure, small occupied area

3 Sesame grinding machine

sesame, almond Grinding machine, peanut butter making machine is a new type of equipment for
the wet type super-micro processing, suitable for the homogenization, emulsification and
comminuting of the emulsions. The Peanut, sesame, almond Grinding machine, peanut butter
making machine has advanced design, it can adjust rotate speed of millstones accord to different
demand from different materials, and user can exchange optionally the blast motor as different
materials and working condition. The Peanut, sesame, almond Grinding machine, peanut butter

Chapter Three

making machine has ascendant efficacy (comminuting of the emulsions, spread around,
emulsification, suitable for the homogenization etc. ), the granularity processed can reach to 2-
60μ M, the homogenization reach to 95%. It is widely applied in the industrial productions of
food (Peanut butter, sesame jam, soy milk, dairy products, soft drinks and etc. ), medicine
(syrups, nutrition liquid, Chinese herb extracts, poultice and etc. ), daily chemical products (tooth
paste, cosmetic, washing agent and etc. ), chemical industry products (pigment, dye, dope,
lubricant, petroleum activator and etc. ) and in the flotation and emulsification of the explosives.
Peanut/sesame/almond grinding machine, peanut/sesame butter making machine working
Peanut, sesame, almond grinding machine, peanut butter making machine is using different
shape of stators and rotors, crushing under the high circumgyration. Grinding the material
through cutting, milling, high- frequent shaking. The distance between stators could be adjusted
and grinding by recirculation. This machine has many advantages. Compacted structure, stable
working, low noise, rust-proof, easy to clear maintenance (www.alibaba.com)
Peanut sesame almond grinding machine peanut butter making machine advantages;
1. Easy to use, simply pour the peanut into the machine and turn the dial to your desired setting
2. Its biggest advantage is high yield, and at the same time can directly put the whole peanuts
lapping into a sauce
3. Applied to peanuts milk, albumen milk, soy, wheat and dairy product, milk, essence, various
beverages, aloe Vera and so on
4. Peanuts sesame, almond grinding machine, peanut butter making machine is new equipment
by introducing the latest technologies of wet-type particle processing method, and is mainly used
for a variety of peanut butter (standard, smooth-tasting, authentic, savory, spicy, etc) and sesame
paste grinding
5. Compacted structure, stable working

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Figure 2.5 show the sesame grinding machine (www.alibaba.com)

2.4 existing peanut butter grinding machine manually operated

2.4.1 Simple peanut butter grinding machine (www.alibaba.com )

Figure 2.6 show simple peanut butter grinding machine mill

2.4.2 Peanut butter grinding machine manually operated (www.alibaba.com 10 December 2014)

Chapter Three

Figure 2.7 shows peanut butter grinding machine

2.5 Different existing mixing method

Mixing is the processes of two or more than two components are combined together to form a
certain compounds of liquid or solid when we making changes to the materials by dissolving
them in water we can sometimes reverse the changes. In industrial process engineering mixing is
the unit operation that involves the manipulation a heterogeneous physical system with a intent
to make it more homogeneous. Familiar example include pumping of water of the water in a
swimming pool to homogenize the water temperature, and the stirring of the pan cake batter to
Up by the mild transportation forces in the convective mixer to decrease the lump size addition
powder mixing method
In powder mixing two different dimensions in the mixing process can be determined: convective
mixing and intensive mixing. In the case of convective mixing material in the mixer is
transported from one location to another. This type of mixing process will lead to a less ordered
state inside the mixer; the components which have to be mixed will be distributed over the other
components. With progressing time the mixture will become more and more randomly ordered.,
After certain mixing time the ultimate random state is reached. Usually this type of mixing is
applied for free-flowing and coarse materials. Possible threat during macro mixing is the de-
mixing of the components, since differences in size, shape or density of the different particles
can lead to segregation. In the convective mixing range, Hosokawa has several processes

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

available from silo mixers to horizontal mixers and conical mixers. When materials are cohesive,
which is the case with e.g. fine particles and also with wet material, convective mixing is no
longer sufficient to obtain a randomly ordered mixture. The relative strong inter-particle forces
will form lumps, which are not broken forces are necessary; i.e. more energy intensive mixing is
required. These additional forces can either be impact forces or shear forces.
The level of mixing is determined by the pumping effect or dynamic response that the mixer
imparts into the fluid. When a mixing impeller (blades) rotates in the fluid, it generates a
combination of flow and shear. The impeller (blades) generated flow can be calculated by using
the following equation:

Flow = (Flow Number * RPM * Impeller_Diameter^3) / 231

Figure 2.8 shows impeller mixing method

a) -Angel Food Method;
The angel food method is another highly-specific method. In fact, this method is used only to
create angel food cakes. The angel food method creates very light and airy cakes that are spongy
and tender.
The Steps

i. Whip sugar and egg whites to soft peaks.

ii. Fold the dry ingredients into the whipped egg whites and sugar mixture.

Chapter Three

The tools you’ll need for the angel food method is a whisk and a spatula or if you’re using a
stand mixer, the whisk attachment. You’ll still need a spatula as folding should always be done
by hand and never with a stand mixer.

Figure 2.9 show angle food method (www.eplcyclopedia)

2.6 Different mixing machine
Mixing machines are the machines which are normally used to mix two or more than two
components that are combined together to form a certain compound of liquid or solid. There are
several types of machines which are normally used. These machines are;

I. Twin shell blender or V cone blender;

It is V shaped and made up of stainless steel or transparent plastic. Material is loaded through
shell hatches and emptying is normally done through and apex port. The material is loaded
approximately 50-60% of the total volume. Small models – 20 kg , rotate at 35rpm , large
models – 1 ton, rotate at 15rpm, as the blender rotates, the material undergoes tumbling motion.
When V is inverted, the material splits into two portions. This process of dividing and
recombining continuously yields ordered mixing by mechanical means. The figure below show
how the mixing can be achieved.

Figure 2.10 V cone blender-Ribbon blenders

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Mechanism of mixing is shear. Shear is transferred by moving blades. High shear rates are
effective in breaking lumps and aggregates. Convective mixing also occurs as the powder bed is
lifted and allowed to cascade to the bottom of the container. An equilibrium state of mixing can
be achieved. Consists of horizontal cylindrical trough usually open the top. It is fitted with two
helical blades, which are mounted on the same shaft through the long axis of the trough. Blades
have both right and left hand twist which are connected to the fixed speed drive. It can be loaded
by top loading and emptying is done through bottom port.

This machine is used for mixing of finely divided solids, wet solid mass and plastic solids.
Uniform size and density materials can be easily mixed. Also is used for solid – solid and liquid
– solid mixing.The figure below shows the machine and other important parts of this machine in
which the mixing can be made. (Mixing; Theory and equipment)

Figure 2.10 show Ribbon blenders

Chapter Three

II. Planetary mixing machine

-Planetary mixer Mechanism of mixing is shear. Shear is applied between moving blade and
stationary wall. Mixing arm moves around its own axis and around the central axis so that it
reaches every spot of the vessel. The plates in the blades are sloped so that powder makes an
upward movement to achieve tumbling action also.


1. Consists of vertical cylinder shell which can be removed.

2. The blade is mounted from the top of the bowl.
3. Mixing shaft is driven by planetary gear and it is normally built with variable speed drive.

This machine is normally used to \break down agglomerates rapidly. Low speeds are used for dry
blending and fast for wet granulation. Speed of rotation can be varied at will. More useful for
wet granulation process.

4. But in this machine, Mechanical heat is buildup within the powder mix. It requires high
power. It has limited size and is useful for batch work only Consists of vertical cylinder
shell which can be removed.
5. The blade is mounted from the top of the bowl.

6 Mixing shaft is driven by planetary gear and it is normally built with

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

Figure 2.10 show Ribbon blenders

III. Planetary mixing machine

-Planetary mixer Mechanism of mixing is shear. Shear is applied between moving blade and
stationary wall. Mixing arm moves around its own axis and around the central axis so that it
reaches every spot of the vessel. The plates in the blades are sloped so that powder makes an
upward movement to achieve tumbling action also.


6. Consists of vertical cylinder shell which can be removed.

7. The blade is mounted from the top of the bowl.
8. Mixing shaft is driven by planetary gear and it is normally built with variable speed

This machine is normally used to \break down agglomerates rapidly. Low speeds are used for
dry blending and fast for wet granulation. Speed of rotation can be varied at will. More useful
for wet granulation process.

9. But in this machine, Mechanical heat is buildup within the powder mix. It requires
high power. It has limited size and is useful for batch work only Consists of vertical
cylinder shell which can be removed.
10. The blade is mounted from the top of the bowl.
11. Mixing shaft is driven by planetary gear and it is normally built with variable speed

This machine is normally used to \break down agglomerates rapidly. Low speeds are used for
dry blending and fast for wet granulation. Speed of rotation can be varied at will. More useful
for wet granulation process.

But in this machine, Mechanical heat is buildup within the powder mix. It requires high

Chapter Three

power. It has limited size and is useful for batch work only.

Figure 2.12 show Planetary mixing machine(www.mixingtheory.com)

IV. -Sigma blade mixer;

Shear is inter meshing of sigma blades creates high shear and kneading action. It consists of
double tough shaped stationary bowl. Two sigma shaped blades are fitted horizontally in each
tough of the bowl. These blades are connected to a fixed speed drive. Mixer is loaded from
top and unloaded by tilting the entire bowl. The blades move at different speeds, one about
twice than the other, which allows movement of powder from sides to centers. The material
also moves top to downwards and gets sheared between the blades and the wall of the tough
resulting cascading action. Perforated blades can be used to break lumps and aggregates
which create high shear forces. The final stage of mix represents an equilibrium state.

This machine normally used in the wet granulation process in the manufacture of tablets, pill
masses and ointments, It is primarily used for liquid – solid mixing, although it can be used
for solid – solid mixing. Sigma blade mixer creates a minimum dead space during mixing. It
has close tolerances between the blades and the sidewalls as well as bottom of the mixer shell
but this Sigma blade mixer works at a fixed speed. (Mixing; Theory and equipment)

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Figure 2.13 shows Sigma blade mixer (www.mixingtheory.com)

Chapter Three

3.0 Methodology
The following are method used to archive the poses objectives

3.1 Peanuts
This make simple to know the where the availability of peanuts where is cultivated though
visiting and consult the farmer and trader in order to know the type and characteristics
3.2 Instrumentation
Different engineering instrument are used to get the required designing dimensions that
instrument like measuring tape, veneer caliper, steel rule, micrometer screw gauge ,templates etc.

3.3 Machines
This is also method used to know the sequence of operation such us turning drilling, putting
slots, welding; bending and this include studding of different machine related to the required
design Through visiting the workshops places where some of other machines are manufacturing such as
at Dar-es-Salaam (VETA and SIDO), morogoro (VETA and SIDO) and Dodoma (Rural areas) regions some
data is found on how can design a grinding machine. From visiting, the following data are found,
a. Type of materials used for designing a peanut butter grinding and mixing machine
(wood, mild and stainless steel)
b. Mechanism used; manually operated, simple to operate and is movable
c. Weight required (Light weight)
d. Size of a peanut butter grinding machines
e. Selection of required materials

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. 3.4 Literature review

This is through reading of different Engineering text book, journals and web browsing

3.5 Data collection

Data have been collected through observation, visiting design industries example, SIDO and
telephone communication, the following data will be collected:
i. Area which cultivate peanuts (Dodoma) the most.
ii. Most method used to grinding and mixing peanuts to get butter in normal daily life.
iii. Availability of alternative grinding and mixing method if any.
iv. Capacity of peanut butter grinding and mixing machine required.
v. Length and diameter of peanuts.

3.6 Equations and calculation

Through books make to get the different formula which help in designing different parts of
the desired machine e.g. F=ma this help to know the power required to drive the machine etc

Chapter Five

4.0 Data collection
4.1 Visiting design industries and literature review
Due to visiting different areas concerned with the different agricultural machine like VETA,
SIDO, GEREZANI and at the different market like kariakoo and food and agricultural books
The following are data collected
a) Shape of the blades: curved

b) Position of the blades: central

c) Shape and size of containers: cylindrical

d) Speed of rotation of the shaft : 50rev/min

e) Materials to be used: stainless steel shaft, sheet, blades and mild steel angle iron

f) Types of peanuts: runner, bunch, Virginia, Spanish(D.van nostrand 2009)

g) Clearance to be grinded( 1mm)

4.2 Material
After studying existing machine, the following are proposed materials for different parts of the
machine to be designed, although is not the final choice.
Table 4.2 Parts and proposed materials
s. number Part Material
1 Machine frame Angle iron(mild steel)
2 Pulley Cast iron
3 Grinding shaft stainless steel
4 Mixing shaft Stainless steel
5 Blades Stainless steel

Table 4.1 shows collected data of material (Mechanical Engineering handbook, Eugene 1996)

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Region 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005

Dodoma 54.5 78.31 76.75 84.83
Singida 12.7 10.15 9.13 8.65
Tabora 59.3 68.72 48.10 64.25
Shinyanga 76.7 64.36 73.91 97.5
Total national 366.9 347.98 374.55 409.32
Table 4.2 shows the production of peanuts from 2001 to 2005 in tones (www.kilimo.go.tz)

Chapter Five

5.0 Data analysis
5.1 Design specification
In order to obtain to obtain high efficiency and reliable, the machine will be designed based on
the following consideration;
i. The machine should be relatively cheap and be within the buying capacity of local
ii. The machine should be able to grinding and mixing varieties, shapes and sizes of peanuts.
iii. The equipment should be made with readily available materials.
iv. It should reduce the labor input in traditional methods of grinding and mixing a peanut
v. The capacity should be higher compared to existing one.

5.2 Conceptual development

Design process has some stages to consider. The early stage is conceptual development, this deal
with development of varieties of the design where the optimal solution is found. In this chapter
several designs have been developed and the best alternative is selected. The major reasons for
their differences is the mixing mechanism, capacity of the machine, efficiency of the machine
and other parameters which will assist in obtaining the optimal solution that will solve the
project statement of the design.

In order to obtain the optimal design solution of the peanut butter grinding and mixing machine,
the following are considered to add major impact so as to achieve better solution with optimal
safety, ergonomics, capacity, cost, durability and other factors.

I. Source of power
II. Layout of the machine
There were two main power source concepts design;
-Hand Crank
The hand crank consists of an offset vertical shaft directly connected to the blade via a horizontal
link. It is a simple and effective way of rotating the shaft. One problem is that it can be quite
difficult to rotate the shaft.
-Hand Bicycle

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This idea was originally derived from a standard bicycle drive system. The concept was
adapted to a hand powered style to accommodate for the preferred range of motion for
the peasant. The hand bicycle concept is composed of two handles on opposite sides that
rotate horizontally around a fixed point. A gear or pulley is placed between these handles
for the accompanying transmission of power. A gear ratio can easily be applied to reduce
the amount of energy required to turn the crank. This power source can be manufactured
simply through then bending of round bar. A person could use one or both handles for
manual power, or two people could use the opposing handle

5.3 Selection of best alternative

The design alternatives are as follows
I. Alternative 1; Spiral grinding and strips mixing a machine

II. Alternative 2; screw shaft grinding and blade mixing mechanism

III. Alternative 3; parallel helical shaft and spiral air grinding and mixing machine

5.3.1Alternative 1; Spiral grinding and strips mixing a machine

The spiral shaft rotate and tend to grind the peanut through the spiral teeth and passed to the
rotated plate which finished the grinding by squeezing into final product and then pass it to the
mixing where there is shaft with strips which mix it . A handle made of flat steel plate and a
round steel bar was connected to the galvanized pipe. The galvanized pipe was bored out to
allow it to fit over the spiral shaft. A hole was drilled into the pipe as well as each shaft and the
shaft and pipe were attached using a pin. This allowed for the rotation of the handle to be
transmitted to the spiral shaft.
When you tend to rotates the shaft by using a handle, power from the human being will be
transmitted to the strips through the rotational shaft; the strips now tend to mix the peanut butter
in the bucket with other additives with certain efficiency. The frame of this machine tends to
support the rotational shaft to mix this peanut.
Once a uniform consistency was achieved, a measurement of the required force to turn each
strips design was found through the use of spring force scales. Multiplying this by the distance of
the center of the handle to the center of the blade strips gave the amount of torque required to
mixing where there is shaft with strips which mix it . A handle made of flat steel plate and a
round steel bar was connected to the galvanized pipe. The galvanized pipe was bored out to

Chapter Five

allow it to fit over the spiral shaft. A hole was drilled into the pipe as well as each shaft and the
shaft and pipe were attached using a pin. This allowed for the rotation of the handle to be
transmitted to the spiral shaft.
When you tend to rotates the shaft by using a handle, power from the human being will be
transmitted to the strips through the rotational shaft; the strips now tend to mix the peanut butter
in the bucket with other additives with certain efficiency. The frame of this machine tends to
support the rotational shaft to mix this peanut.
Once a uniform consistency was achieved, a measurement of the required force to turn each
strips design was found through the use of spring force scales. Multiplying this by the distance of
the center of the handle to the center of the blade strips gave the amount of torque required to
turn the shaft .When the mixture become uniform, the mixture was considered to be evenly
mixed. Force measurements were also made at several points throughout mixing to confirm that
the amount of torque required to turn the blade was consistent.

Figure 5.1 shows spiral shaft and strips grinding and mixing machine

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Figure 5.2 show the front view of spiral shaft grinding and strips mixing machine Advantages
1. Steel and wood frame support
2. It is small in size
3. It is portable Disadvantages
1. It is difficult to run
2. difficult to pass grinded peanuts
3. It is easy to overturn when is running

Table 5.1 Average marks for Alternative 1

Interviewee Safety Maintainability Efficiency of Operation Ergonomics Cost
1 5 2 5 3 2
2 3 3 3 4 1
3 5 2 4 3 1
4 4 2 4 4 1
5 3 3 2 2 2
Average 4.0 2.8 3.6 4.0 1.4

Chapter Five

5.3.2Alternative 2; screw shaft grinding and blade mixing machine

A concept of the screw shaft design was made up by using belt, three pulleys, rotational shaft,
threaded rod, circular bucket, small bucket, valve and cup. A handle made of flat steel plate and
a round steel bar was connected to the large pulley. This small pulley is connecting together with
the shaft which has been attached by the screw shaft.
When you tend to rotates a large pulley through a handle, this pulley tends to transmit the motion
to the small pulleys through the belt. This small pulley now one tends to rotate the screw shaft
for break down the peanuts into small particle up to the shaft with blades. These ribbons now are
mixing the peanut up to the required ratio of mixing in the bucket. At this instant, the bucket has
been stayed on the base support which will be holed by the threaded rod with wing nut on the
one piece frame design. The door which is found on top of bucket used for entering the peanut
then after mixing there should be valve at the bottom which will be used to drain the mixer, then
it is poured into the small bucket which will be found at the bottom of the large bucket.

Figure 5.3 show the side view of screw shaft and blade grinding and mixing machine

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Figure 5.4 shows the side view of screw shaft grinding and blade mixing machine Advantages
1. large quantity at a short time

2. Tension thread bar incorporated into the cylinder lock beam

3. Cylinder cannot be changed when you want to put it another liquid

4. No any unwanted contaminant can be enter in the cylinder during the grinding

5. easy to pass the grinded peanuts due to screwing Disadvantages
1. To produce the slots in the single piece of metal used to clamp down the container may
be difficult

2. To make door and valve on top and bottom of container respectively may be difficult.

Chapter Five

Table 5.2 Average marks for Alternative 2

Interviewee Safety Maintainability Efficiency of Operation Ergonomics Cost
1 4 4 4 3 4
2 3 3 4 4 3
3 4 2 4 3 4
4 3 3 4 3 5
5 3 4 3 4 4
Average 4.2 3.2 3.8 3.4 4

5.3.3 Alternative 3; rigid shaft with parallel helical groove grinding and air mixing machine

The air movement is used for mixing liquid. Air is admitted at its base at an angle which gives
tumbling action and spiral movements to the liquids. Thus grinding and mixing is achieved. It
consists of stationary vessel which may be horizontal or vertical which is made up of stainless
steel. A wire mesh is placed at the bottom of the vessel which acts as support for placing the
materials. Air is allowed from beneath the mesh and circulated by using a fan. This is after the
rigid shaft with helical groove breaks the peanuts into small particle and squeezing by using two
plates and passed to the vessel for mixing
The mixing container must be made with mild steel in order the food to be friend to eat
hence the designed specification are very important because of the compressed air its difficult to
obtain in different area in our country
The following are parts of this machine
1. Helical shaft
2. Grinding container
3. Mixing container
4. Compressor
5. Sight glass
6. Wire gauze

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Figure 5.5 show the parallel helical groove shaft and compressed air mixing machine Advantages;
1. Reduced grinding mixing time.
2. Useful for drying and wet massing.
3. Also useful for coating with some modifications.
4. It is a simple construction Disadvantages
1. Mixing not sufficient

2. Small quantity

3. Also it needs a pressurized air which it is difficult in other areas

4. Compressor is expensive

5. It need skills to control the operation

Chapter Five

Table 5.3 Average marks for Alternative 3

Interviewee Safety Maintainabilit Efficiency of Operation Ergonomic Cost
y s
1 4 2 3 2 1
2 3 3 1 3 2
3 4 2 2 4 1
4 2 3 2 2 1
5 3 3 2 4 1
Average 3.2 2.6 2 3 1.2

5.4 Determining the weight factor

This was done by interview different people based on the objective of the project to determine
the weight of each pre-selected factors.

Table 5.4 Weight factor

Interviewee Safety Maintainability Eff. of operation Ergonomics Cost Total(n)

1 3 5 4 4 4
2 5 4 5 3 5

3 5 4 5 4 5

4 3 4 3 4 3

5 4 4 4 3 5

Total(m) 20 21 21 18 22 102
Weight 0.196 0.206 0.206 0.176 0.216
factor (F)

Weight factor (F) =

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Table 5.5 ranking the design alternative


Total weight
Safety Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Cost

Rank order

Weighting 0.196 0.206 0.206 0.176 0.216

1 Weight 4.0 2.8 3.6 4.0 1.4
Score 0.784 0.577 0.742 0.704 0.302 3.109 2
2 Weight 4.2 3.2 3.8 3.4 4.0
Score 0.823 0.659 0.783 0.598 0.864 3.727 1
3 Weight 3.2 2.6 2 3 1.2
Score 0.627 0.536 0.412 0.528 0.216 2.319 3

Therefore from the table above the best alternative is ALTERNATIVE 2 which is screw grinding
and blade grinding and mixing machine.
The alternative 2 according to the factor that are considered for interviewing different
users or dealer the alternative 2 is the best alternative
Factor that are considered to obtain the best alternative
1. Safety
2. Operation
3. Ergonomics
4. Cost
5. Efficiency of operation
6. Maintainability

Chapter Five

5.5 Design calculations

From the selected the best alternatives (alternative 2), in this chapter design calculation and
selection of a machine components has been analyzed .The main components are as shown in
figure 4.4 below
From F = M×a……………………………………………………. (5.1)
Assume that 5kg of a peanut will be filled in the hopper for grinding

Then; F = M×a, But a = v/t Main components are;

(i) Rotating shaft

(ii) Cylindrical container
(iii) Frame
(iv) Belt and pulley
(v) Peanut grinder

5.5.1 Design of a peanut grinder

Consider a figure below

Figure 5.6 Peanut grinder container

Let L = Length of a grinder
D = External diameter of a grinder
d = Internal diameter of a grinder

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A= Cross section area of a grinder

But we know that;
2 2
π ( D −d )
A= …………………………………………………………………………………..
But L = 200mm
= 3.14(502 – 452)/4

But volume V = A* L…………………………………………………………………… (5.3)
=373.06 ×240
¿ 89537 mm3
But 1m3 = 109 mm3
Volume v = 89537/109 = 8.9537 × 10-5 m3
mass (m) kg
But from Density (ρ)= where ρ=Density of mixed materials=641
volume (v ) m
ρ=m× v …………………………………………………………………………………….(5.4)

=641 × 8.9537 × 10-5

Mass of a grinder = 0.1508 kg

5.5.2 Force to be grind a peanut

From the length of a grinder = 240mm = 0.24m
Time taken to travel t = 30sec
Velocity v =d/t ………………………………. (5.5)
= 0.24m/30sec
= 0.008 m/s
Then acceleration a =v/t = 0.008/60 = 0.00013 m/s2
a =0.00013 m/s2
Force = M×a = 5kg ×0.00013 m/s2 = 0.006N/m2
Force required to grind a peanut is 0.006N/m2

Chapter Five

Consider the screw shaft below;

Figure 5.7 Screw shaft

Diameter of shaft D = 25mm
Size of a peanut = 4mm
Clearance required to grind peanut = 0.2
Pitch = 40mm
Teeth height = 12mm

5.5.3 Designing of a mixing cylindrical container

This container will be made by using a STAINLES STEEL MATERIALS. This is due to the
following reasons;
-It has high resistance to corrosion
-It can be able to resist high temperature
-It is hard so that can carry a large amount of loads
-It is easy to be manufacturing

Figure 5.8 shows mixing container

Now let;
L to be a length of a container
Di to be an internal diameter of a container

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Do to be an external diameter of a container

A to be a cross section area of a container
But we know that;
π ( D2 −d 2)
A= ………………………………………………………………….
But L=30 cm =0.3 m

D=30 cm=0.3 m
d=25 cm=0.25 m
π ( 0.3 −0.25 )
2 2
A= =0.02159 M 2
A=0.02159 M
From V = A × L……………………………………………………………………………….(5.7)
V =0.02159× 0.3=0.0064795 M 3
V =0.0064795 M
Volume of a cylindrical container will be 0.0064795 M 3
mass (m) kg
From Density ( ρ)= where ρ=Density of mixed materials=641
volume (v ) m
ρ=m× v ……………………………………………………………………………………..(5.8)
¿ 641 ×0.0064795=4.1 kg
mass ( m )=4.1 kg
Mass of mixed materials will be 4.1 kg
Weight of mixed materials W =mass ( m ) × gravitationforce ( g )
W =m× g ……………………………………………………………………………………(5.9)
¿ 4.1 × 9.8=709.52
W =40.70
But pressure in liquid depends on ρg h
Pressure In liquid P= ρgh

Chapter Five

¿ 641 ×9.81 ×0.3=1886.5
The viscosity of a fluid determines the amount of resistance to shear force. Viscosities of liquids
decrease as temperature increases and are usually not affected by pressure changes. From
Newton’s Law of Viscosity:
δu NS
τ =μ Where μ=viscosity of a fluid w h ic h is 2−10
δy M
For maximum design, take μ=3
But P= ……………………………………………. (5.10)
F=P × A
F=( P × A) μ Where P=τ
F=(1886.5× 0.02159)×3=122.18 N
F=122.18 N
Resisting force due to the fluid will be122.18 N

5.5.4 Power transmission by belt

Consider a data which is collected bellow;
Diameter of a large pulley (D)=15 cm=0.15 m
Diameter of a smaller pulley (d )=10 cm=0.1m
Speed of a drive pulley N=50
Speed of driven pulley n=¿
N d
From the equation =
n D
D × N 0.15 ×50 rev
n= = =75
d 0.1 min
The speed of driven pulley will be 75
-Length of a belt

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A belt which will be used is V-BELT

A length of a belt is derived from the formula;
Open belt: L=π ( R+r ) +2 √ [ C +( R+r ) ] where R=Radius of larger pulley …...(5.11)
2 2

r =Radius of smaller pulley

C=Center distance
L=Total lengt h of a belt
But a center distance C will be 350 mm=0.35 m
r =0.05

L=π ( R+r ) +2 √ [ C +( R+r ) ]

2 2

¿ 3.14 (0.075+0.05)+2 √ ¿
¿ 1.132 m
L=1.132 m
The length of a belt will be 1.132 m

5.5.5 Design of a screw rotating shaft

According to the standards [British standard] for a sprocket diameter of 200mm, chain which
will be used is SPA, and power used is 7.32kw
Power transmitted by a sprocket will be 7.32kw

Figure 5.9 show screw shaft

¿ Power Power ( P )=Torque (T ) × Angular velocity (W )………………………...(5.12)
P=T ×W
2 00 2 0× 90 rad
But W = = =9.42
60 60 sec
P 7.32
T= = =7 .7707 NM
W 9.42
Chapter Five

Torque transmitted to the shaft will be 777.07 NM

T Gθ τ
From tensional equation; = = ………………………………………………………..
Where; T is a torque,
G is modulus of rigidity
θ is angle of twist
I p is polar moment of initial
L is a length of a shaft
R is a radius at a maximum
τ is as h ear stress
T Gθ
Ip L
T ×L 0
π ×3 ,
I p= But G is 780 MPa, and θ=30,but θ= =0.052 radian
Gθ 180
7.7707 × 0.6 −7
I p= =1.1495× 10
780× 10000000× 0.052
−7 4
I p=1.1495 ×10 m
But I p=πd 4 ÷64
I p ×64 1.1495 ×10−7 × 64
d4 = = =2.3417 × 10−7 m4
π π
d=0.0219 m
The diameter of a shaft approximated will be 25 mm
T Gθ τ T τ D 0.0219
Also from; = = , = but R= = =0.010999 m
I L R Ip R 2 2
T × R 7.7707 ×0.010999 N
τ= = =364990.9438
Ip 2.3417 ×10
τ =365
Maximum shear stress is 365

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But from ¿ , F=τ × A ,But A=πd 2 ÷ 4
A=π (0.0219)2 ÷ 4=3.766 ×10−4 m2
−4 2
A=3.766 ×10 m
F=364990.94 ×3.766 × 10 =137.48 N
F=137.48 N
Bending stress on the shaft
When the shaft is subjected to a bending moment only, then the maximum stress (tensile or
compressive) is given by the bending equation. We know that
M σ
= …………………………………………………………………………………..
I y
M = Bending moment,
I = Moment of inertia of cross-sectional area of the shaft about the
Axis of rotation,
σb = Bending stress, and
y = Distance from neutral axis to the outer-most fiber
.We know that for a round solid shaft, moment of inertia,
I= and y = d/2
M σ
So that; πd 4 = d or M =
64 2
32 ( )
×σ ×d3

σ =¿)/( π d3)
But M = Load ×length
= 137.486 N × 0.6m = 82.49 Nm

σ =¿)/ (3.14 ×(0.0219)3)

= = 80.04MPa = 80.04 N/mm2
Bending stress on the shaft will be 80.04 N/mm2

Chapter Five

5.5.6 Design of a frame

Normally in the frame the total loads will be carried the stands (legs).This is because the stands
are normally used to supports the other members and weight of a container which will be stay in
a container.
Let a number of a stands is 4
Materials used for stands is a mild steel
Cross section areas of the stand is sold
Take a factor of safety 2.5
Least value radius of gyration (k) is 7
But for one stand
Let d o to be the diameter of the stand
Now I treat a stand as a column because it will supports all weight of machine.
Length of an angle bar (L) = 500mm
Width of an angle bar (w) = 50mm
Thickness of angle bar (t) = 5mm

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Figure 5.10 Frame

But an upper frame will contain;
4 angle bar of a length (L) 500mm, mass @ 1.0kg
2 angle bar of a length (L) 500mmmm, mass @ 1.0kg
Also for bottom frame will be;
2 angle bar of a length (L) 500mm, mass @ 1.0kg
2 angle bar of a length (L) 500mmmm, mass @ 1.0kg
The middle frame will be
3 angle bar length 500mm, mass@ 1.0kg
2 angle bar length 500mm, mass@1.0kg
Include 4 angle bar of 400 length, mass 0.8kg
Total mass of members supported by a stand will be

Chapter Five

(15 ×1=15 kg+0.8 kg × 4=18.2 kg)

This will be for upper, and bottom members
Total mass= 18.2kg
Weight = 18.2 ×9.81=178.542 N
Also from; mass of a peanut= 1.0kg per 10minutes
Mass of a cylindrical container = 4.1kg
Total weight = ( 4.1+1.0 ) × 9.81=50.031 N
Total weight acting on the frame = 50.031N
Total force acting on the stands;
178.54+50.031=228.571 N
F T =228.571 N (This is force applied on the stands)
From the ranking theory;
Let I =Moment of initial of a stand (solid)
K = Least value radius of gyration
A=Cross section area of a stand
But I = A × K 2 where A= πd 2 /4, I =πd 4 /64
I πd2 πd 2 πd 2 4
K 2= = ÷ = × 2 ……………………………………………………………(5.15)
A 64 4 64 πd
2 2
K =d /16
2 2
d = K ×16
=16× K 2
d = √ 16 × K 2
= 4K but k=7
=4×7=28 mm
d = 28mm
A diameter of a stand will be 28mm
Area of a stand will be;
2 2
πd π ( 28)
A= = =615.752mm2
4 4
A= 615.752mm2

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πd 4 π (28)
Now I = = = 30171.86mm4
64 64
I = 30171.86 mm4
But from Euler’s theory;
Crippling loads for a column by Euler’s formula for any type of end condition is given by;
EIπ 2
P = 2 where Le is a Effective length
For condition “When one end is fixed and other end is free”, Le = 2L
EIπ 2 EIπ 2 EIπ 2
Then P = = 2 = 2 where E = 200×10 N/mm
3 2
L (2 L) 4L
P= ………………………………….. ………………………...
4 L2

EIπ 2
4L2 =
L =
L2 = {(3.14)2 × 200×10 3 × 30171.86}/ (4× 228.571)
L2 = 5.94965× 1010 /(914.284)
L = √ 65074418.89
L = 8066.872mm
L= 8066.87mm
working load
Now from; Factor of safety = ……………………....
safe load
working load
Safe load =
Factor of safety
228.5741 N
= =91.4290 N
Safe load = 91.4290 N

Chapter Five

For a maximum load applied on the stand is 228.5741 N, Each stand will carry a load of;

228.5741 N
=57.14 N
Therefore, from a safe load (91.4290 N), stand will not bend (buckling) due to the loads applied
on it.
Therefore the design of a stands will be OK

5.5.7 Design of a blade

Figure 5.11 Shaft with a Blade

During the design of a blade, the following factor is to be considered;
• Blade shape

• Blade size

• Number of blades

• Angle (pitch) of blades

• Blade material

Let; Material used to make a blade is stainless steel

Shape of a blade is a curved
Number of a blade is 10
Angle of attack (pitch angle) is 300
Diameter of a shaft (d) =21.2 mm

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Length of a shaft (L) =500mm

The Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) is an extremely important factor in blade design. TSR refers to the
ratio between the fluid speed and the speed of the tips of the blades.
speed of a blade
TSR ( γ ) = …………………………………………………………………….
speed of a fluid
Speed of blade ≈ speed of a shaft, shaft speed = 9.42 and speed of a fluid is estimated to be 3
× 9.42 = 28.26 rad/sec
γ= =0.333
A blade must be designed with optimal tip speed ratios to get the maximum amount of power
from the wind.
Consider the simple sketch below;
From the Euler’s equation,
The specific energy increases is given by
GH = u2vu2 – u1vu1
But u1 u2 are the peripheral velocities (wr) and vu 1 and vu2 are the peripheral components of the
absolute velocities v2 and v1 respectively.
vu1 is normally considered 0 in the design flow conditions
GH = uvu2

5.5.8 Design of the pulley

Material selected for the design of the pulley is cast iron. Consider the figure below;

Chapter Five

Fig 5.12 Section of the driven pulley

Power can be transmitted is 2.2Kw which is calculated from the crushing requirements. So
according to the chain standards [Khurmi R.S, Gupta, V-belt and Ropes drive, A text book of
machine design, 2005]

Minimum pitch diameter of the pulley D = 150mm

Pulley diameter of the large sheave D2 = 100mm
Top width of the V-belt = 38
Thickness of the V-belt = 23
 Thickness of the pulley, tp = D +3……………………………………………….(5.19)

= +3
 The outer diameter of the hub, dh is given by;
dh = 2d…………………………………………………………..(5.20)
dh= 2 x 25 = 50mm
 The length of the hub, Lb is given by;
Lb = 1.5d ………………………………………… (5.21)
Lb = 1.5 x 25 = 37.5mm
Where d, is the diameter of the shaft.

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

The detail drawing of the driven pulley is shown on appendix I.

5.5.9 Design of the key

The material for the key was selected to be mild steel.
Considering the figure bellow;

Fig 5.13 Forces acting on the key

The key is subjected to two failures i.e. shearing and compression.
Let, FC = Force due to compression
FS = Shearing force due to the torque

5.5.10 Bearing selections

From the data which have been calculated,
Maximum loads applied on the shaft = 137.48 N
Diameter of a shaft (d) = 25 mm
Angular velocity (w) = 9.42 rad/sec
From the bearing selections chart, according to the data (specifications) above, the required
bearing used will be BALL BEARING
 Low starting and running friction except at very high speeds.

Chapter Five

 Ability to withstand momentary shock loads.

 Accuracy of shaft alignment.
 Low cost of maintenance, as no lubrication is required while in service.
 Small overall dimensions.
 Reliability of service.
 Easy to mount and erect.
 Cleanliness.
 More noisy at very high speeds.
 Low resistance to shock loading.
 More initial cost.
 Design of bearing housing complicated

5.5.11 bearing life

The approximate rating (or service) life of ball or roller bearings is based on the fundamental
L = (C/W)K × 106
where L = Rating life,
C = Basic dynamic load rating,
W = Equivalent dynamic load,
k = 3, for ball bearings,
= 10/3, for roller bearings.
But C =122.18 N , W =137.48 N
L = (122.18/137.48 ¿3 × 106
= (0.888711)3× 106
= 0.701910 × 106
= 701910.58 hours
The bearing life will be 701910.58 hour

5.5.12 Length of chain from smaller sprocket to larger sprocket.

T 1 = Number of teeth on the driver sprocket,
T 2 = Number of teeth on the driven sprocket,

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

p = Pitch of the chain, and

x = Centre distance.
The length of the chain (L) must be equal to the product of the number of chain links (K) and the
Pitch of the chain (p). Mathematically,
L = K.p

Figure 5.14 show length of chain

T 1=32 Teeth of large sprocket
T 2=22 Teeth of smaller sprocket
p = 15.88mm
x = 200mm

2 [
T 1 +T 2 2 X T 2−T 1 p
+ p + 2π x ] ………………………………………………………….(5.22)

32+ 22
+[ 2π ]
2 x 250 22−32 15.88

K = 58.38
L = K.p
L=58.28 ×15.88=927.07 mm
The length of chain from smaller sprocket which is a driver to driven sprocket 927.07mm

5.5.13 shear force and bending moment diagrams for rotating shaft
Maximum load are normally applied on the shaft will be uniformly distributed loads along the
rotating shaft.
From maximum shear stress = 365 KN/M2
Maximum operated force = 137.48 N

Chapter Five

Figure 5.15 Shaft with bearing

But from clockwise moment = Anticlockwise moment

Figure 5.16 show the uniform distribution of load

Take a moment at A, Fix at B

(RA× 0.24 ¿=(365 ×103 ×0.24) ×0.12
0.24RA = (87600) × 0.12
0.24RA = 10512
RA = 10512/0.24
RA = 43800N
RA = 43.8KN

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

But upward force = Downward force

RA+ RB = 365 ×103 ×0.24
43.8KN + RB = 87600N
RB = 87600N - 43800N
RB = 43800N
RB = 43.8KN
For a bending moment;
We know that MA – MB = 0 because the distance (length) is 0
MC = (RA× 0.12)
= 43.8KN × 0.12
MC = 5.256KNM

Figure 5.17 shows shear force and bending moment diagram of the reacted force

Chapter Six

6.0 Conclusion and recommendation
6.1 Conclusion
The design of the different parts of peanuts butter manually operated grinding and mixing
machine where completely performed and through working to archive the specific objective by
considering the extremely analysis in calculation the part of the machine that are considered are
grinding container, screw shaft, crushing round plate, bearing, pulley, sprocket, key, mixing
container . Also the factors such as cost, durability, safety, ergonomic, safety and
But some challenge facing during manufacturing due to lack of sponsor instead of using
material like stainless steel to some parts which are dealing with grinding and mixing of peanuts
where mild steel where used in order to reach the main and specific objective so that after the
idea succeed the commercial machine must consider the exactly material needed and follow the
dimensions through the drawing in order to get the peanuts butter

6.2 Recommendation
I recommend the machine should be manufactured according to the design specification and
tested. Also the chamber can be increased and developed driving system can be improved so as
to increase efficiency and value of the machine


1. Food and agriculture organization (2002). “Production year book” for 1990.
2. Eugene, A.A and Theodore B.(1996) “Mechanical Engineering handbook”. 10th edition, Mc GrawHill
3. Ellis Carteton, Annie Louise Macleod, “internal structure of groundnuts” (1992).
4. D.Van Nostrand Company Retrieved July 9 2009, “Types of groundnuts”.
5. Strength of materials, Chad, and company limited, New Delhi 1995 (R.S Khumi and Gupta
6. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
7. http://www.weather.com (December 2014).
8. Google search engine (www.google .com


Project cost estimation
There are five types of costs that have been considered under this cost estimate, these cost includes;
I. Material cost
II. Labor cost
III. Machining cost
IV. Overhead cost
Material cost
The considered cost in this design is roughly estimated based on the construction of the whole machine.
The parts like belt, sprockets, chain, bearings, bolt and nuts, washers, pulleys, angle iron and stainless
steel sheet should be purchased from the dealers and manufacturers according to the design specifications.
The material cost is approximately based on the datasheet and the cost of the material from the local
Table 1: Project cost estimation sheet

S/N Description Quantity Price Subtotal

1 Angle Iron 50mm x 50mm 8 @3,440/= 27,520/=

2 Washer- 25mm diameter 16 @200/= 3,200/=

3 Driver pulley – 100mm 1 @8000/= 8,000/=
4 Driven pulley – 150mm 1 @15,000/= 15,000/=
5 Shaft (Ø50mm x 300mm) 1 @50000/= 50,000/=
6 V-belt (1300 length) 1 @10,000/= 10,000/=

7 Bearing + Plummer block 6 @9000/= 54,000/=

8 Bolt and nuts M10 x 20 16 @400/= 6,400/=
10 Mild steel sheet-100mm x 1 @30,000/= 30,000/=
500mm x 3mm
Total 204,120/=

Therefore, the total material cost is T.Sh 204,120/=

Project work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Student, DIT

The labor cost

The labor cost as taken from the VETA workshop labor payment is calculated as;
Labor cost = 30% of material cost
30 x 204120
Labor cost =
Labor cost = 61,236Tsh
Therefore, the labor cost is 61,236Tsh
The fabrication and machining cost
Fabrication and machining cost as taken from the same workshop, payment estimates is calculated as;
Fabrication and machining cost = 20% of material cost
20 x 204120
=¿ 40,824 Tsh
The fabrication and machining cost is 40,824Tsh
The overall cost
The overall cost is taken as 40% of the labor cost plus machining and fabrication cost.
Overall cost = 40% x (Labor + fabrication and machining cost)
40 x (61,236+ 40,824)
= 40,824 Tsh
The overall cost is Tsh 40,824
Total cost
The total cost of the defective glass bottles crushing machine is taken as the summation of material cost,
labor cost, fabrication and machining cost plus overall cost.
T.Cost = (material cost + Labor cost +Fabrication and machining cost + Overall cost)
= 204120 +61236 + 40824 +40824
= 347004
Therefore, the total cost is T.Sh 347004/=

Project work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Student, DIT

Table 4: Proportions of standard parallel tapered and gib head keys
Shaft diameter Key cross-section Shaft diameter Key cross-section
(mm) up to and Width (mm) Thickness (mm) (mm) up to and Width (mm) Thickness (mm)
including including
6 2 2 85 25 14
8 3 3 95 28 16
10 4 4 110 32 18
12 5 5 130 36 20
17 6 6 150 40 22
22 8 7 170 45 25
30 10 8 200 50 28
38 12 8 230 56 32
44 14 9 260 63 32
50 16 10 290 70 36
58 18 11 330 80 40
65 20 12 380 90 45
75 22 14 440 100 50



Table 6: Minimum sheave diameter corresponding to maximum torques

Belt type Torque at driving shaft T1 , in Nm d 1min , in mm
Normal – section belts
O Under 30mm 63
A 15 – 60 90
B 50 – 150 125
C 120 -600 200

Narrow belts
UO Under 150 63
UA 90 – 150 90
UB 300 – 2000 140
UC Over 1500 224

Ribbed belts
K 40 40
L 18 – 400 80
M Over 130 180



Table 7: Leading particulars of the standard V- belt

Cross-section area Maximum Mass per
Belt type Cross – section dimensions A1,in mm2 length L, in meter run, in
mm Kg
bb b h y

Normal section belts

O 8.5 10 6 2.1 47 400 – 2500 0.06
A 11 13 8 2.8 81 560 – 4000 0.105
B 14 17 10.5 4.0 138 800 – 5300 0.18
C 19 22 13.5 4.8 230 800 – 10600 0.30
D 27 32 19 6.9 276 3150 – 1500 0.62
E 32 38 23.5 8.3 692 4500 – 1800 0.90
F 42 50 30 11.0 692 6300 - 1800 1.5

Narrow belts
UO 8.5 10 8 2.0 56 630 - 3550 0.07
UA 11 13 10 2.8 93 800 – 4500 0.12
UB 14 17 13 3.5 159 1250 – 8000 0.20
UC 19 22 17 4.8 278 2000 – 8000 0.37



Table 10: Y – bearings, series YAR2, YAJ2

Basic load Fatigue Mass Designation
Principle dimensions ratings load
dynamic Static Selected
d d1 D B C s r 1,2 C co Pu
mm N N Kg

12 24.2 40 27.4 12 11.5 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.11 SKF YAR
15 24.2 40 27.4 12 11.5 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.099 SKF YAR
17 24.2 40 27.4 12 11.5 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.088 SKF YAR 203
20 24.2 47 31.0 14 12.7 0.6 9800 6550 196 0.14 SKF YAR 204
25 28.2 52 32.1 15 14.3 0.6 10800 7800 232 0.17 SKF YAR 205
30 33.7 62 38.1 18 15.9 0.6 15000 11200 355 0.28 SKF YAR 206
35 39.7 72 49.2 19 17.5 1.0 19600 15300 455 0.41 SKF YAR 207
40 46.1 80 49.2 22 19.0 1.0 23600 19000 560 0.55 SKF YAR 208
45 51.8 85 49.2 22 19.0 1.0 25500 21600 640 0.60 SKF YAR 209
50 56.8 90 51.6 22 19.0 1.0 27000 23200 695 0.69 SKF YAR 210
55 62.5 100 55.6 25 22.5 1.0 33500 29000 865 0.94 SKF YAR 211
60 69.1 110 65.1 26 25.4 1.5 40500 36000 1060 1.30 SKF YAR 212
65 75.6 120 68.3 27 25.4 1.5 44000 40000 1180 1.65 SKF YAR 213
70 82.5 125 74.6 28 30.2 1.5 46500 45000 1320 1.90 SKF YAR 214
80 87.1 140 82.6 30 33.3 2.0 54000 55000 1530 2.80 SKF YAR 216
90 101.4 160 96.0 36 39.7 2.0 73500 73500 1960 4.10 SKF YAR 218
100 112.5 160 108.0 40 42.0 2.0 95000 93000 2320 5.65 SKF YAR 220



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