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Comparative of superiority : Comparative of Comparative of

Short inferiority: -Less equality : As +

adjectives +ER +than + adjectives adjectives+ as
More + long +than
adjectives +than

PUT THE ADJECTIVES IN THE RIGHT COMPARATIVE FORM 17. Playing video games is ________________
ACCORDING TO THE SYMBOLS 1 .My ___________________(interesting +) working. 18.
brother is ________________________ (stupid+) Normandy is _________________________
me. 2. This exercise _____(cold and rainy+) the south of France. 19. I
is _______________________ feel far ___________________________ (bad+)
___________(difficult- ) I expected. yesterday , so I’ll go to the doctor’s. 20. Your cases
3. You are ___________________________ (good are ______________________ (heavy=) mine. So
+) at gymnastics _______me. 4. I am you’ll carry them yourself. 21. My son is
____________________ (smart+) you. 5. The _____________________________
neighbours ‘car is a lot __________ _________(hardworking -) my daughter. 22.
________________(fast +) ours ! We are _______________________________ (busy
6. My dog is ____________________________ +) last year. 23. My
_____________ (intelligent + ) my cat. new smart phone is a lot __________ __________
7. My mother is ________________________ (cheap +) the one I had before . 24. Our garden is
(nice = ) my father. 8. My _________________________ ________(beautiful
house is _____________________(big+) my =) our neighbours’. 25. The book I am
grandparents’. 9. Doing reading is a lot ________
the housework is ______________ ___________________(interesting +) that one. 26.
_________________(boring+) doing sports. Can you try to be __________________
10. Our school isn’t _____________________ ___________(polite +) with teachers ? 27.
____(big=) the one in the city centre. 11. The Riding a motorbike is __________________
swimming pool is a lot ___________ (far+) from ________________(dangerous+) driving a car. 28.
our house ________ the cinema 12. Pupils are The economic situation is ____________
_____________________ _______________(bad +) last year.
__________________(talkative +) in the past. 29. My friends aren’t ___________________
13. I am _________________________________ _________________(tidy =) me !
_______( short and slim +) my older sister. 30. London is ___________________________
14. The USA are _______________________ __________________________________(big and
__________(populated -) China. populated + ) Paris. 31.
15. Australia is about ___________________ (big This actress is ________________________
=) the USA. 16. _________(funny +) Julia Roberts. 32.
Diamonds are _______________________ David is ______________________________
_____________(expensive +) most other precious (interested -) in books _______in games.

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