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1. Can you think of a financial goal you have at this moment? Is this a long-term or a short-term goal?

I'm saving up to move out.

2. Describe how you plan to achieve this financial goal.
Keep saving and working hard.
Assess your financial situation (your income, assets and liabilities).
Set money goals! Make sure you have a mix of both short-term and long-term goals.
You must write out a detailed plan for accomplishing your goals. This begins with your budget.
Execute your plan! This involves discipline and perseverance.
Know your money personality.
Regularly monitor and reassess your financial plan.
Replace money myths with money truths
● Consumer: A person or organization that uses a product or service
● Credit: The granting of a loan and the creation of debt; any form of deferred payment
● Debt: An obligation of repayment owed by one party (the debtor/borrower) to a second party (the
creditor/lender); in most cases this includes repayment of the original loan amount plus interest
● Economy: A system by which goods and services are produced and distributed
● Financial literacy: The knowledge and skillset necessary to be an informed consumer and
manage finances effectively
● Interest: A fee paid by a borrower to the lender for the use of borrowed money; typically interest is
calculated as a percentage of the principal (original loan amount)
● Loan: A debt evidenced by a "note," which specifies the principal amount, interest rate, and date
of repayment
● Personal finance: All of the decisions and activities of an individual or family regarding their
money, including spending, saving, budgeting, etc.
1. In what ways could you do better when it comes to managing your money? I cound stop
spending it on useless things.
1. In what ways could you do better when it comes to managing your money?
Spend less than you earn.

You don’t have to be a financial or accounting genius to win with money. Financial success isn’t reserved
just for the select few who actually enjoy running spreadsheets or earn accounting degrees. But you do
need to be what we call "money smart." That just means you need to understand some basic principles.

"Ignorance is not lack of intelligence; it is lack of know-how."

Survival: At this level there are simply income, bills, and hope there is enough money to get you
to the end of the month. Sounds like fun, right? You work for every dollar you earn and spend
everything you earn. This is the living "paycheck to paycheck" level of financial well-being.
Comfort: At this level, you have a basic understanding of money management. There are still
income and bills; however, you pay yourself first! You have a small monthly surplus you use to
save and invest. You are slowly building wealth and moving toward being financially secure.
Secure: Instead of saving and investing a small surplus, you arrange your finances in such a
way that your wealth now generates your income. That is right! At this level, your money actually
works for you.
1. How do you want your financial future to look?
I want to be wealthy and able to make a living.
Compound interest: Interest paid on interest previously earned; credited daily, monthly, quarterly
or semiannually
Emergency fund: Five hundred dollars in readily available cash to be used only in the event of
an emergency; the goal of the First Foundation
Interest rate: Percentage paid to a lender for the use of borrowed money (in debt); percentage
earned on invested principal (in investing)
Five Foundations: The five steps to financial success
Sinking fund: Saving money over time for a large purchase
1. What are your initial thoughts about saving?
I think saving is smart and responsible. I also believe it will pay off in the end.
2. What do you want to learn about saving?
I want to learn more about the initial process of saving.
Five hundred dollars might sound like a lot, but you'd be amazed at how quickly you can pile up
some cash! First, make it a goal. Next, set a target date. Goals need a timeline. Here are some
money-making ideas: If you get a regular allowance from your parents, save it! Say goodbye to
fancy coffees, vending machine goodies, and fast food. Okay, not forever! Those are fun treats.
Try limiting yourself to a Friday splurge and saving your money the other days of the week.
Hold an auction. Gather things you don't use or need anymore, like expensive clothing or your
unused gaming system (get your parents' permission, of course) and sell them online or at a
garage sale. You won't believe how much money you have in the form of unused stuff!
Become an entrepreneur! Hand out fliers in your neighborhood advertising baby-sitting or yard
work services.
If you're old enough and your schedule allows it, get a part-time job on the weekends.
Communicate your money goals to your parents. They might be willing to pay you for doing
extra jobs around the house or for getting good grades.
If your parents (or other relatives) own a business, see if they have part-time work for you there.
Consider tutoring. Some teens report earning as much as $20 an hour.
Take advantage of summer months off from school. Explore being a camp counselor, golf caddy,
or lifeguard.
Watch local advertisements for people needing pet sitters or house sitters when they go out of
Use your skills. Think about what you are good at. You might offer horseback riding lessons,
Spanish lessons, or piano lessons
1. What has kept you from saving in the past?
Tj Maxx
2. Based on what you've learned, how can you change this?
Become more responsible.
1. Explain how having an emergency fund helps protect your wealth
Incase of an emergency you wouldnt lose completely everything, you would still have some just
incase which is wise to do so. :))
1. Why do you think so many people borrow money for large purchases instead of using a
sinking fund? Because they don’t want to use there own money theyd rather use someone elses
not taking in thought the amount of debt theyd be left in.
How is saving an exercise in you're budgeting?
1. How is saving an exercise of your character?
It shows how responsible I can be.
1. Why don’t more people save for the future?
We are too focused on spending for ourselves now rather than for the future.
2. Which reasons can be fixed by having a money plan?
Emergency fund, purchases and wealth building.
On average, how much money do you spend per week?
What are your top three expenses?
Food, items, and online shopping.
Budgeting is crucial to your success. Your income is your responsibility. If you get to retirement
with a mountain of debt and nothing to live on, it is no one else's fault. But beyond the obvious
financial benefits of managing your money well, there are a ton of other reasons to pull out the
budget forms every month. It may sound nerdy or old fashioned, but it is not. Keeping a budget
is really helpful for everyone. A simple, written plan can actually give you more money to enjoy
Ten Things Millionaires Do Not Do
Buy brand-new cars
Eat out on a regular basis
Replace what is not broken
Impulse buy
Carry debt
Visit the tanning bed
Buy brand-name clothes
Desire instant gratification
Socialize with people who waste money
Spend more money than they earn
1. Describe in your own words what it means to have a budget
A plan for your money.
1. What do you think is most challenging when it comes to keeping a monthly budget?
Struggling to make ends meet.
What is the Difference Between a Cash Flow Statement and a Budget? A cash flow statement
summarizes all of the income and outgo (spending) over a certain time period. A budget is a
written plan for saving, giving and spending. The cash flow statement is reflective of what has
already taken place, and a budget is a proactive plan of what will take place.
The average new-car loan now is at 65 months, a term previously unheard of. Even
more distressing is that financing for new cars with terms from 73 months to 84 months—that's
six-and seven-year plus notes jumped 19.4% in 2012. With these terms, you'll be upside down
(owe more than the car is worth) almost as soon as you drive off the lot
I believed the giving myth.
Section 1: Beware and Be Wise
Understand the long-term impact of student loans.
Section 2: Start With the End in Mind
Identify reasons for not taking on debt to fund your education.
Section 3: Cash-Flow Your College Education
Develop a plan to attend college without acquiring debt.
Demonstrate how to apply for financial aid.
Section 4: Education Options for the 21st Century
Identify the educational requirements, training and cost for your career of choice.
Analyze post-high school education and career training options.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): A form that is completed annually by current
and prospective college students to determine their eligibility for financial aid
Grant: A form of federal or state financial aid that does not need to be repaid; usually given to
students who demonstrate financial need
Scholarship: A form of financial aid that does not need to be repaid; usually awarded on the
basis of academic, athletic or other achievements
Work study: A program that allows students to work part time while continuing their studies
1. Not every career requires a four-year degree. Have you researched the education
requirements for your career of choice? If so, what education options do you have? If not,
research the education requirements for your career choice(s) and write them in your journal.
No i have not yet.

1.What is your plan for after high school graduation?

Spend a year focusing on myself.
1. Why might people refer to student loans as "good debt"?
Some people think its an award.
Imagine if your reality at age 24 was that you were $70,000 in debt but your income was only
$30,000. Write down some words describing how you might feel. I would feel sad.
Planning for college involves more than just ACT scores and college
1. Has money affected your decision on whether or not to attend
Yes I don't want to go to college because I am in fear my parents would not be
able to help with the cost.
1. What money-saving options will you consider in order to cash-flow
your college education?
I will continue to save & practice saying No to wants and yes to a better future.
Branding: The promotion of a product or service by identifying it with distinct
characteristics (usually associated with public perception, quality, or
Brand recognition/awareness: Refers to the public's ability to recall and
recognize a brand by its logo, jingles, packaging, etc.
Buyer's remorse: Feeling regret or concern after making a large purchase
Caveat emptor: Latin term for "buyer beware"
Financing: To buy an item with credit; paying over time
Marketing: The process of communicating the value of a product or service to
Opportunity cost: Refers to the financial opportunity that is given up because
you choose to do something else with your money
Significant purchase: An amount of money you spend, usually $300, that
causes some pain to part with
1. How does advertising affect your buying decisions?
They persuade me to buy there product.
● 55–60% of teens say their parents contribute more than half of their
spending dollars.
● The fashion category accounts for roughly 40% of teen budgets.
● Approximately 79% of females and 76% of males shop online, and
respondents indicated that roughly 18% of their spending is online
Why is it important for consumers to be aware of marketing tactics?
So they are not easily fooled.
1.What are some of your favorite brands (soft drink, clothing, etc.)?
Some of my favorite brands include; Pepsi, Dolce Gabana, Coach, and Great
2. Why do you like them?
I like them because they are good brands than work hard to achieve customer
1. Describe one way advertising has played a role in something you've
Selfie sticks were heavily advertised so I bought one and loved it.
1. Have you ever bought something you thought would make you happy,
but in the end it didn't?
Not that I can recall.
Buyer's remorse is when you wake up the next day and regret your purchase
We all have that spoiled, grocery store kid living inside of us. His name is
When it comes to spending, adults devise a plan and follow it.
When it comes to big purchases, the right way to do it is to save up and pay
1. Can you think of anything in your home that was bought but never or
rarely used?
Yes, Oatmeal.
1. Explain why it is important to develop power over purchase
Its important because it allows you to have control and not “blow” you're
Journal Entry (Quarter 1-3)
1. Can you think of a financial goal you have at this moment? Is this a long-term or a
short-term goal?
I am saving for a new phone, which is a short term goal.
2. Describe how you plan to achieve this financial goal.
I’ve mostly gotten the money because of the holidays and I recently had a birthday. I’m more
than half way till I have all the money in full.
3.In what ways could you do better when it comes to managing your money?
I could save it and not spend it.
4.What was Dave's biggest lesson when it came to managing money and building
wealth?His biggest takeaway was to not be in debt and spend less than you earn.
5.How do you want your financial future to look?
I want a secure financial future.
6. What are your initial thoughts about saving?
That saving is the best benefit for yourself. Having money equimulate over large amounts of
time, is important because you gain
7. What do you want to learn about saving?
How i can be consistent and actual save it
8.What has kept you from saving in the past?
The urge to buy what I liked most at the time. It is something that I have done many times
though. My 8th birthday I saved 300 dollars after 4 months. My 13th birthday I saved 700
9. Based on what you've learned, how can you change this?
Say no to things that aren’t necessary and things i just want with no purpose
10.Explain how having an emergency fund helps protect your wealth.
It will help protect your wealth because with an emergency fund you’ll be able to save money
and not spend it. It prevents you from going broke. It also protects you from having no money at
all once you’ve spent everything that you can spend
11. Why do you think so many people borrow money for large purchases instead of using
a sinking fund?
I think people borrow money because it’s the easy route
12.How is saving an exercise of your character?
Being able to save shows that you’re trying to better yourself along with your future
13.Why don’t more people save for the future?
Many people don’t save because their more worried about spending money on things now,
instead of saving for later
14.Which reasons can be fixed by having a money plan?
If they had a plan throughout they wouldnt have worried about having no money because with a
money saving plan they will have their money to spend and their money that’s kept away and

FoundationsU (LFPP)-
15.What Are Essentials for 3–6 Months of Expenses?
Things that are needed. Expenses that are life useful
16.Using their Emergency fund
Not an emergency dont use it. Build your budget and move things around, adjust your

17.On average, how much money do you spend per week?Probably 30 dollars i rarely
spend just because i dont want to spend the little amount of money i have.
18.What are your top three expenses?
My data for my phone, my hair products, and hair.
19.Describe in your own words what it means to have a budget.
It means to have a plan for your money.
20.What do you think is most challenging when it comes to keeping a monthly
The challenge is staying organized and consistent with your monthly amount.
21.Explain why Dave describes overdrafts as a sign of "crisis living.
Basically because people are immature and sloppy with money.
22.Why do you think it is so common in America to spend more than you make?
Another super common reason why people consistently spend more than they earn is
desire. Desire leads to suffering, but most people don't realize this.
23.Explain in your own words a zero-based budget.
It’s making a budget with all of the expenses you’ll spend that month and basically you just have
the exact amount so everything will be accounted for.
24.Why is it important to write a zero-based budget every month?
It makes sure every dollar you make is assigned a specific purpose.

FoundationsU (LFPP)
25.trial and error-The more years and months that you budget, the more accurate you’re
going to be—the more able you are to anticipate things. cannot out-earn a budget-You cannot out-earn doing a budget. You have to do a
detailed written budget, and you’ve got to be very careful. It’s what you want to do. It’s your goal,
and you’re convinced you can make it.

27.What have you heard about "building your credit score"?

When you are "building your credit score" you are really buying things that you do not need
and wasting your money on interest payments just so that little number will go up, so that
you can be in debt later.
28.Explain what Dave means when he says, "The borrower is slave to the lender."
He is basically saying that the borrower is working to pay someone or something back. He’s
not gaining anything from it himself, no income because he owes money back.
29.Explain why co-signing a loan is never a good idea.
Because when you let someone "borrow" money, you should never expect them to give it
30.Explain how the "drive free" method of buying a car works.
First you save your money, invest, and use the proceeds to buy your cars. After a while, you
will accumulate enough money to make your car purchases self-funding for life, leaving you
with enough cash flow to fund your retirement.
31.Write an “I believe” statement regardinmg car loans.
I believe that you have a choice for everything and that car loans have never been
beneficial. People believe that it’s smart to loan a car, but really it’s pointless. You get the
car now, but pay way more for it later.
32.Explain why leasing a car is a bad idea.
You'll pay more in the long run for a leased car than you will if you buy a car and keep it for
years. You could face excessive wear-and-tear charges. These can be a nasty surprise at
the end of the lease. You will find it costly to terminate a lease early if your driving needs
33. Explain why it is better to take out a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year
Borrowers with a 15-year term pay more per month than those with a 30-year term. In return,
they receive a lower interest rate, pay their mortgage debt in half the time and can save tens of
thousands of dollars over the life of their mortgage.
34. Explain the difference between a credit card and a debit card.
When you use a debit card, the funds for the amount of your purchase are taken from your
checking account in almost real time. When you use a credit card, the amount will be charged to
your line of credit, meaning you will pay the bill at a later date.
35.Which credit myths did you believe prior to hearring this lesson?
I believe that it was fine to lend relatives and friends money.
36. What does a credit score measure?
A credit score ranges from 300 to 850 and is a numerical rating that measures a person's
likelihood to repay a debt. A higher credit score signals that a borrower is lower risk and more
likely to make on-time payments.
37.Explain why the credit industry wants you to believe that you need a credit score.
Because they want you to think that you were responsible. A yearly fee that's charged by
the credit card company for the convenience of the credit card.
FoundationsU (LFPP)
38. Can't Make the Minimums-Your first goal is to get and be and stay current. Something’s
got to give. You’ve got to sell something that’s got debt on it to get rid of the debt like that car
39. A Frank Discussion about credit cards- The credit card company is not going to lose
money on transaction after transaction after transaction year after year after year. The fallacy is
that you feel like you have somehow outsmarted a multibillion dollar company that studies
human behavior at unbelievable levels.
40.Not every career requires a four-year degree. Have you researched the education
requirements for your career of choice? If so, what education options do you have? If
not, research the education requirements for your career choice(s) and write them in
your journal.
I'm sure that it’s just the process. I have a lot of materials and resources that are going to teach
me how to trade and make money.

41.What is your plan for after high school graduation?

After Highschool i want to reseach/ join the day trading/stocks train. For about 2 years now ive
been obsessed with the way all of that works and this class honestly made me highly consider it
for my career after high school.
42.Why might people refer to student loans as "good debt"?
Many might call it “good debt” because it is an investment in the student's future. (However,
some people might draw a distinction between bad debt and worse debt, instead of good
debt and bad debt, arguing that all debt is bad.)
43.Imagine if your reality at age 24 was that you were $70,000 in debt but your income
was only $30,000. Write down some words describing how you might feel. Angry, unstable,
displeased, irritated, troubled, overwhelmed.
44.Has money affected your decision on whether or not to attend college? Why or why
not?No, because college has been something that has just always been the talk. I’m tired of
hearing it. I understand what it could do for me. I just would like to work hard and achieve
something without spending so much money and taking out unnecessary time.
45.What money-saving options will you consider in order to cash-flow your college
education?Work during summer, part-time job during school, save, try for scholarships or
grants, fill out the FAFSA.
46.Think about what careers you might be interested in pursuing. What type of education
or training will you need to enter that field? A lot of computer and math skills and more
knowledge to move around with the career.
FoundationsU (LFPP)-
47. Law School without debt-I’m going to fight around the edges of this thing and see if I can’t
figure out a way to do it without the loans because I think it can be done.
48.Finishing Strong- Don’t take money out in the first place. You say you can get a job and cut
down your cost of living so you can get through the rest of school without borrowing, so that’s
what I’d do. I’d cut down on my lifestyle. The goal here is education, not borrowing money to
Quarter 4
1. How does advertising affect your buying decisions?
Advertisements are able to grab attention between consumers that in turn increases their
perception and builds a belief towards the brand and its product.
2.Why is it important for consumers to be aware of marketing tactics?
It drives consumers' decisions when differentiating between competing companies.
3.What are some of your favorite brands (soft drink, clothing, etc.)?Why do you like
them? Nike, Pink, jordan, etc I love them i guess because it’s things i grew up on.
4. Describe one way advertising has played a role in something you've purchased.
I'd have to say an old navy ad. Everytime i see one I honestly have to look on their website
and 50% of the time I buy something.

5. Have you ever bought something you thought would make you happy, but in the
end it didn't? Yes, HBO max i got a subscribtion i think it was 10 a month and ive maybe
watched 3 movies and 2 shows. Was definitely a waste of money.
6.Can you think of anything in your home that was bought but never or rarely used?
A kitchen set and I swear my mom hasnt used it once.
7.Explain why it is important to develop power over purchase.
Purchasing power is important because, all else being equal, inflation decreases the number of
goods or services you would be able to purchase.
FoundationsU (LFPP)-
8. The buying decision- Don’t make a decision without running throught every single
situations or scenario.
9.Fighting Buyer’s Remorse- The decision was not made in wisdom; it was made in impulse.
Meaning you did not think through and use wise decision-making processes to make a solid
decision that you’re comfortable with.
10.Explain the best deal you've ever negotiated.
My sibling and I negotiated with my grandma. She wanted to go on vacation to the beach and
we convinced her to go to hawaii.
11.Why do you think it's so uncommon for people in our culture to negotiate?
Because they don't want to insult or offend.
12. Explain why it is not necessary to purchase product replacement warranties.
It only covers a small portion of the product you purchase, it is mostly for commission for the
13.Explain how you can get a better deal on something using cash rather than credit.
Cash makes it easier to budget and stick to it.You can get a good deal when you use cash.
There's no better bargaining chip than a pocket full of cash.
14.Explain why silence is powerful when negotiating a deal.
Silence gives the other person space to speak, and it displays your willingness to listen and
learn more.
15.Why is bargain shopping an important part of a healthy financial plan?
It makes your hard-earned money go further.
16.Have you ever used soical media to get a great deal on something?
Yes, many times over either clothes, accessories,utilities, and much more.
FoundationsU (LFPP)-
17.Big Car Debt, small income- You don't need to have a car that's worth as much as your
income. There is no way to possibly get ahead with that. This car has to be sold, and that will
get rid of half the debt. Then get her a $1,000 or $2,000 car that she can pay cash for until she
can save up and buy a little better car.
18.Best Ways to Bargain-Usually the best way to get a bargain on stuff is last year’s model or
scratch-and-dent. There is margin in that stuff because at that point, that stuff’s almost
throwaway.You don’t just buy top-shelf, first-drawer everything.
19.List your initial thoughts about investing.
Hard, difficult, would never understand.
20. What do you want to learn about investing?
I want as much knowledge as possible on the subject. Because i am highly considering this as a
21.As a young adult, what is the most important thing you can invest in?
Your retirement, it’s imporant because you’ll have had your money working many years for you.
That causes you to have a wealthy retirement.
22. If you were giving advice to a friend, what would you say are the most important
things to know about investing?
I’d say not to invest more than they are willing to lose. Another thing I would tell them about is
liquidity and how if there is more liquidity, there is usually less return.
23.Explain why single stocks carry a high degree of risk.
Single stocks have no diversification in your investment. Investing in mutual funds ensures
diversification, and that lowers risks.
24.Which are a better investment, stocks or mutual funds? Explain your answer.
25.What is real estate?
26. Why is it considered an investment?
27.Why do you think it is important to consider both salary and benefits when
applying for a job?
FoundationsU (LFPP)-
28. Dave Doesnt have a system- The studies that have been done of individuals buying and
selling single stocks on behalf of their own account using a strategy.If someone came up with a
stock trading formula. But Dave's whole point is he’s agreed upon it being too risky to really buy
into it.
29. Count Employer Contribution- Putting 15% of your income into retirement funds, is what
your company matches, what your pension is. Having money in your name that you put in there
won’t hurt you in the long run.
30.What do you think is the purpose of insurance?
It's to reduce financial uncertainty and make accidental loss manageable.
31.Explain why insurance is an important part of your financial plan.
Because it protects you and your loved ones from the costs associated with accidents,
disability, illness and death.
32.What are some ways you can save on car insurance?
Shop around for your car insurance, compare insurance costs before you buy a car, raise your
deductible and/or take advantage of low mileage discounts.
33.Explain why having health insurance is important even if you are young and
Unfortunate accidents and illnesses happen every day, even if you're young and healthy. Without
health insurance, you will be responsible for 100% of your medical bills if you get sick or injured.
34.Describe how the different parts of insurance (premium, deductible, co-payment,
and policy limits) can affect out-of-pocket costs.
In terms of health insurance, out-of-pocket expenses are your share of covered healthcare costs,
including the money you pay for deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. Health insurance plans
have an out-of-pocket maximum that caps the amount you pay each year for covered healthcare
35.At what stage of life will the cost of your healthcare needs be most expensive?
Being born is somewhat expensive and childhood costs peak when you're under five years old.
Healthcare costs are lowest from age 5 to 17 at just $2,000 per year on average. From then on
it's a steady increase, however, with costs rising to over $11,000 per year when you're over 65
years old.
36. Explain why identity theft protection is so important.
Your personal information could be stolen and used by criminals in a variety of ways. Identity
theft protection can help you reduce your risk of fraud and identity theft.
37.What is duplicate coverage, and why should you avoid it?
Duplicate coverage means to take more than one insurance policy from two different
companies. It can be avoided because of the cash value.
FoundationsU (LFPP)-
38. When do I need umbrella insurance?
You should get umbrella insurance when your net worth exceeds the limits of your homeowners
or auto liability insurance policy. Umbrella insurance extends your liability limits to $1 million or
more, which can better protect you against expensive claims or lawsuits if you have a
particularly high net worth.
39. Parents with too much power
Just because they are your family doesn’t mean to trust them. Even your family will steal from
you and leave you with the debt.
40. What are your initial thoughts about money and relationships?
That if you need to borrow money it’s a straight no. I dont trust people to pay me back, i
dont trust people to be honest, i dont trust the principle of if you give me this then, ill give
this back.
41. What do you want to learn about money and relationships?
Everything that I can possibly know.
42.Have you ever witnessed money affecting a relationship close to you?
Yes, and they have 100% never turned out good or fixed.
FoundationU (LFPP)-
43. Changing hats- Put yourself in someone's point of view and change the hats around.
Just be considerate about other people and their wellbeing.
44.Anxious security gland- Basically pay it off then and now.
45.Would you describe yourself as a Nerd or a Free Spirit when it comes to handling
money? I just hate spending. Having enough money is one thing but having more than
enough is just right to me. I want more than expected for me and i dont know i guess that
makes me a nerd.
46. How will this chapter change the way you talk to your parents about money?
47. What are your interests?
48 What are your career goals?
49 How would you describe yourself?
50.Describe your ability to work as part of a team.
51.What are some of your personal strengths and weaknesses?
52. Write down what your negative voice says about you. Refute that voice with the
truth and share it with others.
53.Describe a recent goal you set for yourself. What did you do to make reaching that
goal a success?
54. Describe a work experience that has helped you develop valuable
career attributes such as a strong work ethic, respect, commitment, etc.
working at Carmacks Fishbarn
55.Which careers compliment your passions and strengths?
Real Estate
56. Describe a recent goal you set for yourself. What did you do to make
reaching that goal a success?
drink more water so i set a goal for it
57.Which of these comes naturally to you?
58.Which of these do you struggle with?
59. What do you think is the most important thing to remember when
looking for a job?
To find something you're passionate about
60.Summarize what Jon Acuff means when he talks about being willing
to expand your "Three Circles" when looking for a job.
To basically find what you LOVE to do, not what pays the most.
61.Describe some costs and benefits associated with paying taxes.
You get money back every year , but everything you buy also has tax
than you have to pay
62. Do you feel as though giving is an important part of your financial
plan? Why or why not? Yes , its always good to help people no matter
my situation
63.How can giving of your time and talents align with your core values?
Youll find more you love.
64.When you are doing your monthly budget, why do you think it is
important to have "giving" placed at the very top?
Good things come back to you when you give!

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