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Alternation of Generations (Chapter 29)

Gamete (n) + Gamete (n)Fertilizati Zygote (2n)

Mitosis Sporophyte (2n)
Spores (n) on

Spores (n) Mitosis Gametophyte (n)

Mitosis Gametes (n)

Gametophyte – gamete-producing plant

Sporophyte – spore-producing plant

***In ferns, these two stages look different, but they’re actually different forms of the same species

Sporophyte embryos develop inside gametophyte tissue for nourishment

Sporangia- organs on a sporophyte that produce spores

Sporocytes – diploid cells in sporangia that undergo meiosis to produce spores (n)

Gametangia – sex organs in gametophytes that produce gametes

Archegonia – produce eggs
Antheridia – produce sperm

Moss Life Cycle (29.8)

Protonemata – germinating moss spores

Gametophore – part of the gametophyte that contain gametangia

Fertilization occurs in archegonia

Sporophytes dependent on gametophytes for nutrition

Peristome – upper part of the sporangium that produces and releases spores

Fern (29.13)

Sporangia – releases only 1 spore type that develops into bisexual, photosynthetic gametophyte

Zygote – develops into sporophyte which grows out of the archegonium of the female gametophyte

Sorus – contains clusters of sporangia

Gametophyte generation is reduced and free-living / independent


Produce naked seeds – not enclosed in ovaries (fruit)

Sporophylls – modified leaves that have seeds. Usually form cones called Strabili

Heterosporous – produce 2 different types of spores

Megasporangium (2n) – megaspore (n)

Megasporangium , megaspore, and integument make up an ovule (unfertilized egg)

Microspore (n) develops into pollen grain, which contains the male gametophyte

Megaspore – develops into female gametophyte

Micropyle – opening of ovule that allows entry of a pollen grain

Pollen tube – discharges the sperm

Fertilization – ovule becomes a seed, which consists of a sporophyte embryo, a food supply, and protective coat
derived from the integument.
Pine (30.6)

Each tree has ovulate (megasporangia) and pollen (microsporangia) cones

Microsporocyte (2n)- divide by meiosis to produce pollen grains (male)

Megasporocyte (2n) – divide by meiosis to produce megaspore (female)
- megaspore contains archegonia (produces egg)

Female gametophyte develops within the megaspore

Sperm fertilizes egg

Ovule becomes a seed – consists of an embryo, food supply, and seed coat
Angiosperms (30.10)

Microsporangium on anther contains microsporocytes. Undergo meiosis to produce microspores which

develop into pollen grain that contains male gametophyte that produces sperm cell and tube cell.

Megasporangium in the ovule contains megasporocytes that undergo meiosis to produce megaspores (n).
Becomes the female gametophyte.

Female gametophyte has a central cell with 2 nuclei, in addition to the egg cell (n)

2 sperm cells discharged into the ovule

1 sperm fertilizes the egg
1 sperm fertilizes the central cell, forming the endosperm (3n)
- serves as a food source for the embryo

Zygote – develops into the embryo that is packaged with food into a seed. Fruit tissue surrounds the seed.

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