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Pedro Cuevas et al.

, IJCR, 2018 2:28

Case Report IJCR (2018) 2:28

International Journal of Case Reports


Efficacy of topical application of etamsylate in herpes simplex

Pedro Cuevas1, Javier Angulo2 Guillermo Giménez-Gallego3

Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid, 2Servicio de Histología, Departamento de Investigación,
Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, 3 Departamento de Estructura y Función de
Proteínas, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Madrid, Spain.


Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) causes a wide variety *Correspondence to Author:
of clinical disorders of major public health concern. HSV-1 in- Pedro Cuevas
fections are common in oral and perioral area. We report the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio,
short-term efficacy of topical application of etamsylate in herpes Madrid
simplex labialis lesion. Mucosal lesion resolved after 4 days of
treatment leaving behind no apparent signs of cosmetic distur-
bance. How to cite this article:
Pedro Cuevas, Javier Angulo Guill-
ermo Giménez-Gallego.Efficacy of
topical application of etamsylate in
Keywords: herpes simplex labialis. Internation-
al Journal of Case Reports, 2018
Herpes simplex virus type-1. Etamsylate. Topical application. Fi- 2:28
broblast growth factor

eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA.

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IJCR: http://escipub.com/international-journal-of-case-reports/ 0001

Pedro Cuevas et al., IJCR, 2018 2:28

Introduction Herpes simplex labialis is characterized by

recurrent vesicular eruptions primarily on the
Herpes simplex labialis, also known as a “cold
lips and perioral skin. This condition is
sores” is a common disease of the lips caused
contagious, can cause significant discomfort
by herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1), an
and pain, and cause long lasting unsightly
infectious agent widely spread throughout the
scars that sometimes favor new infections.
world. The global seroprevalence of HSV-1 in
Episodes of herpes simplex labialis typically
adults is around 90%, of whom 30% will
start with a prodromal phase of local pain,
experience recurrent outbreaks of the disease
tingling, and burning, which is followed by
(1). Infection by HSV-1 causes painful vesicular
erythematous and papular phases that
eruptions, covered of unsightly crusts, which
subsequently evolve towards the development
causes cosmetic disfigurement and
of fluid-filled blisters. Finally, herpes simplex
psychosocial distress. The typical duration of
labialis evolves to the incrustation and, finally,
the natural course of untreated herpes simplex
the healing phase. Proinflammatory host
labialis is 7 to 10 days and sometimes up to 15
response in herpes simplex virus infection plays
days (2). Topical antiviral agents and other
an important role in lesion development and
interventions either showed no efficacy or leave
progression.In primary infections, lesion
behind lasting anti-aesthetic scars and
development, progression and resolution are
persisting recurrence rates. The development
closely correlated with viral replication. In
of novel strategies to combat HSV-1 is, thus, of
recurrent disease, lesion development and
global public-health relevance. In this report we
progression depend primarily on the
show the efficacy of topical etamsylate
proinflammatory host response (4-6). The
application in solving herpes simplex labialis
central role of inflammation in lesion
infection and subsequent lesions.
progression in recurrent disease may explain
the limited efficacy of current antiviral
Case presentation monotherapy on herpes simplex labialis and
A 44 years old woman presented with a herpes suggests a new approach for more effective
labialis lesion in her right labial commissure treatment. Current clinical anti-herpes virus
(Figure1). After discussing the various drugs are based on guanosine analogues,
treatment options, the patient opted to try which interrupt the viral replication. The
topically administration of etamsylate and widespread use of this sort of compounds have
signed an informed consent. Patient self- been associated with the emergence of drug-
administered etamsylate (OM Pharma resistant HSV-1 strains (7). On the other hand,
Switzerland) in a 12% glycerin solution three topical administration of these compounds, in
times a day along four days. After one day of the case of herpes simplex labialis, only
treatment patient was free of pain. Three days moderately reduces the average healing time,
afterwards the herpetic lesion healed, leaving when compared with controls (8).
behind minimal/non-appreciable cosmetic The discovery of new drugs based on other
alterations (Figure 1). No local irritations or mechanisms of action may open new avenues
other adverse events were observed. She to improve the current status of the available
reported no recurrent episodes of herpetic pharmacological arsenal to treat HSV-1
lesion in her right labial commissure after infections. Cell attachment and entry represent
several months of treatment. the first essential steps of viral infection. It has
been proposed that an attractive new strategy
Discussion may be developed targeting the fibroblast
growth factor (FGF) signaling system.

IJCR: http://escipub.com/international-journal-of-case-reports/ 0002

Pedro Cuevas et al., IJCR, 2018 2:28
Activation of this system is quite strictly and hindered by inactive chemical analogs of
dependent on heparin and heparan sulfates

Figure 1 Appearance of herpes simplex labialis lesion treated by local application of etamsylate at
baseline (A), at two days (B) and at four days (C). Red circle indicates right labial commissure.

these glycosamino glycans, like dobesilic acid, labialis lesions (progression to vesicles, ulcers
the active principle of etamsylate (9). and crusts). Additionally, the anti-inflammatory
Experimental evidence suggests that HSV-1 activities of etamsylate (15) may also contribute
uses FGF and its receptor (FGFR) for entrance to its efficacy.
into cells (10-12). Furthermore, it has been Recently an article has been published
demonstrated that the polysulfonated emphasizing that herpesviridae seem involved
compound suramin, although a poor inactive in the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s
analog of heparin and heparan sulfate (13) has disease (16). The treatment described in our
antiviral activity by blocking the binding of HSV- report might afford a certain protection against
1 to cell membrane sulfated glycosamine the development of this devastating
glycans (14). In this report we show the safety neurological disease, by the efficacious
and short-term effectiveness of etamsylate to shortening the lip viral infection and damping its
prevent the development of herpes simplex intensity.

Conflict of interest: None

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