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TRULY ALIVE ( Colossians 2:1-15)

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made
you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

In contrast, the gospel teaches that Jesus is enough. We are complete in Him (v. 10). More than this, we
are united with Christ in such a way that His death becomes ours. This union with Christ in His death is
the spiritual reality that Old Testament circumcision symbolized (v. 11).

Way back before there are already false teachings as Apostle Paul emphasizes in verses 9-12, appearing
that false preachers in Colosse were denying that Christ was truly human, and circumcision was
necessary for salvation.

Just as how God saved us through Christ Jesus, we ought to follow Jesus and set as an example for living
here on earth. We must pray that God may grant us the spirit to discern wrong teachings and be deeper
in His words for it is written in Matthew 4:4.

How can we prove that we are alive in Christ?

Heavenly Father, I pray that through this devotion today may we glorify Your Name on High IN everything
that we do. For we are one, united in spirit praising Your Name and lifting it up. May we always be
reminded that Your words that lives inside me are alive and pure. Amen

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