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Many people believe that young people spend too much time playing computer games.
Others view computer games as just another form of relaxation or hobby.

Your teacher has asked you to write an article for the school magazine giving your views
about the issue.

Your article should be between 150 and 200 words long.

Purpose Express our views

Audience Peers
Register Semi-formal, friendly
Subject Video games: waste of time or a good hobby

Express our views

An article framework

1. Introduction Background/lead in, purpose of writing, subject/topic –

and my opinion, catch attention
2. View + support (link)Topic sentence to details which explain
3. View + support (link)Topic sentence to details which explain
4. Counterargument (link) Topic sentence and BRIEF argument and your
evidence, if any against it.
5. Closing Summarise the evidence + possible recommendations

Introduction Computer games have invaded everyone’s houses. A lot of people,

especially our parents, say that it’s occupying all our time, but some of
us say that it’s a good form of relaxation. I believe it’s a mixture of both.

View + support You have to admit that games grab us as soon we get home and we
spend too much time on them. Recent research has shown an average
six hours daily usage which prevents us from doing more beneficial
things like MLG or participating in a hobby of some sort. Furthermore, it
can even lead to some major health problems.
View + support Having said that though, it is a hobby and a useful one at that. At least
we’re occupied at home and not loitering in the streets. Other
researchers have shown that games help control students emotions
and relax us. Additionally, our reflexes and coordination skills are
sharpened just as well as some sports. It’s not as bad as our parents
Closing As you can see there are two sides of the coin to this issue. To get our
parents off our backs all we need to do is decrease the time and make
them aware of how gaming actually benefits us.

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