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IPS 2022-314 / 117 of 315 UNCLASSIFIED “This documents provided in confidence and s fr offical and intemal use nly within ‘Your department or agency. Notfor further alstributon. SS PEI EMO ~ SITUATION REPORT. (anal bled tat updatne Information) ‘SITUATION REPORT i 7 DATE {Mi DD YY}: coarranaa TIME = 24hrs (information current as of; | 1600 HRS — "TIME — 24hre (distribution time): 700 HRS INCIDENT: Hurricane FIONA ‘ACTIVATION LEVEL: Lovel S~ Full Activation uation gustan: Fooa made nal x haican dang pal oa cyl net wiloheed, Nove Sel, da he ‘iy ming hos of Sado, Sepenber 2 areated damages, veil anal Iooe ‘senor and dasetoe sm se he onl prescres expected oe ho est eae Thntre ressire Canal hy he neret naa wear aon ct at hat ead ‘cast eae presse 9927 libre wh hon! Chae bay buy measured B28 osLope stom Flna headed ne ihe gulf Lawrence Sudo a trough amagog ‘ini en rp wavs and dente aot utter, ln bec “teri yt upper ough on Sandy th 28 an he rear we st goeratd gaa som xce Minds a tore ara omer Guabac po ate arden obra “Tot amount Prine Cad ar range om 60.00 inl. Pek wn uss argo trom st-40 tm Host fh Isandromalne out of power. The Maina loos webs shows 69,27 aot ‘uetomer. (1700 HR) ISLAND WIDE: Pow, Yes an ders ar lng many fous nd progres, Som sxe and ‘Sheet cosa fy ha eps a wean danage near. “otha rol ep able fo provide Update coconuts systrs bing acid Envvonment Cade 0801 HRS) ‘Gana inprovg over the eat few days asa high-essie syste moves no the Fedo st theondof the we + Satur ight a ong rend wl belo viene usb to nar seasonal temperate. “Sunday night and onday nit may betn the ps 205 range or ovemigh ou *Atwnenins stocied wh past lopca ste Fon hve ended pacts: ‘Mot of PEthes power utgo0 {Eten teas down an ee {Slam surge ana ooshg {Damaged ors undies 1 Oipneed ai 1 Mnycomuneatone eaten down IPS 2022-314 / 118 of 815 -UNGLASSIFIED- “his document is provided In confines and efor oficial and internal uso only within your departmont or ageney. Not for further dstioution, PorNnaL macs: Posner eater sponagee 1 hn inpacts Pete: +» BE! Emergonoy Heaouos Organization seated he PEOC to a Lael 3 (Fl Acta {ve on September 3 te coordinate aepanse arts sound "ven {et nargnay eases Oretaton seve he EOC ts Lavel 2 (Pal Actes) at [ares on Sepamber 2510 an oro wear aj + TRREOCT, per agence on nls can ob exgapad agar pact en 1 Reception Cente cornaen org wh setae tom Manica tars, {rng win ed Crosson ging tether spat ‘ort oespond uli of ration equ 1 Response and asessmetdetussons crue eoroudng omorgene pbc communications ‘tring poll conmunicson caps, + Fafad ceo around pow! stration opratons,fctalng fede weal de rama PROVINCIAL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRE (PEOC) OPERATIONAL RIYTHIE ‘useto,Sotomber 21.2022 ‘HOD HRS PEOC Safed ty COCT [830 HRS —PEOC Toa ne Shang Nest (Staton st) 1200 HRS ~ Salen Rope Osttbuion {00S ~ Endo OP 98 Wesson, Soper 28, 2022 eM tata Hts = PEO Stflog by EOCT {D590 HRS — PEO Team nfo Shang 2 O00 RS iAP 1 {sto HRS ~Desaine for submission a Stuston Report Information to EMO tng (ta on st) {70 HRS ~Stuton Report Ditton INFORMATION OFFICER _commuNcATIONS mort PSFAP elas, Ongelg GBAR communication suppor. 1 Gonralmessagng argon {1 Aivooasee vata a ios ni oinceeewarlonscaesnewe IPS 2022-314 / 119 of 315 -UNCLASSIFIED- ‘This documents provided in confidence andl for oficial and Internal use only within — your department or agency” Not for further distin, UNVERIFIED INFORMATION: WA GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS: ‘ature & Land (OAL) = Upstarts Include: G0 dy me mene ears ogy, i 6 eoeeneng any ferme are damaged or dowa which foancan bebarverte © Comm crope as mmperenced slant elo damage with many stols and abs now nthe rend. Whats ssvagestie wl ave lw quay, Thr wil Rave pacts on Testoc ed and feed way ar weiter the land winter moths ‘© Between 600% oth apples on apple farms reo he ground wth the most ere losses belngcontral ard eaten PE beeen 25-50% of spl trees are doged. Maln harvest wid have begun the coming week, thus operatians are eaperecing tleieant corals. 1 Forfarmoret scezsearance money fr ete thay may hae tobe euthanse on farm rather than rng cl operation ne st Alte eet Products. Ths could put stan ‘the province deadtec sees. 10 hag farm new Poth sing sues with her generator ana Marine less Indeoted wll aes day ya sore there maybe power restored. This sna an Sal welloe leet preset ower the generator cases tower than vl {ly become an aime! welfare ve, DAL hs rquested aeitance om EMO Yo have the operation plored for poner restoration or acersto= generat The longer the power seu the more ily we wl ese la requests ‘© Anal fwd shortage ar being reported fod rile are unbla ot and bag Fed ‘thou power DAs eommuneating wth EMO for ection and poste priiieaton of powerretoratin of excess oa near ‘o- The Proving etrnrian enable to proud aszezment and sere for animal ‘rove temporary housing by the provnla rover 10 Tho Communty Fd secry Progra le working t ensure community des are iad and ood debuted s power comesbac ‘Generator eqests may b rth coming rom rome potato rowers © athoscontrmed that Farmersalol fea mortal het nets peratonl © ang os contact OAL or pert for Areian divest diver propane; DAL Nat remestdnformatanontrsinn to ensure safety ding anspor and delivery. © Ghecealconractorsarelndatng slat of mast torn rom bung may be act to replce beaut f equipment shortages © DaLontipates sage number of part equator rbuldng structures ars Feachng otto other jursletnstoleamn om tel experiences wth recovery ‘© atieconcerned ith development lng shoeies vente costal damon ond FenuingInceaeneronion, therefore stestmay need tobe assessed Inula yeas the ned to vot on storage e"biecusslon ofa burn ban has bee canctod IPS 2022-314 / 120 of 315 -UNCLASSIFIED- ‘This documents provided incontdence an is for oficial and inte your department or agency. Not for futher dation, + Econamie rowth, Tou & Culture 0» Blo Food Tech loFoodech has eve ual for nnerator but wa tld her was no ‘rane they woud hava dlvery when node on Thursday. Recut oe ut ons ry ue vcr Balt on ae omer sin stan sega 3 Proving Parka re Alosapok sk irom cone wl ate nt + Ghaottown VC at Founder Mall open st am today + Fem aaa open am fy vedas oan bt + Borden CoratonVntornformston Conte open tot 1 Raceling nguie rom visor wanting to come to EI- (At afolow upto ‘ta, be woring on measnping facta on tsng Wy Oy day 6 We “ppreclt nut destornod to weloome vor sup + Vigotett contacting accommodation op ‘taal information ae por rea ~ Tie lenng essa tas ben rated an lb cde Ttrem {Eavard send. Curent, many homes, businesses and tevomodnione evapo paar andy hav ba aged aan oor {real me ancourage yu to connect nif your accommedatia, acon ot ‘ther providers to ensure they are open an operatng Almaty, you can fal 8604854734 us our ening chat or ema foulamasinao + pore roouosk messaging regarding ood asf being tnt out Toure tus paras 2 ire Spat Sara + Het oth pos et ith some vlan Sumas an tse ony within + Educaton& Lifelong Learning ~ Updates rations cde 1 Alschooe il renin cloned ull Gotber 3 202A further srouncoment vl be ‘nado stor ths wesk on whch tate il bu open tony athe Conngeny lon {oxany schoo nto ° ome concern for aft whine lange ° operational Tuesday 24 wil be aperaionsl on Wednesday 5 rus" hlicrepoatona aay. <= : ion Nee boon soured for chi are cenohh apn ee may. eupporing mova of toe © Holand atege wt sponding hot inohas Wide ay an Thursday for etudonts + Eovironmont Energy an Chinato Action ©" Envtonment eantnus to soni wterlanstonate operating syste it wth stats ‘n-crant operating capacity andi thy hae energeneybackop power, PS 2022-314 / 121 of 315 -UNCLASSIFIED- “This document is provided in confidence ands for officiel and Intrnal use only within your department or agency. Not for further distbutin. ene irnmoncortnues to comply ait of he rests of th enronmantl hazard “See (ester Distt ie working na Thais outing ret From Welington Fort Siemon Pak wt terme Elet lering Woes nthe power ie eoridor easing towards West Point ‘© Aamalleuting crow om Bosch Grove Cantal Dat) Ferosty Ofc Is on standhy forreaste steady Stared aeses to emai Heat Radeon Fait, Frey St. ‘Sharan; sry working ov our lfeatutie ‘© 2 incom cing crows rom he Southampton Eases) lett working on our ‘© Thelnernat Tower in downat he Southampton Fores Olen ~ 2880 CARDIGAN RD Rests, souTHampron. co Theoret ie Westar Seapets bie sanices + Finance WA + Flsevee& Communities Usdaeso aeons trom Flheres Dison ince: co otng mae of buoys (iy muse nek rop, coment boc} out off of rao onling om muses asses in hn ae roc, rpresenting V-80 ares of Dept as Ua contac wth Dominion Divers oused out of Halas) to cotect {hw aguactore soo. preset thy plan oe oat an Tuoday wi = tergebarge that oy alo sling over tart, fing «ive company to eseee te scope of the work opt net weal © Reqvsing pstzaion a have power bck ona spec lates nsdn: ob alte Cadgun and Dove Meudon ore) + Heath ana Woiose eShmteon th Heath PEIOES (Sten Dae) is onaen rly nlomatn rom Itierough Hospi PATE, NCNM, Sours Hoop, Wedgewood Mar, Summerset Manor have at a roan power restores o-lienoraugh Hospi roo as boon trporehiy taped by Fs SPS 2022-314 / 122 of 315 -UNCLASSIFIED- This docuont is provided in confidence and is for offical and internat usa only within wen restored at the Prove Palativ Gare Cente, Lacey House and Weta Neath an hasitone Structured Housing og Iileeaeett of ar psa moh ut ocean, a ere el Cl apiawood, Summers, ance Ean tara Sh + Hosta Fieoxough, Souris + one *ProvinlAddstons Treanor Folty, Pod Palave Care Cane 1+ M188 Update or sctions inh: © lnfantrtre le cominaing to sa6ee the netrk though he man bacon Spponre tobe soll rautuctar le waring wth departments on ddan ong ‘tte connestion Innes and prising tn ase, anructree contain ‘ork ith toconmutiston vendor: ‘© TSS eb Bigtal Otescontinee to support Oeparinentsdalivey of fomatlon and 10 rsSlacontnuing to prepare Chromsbocks rox for homo vein the event Eaton that a laplaced tom ay 1+ ustes & Publ Safety - Updates o actin inc 1 "coretlons actively sss resource/erdes needs for la nasrctre + ah generator for Proll Corectonal Cntr iallng, Tn seta assoderess 1 ly best optionsrategy to extend entg a power cn bu restore + Roqnst for prot attention to power restoration eaten slons (other {enoratoratpare pats} may not be rasan short em, + Branty request frnon-pisin (.e.battery pared) ighting ours (og LED lantermofeshights for covretons acy. + Raatona atoas (0. tod) hy omerge by end of wack without ‘owaignerator estoraton (ot an neu fo est 2 or) ‘© Essen JPs sallmanagement woking emaaly and on-ate ere pees {BPS approvateforsettional temporary nsrancs ast esaursen how over 90 Wo hackig or approvals ‘© trance Bure of Cana continue to work lossy wit PS and EMO to lame proses lowe coal ana ation and 2) communieationslstescht Into puso a coverage roe borer damage ‘© Fem and Court Soros activaly ares Institue concn tr opratingexpacy vel oat Operating se normal, Plea 2 Recta Communtetions S. Poleine Sardcoe NA. ROMP Wot and Goat sts have power. PM ting today. Batman UPS 2022-914 / 128 of 315 -UNCLASSIFIED- “This document le provide in confines ands fr official and ntornal use only within your department or agoney. Net for futher distribution. SE “+ Allies operating in wid aren unking and offen fu vlee processing {Gates operating on ned genaraors wih AG a Conte mane Jann Pay (2 41224), horas ike nce neo iy sma els ane meter ‘retionateructra as epared on Sep 26. ‘numba torus fies were operte ystera. Th + Comminlston nd meson had ieluded tw ao ntrlaws where ‘estagng Inde safe ue a oneratr, als, ond roqustingthe pit Fest uso brs + Completing walk-through npectins of an heat elites that re si en teneratorpower aso reverttvemessureto ensure re protections fletction tere are stilling and there aren ens th egress. + Rowen chidenr sree ort epandas daring lorcet sbi {Sed it tose that ned ha sppa ar asked ota! longus Loe t ftmecisanfagav gece S02 218508, + Svcs eport ond eeagelsarage othe blow T Diplch arbor oar Depth ne Kinga County, eal na 6528860 sea Gay, eat 909 368-4770 {Paeo Counc nz an 278 © FuslAvaabity tron operating fs stations af sted blow by county allatatlone tad ‘ioe conlnned tb. oun on ep 2a. 2 or re onpecting fl dead 2 Spears rio Coun, + fapars Automos {Comer Eno, Alberton ving, Vlington Ee Kinora inna, Crete rosary an Hardvar Irng, Boron Een, Reade Comar Ea Rog, Prema Soler 60 HR Sep 23), elerte loons (sta ony = ‘alg dlory) Lanne sand recoving dele tomer + queens County sting, Galant’ Clover Far, Oyster Boa Eso, ome ck stop, ueon's Ana Ese, Statord Gui ‘Shop pith Gae Bar (alvary axected morn of Sep 70), Seesia Genoa Store alvory on rout) + Wage County 2 ea County Sor, Re's ving, Camp seo, Codon avo, Montague E580 2 holy rated fo + unl tar Updo ation nei: ‘contre nt opening ono cape. «a natin cng sr coment Moning cows nih munis epaang pacts nd Rectan Cenk eas ' Uptating Resapton Cen se onto egal aslo pce sar a i ‘his documents provided In contin ands for offi SPS 2022-314 / 124 of 315 "Tao fore tor Pull ba here snee Cape Breton ie wat 2 AS recero members ll orwagy at Hoaht today + Task Fores Pet 1 “Curert tasks completed inch Srvice Re clsred—7 ees, 285 rachay Pol Fond, Fonch Fert Rowe, Sune ane ‘© inert auke in promee incu cnering Lanne sland adios! work trae), Din na on scr), Booming Pabt GN) sine ON, Kenaigton. aaa earings requ at school, 7. ‘choo nudge moved = sendbagging. yeild contre, and + Innovation Selene and Economie Development Canads One Gel poi nde 1c ses down A PE andY wee noes down ‘sect 600 cstrrs ‘ote ot rover nda al hr are xt phe towers down (8 PE 5 Pinay eon PEs nn fr gener © Rota tay wore eb m elacommneaton cals. oun esa ‘abn oy sum damaged, many eeinioed ning, he pasa, woes 8 aca ae ote giant at adr eng dass 1 uae access th eng oes + tng ot re ting Tonk Fnm i opaatonl asin ‘© Wor oat teks anita: bac ongoing, This it be &24ourepeaon ut uate © ras ot itrmaton fom EMO eguting spars SPS 2022-314 / 127 of 315 “UNCLASSIFIED: ‘This documents provided in confidence andi for offal and interna use only within {Your department or agency. Not for turther distribution. © Pang ot eis ating wh EO, Waid theo continuo gels itomatn Bough EMO bese delves con gatas hy ood 9. Fresh Pt leven ended shud abo und trough EMO tbe ‘ordnat tho lRepresoati ‘© Fshelng eee ra gang areal ate, + Environment and cate Change Cana (ECC) NA + Eee ompory once ib ong 20 ey aime ec) Font is amaing wth eating, and te Dapartnan of Tanaportation and Sur ustomerSence Contec Cote il romain open for customers 247.0 ‘euch um customers shod cal o06.g70.1042oreatour webu. st wmotmatingsoctecom. + Wistar oc Safty: toeuevovaerneletiecomestsyomorsensy renredneoeateranfonasl + Bechtel Hisar Stety stern neriimosesr.comaftefty- Shomeltctea acral © our custome Senne Sone Cente wll ean open fr customera 247. To reach us austere shoulvead 1 a00-70-0"2 or valour websites co Reiner om Me too ef and tay clear of downed power ines, Never attempt tomove's nes power tne or anything hat maybe tauching haha Always ‘aume s downed power lef nara + Wotan Feros Limited + Peiground Snr & Renu PE ‘ ‘ot hin wiltsheck on thee sats on ba + ue suoty Canada NA © Rome a5 el tes dangerously lw on ft IPS 2022-914 / 128 of 315 -UNCLASSIFIED- ‘This documents provided in confidence andl or offical and internal use only within your department or agency. Not for urther distribution ——— © Some user re abla ko anda ca Alc Cand ard Eastern ‘Get ang oF Rogarc wating genres sane con 88 ocean wiledee when reso + Stenon Pak cor -NA ‘as cloced unt font her esnesaditne cong gaye, “unease Stat reesing Th Caiedoraton Bdge i cent panto rats ‘°° TELUS hes dsplchod worker a PEL + Eatin Eastin has techs moving gnetatoe charging batts forthe wins tower {ome aol senna Snes pone urea ‘© Kayinfastacturss monitared and managed wth respect to power a using 1 Ou moby networks approximately 57% ene anl we ae manslng impacted ‘ower with ualale generators. + snc on ef Coa 8) © Totton Conner buomason Gonea teuespysaa a 1+ Radio Anatours of Canada (RAC) ‘ Momafr change torpor a thi he, Capacy train on standby {Moved main sorta PEt rpester, VEIGRA PHF tothe tower alt Ghechil which hau generator war. hie wit aa hans deleted UM nko Nova Soa ‘red bar prs {Sor PE Moncton as ry mache abr, Prete ‘Curent arising 46 bani in commercial accommodaton. Supporing ane fate our ergy Bo Retenig opal on ‘reception centres os possible. io © Womtng wir ec Sevopent ans owsa a thy equ Suppes ad ood teiterenestn Chalo ani scsanecatns su fod ord ‘entre unnore Sippora berets ncuron housed ath Cateyn Cat eptina scene naga cess © Canaan ed Cots has pt out an spat cols ensons. Tess funds wi tori for Ena: hin hnsederss calsoutasinede nena nites naplosmaacteg au fosureensfionsareseedooleter IPS 2022-314 / 129 of 315 -UNOLASSIFIED- “This document f provided In confidanco ands for ofl and itornal us your department or ageney. Not fr further distution, 1 Front: hiv toa caf opos-de:nousinedaa-a nojelesonmnlguessdeoressafas-otn-iaushes-pa Laurson ons, ‘onlatiee devsInsomeaubies-demcsohsouse-tanaoe ‘stat a fan ro whut pone Fegular sian nd redone a Cheese Pan, AD St Eton, ADL ‘ary, an As Foade ‘Sam deivry fet end Duk fet peel io anit yaty ae what pone (bs esa power by Tube) ADL Strapon Mendy morn, ‘ost Royal lee and tr dos en Monday no power No feat dane det ios rope at is tie ‘Salon eye ah frm ave Co pact mk produto by = mich 88 ioe Woting win mentor owner o tos supely hanna. + Chaatetown Port Auoriy woth use ships have Ben canes ut Oct 2 1S even ache sips a thar fo daage fo nasa, + Chattetown Aiport oOporang aed open © CORON fot arangamate lo move CRA ma onorow Summers CRA fos. Ghanaian oy eat soup tr gener armen ‘Summer dows hve pave Abra: Powe wy coming bac Aber, Evan ake Hac fomonow 2 ‘un ha cesta Reson on, «ovate ord WA f Giysiattn pay annceents pad he Cy of Chafeitow's peas, ne the (Snellen, ats caows rd Weughnca maga, ce SSrobeclnged casa age downed reaheanen sng = ub rat of yr sory yaniv one Pubs Woe be 08 ha ‘elit teehee (ter nnershoun contact 626200010, Alar le! Wncawlaped spe tr wagon ws tng te ee Chast At [prom The wate ones emery sae a SNS on message, rn or lon ig up y vata hn oné ean ov Ret Syl! Unde Rondon Sowet ne. Pees noob is yall et one ces of oer. + entre ga NA saitase IPS 2022-314 | 130 of 315 UNCLASSIFIED “This documents provided in confidence ans for offi! and intemal use ony within your departmont or agency. Nat for further etibiton, SS aT +r ivan te opting th gil soon Hiner nt ation tate reqvsing aac ecg Cali + tare Pan Reported gona own ogo a 05Pire Reported that ott gong Sain sates” * + fatal Macnee ast els: Pver as book ase inp in tem surg acres comarunty. ig approach satin fo wo irae recat care gona fepaied + Mtge Bay ee: Dare je warbed xlnmapnd wih Poe sco eng ‘oaaway on ates No Sprsona warning cee, sng esto Fastin Mort Ka a hr a eo (Usb RYN feo Mii Fodor ony concer hpi fe ron Gabi ‘Tow of Stal: Secured some fs fom DOH dept. Food offered, (lyf Sura: Wa Tors Updates iba poste at pe vam facebook canons! \tingin and Alvams Voge: WA Moat er a IKSIATTACHMENTS PEL Sar coverage: sy colewslonataeece odwat anthracis: ae om sou 80208 + UN cpastes wo Promels ecopten Contos conc a eas) hase oneness afore ror on Ferra tnergocy Management obmepe hisses sous pismamunon ust. + EOC Team Intra Sat Eo at EMG Ee! nrastaetore Se Cory ‘MEXSITUATION REPORT (DATE.24 HREIAUE DD YY #700 MRS oez72022 PEIEMO CONTACT INFORMATION Primary contact | emo@govieics [EOC Operations Dock ein contact Weld Tee | Communienlons oteer Propered ye ‘caver iatheson | Staton Unt IPS 2022-914 / 131 of 315 LUNOLASSIFIED- ‘This documents provided in confidence ands for oficial and internal your department or agency. Not for further distiution. SS only within ‘proved by Braoymaclonae [E06 Manager Genaratinauien: | eozsavouas [emake emomtuovaa.ce Fea wen368 ae?

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