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Automatica 106 (2019) 384–389

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Brief paper

A trajectory tracking control law for a quadrotor with slung load✩

David Cabecinhas a,b , , Rita Cunha c,b , Carlos Silvestre a ,1
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Macau, Macau, China
Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: We present a trajectory tracking controller for the full dynamics of a quadrotor vehicle carrying a
Received 22 January 2018 slung load attached by a string. The full dynamic system is modeled as two connected subsystems,
Received in revised form 22 November 2018 the string–load subsystem, with dynamics identical to that of a standard quadrotor in free flight,
Accepted 28 March 2019
and the quadrotor subsystem with attitude kinematics and dynamics. A trajectory tracking controller
Available online 24 May 2019
for the position of the point-mass load is designed based on existing Lyapunov-based trajectory
Keywords: tracking controllers for free flying quadrotors which are further backstepped through the quadrotor
Slung load control attitude dynamics. A parameterized Lyapunov function is provided for the full system dynamics with
Quadrotor vehicle a negative semi-definite time derivative. The proposed controller is proven to drive the load position
Lyapunov methods error to zero and the origin of the error system is exponentially stable. Simulation results attest the
Backstepping performance of the proposed controller for aggressive trajectories and its robustness and validity are
further highlighted by experimental results with a model-scale vehicle and slung load.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction where the inputs are the quadrotor positions and the system acts
effectively as a parallel manipulator.
The last decade oversaw the first steps and boom of research Other early works (Faust, Palunko, Cruz, Fierro, & Tapia, 2013;
of slung load transportation with model-scale autonomous ro- Palunko, Cruz, & Fierro, 2012) focused on trajectory generation
torcraft. Work on cranes and full size helicopters carrying slung for a slung load system resulting in optimal swing-free trajecto-
loads provided the inspiration for the original works using model- ries. The resulting trajectory for the quadrotor vehicle was then
scale rotorcraft (Bernard & Kondak, 2009). These first attempts tracked by the vehicle but no feedback from the load position or
were based on inner–outer loop designs and linearization of the string angle was used to improve control performance and the
control derivation relies on linearization.
vehicle, string and load systems. The load was modeled as a
More recently, approaches rooted in geometric control, start-
mass point and the control solution involved estimation of string
ing with Sreenath, Lee and Kumar (2013b) and Sreenath, Michael
tension forces, based on a flexible string dynamic model obtained
and Kumar (2013a), have developed the complete system dy-
using computer software. A comprehensive dynamic model that
namics and controllers directly on the nonlinear configuration
allows for slack strings and aerodynamic drag on the load was
manifold in a coordinate-free form. Moreover, these works con-
developed in Bisgaard, Bendtsen, and Cour-Harbo (2009).
sider explicitly the coupling between load and quadrotor dy-
The use of multiple small-scale aerial vehicles for transport of
namics. The resulting controllers are thus almost-global and the
a slung rigid body was pioneered in Michael, Fink, and Kumar load is able to undergo large swings while under feedback con-
(2011) and the problem from a robotics inspired perspective trol. While Sreenath, Michael et al. (2013a) restricted itself to
the planar case, experimental results for the geometric con-
✩ The material in this paper was not presented at any conference. This paper troller (Sreenath, Lee et al., 2013b) were later presented in Tang
was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Peng Shi and Kumar (2015), which focuses on trajectory generation while
under the direction of Editor Thomas Parisini. relaxing the condition that the string be always taut.
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
Typically, coordinate-free methods can be applied to obtain
neering, Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Macau, Macau,
almost-global controller for a vehicle transporting a payload
E-mail addresses: dcabecinhas@um.edu.mo (D. Cabecinhas),
whereas when dealing with flexible strings, due to the infinite
rita@isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt (R. Cunha), csilvestre@um.edu.mo (C. Silvestre). dimensionality of the problem, one cannot escape the use of
1 On leave from the Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, approximations and linearization methods. It is also common to
Portugal. simplify the control problem by considering that the inner-loop

0005-1098/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Cabecinhas, R. Cunha and C. Silvestre / Automatica 106 (2019) 384–389 385

Table 1 Ω̇ L = ΠrL τ L (1d)

Symbols in the quadrotor–string–load system.
mQ , mL ∈ R Mass of quad, load ṘQ = RQ S(ωQ ), (1e)
J ∈ R3×3 Quad inertia ω̇Q = τ Q , (1f)
ℓ, g ∈ R String length and gravitational const.
pQ , pL ∈ R3 Position of the quad, load, in {I } where
vQ , vL ∈ R3 Velocity of the quad, load, in {I }
rL ∈ S2 Unit vector from quad to load in {I } mL mL mQ ℓ
Ω L ∈ R3
TL = rT TQ rQ + ∥ωL ∥2 , (2)
String angular velocity in {I } mQ + mL L mQ + mL
TL ∈ R, τ L ∈ R3 String tension and ang. accel. in {I }
RQ ∈ SO(3) Rotation matrix from {B} to {I } τL = − S(rL )TQ rQ , (3)
ω Q ∈ R3 Quad angular velocity in {B} mQ ℓ
TQ ∈ R, nQ ∈ R3 Quad thrust force and torque in {B}
e1 , e2 , e3 ∈ R3 Unit vectors along the reference frame τ Q = J −1 (nQ − S(ω)J ω). (4)

These can be derived from first principles by solving Netwon’s

law equations for each rigid body, together with the connection

pL = pQ + rL ℓ, (5)

or by application of the extended Hamilton’s principle with vari-

ations on the configuration manifold (Sreenath, Lee & Kumar,
2013a). The state vector is (pL , vL , rL , Ω L , RQ , ωQ ) and the in-
put vector is the quadrotor actuation (TQ , nQ ). For simplicity,
in the remainder of the paper we consider τ Q as input since,
inverting (4), one can always find the appropriate nQ that gen-
erates any τ Q . The dynamic system can be thought as being
comprised of three coupled subsystems, where (1a)–(1b) de-
scribe the load subsystem, (1c)–(1d) the string subsystem and
finally (1e)–(1f) correspond to the quadrotor attitude kinematics
and dynamics. The quadrotor position and velocity can be de-
rived from the load position using the relation (5) and its time
Fig. 1. Quadrotor and slung load system. derivative.
The complete system dynamics (1) are differentially flat
(Sreenath & Kumar, 2013; Sreenath, Michael & Kumar, 2013b)
with flat output given by the load position pL and the quadrotor
corresponding to the quadrotor orientation is attained instantly, yaw angle. This property indicates that the feasible trajectories
or at least in finite time, thereby suppressing the coupling of the are completely characterized by the flat output and its derivatives
quadrotor dynamics on the string and load subsystems. and thus the system is linearizable by dynamic feedback into
In this brief we propose a novel look at the slung load system. a chain of integrators of the flat output. Flatness also indicates
By drawing a parallel between the string–load subsystem, driven
that a modified backstepping procedure can be used to design a
by a fully-actuated vehicle, and a standard quadrotor model in
tracking controller, considering a sufficiently smooth trajectory
free flight, existing position tracking controllers for quadrotors
for the flat output as reference to be tracked. This property
can be adapted to slung load position tracking. Following the pro-
parallels the free flight quadrotor since the dynamic system is
posed control design, a Lyapunov function can be constructed for
not in strict feedback form but, due to differentially flatness,
the overall closed-loop system resulting in a position error system
designing backstepping controllers is still possible. The dynamics
proven to be almost-globally asymptotically stable and locally
for a free flight quadrotor system are
exponentially stable. Since no conservatism is introduced, the
proposed method has potentially better performance and conver- ṗ = v,
gence regions than perturbation theory or inner–outer loop based 1
controllers. v̇ = − TRe3 + ge3 ,
2. Dynamic model Ṙ = RS(ω),
ω̇ = τ.
The quadrotor, string, and slung load system is composed of
a quadrotor vehicle, a point mass load, and a massless string of Factoring out the yaw movement and introducing the change of
fixed length ℓ connecting the quadrotor to the load, as depicted variables
in Fig. 1. The variables used are summarized in Table 1. The skew- Ω = RΠe3 ω,
symmetric matrix S(a) encodes the cross-product by a resulting
in S(a)b := a × b for any vectors {a, b} ∈ R3 . The projection onto τ ′ = RΠe3 τ,
the plane orthogonal to a unit vector is Πa := −S(a)2 .
result in the reduced system dynamics
The coordinate-free dynamics for the complete system
are ṗ = v, (6a)
ṗL = vL , (1a) 1
v̇ = − T r3 + ge3 , (6b)
1 m
v̇L = − TL rL + ge3 , (1b) ṙ3 = S(Ω )r3 , (6c)
ṙL = S(Ω L )rL , (1c) Ω̇ = Πr3 τ ′ , (6d)
386 D. Cabecinhas, R. Cunha and C. Silvestre / Automatica 106 (2019) 384–389

where r3 = Re3 . The parallel between the load–string (1a)–(1d) The time derivative V̇ (zL ), factoring out the under-actuation
and the free flight quadrotor dynamics (6a)–(6d) is now immedi- error, can be written as
ately clear. In (1a)–(1d), the string tension TL takes the role of the ∂V T
thrust actuation T and τ L takes the role of the modified angular V̇ (zL ) = −W (zL ) + GL (xL )(rQ TQ − r⋆Q TQ⋆ ).
acceleration τ ′ . Using a more compact notation and evidencing
∂ xL
the affine nature of the actuation, the quadrotor model with state The backstepping procedure can now be iterated as if for a
x = (p, v, r3 , Ω ) and inputs T and τ ′ can be written as normal underactuated quadrotor. Following Cabecinhas et al.
[ ] (2015), the thrust is used to cancel the component of r⋆Q TQ⋆ along
ẋ = f (x) + G(x)
, (7) rQ and the angular error between rQ and r⋆Q is backstepped
τ′ through the quadrotor attitude subsystem. Setting the thrust
with f (x) : R12 → R12 and G(x) : R3 → R12 defined according to
(6). Noting that TL , τ L are affine functions of TQ rQ , which according TQ = rTQ r⋆Q TQ⋆
to (2) and (3) can be written as
[ ] leads to the closed-loop Lyapunov time derivative
= H(xL )TQ rQ + h(xL ), (8)
τL V̇ (zL ) = −W (zL ) + GL (xL )TQ⋆ RQ Πe3 RTQ zQ
∂ xL
it follows that the quadrotor–load model with states xL = (pL , vL , where zQ denotes the quadrotor attitude error given by
rL , Ω L ), RQ , ωQ and inputs TQ , τ Q can be written compactly as
zQ = rQ − r⋆Q (12)
ẋL = fL (xL ) + GL (xL )TQ⋆ r⋆Q + GL (xL )(TQ rQ − TQ⋆ r⋆Q ) (9a)
and a new Lyapunov function is constructed as
ṘQ = RQ S(ωQ ) (9b)
ω̇Q = τ Q . (9c) V2 = V + L2 zTQ zQ .
where TQ⋆ r⋆Q are virtual inputs for the string–load subsystem and where L2 > 0 is an arbitrary matching parameter. The new Lya-
fL (xL ) = f (xL ) + G(xL )h(xL ) and GL (xL ) = G(xL )H(xL ). The virtual punov time derivative features explicitly the quadrotor angular
inputs TQ⋆ and r⋆Q can be seen as the desired stabilizing inputs velocity actuation
for the string–load subsystem if the quadrotor attitude dynamics
V̇2 = −W2 (zL , zQ ) − L2 zTQ RQ S(e3 )(ωQ − ω⋆Q )
are neglected. The first two terms of (9a) parallel then the free
flight quadrotor system (7) and the latter term in (9a) can then with
be regarded as a quadrotor actuation error term.
W2 (zL , zQ ) = W (zL ) + kQ zTQ ΠrQ zQ ,
3. Controller design ω⋆Q = S(e3 )RTQ S(zQ )ṙ⋆Q − zQ
∂V ⋆
In light of the similarities between the string-load subsystems 1
+ GTL (xL ) TQ .
and a free flying quadrotor, it is natural to use the existing body L2 ∂ xL
of work on quadrotor free flight control as a starting point. Any
Given that the final integrator chain (9c) is fully actuated, a
existing trajectory tracking controller for a free flying quadrotor
backstepping iteration with the angular velocity error
for which a Lyapunov function and time derivative are known,
e.g. Cabecinhas, Cunha, and Silvestre (2015) and Hua, Hamel, zω = Πe3 (ωQ − ω⋆Q ) (13)
Morin, and Samson (2009), can be used with the proposed ap-
results in a final Lyapunov derivative that can be rendered neg-
proach. The actuation error between the ideal tracking actua-
ative semi-definite with the appropriate control actuation τ Q .
tion and the current quadrotor actuation, TQ rQ − TQ⋆ r⋆Q , is then
The degree of freedom in the third component of τ Q , due to the
backstepped through the (9b)–(9c) subsystem to obtain the final projection in (13), can be independently exploited to control the
control inputs TQ and τ Q . Let quadrotor yaw angle.
z = ζ (x, pd , . . . , pd )
(3) The quadrotor and slung load dynamics (1) are valid only
under the condition that the string connecting the load to the
denote the error state for the tracking of the trajectory pd (t) by quadrotor is under tension. The following Assumptions capture
a free flying quadrotor vehicle. The exact definition of the error the taut string condition and ensure r⋆Q is well-defined.
z will depend naturally on the free flight controller chosen to
bootstrap the slung-load controller. Furthermore, let V (z) be a Assumption 1. Throughout the trajectory tracking maneuver
Lyapunov function for a trajectory tracking free flying quadrotor the string connecting the load to the quadrotor is always un-
dynamic system and let T ⋆ (z) and τ ⋆ (z) denote the closed-loop der tension, corresponding to TL > 0 for all time, with TL as
inputs that ensure trajectory tracking and render V̇ (z) ≤ −W (z) in (2).
with W (z) a positive semi-definite function. Introducing the error
notation Assumption 2. Throughout the trajectory tracking maneuver the
(3) condition r⋆Q TQ⋆ ̸ = 0 is always verified.
zL = ζ (xL , pd , . . . , pd ) , (10)
Adequate trajectory planning and generation is needed to
the vehicle’s virtual inputs for the string–load system can be avoid trajectories that make the quadrotor descent too quickly
computed by inverting (8) as and possibly violate Assumption 2. In practice, this exceptional
mL + mQ
) situation only occurs for high descent acceleration trajectories,
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ (4)
TQ rQ = TL (zL , pd ) − mQ ℓ∥ωL ∥ 2
rL which are not typical of load transportation. The quadrotor and
slung load system is differentially flat and, given a load trajectory
+ mQ ℓS(rL )τ ⋆L (zL , p(4)
d ) (11) pL and its time derivatives, it is straightforward to plug them
D. Cabecinhas, R. Cunha and C. Silvestre / Automatica 106 (2019) 384–389 387

in (1) and compute the evolution of the system states and inputs
that correspond to that specific trajectory. This property can be
exploited to construct nominal reference trajectories that main-
tain a nominal minimum string tension and a minimum thrust.
In addition, these safeguard distances also provide a metric for
the initial error that the closed-loop system tolerates such that
singularities or model breaches are avoided. The following The-
orem encodes and consolidates the main stability and tracking
properties of the proposed controller.

Theorem 3. Consider the dynamic system (1), representing the

dynamics of a load being slung from a quadrotor vehicle using a taut
string, and a desired trajectory for the load pd (t) of class at least
C 6 . Let T ⋆ (zL ) and τ ⋆ (zL ) be closed-loop actuations for a quadrotor Fig. 2. Open-ended loop reference and simulation trajectories for the load with
vehicle, and zL its error state, for which a Lyapunov function V (zL ) the quadrotor, string, and load position superimposed.
and its time derivative are known, such that the resulting error sys-
tem has an almost globally asymptotically stable equilibrium point
at the origin, locally exponentially stable, and V̇ (zL ) ≤ −W (zL ) with
W (zL ) a positive semi-definite function. Then, under Assumptions 1
and 2, for the closed-loop system resulting from the use of the
TQ = rTQ r⋆Q TQ⋆ ,
k3 L2
τ Q = −ω̇⋆Q + zω + S(e3 )RTQ zQ ,
L3 L3
where r⋆Q and TQ⋆ are defined through (11), the origin of the error
system is exponentially stable and the load position converges to the
desired trajectory.

Proof. The closed-loop quadrotor and load error dynamic sys-

tem, with states zL , zQ , and zω defined as (10), (12), and (13), Fig. 3. Lyapunov function for the closed-curve and the loop-the-loop trajectories
respectively, admits the Lyapunov function exhibiting exponential convergence to zero.

1 1
V3 (zL , zQ , zω ) = V (zL ) + L2 zTQ zQ + L3 zTω zω (14)
2 2
at all times and the dynamics were valid. The controller gains
with the negative semi-definite time derivative and Lyapunov parameters are the same for both simulations and
V̇3 (zL , zQ , zω ) ≤ −W3 (zL , zQ , zω ), are identical to the ones used for the experimental results. To
increase the realism of the simulations the simulated quadrotor
where and load system parameters are identical to the real quadrotor
and load system, mQ = 209 g, mL = 47 g, and ℓ = 0.70m,
W3 (zL , zQ , zω ) = W (zL ) + kQ zTQ ΠrQ zQ + kω zTω zω
corresponding to a natural oscillation period of 1.7 s.
is a positive semi-definite function for kQ , kω > 0. Since V̇3 ≤ 0, We present the results for two simulations, corresponding to
it follows that V3 is bounded and so are all the error states. two different trajectories to be tracked. The first trajectory is the
Adding the boundedness of the desired path pd and its time closed curve in 3D space
derivatives we get that all quadrotor–load system states and
pd (t) = 0.75 sin(3t) 1.5 cos(1.5t) sin(1.5t) .
[ ]
their derivatives (1) are also bounded. Consequently, V̈3 is also
bounded which implies that V̇3 is uniformly continuous. Applying The trajectory is performed in a confined space, has high curva-
Barbalat’s Lemma it follows directly that V̇3 , a uniformly contin- ture, and compels the load to move in all directions including
uous function, converges to zero as time flows. The closed-loop up and down. The second is an aggressive open-ended trajectory,
trajectories (zL (t), zQ (t), zω (t)) converge to one of the equilibrium described by a quintic spline, where the load performs a loop-the-
points for which W3 (z) = 0 yielding pL (t) = pd (t), rQ = ±r⋆Q loop maneuver at a constant speed of 10 m s−1 , presented in Fig. 2.
and Πe3 ωQ = Πe3 ω⋆Q (t). Let c be the critical threshold for which The tracking qualities of the proposed controller are evidenced
V (zL ) < c implies V̇ (zL ) is strictly negative definite. Then, for by the exponential convergence of the Lyapunov function (14)
initial conditions such that V3 (zL , zQ , zω ) < min{c , 2L2 }, the time depicted in Fig. 3. Despite the very different trajectories the
derivative of V3 is strictly negative definite, which implies that convergence rate is similar, corresponding to a decrease of 6
the origin is uniformly asymptotically stable. orders of magnitude per 5 s.
The experimental results were obtained at the SCORE lab-
4. Results oratory of the University of Macau with a model-scale radio
controlled quadrotor controlled in thrust and angular velocity.
A simulation environment was developed in Matlab/Simulink Measurements were obtained using a motion capture setup,
to attest the performance of the proposed controller in ideal working at a 100 Hz rate, that provides accurate position, ori-
conditions and determine appropriate initial gains for the experi- entation, and velocities for the quadrotor vehicle and the slung
mental tests. The vehicle and load system was modeled using the load. These measurements are made available to a computer
dynamics equations (1). Throughout the simulation the tension system which computes the quadrotor inputs according to the
on the load TL was monitored to ensure the string was taut proposed control laws. The inputs (TQ , ωQ ) are then transmitted
388 D. Cabecinhas, R. Cunha and C. Silvestre / Automatica 106 (2019) 384–389

quadrotor subsystems. A parallel is drawn between the load and

string subsystem and a free flying quadrotor that allows existing
quadrotor trajectory tracking controllers to be used as a basis
for the full controller. The actuation error introduced by the
underactuation of the quadrotor is then backstepped through the
quadrotor subsystem dynamics resulting in a closed-loop error
system that admits a parameterized Lyapunov function with a
negative semi-definite time derivative. The proposed controller
is tunable, allowing the linear and angular errors to be appro-
priately mixed, drives the load position error to zero, and the
origin of the error system is asymptotically stable. The controller
was further implemented in simulation and experimental setups,
Fig. 4. Position error when tracking a figure eight trajectory. The initial transient attesting to its practical validity, performance and robustness.
is of short duration and the steady state error is small, averaging under 10 cm. A comparison with a naive controller for a quadrotor only sys-
tem was also presented where the performance differences are


This work was supported by the Macao Science and Technol-

ogy Development Fund under Grant FDCT/026/2017/A1, by the
University of Macau, Macao, China, under Project MYRG2018-
00198-FST, by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
through ISR under Grant LARSyS UID/EEA/50009/2019, and
FCT project LOTUS-PTDC/EEIAUT/5048/2014. The work of
Rita Cunha was supported by the FCT Investigator Programme


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pd (t) = 0.75 sin(0.6t) 1.5 cos(0.3t) −0.9
[ ]
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5. Conclusions
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(pp. 4888–4895).
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namics of a quadrotor vehicle carrying a slung load. The quadro- generation for a quadrotor with a cable-suspended payload. In 2015 IEEE
tor with slung load system is segmented in load, string, and international conference on robotics and automation (pp. 2216–2222).
D. Cabecinhas, R. Cunha and C. Silvestre / Automatica 106 (2019) 384–389 389

David Cabecinhas received the Licenciatura and Ph.D. cooperative control, and vision-based control with application to autonomous
degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from aerial vehicles.
the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal, in
2006 and 2014, respectively. He has been a Researcher
with the Institute for Systems and Robotics, LarSyS, Lis-
Carlos Silvestre received the Licenciatura degree in
bon, since 2007. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow
Electrical Engineering from the Instituto Superior Téc-
with the Faculty of Science and Technology, University
nico (IST) of Lisbon, Portugal, in 1987 and M.Sc. degree
of Macau, Macau, China. His current research interests
in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. degree in Control
include nonlinear control, sensor-based and vision-
Science from the same school in 1991 and 2000,
based control with applications to autonomous aerial
respectively. In 2011, he received the Habilitation in
and surface vehicles, and modeling and identification
Electrical Engineering and Computers also from IST.
of aerial and surface vehicles.
Since 2000, he is with the Department of Electrical
Engineering of the Instituto Superior Técnico, where
Rita Cunha received the Licenciatura degree in In- he is currently an Associate Professor of Control and
formation Systems and Computer Engineering and Robotics on leave. Since 2015, he is a Professor of the
the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engi- Department of Electrical and Computers
neering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, in 1998 and 2007, Macau. Over the past years, he has conducted research on the subjects of
respectively. She is currently an Assistant Researcher navigation guidance and control of air and underwater robots. His research
with the Institute for Systems and Robotics, LARSyS, interests include linear and nonlinear control theory, coordinated control of
Lisbon, and an Invited Assistant Professor with the multiple vehicles, gain scheduled control, integrated design of guidance and
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering control systems, inertial navigation systems, and mission control and real time
of IST. Her research interests include nonlinear dy- architectures for complex autonomous systems with applications to unmanned
namical systems and control, multi-agent systems, air and underwater vehicles.

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