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INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL cooperation, sportsmanship, and

EDUCATION respect for the rights of others
necessary for the adjustments to
Physical Education - integral part of the happy social living. Some worthwhile
educational program designed to promote traits are:
the optimum development Friendliness
LEGAL BASES OF TEACHING PHYSICAL Respect for the rights of others
Good leadership and
Honesty in group competition

- The development of self-confidence,
personal discipline, courage and other
traits needed for emotional mastery.
Examples of worthwhile emotional
traits are:
REPUBLIC ACT No. 5708 - An Act Proving for Self-reliance
the Promotions and Financing of an Courage
Integrated Determination
Physical Education and Sports Development Personal discipline
Program for the Schools in the Philippines 4. MENTAL DEVELOPMENT
Section 1 This Act shall be known as the “The - The development of mental capacities
Schools Physical Education and Sports as he learns the mechanical principles
Development Act of 1969”. of underlying movements, as he
obtains knowledge and understanding
PHYSICAL EDUCATION PERFORMS THREE of the rules and strategies of games
and sports, and as he discovers ways
of improving his movement in
gymnastics and dance.

- Developing knowledge and
FUNCTIONS: understanding of what happens to
our bodies when we exercise through
dance and gymnastics children can be
OBJECTIVES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION creative and express their feelings
and emotions through performance.
1. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT They are given time to reflect on their
- The development and maintenance of own and others performance.
physical fitness and acquisitions of
games, dance and sports skills that
will help enhance the quality growth PURPOSE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION
of each learner. 1. To develop optimum physical
2. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT fitness and health of the individual
- The acquisitions and practice of so that he is capable of living the
desirable social traits such as “good life” and contributing his
maximum capacity to the PHYSICAL FITNESS
attainment of the goals of the “New
Society”; - The ability and capacity to perform
2. To produce individuals who can one’s daily task efficiently and
contribute to the economic well- effectively with alertness and vigor
being through: without undue fatigue, reduce of
a. the improvement of proper work health problems with extra energy in
habits and work attitudes such as case of emergency.
punctuality, cooperation, reliability, - The capability of the body system in
precision and accuracy, and open- carrying out their daily activities
mindedness; and satisfactorily and has still enough
b. proper emphasis on problem- energy to enjoy leisure and to meet
solving skills such that an individual can unforeseen emergencies.
identify a problem correctly and master
the skills necessary or useful in the COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS
business world;
3. To train good leaders with moral 1. Health Related
integrity of the highest order, and
develop other desirable traits a. Cardiovascular Endurance
necessary for effective group - the ability of the heart, blood vessels
participation or group living and the lungs to adapt to physical
essential to the New Society exertion for a prolonged duration.
through; b. Muscular Strength
a. an adequate system of values by - the ability of the muscles or muscle
equipping the individual to be able to group to exert maximum effort in
make moral choices or decisions needed brief duration.
in daily living; and Two types of contractions
b. offering group participation in such 1. Concentric Contraction- refers to
experiences as intramural, play days or the muscles that shorten during
sports fests; exercise.
4. To develop creativity and 2. Eccentric Contraction- refers to
innovativeness inspired by an the muscle that lengthens during an
abiding faith in God and love of exercise.
country and fellowmen; and
5. To instill a love of and pride for
their preservation, and develop an
understanding of the culture of
other for a feeling of international
brotherhood and unity.

- one symbol that will represent the
purpose of Physical Education.
- the ability to live a healthy, satisfying,
and useful life. This type of life is what
educational philosophers and thinkers
term the “good life”. This is the
ultimate goal of education.
Isokinetic Contractions - The muscles are d. Power
exposed to fixed machines with variable - refers to muscular power that is the
degrees of resistance. Through the range of ability to release maximum force in
movement, resistance is equal to the force the shortest possible period.
applied. e. Speed
- the ability to successive movements
c. Muscular Endurance of the same kind in the shortest
- The ability of the muscle or group of period.
muscle to exert repeated muscular f. Reaction Time
contractions against a resistance for - refers to the interval of time between
an extended period of time. the signal to respond (stimulus) and
d. Joint Flexibility the beginning of response.
- is the ability of the joints to move
throughout the full range of motion. OBJECTIVES OF A PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING
Flexibility is influenced by three factors: PROGRAM
1.Structure of the joints;
2.Amount of tissues surrounding the joint; ● Determine the general fitness level of
3. Extensibility of the ligaments, tendons and an individual.
muscle tissue that connects the joints. ● Measure and evaluate selected
components of physical fitness, i.e.
e. Body Composition strength, cardio-respiratory
- is the relationship between fat tissue endurance, muscle strength
and lean body tissues such as muscle, endurance and joint flexibility.
bone, blood, skin, and organs. ● Help in evaluation of existing physical
- It refers to the relative percentage of education program in the light of test
the lean body weight (mass) and body results in order to achieve higher level
fat (adipose tissue). of fitness.

2. Skill Related Components BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS

a. Agility
- the ability to change position or 1. Vitality - muscles are basic for all body
direction with quickness and lightness actions. They increase in strength with
of movement. activity and deteriorate with lack of it. Fit
b. Balance muscles use less energy to perform same
- the ability to organic equipment tasks, leading to increase in vitality.
neuromuscular. 2. Posture - A physically fit person is able to
- it is a state of equilibrium. maintain his general posture alignment
Static Balance- is the ability to better than one with weak musculature.
maintain equilibrium in a fixed position
Dynamic Balance - while moving or
engaging in action
Rotational Balance- which the ability
to maintain or regain balance after
turning, rolling, or other maneuvers while
not in contact with the floor or apparatus.
c. Coordination
- refers to the harmonious functioning
of muscles in producing complex
3. Relieves Low-Back Pain - A lack of CAUSES OF PHYSICAL UNFITNESS
physical activity has been found to be
major cause for some cases obtain in the  Lack of the right kind of exercise.
lower back.  Improper living conditions including
4. Retards Ageing Process - Continued health habits.
participation in regular exercise of the  Nutritional deficiencies, especially
proper amount and severity is under nourishment malnutrition, and
considerable value in postponing in obesity.
deterioration that usually takes place as a Emotional disturbances
person grow old.
5. Physical Fitness and Ability to Meet
Emergencies - The body that is
accustomed sedentary living habits ban
usually operates ineffectively even though
it is operating at near maximum effort.
6. Neuromuscular Skill - The smooth
efficient coordination of muscular system
is improved as result of regular
participation in physical activities.
7. Relaxation - Overactive minds in
underactive bodies often needs physical
outlets for accumulated emotional and
muscular tensions that seems to be
relieve by action of skeletal muscles.
8. Improvement of Personality and Social
Skills - Participation in games and sports
in improving the personality and in
developing the desirable social traits.
9. Mental Fitness - Because of the mental
and physical relaxation that often results
from physical activity, regular exercise are
thought to many to be of considerable
values in aiding the mental processes to
function by many with increased
10. General Health - The physically fit person
usually possesses a high degree of general
resistance, which enables him to
successfully avoid minor illness.


The physical fitness is but one part of the total

fitness that includes mental, emotional, and
social aspects of total well-being.
Physical fitness is the result of the
following factors:
 Good medical and dental care
 Proper nutrition
 Adequate rest and relaxation
 Regular physical activity

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