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Ben Riedinger

Helping with the wild fires

● The customer is everyone that wants a t-shirt and wants to help with the fires
● Helping other people matters a lot to the customer
● Customers live all around the world
Needs Problems
1. Money 1. No place to stay
2. Reources 2. Lost a lot of belongings
3. Support 3. Needs food & Clothing
4. Clothing 4. Emotional distress
5. Places to stay 5. Health Problems
● We are donating all profit to people in need of the wildfire.
● For every 2 shirts bought we will donate a free t shirt to the people in need
of clothing
● We are making T-shirts that help spread awareness of the natural disaster
This shirt was made to help spread
awareness for the people in Arizona
who are facing the wild fires. It also
encourages people to help support.
Flyer & Insta
This shirt helped raise 10 million Dollars for the people. We sold 400,000 shirts at a
price of $25 to reach this. This will help everyone to be able to get back on their feet
who has been affected by wildfires

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