The Church - Finals - 2nd Year

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The Catholic Church:

The Church is mystery by reason of:

Nature and Mission •its origin in the Father’s plan of salvation
•its ongoing life in the Risen Christ and the
Catholic Church traces its origin back to the Old Spirit
Testament “qahal” and the New Testament “ekklesia.” •its ultimate goal in the fully achieved
Kingdom of God.
Both terms mean “the people of God called together,” or
an “assembly convoked by God.” Church is basically a mystery of communion.
It is this living and life-giving communion that makes
The Church claims to be a faith-assembly whose root us belong not to ourselves but to Christ and to his
cause is God’s free call to all to share His divine Church, the community of the disciples of Christ (cf. PCP
goodness and love in Christ. II 87,).
This communion is the ‘integrating aspect,’ and
A. The Church as Mystery the central content of the Church as mystery (cf. CL 19).
A mystery is not something we cannot know nor The model and source of our communion as
understand, but rather a reality we can never fully grasp Christians with Jesus and with one another is God’s own
because there is always more to learn (cf. NCDP 200) Trinitarian communion __ of the Son with the Father in
a. The Church is a mystery simply means it is “a the gift of the Holy Spirit.
reality imbued with the hidden presence of God . . .
always open to new and greater exploration”. The Church is mystery because of its relationship to
(Paul VI at the Opening of the Second Session of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It manifests the Blessed
Vatican II). Trinity by both its nature and mission.
b. It has a unique relation to God Himself, and First, by its origin the Church arose from the saving
therefore also with all of us who are called to design of the Father, the redemptive mission of the Son
salvation precisely as a people. and the sanctifying work of the Spirit.
Second, in structure: just as the Trinity is a
What is a “unique relationship with God?” community, the communion of love of Father, Son and
The Church is related to each Person of the Holy Spirit, so too the Church is a community, a
Blessed Trinity. communion of believers drawn together by Christ in the
power of the Holy Spirit.
First, to the eternal Father who “resolved to Third, the mission of the Church originates “from the
assemble all those who believe in Christ in the holy mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit, in
Church.” accordance with the decree of God the Father”.
In the Father’s plan, the Church was: Fourth, the destiny of the Church is the full
•prefigured from the beginning of the world realization of this communion in the Kingdom of God. We
•prepared wonderfully in the history of Israel are pilgrims, we have not yet appeared with Christ in the
•instituted finally in these last times state of glory in which we shall be like God since we shall
•manifested in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit see Him as He is”.
•to be brought to completion at the end of time
The Trinitarian view of the Church is actually quite close
Second, to the Incarnate Son, Jesus Christ to the ordinary religious experience of Catholic Filipinos.
“Christ, the one Mediator, established and
ceaselessly sustains here on earth his holy Church”. For it is in the Church, especially in communal worship at
The Church originated and grew from Christ. Mass, when we most often:
“From the side of Christ as He slept the sleep of •experience God as “our Father” and feel ourselves
death upon the Cross came forth the wondrous as children in His divine hands;
sacrament of the whole Church” •come to know Christ as our personal Savior, and
what it means to be His disciples in service of others
Like the Incarnate Son, the Church is both •judge true, authentic experiences of the Holy Spirit,
visible and invisible, human and divine. As the Son among our fellow disciples of Christ, and under the
of God “became flesh” to save us from our sins, so guidance and leadership of Church authorities.
the spiritual community of the Church takes on
visible social structure to serve its mission.
PCP II expressed this briefly in noting that “in the
Third, to the Holy Spirit who dwells in the Church Liturgy we assemble and pray in the name of our Lord
and in the hearts of the faithful as in a temple (cf. through whom ‘we have access in one Spirit to the
1 Cor 3:16), and bears witness to their adoptive Father’ ” (Eph 2:18; PCP II 77).
sonship (cf. Gal 4:6).
The Spirit guides the Church into the fullness of
truth (cf. Jn 16:13), gives her a unity of fellowship
and service, and constantly renews and leads her to
perfect union with her Spouse, Christ.
Salvation 3. Those in the category of #2 have the real possibility
of salvation even if they never come to an explicit
The Fullness of Salvation knowledge of Christ and/or his Church.

Is it true that most people will go to Heaven, Saving Grace

regardless of their religion? Grace is available outside the visible boundaries of
God loves all people, and his will is for the Church. It still comes from Christ, as a result of his
everyone to be saved. Jesus Christ is the one true sacrifice. It is communicated by the Holy Spirit.
path to salvation.
The Church’s Mission
The Catholic Church is the only Church with the The Church still has the sacred duty to preach the
fullness of the four Marks of the Church: Gospel to all people.
It is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. The mission regarding non-Catholic Christians
It alone has retained the fullness of the means of should lead us to Christian unity.
salvation. The mission regarding non-Christians involves
respectful dialogue.
The Church Is Necessary for Salvation
 Christ is the one path to salvation, and he is present Who needs Religion?
to us in the Church. People sometimes say they have a right to worship
 Salvation comes from Christ, our Head, through the God in their own way.
Church, which is his Body. How does God wish to be worshipped?
 A sacrament is a visible sign of God’s invisible God wishes to be worshipped by people
grace. joined together in communities, not just by
 The Church is the sacrament isolated individuals.
of salvation . . .
 both a sign and an instrument of the saving union Our Social Nature
between God and humans. We are created to live in community, not in isolation.
We depend completely on Christ’s free gift of grace
Jesus is a Sacrament for our salvation.
 Jesus is called the first or primary sacrament. Christ distributes this gift through the community of
 He, more than anyone, makes visible God’s the Church.
presence in the world.
 He is the mystery of salvation; his saving work made Communal Worship
visible through the Seven Sacraments. When we participate in the Mass, we are part of a
 sacramentum-the visible sign of the hidden reality of community on many levels:
salvation. - the liturgical assembly
 mysterium-the hidden reality of God’s plan of - the local church or diocese
salvation. - the People of God throughout the world
- the worshippers in Heaven
Salvation for Those outside the Church
Is it true that only Catholics can be saved? The answer is Individual Worship
no. We also worship God through our individual
Salvation Is Offered to All People Our personal worship should both draw us to
 Through the ages, millions of people never had the communal prayer . . .
chance to join the Church. and complement the communal worship of the
 If the Church is necessary for salvation, how could Church.
such people be saved?
Salvation is available to them through God’s
grace. In Summary:
There are six key points that I believe we need to
“extra ecclesiam nulla salus,” remember here:
No one who knowingly and deliberately rejects
“outside the Church there is no salvation.” the truth will be saved. It doesn’t matter how good of
a Muslim, Jew, Baptist, or anything else he may be.
If anyone rejects the truth of Christ and his
Catechism of the Catholic Church Church—even one definitive teaching—they will be
CCC 846-848 lost.
CCC 830 Religions that have as tenants of their
1. There is no salvation apart from Christ and his One, respective faiths the rejection of Jesus and his
Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Again, this is Church have no power to save anyone. It is “the
an infallible teaching and not up for debate among truth that makes us free” (cf. John 8:32), not
Catholics. falsehood.
2. Those who are “invincibly” ignorant concerning the In the case of one who is ignorant of the truth of
truth of #1 above will not be culpable for this lack of the Catholic Faith, “through no fault of [his] own,” he
knowledge before God. can be saved, if he is truly “invincibly ignorant, [is]
given the supernatural virtue of faith and [has] Disciple
perfect charity in [his heart]” (cf. Instruction of Holy Jesus associated his disciples with his own life,
Office of Dec. 20, 1949). revealed the mystery of the Kingdom of God to [them],
We must remember that we are not the judges and gave them a share in his mission, his joy, and his
of salvation. God is the sole and final judge. We do sufferings.
not know who is truly “invincibly ignorant” and who is
not. Therefore, we must be careful to “evangelize all Who are the Laity?
men” as the Catechism commands us and leave the Married People
judging to God. Married people procreate, raise, and educate
“Whatever good or truth is found amongst children. Married people live in the world by
[other world religions] is considered by the Church consecrating their daily activities to God.
to be ‘a preparation for the Gospel and given by him Single
who enlightens all men that they may at length have Single people use their state of life, whether
life’” (Lumen Gentium 16). And if they seek the true chosen or not, to pursue their universal call to
God, given the light they have received, they have holiness. Single people live in the world by
the possibility of salvation. consecrating their daily activities to God.
This does not mean they are not in need of the
Eucharist! Without the grace that comes from the Types of Religious Life and Consecrated Life
sacraments, one is at a decided disadvantage to get  Cloistered Orders: prayer, penance, support of
to heaven. And if one has rejected the truth, then convent or monastery.
there is no way he can merit heaven apart from  Active Orders: Carry out their mission in the world
repentance and the acceptance of the truth. The through their apostolate (teaching, missionary work,
Church makes very clear: “The words bind and preaching, ministry).
loose mean: whomever you exclude from your  Contemplative or Monastic Orders: prayer and
communion, will be excluded from communion with sacrifice, mostly live in silence.
God; whomever you receive anew into your  Lay Consecrated: remain a witness through
communion, God will welcome back into his. evangelical counsels in the world.
Reconciliation with the Church is inseparable from
reconciliation with God” (CCC 1445). Law of Self Giving
If anyone makes it to heaven apart from what The principle that encapsulates one’s call to
the Church refers to as “the ordinary means of communion and self-donation with another. It means that
sanctification that comes through the sacraments,” you can discover your true self only through a sincere gift
or a “formal union with the Church,” they will only do of self.
so through a salvific link with the Church that comes
via extraordinary means. Pastoral Priorities for the new millennium according to
“Novo Millennio Ineunte”
1. Holiness
- There is a great desire in people to be holy.
- Holiness is attractive to people even in our times.
- The Church is holy because its goal is to make
Call to Holiness
people holy and she has the means to make people
- All the activities of the Church is to help promote
- A gift
- Rooted in Baptism
- Bring out in people the desire to be saints, to be
- Accessed through the sacraments
what they really are.
- Allowing God to act
- Present the Saints to the people as role models.
- People should see in us our striving to be holy
ourselves. We witness to this.
The “holy one” who leads a life in union with God
through the grace of Christ and receives the reward of
Wrong Ideas about Holiness
eternal life. The Church is called the communion of
- It is only for some chosen few. It is rare
saints, of the holy ones. (CCC, glossary)
and very difficult, if not altogether impossible,
for ordinary people.
Magisterium - The official teaching authority of the
- One needs to be a priest or a nun who
will have the time and the training to be holy.
Jesus bestowed the right and power to teach in
- It is corny. One has to be goody-goody,
his name on Peter and the Apostles and their
with one’s feet off the ground.
- Holiness is of the past but not for us in
The authority of the Magisterium extends to
the modern world.
specific precepts of the natural law because
- Holiness can wait later on, perhaps when
following these precepts is necessary for salvation.
one is already old and has no more cares about
the world.
- Holiness is not really that important. It is
good if one has it, but really one can get by
quite well without it.
- To be holy is to be without sin. Our life is •It has the means to make people holy. The saints are
already tainted by sin. WE have no chance for proofs that holiness abounds in the Church.
- One can be over holy. Baka makalampas Means to Holiness
sa langit! 1. Encounter with Jesus in the sacraments.
2. Praying
3. Word of God in the bible.
Call to Holiness from the Bible 4. Faithfulness in the daily duties of our life.
 Leviticus 19, 2 5. Avoiding sin and temptation.
Speak to all the congregation of the 6. Doing good to others.
people of Israel and say to them: You shall be
holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. Priests’ specific journey to holiness
 Ephesians 1, 4 There are greater reasons that motivate a priest to
He chose us in Christ before the be holy:
foundation of the world to be holy and 1. That he may be worthy of the grace marked on
blameless before him in love. him to stand in persona Christi capitis.
 1 Corinthians 1, 8 2. That he may be the living instrument of the work
He will also strengthen you to the end, so of salvation.
that you may be blameless (holy) on the day of ex opere operato
our Lord Jesus Christ. ex opere operantis
 1 Thessalonians 4, 3 (life pleasing to God)
For this is the will of God, your Our specific path
sanctification: that you will abstain from Holiness in and through ministry.
fornication…. We not only sanctify others in our ministry. Our
 2 Thessalonians 1, 11 (judgement at xt coming) ministry sanctifies us. By acting in persona
To this end we always pray for you, asking Christi we become close to him. We
that our God will make you worthy of his call ourselves become spiritually charged in our pastoral
(which is holiness) and will fulfill by his power work. Check this out in each activity that you do as
every good resolve and work of faith. priests.
Holiness is not something a priest can attain by
What is Holiness? himself or apart from the community of faith. The priest
Holiness is the high standard of ordinary becomes holy within the community by ministering to it
Christian living. (Novo Millennio Ineunte # 31) and leading it.
Holiness is the perfection of charity. In acting as shepherd, the presbyter
Holiness is doing the will of God. experiences his own transformation in the image of
Holiness is oneness with God. the One he represents. This is how he becomes
Holiness is closely following of Jesus. holy.
* God is holy. We cannot approach God if we are not
Important elements in the specific journey of the priest to
* To be one with God then is to be holy.
a. A climate of proximity to Jesus, or friendship and
* To be one with God is to love him.
personal encounter with him.
* To love him is to keep his commandment.
b. The Blessed Virgin Mary.
* His commandment is that we love one another.(Jn 14 ,
c. Liturgy of the Hours.
15.2 1;15,9-10)
Jn. 14,15.21 Hence according to St. John Paul II,
‘If you love me, you will keep my “Spending time in intimate conversation with the
commandments…They who have my Good Shepherd in the Blessed Sacrament is a
commandments and keep them are those who pastoral priority far superior to any other.”
love me; and those who love me will be love by
my Father, and I will love them and reveal Correct ideas on Holiness
myself to them.’ 1. The objective gift of holiness is offered to all the
baptized. Baptism is a true entrance into the holiness of
Jn. 15,9-10
God through incorporation into Christ and the indwelling
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved
of his Spirit. By holiness we avoid a life of mediocrity, that
you; abide in my love. If you keep my
is, reducing Christianity to minimalistic ethics and
commandments, you will abide in my love,
shallow religiosity.
just as I have kept my Father’s
2. Holiness is a call and a task for every Christian, not
commandments and abide in his love.
just for a chosen few.
3. Holiness is achieved in the ordinary Christian living.
We believe in one, holy, Catholic Church
“Do your ordinary duties extraordinarily well.”
The Catholic Church is holy because:
4. The ways of holiness are many, according to the
• Jesus, its root, is holy. He is the way to the
vocation and temperament of each individual.
5. There is a need for a genuine training in holiness.
• It is capable to make people holy by the action of the
6. To be holy is the most important thing in life. There is
Holy Spirit.
only one sadness in life, that is, not to be holy!
Ultimately, what is holiness? Family is Central
Holiness is In the Old Testament, the family was so central that
- Drawing close to God without it, there simply was no covenant.
- Perfection of love In the New Testament, the family reached its
- Doing the will of God fulfillment in Christ.
- Following Jesus Christ The family became the place where the Holy Spirit
works out the salvation of each member and provides
stability and structure for life’s journey.

Church in Miniature
Family: The Domestic Church The baptized family is the first place where essential
teaching in faith, prayer, and morality are carried out.
What is the Domestic Church? The Christian family is the Church in miniature,
“The Christian home is the place where children sharing the nature of Christ.
receive the first proclamation of the faith. For this reason,
the family home is rightly called ‘the domestic Church,’ a Christ as Head
community of grace and prayer, a school of human The true head of the Catholic home is Jesus, just as
virtues and of Christian charity.” he is head of the Church.
The family’s week should be centered on the Mass,
Church Mission and faith growth in the family should continue in the
The Church’s people share a common mission. home.
What is this mission?
To share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Signs of the Domestic Church
The family is the place where children learn the - Bible
Good News. - Rosary beads
- Crucifix
Our Commission - Pictures of saints
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, - Picture of Mary, Mother of God
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the - Holy cards
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe More Signs
all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20). - Bulletin from your parish
- Art with a Scripture verse on it
First Ideas - Christian newspaper or magazine
Pope Saint John Paul II repeatedly referred to the - Books about Christian spirituality or history
Catholic family as “the domestic Church,” for it is within - Baptismal candle
family that we form our first ideas about life and love, and - Memorial of First Communion
about God and his Church. - Nativity scene at Christmas
- Advent wreath
Early Church - Blessed palms from Palm Sunday
The early Church began in house churches, where
families were the heart of the communities. The Church The Filipino Family
was formed from believers and their whole household. The basic units of Philippine society are the nuclear
New believers wanted their entire family to be saved. family of the husband, wife, and children, and the
bilaterally extended family which includes the families of
Family Church the husband and wife.
The family is the most intimate experience of Family is "a group of persons united by ties of
Church, the place where love, forgiveness, and trust marriage, blood or adoption; constituting a single
should first be encountered. This is the family Church, household; interacting and communicating with each
whose members are called to embody Christ in everyday other in their respective social roles of husband and wife,
life. mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister;
and creating and maintaining a common culture".
Dignity of Marriage
Vatican II recognized the dignity of Marriage by The Non-Traditional Family Forms
declaring that families are genuinely “Church.” 1. Solo-parent family (has 5 Types)
The Council restored the ancient concept of a. widow or widower and his/her child/children
domestic Church as it declared: b. single man or woman and his/her adapted
“The parents are to be the first preachers of the child/children
faith for their children, by word and example.” c. separated parent and his/her child/children
d. unwed woman and her child/children
Role in Salvation e. mistress and her child/children by a married
The family was created to play a specific role in man
God’s plan of salvation. 2. Step-families or blended families.
The family is deeply associated with the Church, 3. Formed by homosexuals
both in its nature and in its structure. 4. Childless couples
5. Composed of siblings who have been orphaned,
or those whose parents are away as OCWs.
The Family Code of the Philippines  Role 3:
Marriage is "a special contract of permanent Socialization in the Family
union between a man and a woman.entered into in Within the family, socialization is an interactive
accordance with law for the establishment of process between children and parents. The family is the
conjugal and family life. It is the foundation of the chief agent of socialization in the child’s life because it is
family and an inviolable social institution whose primarily in-charge of nurturing the child during the early
nature, consequences, and incidents are governed formative years.
by law and not subject to stipulation." (Art. 1)
 Role 4:
Roles of the Filipino Family Teaching on morality
 Role 1: a. Risk Behaviors
Faith Formation in the Filipino Family Findings show a high and increasing pattern of
“Filipino Catholic children receive from their risk behaviors among young people which are
family an initial but very simple and scanty religious magnified by their tendency towards multiple
education. It is because of the increasing break-up risk-taking: “adolescents who are exposed to
of families and because parents, who are engrossed smoking, drinking or drug abuse are more likely to
in work, find no more time to catechize their be sexually active and that early sex is associated
children.” with other risky sexual behaviors ...”
b. Premarital Sex
The Christian Family as the Domestic Church Some factors:
Lumen Gentium 11: “The family is, so to - The impact of changing family configuration.
speak, the domestic Church. In it parents - The increased mobility of both parents and
should, by their word and example, be the first adolescents in recent years meant a decline in
heralds of the faith to the children.” (LG 11) direct supervision of parents on their children.
Christifideles Laici 62: The Christian - The adolescents report the home to be the
Family, as the ‘domestic Church’, also makes most popular venue of the first sexual
up a natural and fundamental school for the encounter due to absentee parenting.
formation in the faith. c. Discussion of Sex at Home
Study made by de Irala et al. in 2009:
 Role 2: Students reported that they obtained
Catholic Education information about love and sexuality mainly
Catholic educational institutions have been making from friends (57.5% for males and 69.6% for
a distinct contribution to the total well-being of the females).
country.” (PCP II 622) In the case of males, by the Internet and
Catholic education = a passport to better youth magazines (27.1%); in the case of
opportunities for earning a living. females, by parents (30.7%). But generally, the
Gaudium et Spes 3: The family as “the principal youth (especially girls) value parents’ opinion
school of social virtues which is necessary to more than friends’ in most topics.
every society.” The authoritative sources like priests and
teachers were not anymore in the top three
“One reason for inadequacy of parents and adults… choices.
is the lack of continuing catechesis for them.” d. Parental Absenteeism
(NNCDP 82) Parental absenteeism is a growing reality
among the lives of teens. Almost half (47%) do
not have either one or both parents around
Family Catechesis most of the time with them.
The Catechetical Role of Parents
“The couples are ‘co-operators of grace and witness Tasks of the Family (From Familiaris Consortio)
of the faith’. They are the first to pass on the faith to 1. Forming a Community of Persons
their children and to educate them in it.” (AA 11) 2. Serving Life
The parents have two particular duties:
Triple Responsibility of parents (GDC 226): a. Transmission of Life: Procreation as the
1. That of silent witnessing of a faith that is authentically transmission of the divine image from person to
lived daily. person is the fundamental task of the family to serve
2. That of accompanying their children in occasion of life. (FC 28)
particular events in their searching, and b. Education: : Since parents have conferred life on
3. That of interiorizing the more systematic catechesis their children, they have a most solemn obligation to
that the children receive in the community. educate their offspring...Hence, “the family is the
first school of those social virtues which every
"Family catechesis precedes, accompanies and society needs.” (GE 3)
enriches all forms of catechesis." (CT 68) 3. Participating in the Development of the Society
4. Sharing in the Life and Mission of the Church
One Step
- It takes just one step to build a domestic Church.
- When the time comes to build your own family, remember this: If you invite Jesus
into your family, you will be domestic Church.

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