Ethics Task 2

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“Look Into It”

1. Elaborate and differentiate the following:

a. Moral Issues
Moral issue is a working definition of an issue of moral concern is presented as any
issue with the potential to help or harm anyone, including oneself. It is the
rightness or wrongness of a decision to make.

b. Moral Decision
A choice made based on a person’s ethics, manners, character, and their own belief
on what is a proper thing to do. It does not only affect your own well-being, but also
the well-being of others.

c. Moral Judgement
Refers to a determination a person makes about an action (or inaction), motive,
situation, or person in relation to standards of goodness or rightness. Moral
judgement helps us to determine whether an individual is accountable of doing
harmful actions and exercise reinforcement if proven.

d. Moral Dilemma
A conflict situation in which a person is forced to choose between two (or more)
conflicting options neither the options is acceptable to him/her.

2. Elaborate the SOURCES OF AUTHORITY (Law, Religion and Culture) and give
citations (APA Citation) to support your discussions.

 Law
Law is the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as
regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of
penalties. Law governs society as a whole, often dealing with interactions
between total strangers. Law has enforcing authority derived from the state. The
law will punish anyone who happens to violate it. (Perez, 2017)
 Religion
Religion is often considered the most widely used system to make ethical
decisions and to conduct moral reasoning. (Pollock, 2007) . Religion is based in
some measure on the idea that God (or some deity) reveals insights about life
and its true meaning. These insights are collected in texts (the Bible, the Torah,
the Koran, etc.) and presented as “revelation.” (Donahue, 2006). Religion has
become the basis for most of the people to govern their decisions to choose
ethical actions to take. One of the basic tenets for divine command theory is to


INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Alimar Aurita SUBJECT: Ethics
use God as the source for all principles. In this way, to rely upon divine command
theory, a person must believe that there is a willful and rational god that has
provided the direction toward an ethical outcome. (McCartney & Parent, 2022)
 Culture
The most generally accepted concept is that culture is a key determinant of an
individual's ethical ideology, which affects an individual’s inclination to behave
ethically. In other words, culture acts as a guideline in determining whether
certain practices are appropriate and acceptable. (Mustamil & Norizah, 2010)
Cultural values are suggested to influence people's reactions to conflict and to
the conflict-resolution efforts of third parties (see Leung, 1987; Leung, Au,
Fernandez-Dols, & Iwawaki, 1992; Leung, Bond, Carment, Krishman, & Liebrand,
1990; Leung & Lind, 1986; Leung & Morris, 2001; Tyler, Boeckmann, Smith, &
Huo, 1997).

3. Discuss why ethical problem arise from the power and influence of leaders?
Being a leader is a very big responsibility to have. A group of people or a
community can have high expectations towards their leaders, where they look
forward for a better output or management created by their leaders. The rise of
ethical problem is one of the challenges a leader can have. Ethical problems arise
because of the leader’s influence on the community or group of people they
manage. They have a power to create ideas or decisions for the community, their
power to control resources, and their ability to reward and punish. Ethical problems
can possibly arise if the leader misuse his/her power that causes abuse or
exploitation to a group of people or a community they tend to manage.

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