Assignment 1

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A role model embodies the qualities you want for yourself and is able to teach others, directly or
through example. For most of us, the first role models are our parents because they guide us and
bring us up to be adults. Other family members, teachers, community leaders, a young kid picking
herself up again and again after falling several times, or even ourselves, can also act as role models.
Besides showing us how to do the right things, they also motivate us and internalize valuable
qualities. If we are constrained by difficulties, he or she can show us how to handle adversity by
advising and supporting us. That’s why we need role models throughout our lives.


Indian journalist Tithiya Sharma decided to spend 2 years finding 100 inspirational heroes who were
changing their countries’ future. She wanted to make a drastic change, so she quitted her job and set
off on her journey to the trickiest corners of the world with only a few notes to guide her. She has no
set criteria for her heroes, yet she underlines the effect just one can have on the rest of the world: to
inspire and to bring people together. By using social media, Sharma raises money and awareness for
the heroes she finds, which have impressed some donors who funded all her flights. Sharma
expresses that traveling alone has been difficult, but her resolve has been strengthened since then.
During her expedition, she felt unhappy in most situations and wants to work with women who are
clawing to create a new normal. Finally, she completed her quest with over 100 heroes found.

After the trip, what she remembered most is the people, whom she adored due to their love and
hospitality. To her, the trip was a fortunate and privileged experience.


What makes someone admirable? Is it their accomplishments, their

personality, or something else entirely? This type of people usually
possess qualities that motivate others and make them stand out in a
positive way. Some of the traits that make people admirable include
integrity, compassion, and perseverance.

Firstly, integrity is a fundamental quality that makes people

admirable. People who possess integrity are highly respected because
they are dependable and trustworthy. They are able to build strong
relationships with others based on mutual respect and honesty.
Secondly, compassion is another quality that makes people admirable.
Compassionate individuals are able to empathize with others and show
kindness and understanding towards them. They are able to put
themselves in others' shoes and act in a way that is helpful and
supportive. This quality is particularly important in professions
like healthcare, where caring for others is a key component of the
job. Finally, perseverance is an attribute that makes people
praiseworthy. People who persevere in the pursuit of their goals are
able to overcome obstacles and achieve success. They are able to
inspire others to do the same, showing that anything is possible with
hard work and enthusiasm.

In conclusion, people who possess qualities like integrity,

compassion, and perseverance are truly admirable. These traits
inspire others and make the world a better place. By striving to
develop these qualities in ourselves, each of us can become a
supportive and valuable member of the society.


The author is a researcher who observes how people shop. He states that urban pedestrians today
walk a lot faster than they did in the past, which leads to “dead space”- or people’s ignorance of store
windows. He also mentions that our ability to process information from window displays has become
faster. Therefore, store windows must be creative, simple and quick reads in order to catch walkers’
eyes, especially in today’s competitive retail market. Store owners should do everything they could to
make store windows come alive again, which will attract more customers.


The Millers are getting ready to move to a new house, but their old condo hasn’t been sold for over a
month. The home is nice and well-situated, yet it doesn’t make a good impression on potential
buyers. To help the family solve their problem, Tran suggests hiring a home stager who will try to
make their house as attractive as possible in order to make home buyers want to buy it. In other
words, home stager will minimize the clutter, store personal items, organize what’s left and repaint
the walls. Also, real estate agents state that home will be easier to be staged if it’s vacant, and
investing in staging is a good idea because the home will be sold more quickly and the owners will get
more money from this.


Eliza has a happy adolescence. Not only does she perform excellently at school but she also has a
close relationship with her family and friends. So what’s the secret to Eliza’s happiness? We often
think of adolescence of a difficult period, but it actually isn’t. The 4-H research conducted by Dr.
Lerner suggests that teens with the Five Cs (competence, connection, character, character and caring)
are more likely to become capable adults. It has also found that kids from any background can thrive
as long as they’re resilient. Therefore, it’s essential to develop these qualities in which interaction
with families, schools and communities are key. Furthermore, parents need to balance between
staying connected and letting go of their children because this may be the best rule they can make.

Lamott begins by talking about her father’s morning routine before working in his study. She often
wished that her father has a regular job like other fathers, but then she came to realize that being a
writer is the most suitable work for him. Writing gave her father a reason to explore & motivated him
to look at life closely.It also taught him to pay attention, which he then taught his students to do, as
well as how to write. Lamott was very shy & nervous at first, but later, she learned to be funny and
started to write. She wrote more in high school, when her peers appreciated her stories about what
had happened in their lives, in contrast to her father, who utilized images to describe significant and
little happenings. Due to her odd style of thinking, she believed she might become a writer.


To be proficient in a language, we should be able to write the letters. But with its other parts, is it
important to learn two ways to write them? Educators have pointed out the benefits of writing by
hand. By practising this type of writing, children can develop muscle control while understanding
the differences in letters.
However, some are opposed to teaching cursive writing and have a preference for print. Supporters
of learning both forms, in contrast, maintain that cursive writing is faster, and individualistic. It is
also linked to our culture, so it need to be continued being taught.
There are solutions that address the problems of cursive writing. In addition to handwriting, doing
other skills with hand will build nerve connections. If legibility is not attained in writing by hand,
typing is a useful alternative. Also, instead of signature, a thumbprint or fingerprint can be used as a
means of identification.
After all, handwriting is a skill that needs to be practised as technology sometimes fail or is


Haji Noor Deen is a Chinese Muslim who masters Arabic calligraphy. Essentially, his work is a fusion
of Chinese and Arabic scripts. He has undertaken the task of not only producing his own style but
also inspiring others through his lectures and workshops at many institutions in the US and the UK.
Deen has gained several awards throughout his career, including the Certificate of Arabic
Calligrapher, which made him the first Chinese to be given. His work, which reflects the unique
beauty of the unity of Arabic and Chinese cultures,has been exhibited in museums worldwide. Due
to the craft being an important cultural heritage, Deen will carry on this precious and intricate skill.

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