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Animal Habitat Project for Spanish class / Due November 17 & 18

Choose one of the options below. You will be creating your own “wildebeest story” of sorts. See the
rubric on the back of this page. Make it creative and colorful! We will present these to the class
starting on Nov 16.
1.) Make a shoebox diorama with at least five items displayed in your box/lid. You should have a
setting/background, animals, rocks, trees, shells, clouds, other plant and animal life. Make it colorful
and creative. Make sure you have your first and last name and class period on the box somewhere.
Items you will need from home: fabric, or another type of material to cover the outside of the box (not
required but looks nice) and to decorate the inside, aquarium gravel, rocks, sand, dirt, twigs, plastic
wrap, plastic bushes or trees, clipart, cotton balls for clouds in the sky, magazine pictures, pipe
cleaners, paint, toothpicks-BE CREATIVE!!! You may print some animal pictures from clip art or the
Internet for the inside or outside of your box. Items Sra. L will provide: markers, crayons,
construction paper, hot glue gun, scissors and Elmer’s glue. I will have a few shoeboxes, but not
enough for everyone.
2.) You can write and illustrate a children’s book (at least 8 pages). Please complete it on nice quality
paper (construction or card stock). It should be very neat and colorful. Choose this option only if you
really like to draw. Each page should have a sentence and illustration.
**Over the next several days, I will take participation grades to see how far along you are coming.

Please answer these statements in your diorama/book:

Mi animal es un Tigre. Mi animal habita en la Selva(rain-forest). Mi animal es de color naranja con
rayas negras. (Orange with black stripes)
. Mi animal es depredador(predator) [adjectives].
Mi animal le gusta comer Monas, y Monos (male and female monkeys).
En mi diorama, hay [un] [tigre]. Un [Tigre] espera a su presa (wait for their prey) . El [jirafa]
(Giraffe) comer la mayor parte del tiempo (eat most of the time)

Animal Project Grading rubric

Facing audience/ eye contact 5 10 15 20
Speaking clearly & loudly 5 10 15 20
Reads story/answers in Spanish 5 10 15 20
Accurately answered
questions acc. to rubric 5 10 15 20
Read in front of class 10 20

Presentation grade /100 (progress grade)

Quality of 5- Project is sloppy, 10 The diorama 15 The diorama shows 20 The project
Construction unorganized, rips, shows some attn. to attention to shows excellent
glue everywhere detail; neatly trimmed construction. Some attention to details.
& somewhat attached errors present, nothing Neatly trimmed; no
hanging over edges. stray marks items out
of place.

Creativity 5 The student did 10 Items are more 15 1, 2 Items and 20 Several items
not make or typical than creative, diorama in general display an
customize any of the basic. display student exceptional degree of
items in the diorama. creativity student creativity

Design/ 5 Little attention was 10 Objects may be 15 Objects are good 20 Extra care was
planning given to the design; correct size, but it size and shape, but taken to balance the
objects are appears not a lot of diorama may not scene; objects are
inappropriate planning went in; not appear balanced. good shape and
size/shape. very attractive piece arranged well.

Adherence to 5 It is clear that 10 More than one 15 Student has a clear 20 Student
rubric rubric was not used aspect of the project understanding of the understands and
and student failed the was executed poorly assignment, but may executes assignment
project (points wise) be missing a few points very well

Time/effort 5 Student had to be 10 Student was off 15 Student had to be 20 Student was on
redirected more than task occasionally; redirected once; good task the whole week
once; minimal effort some effort put into effort put into project. and showed
put into project. project. considerable effort in

Project grade /100 (mastery grade)

Check in 11/11 & 11/14 to see sentences and progress /100 (participation grade)

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