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PCOA 004


Make a reflection on the link provided above by answering the following questions:

1. What was your dream when you were a child?

- My dream when I was a child is that I want a cadet junior international.

2. What are the things you do in order to achieve your dream?

- The things I did in order to achieve my dreams is that I always do my best to study. But
sometimes, honestly I can’t manage my time due to my work. But I always do my best
for me to be able achieve my dream.

3. What are the government’s contribution in achieving your dream?

- One of the best contribution that government gave me is that I received a financial
assistance and school supplies. But that happened when I was in high school and I
consider that as their contribution because by that they helped me.

4. Today, do you still pursue the same dream you have before? If yes, what motivates you to
pursue it? If no, what are the reasons in changing your dream?

- No, since we are not a rich family, we are lack of financial support to achieve or to
support my cadet dream. We cannot afford all the things and the training fees. Although,
I am still happy for what I am and for what I have right now.

5. As an individual, how will you and your dream help in order to strengthen human capital in
the Philippines?

- As an individual, my dream and I will strengthen the human capital of the Philippines by
studying and have a better work in the future. And by that it helps our economic growth
to be better as we have a better work for our country.

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