Difficulties in Solving Mathematical Problems

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A Research Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for
Practical Research 1

Albores, Raphael
Bantayan, Leonard
Manglicmot, Enjun Lorenze
Verona, Jennifer

October 2019
Chapter 1

Mathematics is consisting of solving, analyzing and understanding a
problem gradually. Mathematics also plays a major role in number of other
scientific fields such as physics, engineering and statistics. As time goes by
Mathematics becomes accumulated that most of the students find it difficult.
Students have inability to solve and answer problems impulsively. Various
studies have shown that difficulties in mathematical problem solving comes when
students apply and assemble thoughts, concepts and procedures to solve the
problem (Heinz et.al. 2005).
Students in Tunisia, Argentina, Brazil and Thailand feared Mathematics
that tends to low academic performance towards the student. Some believe that
mind is so occupied bothering about Mathematics that students will not actually
do math problems at hand. However, in Malaysia students have not acquired the
basic skills they need in Mathematics (Berch, Mazzocco, Nizam and
Rosaznisham 2007). Teaching and learning process needed in Mathematics to
assist students on problem solving.
In the Philippines students find mathematics an uninteresting subject and
not applicable on their daily lives. Based on Miguel (2007) a lot of Filipino STEM
students are getting tired of Mathematics due to solving problems and many
numbers. Filipino students also having problem on math proficiency. In addition,
a number of students are dropping Mathematics usually before and after
examination (Malipot, 2009).
Rimando (2009) reported that in Davao there are students have poor
performance that shows problem in capabilities to cope mathematical discipline.
Students who have poor problem solving skills are more likely to become bullies.
Locally, in Cor Jesu College of Digos City most students fail in Math subject. In
fact, the Department of Education Ronda (2009) created a strategy to encourage
students to learn and appreciate Mathematics.
With the contemporary issues the researchers incited to conduct this
research entitled “Difficulties in Solving Mathematical Problems among Grade 11
STEM Students” which will determine the difficulty of students towards
Mathematics. However, lack of mathematical proficiency leads to poor academic
performance on students.
Research Questions
The purpose of this study is to determine the difficulty of students towards
Mathematics. Specifically, this study aims to answer the questions:
RQ1. Do Grade 11 STEM students find Math a difficult subject?
1.1 Are numbers really difficult for you?
1.2 Did you experience difficulty in Math subject?
1.3 In your own opinion, is math applicable on your daily life?
RQ2. Can a student solve mathematical problem if s/he lacks of self-
2.1 Who is the most prone of lack in self- motivation?
2.2 Can lack of self-motivation affect your study?
2.3 When can you say that a student is lack of self-motivation?
Theoretical Lens
Studying is one of the most important responsibilities we have during
school. These days, students have a good study habit for them to be more
knowledgeable. Luckily, there are strategies on studying well for us to improve in
academic field.
This study will be anchored on the theory of Deci and Ryan (2000) known
as “Self-determination” which asserts that the students have a remarkable part in
developing their propensity. This theory emphasizes on the individual’s
motivation and the possible outcome after being motivated. Motivation is very
important for a student to become eager on gaining new knowledge. There are
two types of motivation the extrinsic motivation which is doing a task to yield a
reward or benefit. Intrinsic motivation is doing something purely or willingly.
Self-determination theory supports three essential mental needs that must
be fulfilled. First one is the competence that controls results and experience
mastery. Second, the relatedness or how people interact or be connected to
others. Lastly, the autonomy or the ability to make own decisions without being
controlled by anyone else. Self-determination does not simply happen
automatically it requires social support that fosters personal growth. Offering
positive encouragement to a person can increase motivation and feels more
Review of Related Literature

Factors Contributing to Student’s Poor Performance in Mathematics

Many students have poor performance in Mathematics and these are the
related book that I read. The most common determination of social economic
status is the combination of parental education, occupational status and earnings
(Jeynes, 2002). It is not surprising that social economic status is one of the main
variables studied while predicting academic performance in most student
academic performance studies. Their academic achievement according to Graetz
(1995) is very strongly dependent on the parents ' personal financial status.
Considene and Zappala (2002) argue that there is a high level of achievement in
their children in families where the parents are socially, educationally and
economically advantaged.
An extremely motivated individual puts in his or her work as much effort as
possible. According to Farrant (1968) today the connection between educators
and students is often upside down. Students come because they have to learn
and teachers are paid to teach them. Teachers lament that their profession is not
being respected and complain that they are inadequately paid for their
responsibilities. They look at other jobs and service circumstances for a better
life, Farrant (1968) statement showed lack of motivation on the part of educators
and learners are alike. Moreover, it can lead to scholarly job inefficiency and its
effects-bad results. Lockheed's (1991) studies quoted in Etsey (2005) disclosed
that absence of motivation and professional engagement result in bad
attendance and unprofessional characteristics towards learners which in turn
affects students ' academic performance.
The attitude of students towards mathematics affects their attempts to
understand and practice mathematical ideas and competencies. According to the
National Research Council (2000) quoted in Akey (2006) the convictions of
students about their skills and their expectations for college achievement were
directly related to their level of commitment, as well as emotional states
promoting or interfering with their academic success. Thus attitudes determine
the effort that a student is likely to put into his subject teaching (Mathematics).
For excellent results in the upper classes, therefore, it is essential for
mathematics educators to strive for and maintain favorable attitudes towards
Mathematics (Benson, 1999).

Difficulties in Learning Mathematics

Some students find Math a hard subject that can affect their mathematical
learning. Many learners faced learning difficulties that roots lack of understanding
of concepts and lack of clarity about rules that leads to misconception (Pal,
2009). The conclusion of Acha (2009) that students learning process are
hindered by limited working memory.
According to Blanco and Garrote (2007) students find two types of
difficulty in dealing with inequalities. On the one hand, calculation is still the basic
reference for those students who make errors in algebraic procedures. On the
other hand, absence of meaning is the cause of failure to understand the
concepts and algebraic process. Approximately 6 to 10% of individuals have
dyscalculia. There is an evidence that dyscalculia is biologically based on genetic
influences (Petrill and Plomin, 2007).
Dowker (2004) found that a student could remember many number facts
but lacks of strategies including suitable counting strategies. Some other
students could deal single-digit arithmetic but had serious difficulty in
understanding tens, Units and place value. Children with poor fact mastery
showed a little improvement on number fact but shows normal progress in other
aspects of Mathematics (Jordan, Hanich and Kaplan, 2003).
In accordance to Potari and Georgiadu (2000) that if adult considers math
tasks easy it could be easily understood by students and learn Math through their
actual involvement in teaching activities. Students with language difficulties tend
to have difficulties in symbolic understanding, organizing, memory and in addition
it will affect the understanding of language in Mathematics (Grauberg, 1998).

Study Habits and Academic Performance

Every student must have a behavior to enhance his skill to achieve a good
performance in school. Study habit is an individual capacity to achieve high
grade may define as “strategies of a work” in which students do different types of
studying such as building vocabulary, writing terms and making examples (K.
Premalakshmi, 2012). The first step to have good academic achievements is to
formulate a regular study habit. Students must practice by themselves at home
and in school and they should be guided properly. Student’s academic
performance occupies a very important place in education as well as in the
learning process. It is considered as key to judge one total potentialities and
capacities (Nuthana & Yenagi, 2009).

Study Habits Inventory is an instrument design to measure study habits

which includes budgeting time, physical conditions for study, reading ability, note
taking, factors in learning motivation and memory (Palsane and Sadhara
Sharma, 1989).

Student’s Motivation

According to Shia (n.d), intrinsic academic motivation is the component

required for student success. Nevertheless, most student’s motivation is not
enough to lead them academically through their careers. Shia emphasized the
importance of intrinsic motivation in her research. She defined intrinsic motivation
as (a) involvement in an activity purely out of curiosity, which requires knowledge
of something (b) the desire to engage in an activity purely in order to participate
in and complete a task; and (c) the desire to contribute. Shia also added that he
or she will put a lot of patience and commitment when a student has intrinsic
motivation. Through these students, goals such as the goal of learning and the
aim to accomplish will grow.

In support of the value of intrinsic motivation, Baranek (1996) said in her

research that children learn the most when they have intrinsic motivation rather
than extrinsic motivation, since intrinsically motivated children have
independence in their learning environment. Academic achievement is improved
by intrinsic motivation.

Lack of Motivation

Lack of motivation is the case, where desire that leads person to behave
is not at the optimum level. Some of the reasons for the lack of motivation can be
identified as the lack of sufficient grounds for overcoming the difficulties faced by
learners, not having a goal, and the difficulty of prioritization. Lack of motivation
influences students ' academic success, according to Selçuk and Güner (2000).
Students become less attentive to different activities as a result of reduced
motivation, receive lower grades and exhibit insensitive attitudes toward
academic subjects. Thus, the individual lives in anxiety and stops
trying (Selçuk and Güner, 2000). These circumstances are strong signs that
students face reduced self-confidence problems. Unmotivated students cannot
foresee the consequences of their behavior, nor can they see the motive behind
it. They may perhaps feel disintegrated or disconnected from their action or lack
of and will inevitably invest little or no vigor in their efforts. In addition, for a
variety of reasons, students are predisposed to lack motivation. It has been
determined that individuals may experience an absence of motivation to perform.
There is a belief that a large number of individuals do not have the personal
ability to enact the required task, the belief they cannot maintain the effort that is
required by the behavior or the belief that they are simply powerless in
effectuating a suitable outcome (Pelletier, Dion, Tucson, and Green-Demers,

Unmotivated students cannot foresee the consequences of their behavior,

nor can they see the motive behind it. They may perhaps feel disintegrated or
disconnected from their action or lack of and will inevitably invest little or no vigor
in their efforts. In addition, for a variety of reasons, students are predisposed to
lack motivation. It has been determined that individuals may experience an
absence of motivation to perform. There is a belief that a large number of
individuals do not have the personal ability to enact the required task, the belief
they cannot maintain the effort that is required by the behavior or the belief that
they are simply powerless in effectuating a suitable outcome (Pelletier, Dion,
Tucson, and Green-Demers, 1999).
Review of Related Studies
This study entitled “Motivational Drives of Mathematics Students and their
Academic Achievement”. The purpose of the study was to know if there was a
significant relationship between motivation and academic achievement of the
student. Survey questionnaires were used to collect data. The results show that
the significant relationship between the two was moderately high. It was
confirmed that there are ways to improve the quality of motivation and academic
achievement of the students taking Math major to attain an excellent
The similarities between our study and this study is the motivation of a
student that leads to good academic performance. The difference is they used
quantitative method on gathering data.
This study entitled “Study Habits and Math Anxiety of Students”. The
purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between study habits and
Math anxiety. It utilizes a quantitative research design employing descriptive-
correlation method. The findings revealed that there is no significant relationship
between study habits and Math anxiety. It was recommended that students
should design programs that aim to strengthen their study habits to alleviate
Mathematics deficiency.
The similarities of the two is strengthening our study habits contributes
more knowledge in Mathematics. The difference is that Math difficulty is the
struggle of the learner to solve Math problems while Math anxiety is an emotional
issue involving self-doubt and the fear of failing.
This study entitled “Problems and Difficulties Encountered by Students
towards Mastering Learning Competencies in Mathematics”. The purpose of the
study was to analyzed the problems and difficulties of students towards
Mathematics. The study uses descriptive survey method. Findings revealed that
the students encountered personal problems relating to school expenses, lack of
interest and negative attitude towards the subject. The most common problem of
the student is too many tasks and projects assigned and studying too many
subject every day.
This study is similar to ours it is because of the problems being discussed.
This study and our study differs it is because our study uses qualitative method
while this study uses quantitative method.
This study entitled “Students Difficulties in Mathematics Problem Solving”.
The purpose of the study is to discuss the major mathematics skills and abilities
that causes difficulties. Mixed qualitative and quantitative approach was used.
Results shows that respondents lacked in many mathematical skills such as
number fact, visual spatial and information skills. This understanding on how the
deficits influenced the problem solving is expected to give effective guidelines in
order to develop Math skills.
The similarities between our study and this study is the specific difficulty
that the students encountered. The difference is our study does not specify those
Math skills.
This study entitled “Mathematics Importance in our Life”. The purpose of the
study is to demonstrate that mathematics is not only the basis in technical fields
but is also applied in the nature. A questionnaire was used for data collection.
According to the result we can find mathematical application in the nature,
technology, architecture, machinery, building industry, in the banking sector, in
research, cartography etc. There are very interesting applications in genetics and
in using mathematics in the nature. Statistical methods are used in hypothesis
testing in genetics. By using mathematics, we can create statistical descriptions
of quantitative relations.
The similarities of this study and our study is how Mathematics really
applies on our daily living because without it our world wouldn’t improve.
However, they differ with each other because our topic pointed out the difficulties
while this topic broadly discussed the applications of mathematics in our daily
Chapter 2

This chapter details out the research methodology for the present study. In
this chapter, it discusses the research design, research method, research
participants, sampling technique, data collection, processing of questionnaire and
the data analysis.
Methodology relates to "the overall view of logic and theory" (Bogdan &
Biklen, 2007). A set of ontological and epistemological assumptions are reflected
in each methodology. Researchers believe that there is a social reality outside
the knower when conducting a research, and knowledge is objective and
tangible. In comparison, qualitative scientists believe that knower-independent
social truth exists, and information is subjective and personal. Methods of studies
are important not only because they embody philosophical assumptions, but also
because they guide the selection of research methods. According to Schwardt
(2007), Creswell and Tashakkori (2007), and Teddlie and Tashakkori (2007),
methodologies explicate and define the kinds of problems that are worth
investigating; what constitutes a researchable problem; testable hypotheses; how
to frame a problem in such a way that it can be investigated using particular
designs and procedures; and how to select and develop appropriate means of
collecting data. And how to select and create suitable information collection
According to Garbers (1996), qualitative study is a study method that aims
to develop concepts and comprehension. Denzin and Lincoln (2005) describe
qualitative study as the location of the observer in the globe. It includes an
interpretive, naturalistic attitude to the globe, i.e. qualitative scientists are
studying phenomena in their natural environments, trying to create sense of or
interpret phenomena in terms of their meanings. Qualitative research involves
emphasizing the characteristics of entities and procedures and meanings that are
not investigated or evaluated experimentally (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005). Worthen
and Sanders (1987) characterize qualitative inquiry as a research approach that
is generally carried out in natural settings, using the researcher as the chief tool
in both data collection and analysis. In its emphasis on thick description, the
advantages of qualitative inquiry are integrated in acquiring true, wealthy,
profound information that illuminates everyday patterns of action and significance
from the view of those being studied. This perspective highlights the significance
of the researcher's voice and acquiring first-hand data about the researcher's
experiences on a specific topic. It tends to concentrate on social procedures
where the connection between the investigator and the respondent is valued and
not mainly or solely on results.
The phenomenological method aims to describe, understand and interpret
the meanings of human life experiences. It focuses on study issues such as how
a specific situation is experienced.
Research Design
In this study, the researcher will apply the qualitative method particularly
Research design is the general plan to relate the conceptual research
problem to appropriate and practicable empirical research," according to Gauri
and Gronhaug (2005). It is an significant technique used by the writers to answer
study questions (Saunders et.al., 2007) and any design under the researcher's
control will add more flexibility with regard to precious data.
Qualitative research methods have been created in the social sciences.
Action research, case study research and ethnography are examples of
qualitative methods. Qualitative sources of information include observation and
observation of participants (fieldwork), interviews and questionnaires, records
and texts, impressions and reactions of the researcher (Myers, 2013). In contrast
to quantitative research, the motive for doing qualitative research arises from the
observation that if there is one thing that separates people from the natural world,
it is our capacity to speak! Qualitative research methods are designed to help
researchers understand people and the social and cultural contexts within which
they live. Kaplan and Maxwell (1994) argue that when textual data are quantified,
the goal of understanding a phenomenon from the participants ' point of view and
its specific social and institutional context is largely lost.
Phenomenology is a qualitative research method that focuses on the
commonality within a specific group of experiences lived. The approach's basic
objective is to arrive at a description of the nature of the specific phenomenon
(Creswell, 2013). Interviews are typically performed with a group of people with
first-hand understanding of a case, situation or experience (Moustakas, 1994).
Phenomenology is frequently understood in either of two respects: as a
philosophy disciplinary sector, or as a philosophy history movement. Initially, the
phenomenology discipline can be described as the research of experiential
constructions or consciousness. Phenomenology is, literally, the study of
"phenomena": the appearances of things or things as they appear in our
experience, or the ways in which we experience things, hence the meanings in
our experience of things. Phenomenology studies conscious experience as
experienced from the point of perspective of the subjective or first individual. It is
then necessary to distinguish this field of philosophy from and relate to the other
primary areas of philosophy: ontology (study of being or what is), epistemology
(study of understanding), logic (study of valid reasoning), morality (study of
correct and incorrect action).
Research Participants
The participants of this qualitative research employing phenomenological
inquiry will be five (5) grade 11 STEM students. The five participants will undergo
one on one in-depth interview. The participants will be purposefully selected. The
researcher will conduct the interview using a questionnaire and will ask question
about the relevant topic. The research participants will give a great contribution in
this research study.
Purposive sampling will be used in the study. Purposive sampling is a
sampling approach where participants will be chosen with a purpose to represent
the relation between the topic and the participant (Ritchie et.al., 2003). Interview
is very important in qualitative research which will gather information about the
participant’s views and perspective. The purposive sampling method will be used
to create the study sample under debate. According to this technique, which
belongs to the non-probability sampling techniques category, sample members
are chosen based on their research topic knowledge, relationships and skills
(Freedman et al., 2007). In the present study, the chosen sample participants
had a special relationship with the phenomenon under inquiry, adequate and
applicable tourism job experience, active participation in several tourism projects
and alliances, as well as demonstrated research background and knowledge of
raw information on destinations.

Data Collection
In the collection of data of the study, the researcher will undergo three
processes: the actual in-depth interview, recording and note-taking.
An interview aims to identify participant’s feelings and opinions regarding
to a particular subject. Interviews involve personal and direct contact between
interviewers and interviewees (Fisher and Wilson, 2005). Recording is all of the
research information necessary for reconstructing the complex and creative
research process. It contains not only the information you generate or collect
during a research but also information on how the material was collected and all
the thoughts and conclusions you have had along the way. Note-taking is the
practice of writing down of key points of information.
The conduction of research will involve the use of audio recording that
allows to refer back to the interview and take a look at the interview data. It also
involves the use of questionnaire, which is used as interview guide. Some certain
questions will be prepared and additional or follow up question will be made. In
order to have a good result we followed some tips in writing up questionnaire.
Precise questions would give accurate answers. By conducting the research, the
researcher will ensure that they will apply the research ethics.
Data Analysis
In the analysis of data, the researchers will transcribe the given data of the
research participants.
Data analysis is the method by which statistical and/or logical methods are
systematically applied to describe and illustrate, condense and recapture and
evaluate data. According to Shamoo and Resnik (2003) different analytical
procedures "provide a way to draw inductive inferences from information and
distinguish between the signal (the phenomenon of concern) and the noise
(statistical fluctuations) present in the information. While statistical processes
may include data analysis in qualitative research, analysis often becomes an
continuing iterative method in which information is gathered and analyzed almost
simultaneously on an continuing basis. In fact, scientists usually evaluate
observation patterns throughout the entire stage of information collection
(Savenye and Robinson, 2004). Specific qualitative strategy (field study,
ethnography content analysis, oral history, biography, unobtrusive research) and
information type (field notes, records, audiotape, videotape) determine the type
of the evaluation. Data analysis techniques can be used to model factors and
responses. All information extracted from a data is very helpful in understanding
the characteristics of system and process and are useful in solving problems
(Var, 1998). It is the most crucial part of any research.
Transcription is a written record of the detailed content of an interview or
group discussion, usually produced from an audio or video tape record of the
event. Data transcription starts with setting up the unit of investigation to be
contemplated, just as picking the person to direct the examination.
Coding is "how you describe what information you are analyzing about" in
qualitative studies (Gibbs, 2007). Coding is a method of defining a text passage
or other information objects (photograph, picture), searching and defining ideas
and discovering relationships between them. Coding is therefore not merely
labeling; it links information to the study concept and back to other information.
The codes that are implemented allow you to organize information so that you
can look at and analyze it in a structured manner, e.g. by examining coding
Chapter 3

The researchers addressed this chapter's presentation by communicating

the observations and outcomes of qualitative analysis using phenomenological
methods obtained from the researcher’s participants. In response to the
questions outlined in chapter one, the data was collected and analyzed. There
were three aims that contributed to the collection of information along with the
subsequent analysis of data. These goals were to investigate the lived
experiences of grade 11 STEM students in their encountered difficulties.
There were five (5) STEM students were identified as participants in the
regular program for the 2019-2020 academic year. For an in-depth interview,
these participants were selected. Three were males and two were females
among these five (5) participants. Many participants demanded that their real
names should not be listed or imprinted irrespective of the information they
provide for this study.
As a researcher, meticulous purification of information was done to
preserve the participants ' identity of the researchers. This is accomplished by
removing personal identities such as names from the participants. Real names
have therefore been simplified to their most popular name. However, the
informants ' discussion specifics such as their viewpoints and emotional outburst
remained intact. This was also substantially fair particularly for the participants
who encountered and discussed several life events before the study questions,
which in some respects was mutually distinctive. Before this, participants were
told that they have the right to remain anonymous before the beginning of the in-
depth interview. In general, some have preferred to hide their identities over the
study process.
Essential ethical concern was considered in the handling of the data. The
participants ' cumulative response was handled with extra care to avoid privacy
dilemmas that might otherwise lead to the participant's overthrow of wealthy
knowledge. Withal the in-depth interview participant’s pseudonyms were Inday,
Hooman, Eugene, Xavier and Sansai. In this way, the researchers assured that
the participant’s identities were not revealed to avoid criticisms from the readers
of this qualitative research.
Table 1

Participant’s Information

Assumed Gender Location Level Study Group


Inday Female Davao City 11 Interview

Hooman Male Davao City 11 Interview

Eugene Male Davao City 11 Interview

Xavier Male Davao City 11 Interview

Sansai Female Davao City 11 Interview

Root Codes and Branch Codes on the Encountered Difficulties of
Grade 11 STEM Students in Mathematics

Student nowadays struggles in Mathematics due to lack of self-motivation.

Students find Mathematics as a difficult subject because of too many solving,
formulas, numbers and problems. Mathematics is such a difficult subject; some
students tries to solve mathematical problem but ends up being wrong because
of carelessness. It is impressing to think that Mathematics is really applicable in
our daily lives just like making mechanical inventions and advance technologies,
paying and receiving exact value on what we bought, helps our financial
mentality and develops critical thinking. However, if a student really hates Math
or not too good in Mathematics there’s a way or techniques on solving
mathematical problems such as thinking positively, reviewing after the lesson,
find another solution that can be easily solved and be teachable to those
mathematical professionals.
Lack in self-motivation can affect your study because in the first place you
didn’t believe in yourself and don’t have the courage to improve especially in
academics which can lead into failure. Self-motivation is very important to us as a
person because without self-motivation we are full of negativities, ashamed to
show our true ability, overthinking about anything and can’t easily solved or faced
dilemmas. Interestingly, being motivated had such a great impact in ourselves
just like excellent academic performance in school, have the courage to believe
in one’s self, determined to do great things, and not easily affected by the
judgements of others. Figure 1 shows the root codes together with its branch
codes on the encountered difficulties of Grade 11 STEM students in
Mathematics. They are analyzed and interpreted conscientiously.
Figure 1: Root Codes and Branch Codes on the Encountered Difficulties of
Grade 11 STEM Students in Mathematics


Solving word problems

Seeing lessons that are

more in numbers
Difficulty towards
Having too many solving Mathematics

Dealing endless numbers

Having a lots of formulas

Think in a positive way

Review after the lesson

Learn fast and practice

Techniques on Solving
strategies Mathematical Problems

Find another solution that

can be easily solved

Ask questions and the

process in solving to those
good in mathematics

Helping to develop our

financial mentality

Paying and receiving exact

value on what we bought
Mathematics in our Daily
Applying Math lessons on
our daily life
Ashamed to show his/her
true ability

Struggled to solved
mathematical problems

Full of negativities
Self-motivation deficit
Underestimate his/her

Laziness of the person that

leads to lack in self-

Have an excellent
academic performance

Can focus on studies very


Is determined to do great
things Effects of being motivated

Have the courage to

believe in themselves

Are not affected by the

judgements of others
Based on their answers, they really struggled in Mathematics because for
them it is very difficult to understand mathematical lessons. Most of them really
hates Mathematics because it is their weaknesses. However, as STEM students
they find ways to cope up with it. After hearing their stories, the researchers tried
to understand how slow-witted they are when It comes to Mathematics. The
branch codes that constitute the theme difficulty towards Mathematics applied by
the Grade 11 STEM students are: too many solving, lessons are more in
numbers, lots of formulas and solving word problems.

Anonymous answered that as a STEM student, he finds strategies to learn

in Mathematics even if he’s not good at it for example, after the lesson he
reviewed his notes and he made mathematical problems to solve on his own. It is
indeed admiring because of his perseverance towards Mathematics. He further
added that:
“I have strategy… I ask questions or undergoes tutorial lessons to those
who are good in Mathematics or to those mathematical professionals.”

Another participant named Inday, said that if you think on mathematical

problems in a positive way you will surely answered it without doubting what’s the
right thing to do in solving. Xavier asserted that we should learn fast and practice
strategies so that we can solve mathematical problems. In the experience of
Eugene, Math lessons can’t be easily understand and he thinks that he can do it
so that he is determined to solve any mathematical problem. Sansai really
struggles in Mathematics due to solving many numbers then she tries to find
another solution.
Chapter 4
The findings of the study based on the research questions raised in
chapter one were discussed in this section. There is a brief overview of the issue
along with the discussions and interpretations that aim to provide logical
explanations for the themes produced. The findings were also related to the
trends and developments outlined in the literature review.

The Encountered Difficulties of Grade 11 STEM

Students in Mathematics
Mathematics is a way to express certain ideas, opinions, and concepts
that Math can be described as a communication tool or a tool that makes it easier
for someone to communicate ideas, opinions, and concepts that others can
understand. Many students believe mathematics is a difficult subject to the
argument, many say students consider mathematics education as fascinating,
others may feel it is a boring and monotonous form of work. Some say that
during lessons, students see mathematics as a subject that causes their fear,
anxiety, and anger, and they are unable to follow mathematics lessons and do
not want to improve their low ability.

Students Difficulty in Mathematical Problem

In the context of the researcher’s participants encountered difficulties
towards Mathematics, they highlighted those difficulties. The branch codes that
constitute the theme difficulty towards Mathematics applied by the Grade 11
STEM students are: too many solving, lessons are more in numbers, lots of
formulas and solving word problems.
Some students find Math a hard subject that can affect their mathematical
learning. Many learners faced learning difficulties that roots lack of understanding
of concepts and lack of clarity about rules that leads to misconception (Pal,
2009). The conclusion of Acha (2009) that students learning process are
hindered by limited working memory. According to Blanco and Garrote (2007)
students find two types of difficulty in dealing with inequalities. On the one hand,
calculation is still the basic reference for those students who make errors in
algebraic procedures. On the other hand, absence of meaning is the cause of
failure to understand the concepts and algebraic process. Dowker (2004) found
that a student could remember many number facts but lacks of strategies
including suitable counting strategies. Some other students could deal single-
digit arithmetic but had serious difficulty in understanding tens, Units and place
value. Children with poor fact mastery showed a little improvement on number
fact but shows normal progress in other aspects of Mathematics (Jordan, Hanich
and Kaplan, 2003).
Every student must have a behavior to enhance his skill to achieve a good
performance in school. Study habit is an individual capacity to achieve high
grade may define as “strategies of a work” in which students do different types of
studying such as building vocabulary, writing terms and making examples (K.
Premalakshmi, 2012). The first step to have good academic achievements is to
formulate a regular study habit. Students must practice by themselves at home
and in school and they should be guided properly. Student’s academic
performance occupies a very important place in education as well as in the
learning process. It is considered as key to judge one total potentialities and
capacities (Nuthana & Yenagi, 2009). Study Habits Inventory is an instrument
design to measure study habits which includes budgeting time, physical
conditions for study, reading ability, note taking, factors in learning motivation
and memory (Palsane and Sadhara Sharma, 1989).

We can find Mathematics applicable in the nature, technology,

architecture, machinery, building industry, in the banking sector, in research,
cartography etc. There are very interesting applications in genetics and in using
mathematics in the nature. Statistical methods are used in hypothesis testing in
genetics. By using mathematics, we can create statistical descriptions of
quantitative relations.

Lack of motivation is the case, where desire that leads person to behave
is not at the optimum level. Some of the reasons for the lack of motivation can be
identified as the lack of sufficient grounds for overcoming the difficulties faced by
learners, not having a goal, and the difficulty of prioritization. Students become
less attentive to different activities as a result of reduced motivation, receive
lower grades and exhibit insensitive attitudes toward academic subjects. In fact,
very limited evidence of studies that inquire about how lack in self-motivation
could be the result to conservatism, negative mindset, and lack of self-
confidence. The main reasons for undergraduate students lack of motivation are
lack of willpower, lack of ambition and purpose, a sense of pessimism for the
future, hesitation on the part of faculty members and lack of motivational
activities. It has been determined that individuals may experience an absence of
motivation to perform. There is a belief that a large number of individuals do not
have the personal ability to enact the required task, the belief they cannot
maintain the effort that is required by the behavior or the belief that they are
simply powerless in effectuating a suitable outcome (Pelletier, Dion, Tucson, and
Green-Demers, 1999).

According to Shia (n.d), intrinsic academic motivation is the component

required for student success. Nevertheless, most student’s motivation is not
enough to lead them academically through their careers. Shia emphasized the
importance of intrinsic motivation in her research. She defined intrinsic motivation
as (a) involvement in an activity purely out of curiosity, which requires knowledge
of something (b) the desire to engage in an activity purely in order to participate
in and complete a task; and (c) the desire to contribute. Shia also added that a
person will put a lot of patience and commitment when a student has intrinsic
motivation. Through these students, goals such as the goal of learning and the
aim to accomplish will grow.

In support of the value of intrinsic motivation, Baranek (1996) said in her

research that children learn the most when they have intrinsic motivation rather
than extrinsic motivation, since intrinsically motivated children have
independence in their learning environment. Academic achievement is improved
by intrinsic motivation.

As a researcher, the result was very informative to everyone. Students
should motivate themselves for them to excel in Mathematics or in any other
matter. For some instance, students need to know that Mathematics is really
applicable on our daily lives so that we are determined to solve mathematical
problems or engage themselves to Mathematics. They need to realize what is the
purpose on learning Mathematics, why there is Mathematics and how
Mathematics improves us. Lastly, they should find ways to overcome their
negativities, difficulties, incapacities and also their slothfulness.

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