Downscaling Wave Energy Converters For Optimum Performance in Low-Energy Seas

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Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

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Downscaling wave energy converters for optimum performance in

low-energy seas
€ lbali a, b, Adem Akpınar a, *, Gregorio Iglesias c, d, Halid Jafali a
AjabGul Majidi a, Bilal Bingo
Bursa Uludag University, Civil Engineering Department, Bursa, Turkey
Bursa Uludag University, Inego€l Vocational School of Higher Education, Bursa, Turkey
School of Engineering, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK
MaREI, Environmental Research Institute & School of Engineering, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, Ireland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As wave energy converters (WECs) are typically designed and optimized for ocean wave conditions, they
Received 26 October 2020 struggle to perform in low-energy seas or bays, where wave conditions are very different. This work
Received in revised form investigates the hypothesis that downscaled versions of WECs may well be more suited for such con-
1 December 2020
ditions. More specifically, fifteen downscaled WECs are considered for deployment in the Black Sea. The
Accepted 21 December 2020
Available online 24 December 2020
resizing (downscaling) of the WECs is based on Froude scaling law. Ten values are considered for the
scaling factor (lL ¼ 1.0, 0.9, 0.8 … 0.1), and the value that yields the highest capacity factor is selected for
downscaling the WEC. The downscaled WEC is then compared with the original (full-scale) WEC in terms
Wave energy converter
of performance (capacity factor, full-load hours, and rated capacity). This analysis is carried out for fifteen
Optimum scale WECs and 62 locations at different water depths (5, 25, 50, 75, and 100 m), distributed on 13 lines
Production performance perpendicular to the shoreline along the south-western coast of the Black Sea. The highest capacity factor
Black sea was obtained by Oyster, whereas the highest energy output was achieved by SSG and WaveDragon for
the locations with 4e16 m depths. For deeper waters (25, 50, 75, and 100 m), the highest capacity factor
was obtained by Oceantec. In terms of energy output, the best performers were WaveDragon (at 25 m
water depth) and Pontoon (at 50, 75, and 100 m water depths). The interest of this approach, however,
lies not only in that it enables a scaling factor to be determined for downscaling a WEC for a given site,
but also e and more generally e in that it proves the initial hypothesis that downscaled WECs may
provide a better alternative for low-energy seas than their full-scale counterparts.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction with different operating principles at five locations on the Euro-

pean coast. Although the WECs had different working principles,
As a result of the increase in energy demand and the growing the absorbed power values per unit of wet surface and power
awareness of the repercussions of greenhouse gas emissions, the pulling forces were found to be similar. At the same time, it was
need for expanding renewable energy production has become clear determined that the absorbed power values per unit and mass were
in recent years. Renewable energy resources such as hydropower, different within the scope of the study. Another study [5] con-
geothermal, solar, wind, and wave energy have become ever more ducted off the coast of Portugal assessed the energy output (E) of
popular. The global wave energy resource is vast [1] and largely five WEC technologies using 3-year simulation results from a wave
untapped. Wave energy has the potential to contribute significantly prediction model. In order to select the most suitable technology,
to the decarbonization of the energy mix. A number of studies the power matrices of the systems and the characteristic matrices
[2e13] investigated the amount of energy that can be produced of the wave climate were combined to determine the energy
with existing WECs in regions of interest. For example, Babarit et al. output. It was found that the output of the WECs depends not only
[4] conducted a study on the generation of energy by four WECs on the average wave power but also on the distribution of the wave

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (A. Akpınar).
0960-1481/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

resource across wave periods. Therefore, the compatibility between for WaveDragon. Bozzi et al. [12] explored the Mediterranean Sea
the probable sea states in the area of interest and the power matrix potential for offshore wave electricity generation. To this end, the
of the WECs is an important issue in choosing the most suitable performance of several offshore WECs was evaluated based on a 37-
technology. Diaconu and Rusu [6] carried out a study on the per- year hindcast wave data and WECs performance data across the
formance of different WEC technologies for deployment off the Mediterranean coastline. Since the analyzed technologies are
northwest coast of the Black Sea. The distribution of the sea states designed for more energetic wave climates, it was considered that
defined by the Hs and wave energy period (Te or Tm-10) or peak smaller devices, downscaled by the Froude similarity criterion,
period (Tp) was determined and compared. The electrical energy would match better the Mediterranean wave climate. At each
which can be produced based on the power matrices of ten location, the best device size was determined by simulating
different WECs was estimated and compared. Although the differently scaled versions of the WECs and then selecting the scale
WaveDragon WECs could generate more energy for the targeted factor (lL) that maximizes the average annual capacity factor. The
location, the Oceantec WEC was found to be the most efficient and results show that most of the Mediterranean coastline can be
suitable device for the specific area. Alamian et al. [7] aimed to successfully exploited with appropriately reduced versions of WEC
evaluate the performance of WEC technologies for use in the Cas- technologies. More specifically, six of the WECs studied can reach a
pian Sea. The most suitable device considering the conditions of the capacity factor greater than 0.2 along 40% of the shoreline, and
Caspian Sea, including the bathymetry, the amplitude, length, and three WECs (AquaBuoy, Pelamis, and WaveBob) can work with a
frequency of the waves along with the coastal conditions, was capacity factor exceeding 0.3 in 8% of the study area. Morim et al.
chosen. In addition, the performance and maintenance costs of the [13] stated the importance of intra- and inter-annual variability in
devices were taken into account in the final decision. As a result, potential production performance at the central shelf in New South
point absorber WECs were found to be best suited for the Caspian Wales, Australia, using the power conversion matrices of ten
Sea. Rusu [3] evaluated the efficiency of WECs in the nearshore different commercial WECs and a 31-year wave hindcast dataset. It
region of Western Iberian. The wave data were obtained from the was found that the variability in potential production performance
numerical wave model estimations, and the wave power conver- is comparable monthly and annually.
sion efficiency was evaluated by the load factor and capture width No study has been conducted so far on the performance of
(hold width). Iuppa et al. [8] evaluated the performance of several downscaled WECs in a moderate-energy, low-energy sea. In this
WECs that are likely to be installed at three stations on the west context, the objective of the present work is to investigate whether
coast of Sicily. In the original configurations of all of these WECs, a downscaled WECs may constitute a useful means of exploiting
low capacity factor was obtained due to the fact that they are wave energy in such conditions, using the Black Sea as an example.
optimized for high-energy wave conditions. Carballo et al. [2] The rationale for this approach is that full-scale WECs are designed
presented an analysis of the inter-annual power performance of for ocean wave conditions and, therefore, not optimized for the
different WECs at two locations in northwest Spain. The monthly wave conditions prevailing in a moderate-energy sea. The WECs are
performances of the WECs were evaluated in terms of efficiency downscaled according to the sea states, and their outputs are
using the power matrices of the WECs considered and the wave compared, considering the different scales and different technol-
climate matrices for the locations. Rusu and Onea [9,10] demon- ogies in typical areas. Fifteen WEC technologies are examined at
strated the effectiveness of ten different WECs along Europe and five different water depths and 62 locations, distributed along 13
the world coasts. The estimated electrical energy, capacity factor, lines perpendicular to the coastline of the south-western Black Sea.
normalized dimensionless wave power, and capture width values For each device, ten values of the scale factor are compared, and the
of these WECs were calculated and compared. According to Rusu results are analyzed in terms of mean annual energy output, ca-
and Onea [9], the WaveDragon, which is the largest of the WECs in pacity factor (Cf), operating hours (Oh), and rated capacity factor
terms of installed capacity and size, performed best. The Oceantec (Rf).
WECs in the Mediterranean Sea and the WaveBob in Scandinavia,
the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Spain, and Portugal were 2. Materials and methods
found to provide higher values in terms of estimated electrical
power. Rusu and Onea [10] found that the WaveDragon is suitable The production performance of WECs at a specific location is
for large-scale power plants, but for rated power of less than based on the wave climate data, bathymetry, and the working
1000 kW WaveBob, Pelamis and Oceantec offer a similar output. principle of the particular WECs. HeavBuoy, Oyster2, Oyster, SSG,
Another study carried out by Veigas et al. [14] investigates the Seabased AB, WaveDragon, WaveStar, Langlee, Oceantec, Pelamis,
optimal location for SSG WECs in the coastal area of Galicia NW WaveBob, AWS, OEBuoy, AquaBuoy, and Pontoon technologies are
Spain. The study suggests three areas which are encouraging for a considered in the present study. The details are presented in sub-
pilot wave power plant. sections 2.1 and 2.2. The scaling procedure of the WECs and the
In western Brittany, one of the most energetic regions on the key parameters for presenting the performance of the full- and
French coasts, the effect of temporal variability on the electricity down-scaled devices are provided in sub-section 2.3.
production of Pelamis, AquaBuoy, and WaveDragon was investi-
gated by Guillou and Chapalain [11]. The effects were particularly
evident for Pelamis, which showed a periodic reduction in energy 2.1. Study area and dataset
production between winter and summer. The main contribution to
the power output of the devices is provided by sea states with The study area in the present study is the high-potential area of
energy periods between 10.5 and 12.5 s and wave heights between the south-western Black Sea (Fig. 1). In total, 62 sites were selected,
2.75 and 4.25 m. In winter, the WECs performances exhibited high distributed on 13 perpendicular lines along a 700 km long coastline
variability, with monthly values of the capacity factor of up to 65% (Table 1). Five sites are chosen on each line, with water depths of
approximately 100, 75, 50, 25, and 5 m.

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. 1. Study area with the bathymetry and positions of the 62 sites distributed on 13 perpendicular lines to the coastline, from KA to SD (each line encompasses sites at water
depths of 5, 25, 50, 75, and 100 m).

The point data (Hs, Te, Tp, and Tm02) for the present study were for previous wave energy assessment studies [15,16], was a cali-
extracted from a three-step nested grid e a coarse grid covering the brated and validated dataset. The dataset was obtained with SWAN
entire Black Sea, a fine grid covering the south-western Black Sea, version 41.01AB, forced with Climate Forecast System Reanalysis
and three high-resolution sub-domains. The 31-year long-term (CFSR) winds, and implemented with a spatial resolution of 0.005
spatial hindcast dataset from 1979 to 2009, which was produced and a time step of 2 h. Detailed information on the validation and

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Table 1 connected to the sea; the fall and rise of the water column inside
Coordinates, depths, and distances of the considered locations from the coastline. the chamber caused by waves alternately compresses and de-
Line Location Xp ( ) Yp ( ) Distance from Coastline (km) Depth (m) pressurizes the air in the chamber; an air turbine and a generator
KA KA1 28.063 41.891 0.7 4
convert the bi-directional airflow to electrical power. (2) Over-
KA2 28.094 41.891 3.3 25 topping Devices, which lead the waves to overtop a sloped surface
KA3 28.125 41.891 5.9 54 to a reservoir placed above the mean sea level and, via low head
KA4 28.244 41.891 15.7 75 turbines, convert the potential energy of the stored water into
KA5 28.569 41.891 42.8 99
electricity. (3) Wave Activated Bodies, in which waves cause the
KB KB1 28.194 41.570 0.7 7
KB2 28.213 41.570 2.3 26 body parts to oscillate relative to each other, or the whole body
KB3 28.231 41.574 3.9 49 against a fixed reference. Generally, hydraulic systems are
KB4 28.513 41.696 31.0 75 employed to compress oil, air, or water to drive an electricity
KB5 28.650 41.761 44.4 99
generator [18].
KC KC1 28.781 41.317 0.5 13
KC2 28.788 41.322 1.1 22
The 15 WECs considered in the present study, which can operate
KC3 28.800 41.339 3.3 51 in various water depths, are described briefly as follows: AquaBuoy
KC4 28.831 41.370 7.6 75 is a point absorber consisting of a floating buoy mounted on a
KC5 29.000 41.552 32.2 100 piston, which is opened at both ends and placed in a tube with a
KD KD2 29.500 41.209 2.7 26
hose pump attached to both ends. While the buoy is swinging, hose
KD3 29.500 41.257 8.1 51
KD4 29.500 41.300 13.2 75 pumps produce a pressurized stream of water that drives a Pelton
KD5 29.500 41.365 20.3 106 turbine connected to a generator. Its rated power is 250 kW, and the
KE KE1 30.319 41.204 1.0 7 power matrix has a wide power band at nominal capacity. About
KE2 30.319 41.217 2.6 26 15% of the operational range indicates a power output higher than
KE3 30.319 41.235 4.3 51
KE4 30.319 41.300 11.6 76
0.8 of the maximum power. Archimedes Wave Swing (AWS) is an
KE5 30.319 41.335 15.5 99 exit point absorber. It consists of a space filled with air, which is
FA FA1 31.003 41.086 1.6 14 fixed to the seafloor and can move vertically relative to the base-
FA2 31.004 41.098 3.0 25 ment, completely immersed in water. As a wave passes over the
FA3 31.004 41.123 5.7 53
device, changes in water pressure trigger the movement of the
FA4 31.004 41.147 8.4 76
FA5 31.003 41.189 13.2 99 valve, which is connected to a linear generator that converts motion
FB FB1 31.373 41.191 1.0 13 into electrical energy. The maximum power is 2470 kW. However,
FB2 31.350 41.205 3.4 24 unlike other devices, this WECs has no effective rated power level,
FB3 31.281 41.243 10.0 49 but the power output continues to rise both during the wave height
FB4 31.231 41.267 14.5 74
FB5 31.206 41.278 16.0 103
and the wave period. OEBuoy is a floating oscillating water column
FC FC2 31.842 41.506 1.0 27 device. It has a semi-submerged open chamber below the sea
FC3 31.824 41.515 2.8 50 surface and keeping an air pocket that is stuck above a water col-
FC4 31.814 41.522 3.9 75 umn. In order to convert the airflow into electrical energy, the
FC5 31.812 41.527 4.5 98
column is forced to oscillate by incoming waves that force air
FD FD1 32.527 41.812 0.7 16
FD2 32.519 41.815 1.2 31 through a two-way turbine. Its rated power is 2880 kW. The power
FD3 32.509 41.822 2.3 52 output increases continuously until the maximum Hs of 7 m.
FD4 32.492 41.831 3.5 68 Regarding the wave period, power generation peaks at Tp of 11 s
FD5 32.484 41.834 4.0 99 then falls back from the peak, dropping steeper for a lower velocity
SA SA1 33.044 41.935 0.4 12
SA2 33.031 41.944 1.8 24
than the higher wave periods. Only 3% of the operational range
SA3 33.038 41.957 2.9 52 indicates an energy production of more than 0.8 of the maximum
SA4 33.031 41.965 4.0 70 power [12].
SA5 33.025 41.978 5.5 105 Pelamis is a slimming device consisting of a series of semi-
SB SB2 33.938 41.987 1.5 27
submerged cylindrical sections connected by hinged joints. It is
SB3 33.938 42.000 2.9 51
SB4 33.938 42.026 5.8 75 resistant to the wave-induced motion of the joints by hydraulic
SB5 33.938 42.122 16.7 100 rams, which pump high-pressure oil from engines that run elec-
SC SC1 34.913 42.035 0.3 14 trical generators. Pelamis has a rated power of 750 kW. Compared
SC2 34.906 42.048 1.5 26 to other devices, Pelamis has the highest power band at 16% rated
SC3 34.894 42.061 3.2 51
SC4 34.875 42.078 5.7 77
power, and about 30% of the operational range indicates an energy
SC5 34.831 42.126 12.0 99 production of more than 0.8 of the rated power. WaveBob is an
SD SD1 35.169 41.852 2.0 13 axisymmetric self-reactive spot absorber consisting of a muscle or
SD2 35.198 41.861 4.6 26 bulge that slides along a vertical buoy attached to an underwater
SD3 35.219 41.865 4.4 51
tank that acts as a high inertia body. Power is generated by a hy-
SD4 35.269 41.883 11.0 76
SD5 35.381 41.930 22.0 100 draulic PTO (Power Take Off) system by relative movements be-
tween the two bodies, and its nominal value is 1000 kW. Power
generation depends on both wave period and height, but it is not
monotonic compared to the period. The power output peaks at the
calibration of the dataset is available in our previous work [17].
mid-range of the period and drops at lower and higher values. Its
power matrix has a wide powerband at nominal capacity, with
2.2. Wave energy converter systems (WECs) around 13% of the operational range that can produce more than
80% of the rated power. The Pontoon WECs is a multiple point
The WECs are devices that transform the potential and kinetic absorber consisting of many heaving buoys connected to a shared
energy of ocean waves into electricity. According to the working submerged structure with the aid of a hydraulic PTO system. The
principle, they are divided into the following three main categories: Pontoon power matrix used in this analysis [19] considers ten
(1) Oscillating Water Columns, which comprise a chamber heaving buoys with a rated power of 3619 kW. The device can not
€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

present a good performance at both short and long waves, so the this region, which are optimized for certain ranges of wave heights
power matrix has only 12% of the bins with a normalized power and periods, may not be able to extract the desired amount of wave
output of higher than 0.4 [12]. The WaveDragon is a floating, loosely energy. This may mean that only a portion of the potential of the
moored WECs. In the present work, the full-scale rated power is existing WECs can be used. The increase in the capacity factor of a
7000 kW. The WaveDragon is a water tapping terminator that al- WEC can be obtained by decreasing the size of the device as a
lows ocean waves to overtop a ramp and elevate the water mass to a function of the amount of wave energy present at the selected lo-
reservoir above the sea level. The head of the water released from cations. In this case, Bozzi et al. [27] recommend the evaluation of
the reservoir to multiple turbines generates electricity. It has two reduced size devices. For this purpose, the WECs and their power
wave reflecting wings that concentrate the water mass from the matrices are scaled by applying the Froude similarity criterion,
incoming waves [20]. The WaveStar is an oscillating body that, by assuming that gravitational and inertial forces are the most
the rise and fall of floats with the up and down motions of ocean important parameters in wave energy. The Froude scaling law im-
waves, draw electric energy. The moving floats are connected to a plies that length and time are scaled by Ref. [8]:
platform that is supported with legs to the sea bed. The motions are
transferred via hydraulics and converted to the rotational motion of LWEC ¼ lL LWEC,d (1)
an electric generator. The rated power of the considered WaveStar
in the present study is 2709 kW [21]. The Oceantec is an attenuator T WEC ¼ l0.5
L T WEC,d (2)
point absorber, and it is based on the principle of the oscillating
water column WECs with a 500 kW rated power [22]. The Langlee where lL is the scale factor, and LWEC,d, and TWEC,d are the reduced
(1665 kW rated power) WECs is an offshore oscillating wave surge length and time, respectively. According to these equations, the
converter which extracts the available kinetic energy in the orbital scaled power matrix can be estimated as follows:
motions of the water particles via a number of hinged flaps set just
under the water surface. The device has a pair of moving flaps PWEC ¼ l3.5
L PWEC,d (3)
placed symmetrically opposite each other and supported with a
moored floating reference frame [23]. The Seabased AB is a small The resizing will only be applied to devices that can be installed
size WECs with a 15 kW rated power, which absorbs energy from in deep water. This scaling is not applicable for devices to be
waves in a simple mechanical way. The buoys on the surface of the deployed in water depths below 5 m depth (surf zone) due to the
water are linked with a linear generator that is fixed to the seafloor. additional forces that are likely to occur because of wave breaking
The movements of the buoys by the up and downs of the waves [8]. In this work, each WEC is scaled with ten values of the scale
produce electrical power [24]. The SSG (Seawave Slot-cone factor: lL ¼ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 … 1.0.
Generator) is an overtopping device having a number of reser- The expected annual energy output (E) for each of the WECs at
voirs located on each other, which store the incoming wave’s water each location is calculated according to Eq. (4) [13]:
as potential energy. The collected water in the reservoirs is directed
through a multi-staged turbine and produce electric energy. The X
nT X

multiple reservoirs improve overall energy production efficiency.

E¼ rij  Pij (4)
i¼1 i¼1
The rated power of SSG in the present study is 20000 kW [18].
The Oyster is a bottom-fixed oscillating flap device that the in which rij shows the characteristics of the sea state
hinged buoyant flap moves back and forth with the motion of the andPij represents the electric power efficiency for the same cell in
waves, and the two hydraulic pistons pump the high pressured the power matrix of the WECs.
water into an onshore hydro-electric station, which drives an For the evaluation of each WEC and scale, three different in-
electric production generator [25]. The rated power of the device in dicators are considered: the capacity factor (Cf) in Eq. (5), the
the present study is 291 kW Oyster2 (BO-OF) is a bottom-fixed operating hours (Oh) per year (the hours in which the WECs output
oscillating flap device composed of pitching flaps oscillating is higher than zero), and the rated capacity factor (Rf) in Eq. (6) [28]:
around a fixed-axis moored to the seabed. The WECs utilizes a
pump fixed at a rotating shaft that forces pressurized hydraulic oil PE
or water to an onshore station. On the shoreline, the hydraulic
Cf ¼  100 ½% (5)
power is transformed into electric energy [26]. The maximum po-
wer is 3332 kW. The bottom-fixed heave-buoy array (HeaveBuoy) i
WEC is consists of 60 hemispherical oats distributed along the two Rf ¼  100 ½% (6)
sides of three frames of a fixed bridge structure. The oats are con-
nected regularly to an arm mounted on the supporting frames by a where PE indicates the mean power output of the device per year, Pn
hinge joint. The hydraulic power take-off transforms the rotational is the rated power of the device, i represents the hours in which the
kinetic energy to electrical power. The rated power of this device is device operates at over 90% of its rated power, and n is the total
2192 kW [26]. hours of the year. The annual energy production of WECs is usually
evaluated by multiplying each cell of the power matrix by the
relative value of the location sea state characteristic matrix.
2.3. Scaling of the WECs

WECs are designed mostly for regions with high wave energy 3. Results and discussion
potential, as can be seen from the power matrices. In the context of
this study, the wave conditions of the region of interest (the south- It is not possible within the scope of a research article to present
western coast of the Black Sea) can be considered of middle rather the changes in the mean annual expected wave energy (based on a
than high intensity. Therefore, the installation of existing WECs in 31-year long-term wave model hindcast between 1979 and 2009)

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. 2. Mean expected annual energy output (E, MWh, dashed lines, right y-axis) and capacity factor (Cf, %, continuous lines, left y-axis) of 15 different WECs versus the scaling factor
lL () for KA1-KA4 locations.

Table 2
Rated power (Pn), mean annual capacity factor (Cf), expected power (P), expected energy (E), rated capacity (Rf), and operating hours (Oh) of full and optimum scales for seven
devices at location KA1 (4 m depth).

KA1 HeaveBuoy Oyster2 Oyster SSG Seabased AB WaveDragon WaveStar

Scale (lL) 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.3
Pn (kW) 2192.0 7.8 3332.0 1.1 290.0 1.0 20000.0 71.6 15.0 0.2 7000.0 2.2 2709.0 40.1
Cf (%) 3.5 20.6 2.5 20.9 12.5 44.1 2.9 14.9 6.6 17.9 4.6 35.3 2.9 5.7
P (kW) 76.4 1.6 83.0 0.2 36.4 0.5 582.9 10.7 1.0 0.0 320.9 0.8 79.7 2.3
E (MWh) 669.4 14.2 727.5 1.9 318.7 4.0 5106.6 93.5 8.6 0.3 2811.5 6.8 698.2 19.8
Rf (%) 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.33 0.00 17.17 0.00 1.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.71 0.00 0.09
Oh (hour) 4214.9 6877.2 4579.8 5058 4238.6 6260.8 4126.6 5555.5 4584.4 7504.4 5122.5 5360.6 4579.8 5695.8

and Cf against the scaling ratio (lL) of 15 WECs for the total 62 lo- comparison to the other devices operating at this location: E ¼
cations. Therefore, the first four locations of the most energetic line 5106.6 MWh, with a Cf of 2.9% at full-scale, while its maximum Cf is
KA in the south-western Black Sea are presented in Fig. 2. The rated at a scale factor of 0.2 with E ¼ 93.5 MWh. The SSG operates
power (Pn), capacity factor (Cf), expected power (P), expected 4126.6 h/year in full-scale, while its full load hours (Oh) is 5555.5 h/
annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating year in its optimum-scale condition. The full-scale SSG cannot work
hours per year (Oh) of full- and optimum-scales for 15 devices at with higher output than 90% of its rated power in this location
five different depths along line KA are then compared in during the whole year, but the reduced version can operate 1.87% of
Tables 2e6, respectively. the year with greater power than 90% of its rated power.
The downscaling of the devices increases the Cf considerably, From the nine WEC technologies tested at location KA2 in Fig. 2,
from 2 to 8 times the value of the original full-scale device. It is at 25 m water depth WaveDragon is the highest energy producer at
noteworthy that some of the 15 WECs tested in this study are not all scales; at its optimum scale (lL ¼ 0.2) WaveDragon presents the
suitable to operate at water depths within the surf zone because of highest Cf value (38.7%) and yields E ¼ 84.8 MWh. At the same time,
wave breaking. In Fig. 2 at site KA1 (4 m depth), Oyster presents the the full-scale power production amount is 3951.3 MWh, with 6.4%
highest Cf for all scaling stages, with a peak value of 44.1% for a scale capacity usage. 0.58% of the total time, it can produce more power
factor lL ¼ 0.2. The value decreases as the scale factor increases, up than 90% of its rated power and can operate 4717.5 h/year averagely
to a minimum Cf of 12.5% for the full-scale device. Oyster can in its full-scale. However, after downscaling, the optimum-scaled
operate on average 6260.8 h/year at its optimum scale, while it can WaveDragon can work 7010.8 h/year and operate 18.92% of the
operate 4238.6 h/year at full-scale. The rated capacity (Rf) of the total time with higher power output than the 90% of its rated power
full-scale is zero, while the Rf is 17.17% for the optimum scale in this location. According to the Cf, Oceantec presents a higher
(Table 2). However, from the perspective of the annual energy capacity amount than WaveDragon at KA2 for the lL higher than
output (E), SSG presents the highest production for all scales in 0.3, but it cannot present more energy than WaveDragon. With the

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

full-scale Oceantec with 500 kW rated power, the values obtained

are: Cf ¼ 17.7%, E ¼ 775.8 MWh, 3495.4 h/year of operation, and



2.77% of the total time it yields over 90% of its rated power. The

Rated power (Pn), mean annual capacity factor (Cf), expected power (P), expected energy (E), rated capacity (Rf), and operating hours (Oh) of full and optimum scales for seven devices at location KA2 (25 m depth).
optimum-scale parameter is 0.4 with a 20.2 kW rated power,



resulting in 6646.8 h/year of operation. Oceantec can operate with

more power than 90% of its rated power for 4.01% of the time of the


year. The Cf of this device increases to 33.4% by its optimum-scale
with an annual average of 59.2 MWh E.

At site KA3 (54 m depth), Oceantec shows the highest Cf (34.4%)



compared to other devices, specifically at its 40% dimensions. The

full-scale Oceantec with 500 kW rated power can operate at a ca-


pacity factor of 19% and produce 832.3 MWh of energy in an



average year. The full-scale Oceantec can operate 4.59% of the total
time producing more than 90% of its nominal rated power and
operate 3516.8 h/year. By downscaling, it is possible to increase the


Cf of Oceantec to 34.4% with a 60.9 MWh/year energy yield and


Seabased AB

increase the load hours to 6578.2 h/year. The optimum-scaled de-

vice can produce more than 90% of its rated power (20.2 kW) during

5.22% of the total time at this location. From the perspective of E,




Pontoon gets the first position at this location. The full-scale

Pontoon with a 3619 kW rated power can produce 1590.3 MWh/

year using 5% of its capacity and operate 5784.3 h/year. Neverthe-




less, the optimum-scaled (0.4) Pontoon can use 9.9% of its capacity,
producing only 126.9 MWh/year and operate 7741.7 h/year. The

rated capacity of Pontoon is zero at all scale stages at this location




(Please, refer to Fig. 2 site KA3 and Table 4).



The next location, KA4 (75 m depth) on the perpendicular line

KA in Fig. 2 subplot KA4, presents the production performance of

six WECs ten times scaled. At this depth again, the highest Cf (20.1%)



is reported for Oceantec at all scale stages. It can convert

878.2 MWh/year with its 500 kW rated power and operate


3503.4 h/year, averagely. The Rf of the full-scale Oceantec at this





location is 6.19%, while the optimum-scale Rf is 8.02%. The optimum

scale for this device is 0.4, which increases the Cf to 37.3%, the Oh to
6587 h/year with 66 MWh/year at this site. Pontoon presents the


highest energy production at site KA4 as in site KA3 as well. The



full-scale Pontoon is operating 6024.6 h/year with 1720.9 MWh/


year energy yield using only 5.4% of its total capacity. The optimum


size of this machine at this location produces 136.4 MWh/year with



a capacity factor of 10.6%. The optimum-scaled Pontoon operates

7786.8 h/year with its 146.5 kW installed power, and the rated

capacity (Rf) for this device is zero in all scaled stages. The same


devices considered at 75 m depths (KA4) are analyzed at 100 m



depths (KA5) as well. Because of the higher wave power density,

they perform better. The rest of the 12 perpendicular lines are also



analyzed. Then the optimum scale of all the devices at all locations



is determined. After that, the optimum and full-scale devices are

compared spatially in the next section in detail.

In order to have a clear idea about the performance of the full-




and optimum-scaled devices in different areas, the analysis is done

for 13 perpendicular lines to the coastline along 700 km coastline of

the south-western Black Sea. Finally, the scaling factor (lL), capacity




factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), nominal capacity



factor (Rf), and loading hours (Oh) of all the 15 WECs considered in
the study were compared spatially for both full and optimum

scales. These spatial distributions for Oyster, Oceantec, and Wave-




Bob devices are given in Figs. 3e5.


In Fig. 3 Oyster was operated only at 4e16 m depths. Because of


the sudden change of the sea bathymetry, KD, FC, and SB lines in the




study area do not have depth in this depth range. The Cf, expected
energy, nominal capacity, and working hours of this machine
Oh (hour)
Scale (lL)

E (MWh)
Pn (kW)

P (kW)

Rf (%)
Cf (%)
Table 3


€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Table 4
Rated power (Pn), mean annual capacity factor (Cf), expected power (P), expected energy (E), rated capacity (Rf), and operating hours (Oh) of full and optimum scales for seven
devices at location KA3 (54 m depth).

KA3 AquaBuoy Langlee Oceantec AWS Pelamis OEBuoy WaveBob Pontoon

Scale (lL) 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.4
Pn (kW) 250.0 0.9 1665.0 67.4 500.0 20.2 2470.0 8.8 750.0 2.7 2880.0 10.3 1000.0 3.6 3619.0 146.5
Cf (%) 6.8 26.2 4.0 7.6 19.0 34.3 2.1 21.3 7.5 33.7 3.4 15.4 5.8 24.9 5.0 9.9
P (kW) 17.0 0.2 67.2 5.2 95.0 6.9 52.2 1.9 56.1 0.9 98.2 1.6 58.1 0.9 181.5 14.5
E (MWh) 148.5 2.1 588.9 45.1 832.3 60.9 457.3 16.5 491.7 7.9 860.3 13.9 509.2 7.8 1590.3 126.9
Rf (%) 1.18 2.53 0.00 0.00 4.59 5.22 0.00 2.24 0.66 3.92 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.48 0.00 0.00
Oh (hour) 2987.1 5627.3 5788.5 7809.3 3516.8 6578.2 3563.8 6519.1 2968.6 6705.8 6722.8 6722.8 5788.5 6722.8 5784.3 7741.7

Table 5
Rated power (Pn), mean annual capacity factor (Cf), expected power (P), expected energy (E), rated capacity (Rf), and operating hours (Oh) of full and optimum scales for seven
devices at location KA4 (75 m depth).

KA4 AWS Langlee Oceantec OEBuoy Pontoon WaveBob

Scale (lL) 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.2
Pn (kW) 2470.0 8.8 1665.0 67.4 500.0 20.2 2880.0 10.3 3619.0 146.5 1000.0 3.6
Cf (%) 2.2 21.4 4.3 8.3 20.1 37.3 3.7 16.3 5.4 10.6 6.3 26.3
P (kW) 55.2 1.9 72.4 5.6 100.3 7.5 106.9 1.7 196.4 15.6 62.6 0.9
E (MWh) 483.5 16.6 633.8 48.9 878.2 66.0 936.7 14.7 1720.9 136.4 548.2 8.3
Rf (%) 0.00 2.08 0.00 0.00 6.19 8.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 2.36
Oh (hour) 3523.9 6455.9 6044.8 7876 3503.4 6587 6044.8 6648.4 6024.6 7786.8 6044.8 6648.4

Table 6
Rated power (Pn), mean annual capacity factor (Cf), expected power (P), expected energy (E), rated capacity (Rf), and operating hours (Oh) of full and optimum scales for seven
devices at location KA5 (100 m depth).

KA5 AWS Langlee Oceantec OEBuoy Pontoon WaveBob

Scale (lL) 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.2
Pn (kW) 2470.0 8.8 1665.0 67.4 500.0 20.2 2880.0 10.3 3619.0 146.5 1000.0 3.6
Cf (%) 2.4 21.4 4.9 9.4 21.9 41.8 4.1 17.5 6.0 12.1 6.8 28.3
P (kW) 59.1 1.9 80.8 6.3 109.4 8.5 118.6 1.8 217.1 17.7 68.3 1.0
E (MWh) 517.9 16.6 707.6 55.4 958.3 74.2 1038.6 15.8 1901.9 154.7 598.4 8.9
Rf (%) 0.00 1.77 0.00 0.00 8.36 12.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 3.60
Oh (hour) 3565.6 6252.1 6446.4 7929.5 3523.8 6651.7 6446.4 6460.8 6389.2 7839.2 6446.4 6460.8

Fig. 3. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the Oyster.

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. 4. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the Oceantec.

Fig. 5. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the WaveBob.

decreases from KA to SD in the full-scale case. This technology region in the study.
follows the same path in terms of Cf and nominal Cf at optimum Oceantec is the most efficient device in the area. The original
scale, but in terms of expected energy amount and Oh, SA, and FD Oceantec in Fig. 4 performs best at KA5 according to all parameters
lines, which are defined as moderate lines in the study, are more except Oh, which has the highest value in FD5. After the devices are
suitable than other lines. This may be due to the fact that these downscaled to their optimum dimensions, locations on lines SA and
points have less variability in waves compared to the most dynamic SB identified more favorable for energy extraction. In the optimum

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

scale condition, the Rf value is still the highest at KA5, but it is only version technologies when lL is 1.0. Oyster has the highest Cf,
for 12% of the time in a total year, and it is not enough in the entire while SSG and WaveDragon present the highest E for points with
year for continuous output. It is worth to mention that this device 4e16 m depths. While Oceantec presents the highest Cf at 25, 50,
can operate almost the entire year in the west of the Sinop sub- 75, and 100 m depths, the highest expected energy amount was
domain with an average of 120 MWh E at SA5. obtained by WaveDragon at 25 m and Pontoon at 50, 75, and 100 m
The WaveBob is installed at 25, 50, 75, and 100 m depths in depths. The optimum scale of Oceantec (highest Cf) is lL ¼ 0.4 for
Fig. 5. This device performs geographically almost the same as the the locations of lines KA e KC and lL ¼ 0.5 for the locations of lines
Oceantec in Fig. 4, but all the parameters at all locations are not as FA - SD. Unlike the other machines, Oceantec reported a second
higher as the Oceantec and Oyster. The original WaveBob annual peak value lower than the peak in the Cf at lL ¼ 0.8 as well.
average E is about 600 MWh with 7% capacity usage and can This study should be considered as a preliminary analysis of the
operate 6500 h/year at KA5. The maximum E of WaveBob is feasibility of wave energy farms. For the determination of the
70 MWh with 19% capacity usage at SA5 in its optimum scale suitable areas for the installation of WECs, the economic, social, and
condition, while lL is equal to 0.4. The similar figures for Heav- political aspects such as the convenience of the WECs, survival,
eBuoy, Oyster2, SSG, Seabased AB, WaveDragon, WaveStar, Langlee, installation, maintenance, mooring, environmental conflicts, grid
Pelamis, AWS, OEBuoy, AquaBuoy, and Pontoon WECs are pre- connection points, shipping traffic, permit requirements using
sented in Appendix A. geographic information systems is also recommended to be stud-
In short, geographically, the performance of full and ied. Within the scope of this study, considering all parameters used
optimum-scale WECs varies as follows: As expected, as all the in the study for the WECs installation, the most suitable locations
devices were moved offshore from the shoreline, a positive are the locations of lines KA (more suitable for full-scale devices)
change in power generation and capacity utilization was and SA (more suitable for down-scaled devices). As the most op-
observed. Line KA is the most dynamic, and all the full-scale timum energy generating system is 0.3 scale of the Oyster system at
devices offer the best performance at the locations of this line. 4e16 m depth, 0.4 scale of Oceantec system at 25 m depth, 0.5 scale
However, since line SA has high potential and also has low of Oceantec technology at 50 and 75 m depth, and finally 0.6 scale
variability, the optimum scale sizes of the machines are more of Oceantec technology at 100 m depth. So, it is recommended to
extensive compared to line KA. This increases the E, and the line install the optimum scaled technologies determined within the
SA can be considered as a suitable region, especially for down- scope of this pre-application study in the relevant coastal areas.
scaled WECs. The FA line is the weakest line compared to similar Research into combinations of WECs and offshore wind energy
depth locations on other vertical lines. However, it is worth to be converters (hybrid systems) [32] is also recommended in seas with
stated that no single device exists that performs better than moderate wave conditions such as the Black Sea.
others along the whole study area. More generally, it can be
noticed that the production performance ranking of the WECs CRediT authorship contribution statement
varies depending on the conditions of the installation site, as
already remarked in previous studies [29e31]. AjabGul Majidi: Methodology, Software, Formal analysis,
Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Visualization, Writing -
4. Summary and conclusions original draft. Bilal Bingo€ lbali: Methodology, Software, Formal
analysis, Resources, Data curation. Adem Akpınar: Conceptualiza-
In this paper, in order to ensure that the existing WECs are tion, Methodology, Supervision, Writing - original draft, Writing -
appropriate for the selected region, the power matrices of 15 WEC review & editing. Gregorio Iglesias: Writing - review & editing,
systems that can be installed at 62 stations, and the significant Supervision. Halid Jafali: Writing - original draft, Writing - review
wave height and wave period matrices representing the wave cli- & editing.
mates in the selected locations have been downscaled. The elec-
trical power output and capacity factors that can be obtained in 10 Declaration of competing interest
different scale factor cases were calculated, and the energy avail-
ability, Cf, Rf, Oh, and the lL are discussed in the case of each device The authors declare that they have no known competing
having the maximum Cf (optimum scale). The adaptability of WEC financial interests or personal relationships that could have
systems to the typical wave conditions is evaluated by downsizing appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
the devices using the Froude scaling criterion. Downsizing has been
applied to devices of different depths from offshore to shoreline for Acknowledgments
all the 15 considered technologies. The optimal lL (maximizes the
Cf) ranged from 0.1 to 0.5. All resized devices offered a lower E than The authors would like to thank the Scientific and Technological
full-scale (original) devices, but the Cf is increased by downscaling, Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for its support to our pre-
i. e., the Cf of Oyster at KC1 (14 m depth) increased from 13.9 to vious project with grant number 214M436, as the wave data used in
45.7% with lL ¼ 0.2 (annual mean E decreased from 354.1 to the present study was produced within that project. This research
4.2 MWh), and the Cf of Oceantec increased from 20.1 to 37.3% with was also funded by (TUBITAK), in the scope of project number
lL ¼ 0.4 (annual mean E decreased from 878.2 to 66.0 MWh) at KA4 118R024.
(75 m depth).
The optimal Cf for all devices roughly decreases from the line KA Appendix A. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected
to the line SD (parallel to the shoreline), except FA, which presents annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and
the lowest Cf. As the wave energy source increases while moving operating hours per year (Oh) of the WECs
from the coast offshore, if the device is constant, the Cf and E of all
devices also increase. However, the highest energy output in the
study area is obtained by SSG (mean annual 7.4 GWh at KB1), which
has been operated only on the nearest locations to the coastline.
All the analyses performed show that the lowest capacity factor
(Cf) and the highest energy output (E) correspond to full-scale
€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. A1. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the AquaBuoy.

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. A2. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the AWS.

Fig. A3. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the HeaveBuoy.

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. A4. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the Langlee.

Fig. A5. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the OEBuoy.

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. A6. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the Oyster2.

Fig. A7. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the Pelamis.

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. A8. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the Pontoon.

Fig. A9. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the Seabased AB.

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. A10. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the SSG.

Fig. A11. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the WaveDragon.

€lbali, A. Akpınar et al.
A. Majidi, B. Bingo Renewable Energy 168 (2021) 705e722

Fig. A12. Scaling factor (lL), capacity factor (Cf), expected annual energy output (E), rated capacity factor (Rf), and operating hours per year (Oh) of the WaveStar.

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