STS Module 2 2.0

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Science, Technology and Society





This module presents a number of important and timely philosophical

foundations for students to help explore the functions, responsibilities and impacts of
science and technology on society. These sections aim to provide students with
cogent and detailed knowledge of the notion of human prosperity in the face of rapid
scientific progress and technological growth.

Lesson 4. The Human Person Flourishing in terms of STS:
Technology as a Way of Revealing
By introducing the works of Heidegger, this lesson explores the essence of
technology. It will place the emphasis on questioning technology issues. In addition,
this lesson will delve into Heidegger's work on understanding the nature of
technology and advanced technology.

At the end of this lesson students are expected to learn the following:
a. Distinguish the essence of technology and modern technology;
b. Discuss the dangers of modern technology;
c. Explain art as a saving power of modern technology.

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Before you start this lesson, work this activity to pump up your interest and prior


Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Write your opinion about the statement below regarding technology by Martin
“The Essence of technology is by no means anything technological”
-Martin Heidegger (1977)

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Let us begin the lesson by doing this activity. This will lead you into exploring and
discovering the concept of the lesson.

Activity 4.1 Bring Forth or Challenge Forth

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Identify the photo below if it shows to (a) bring forth or (b) challenge forth about
technology. Encircle the letter of your answer. Then answer the guide questions that follows and
present it to the class.

a. bring forth a. bring forth

b. challenge forth b. challenge forth

a. bring forth a. bring forth

b. challenge forth b. challenge forth

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Key Inquiry Questions:

1. What is Bring forth and challenge forth?

2. What do you think is the reason why do we need to critically question technology?
3. When can we say technology are technological? Which of the picture shown depicts
4. How can you relate this activity to the philosophy introduced by Martin Heidegger?

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1. Humans are capable of two aligned but distinct ways of bringing about things:
a. “bringing-forth”, in which humans only give form to what already exists without
disruption and control
b. “challenging-forth”, where humans control the productive process and,
according to Heidegger, reduce it to something else, often inferior to its true
2. According to Martin Heidegger (1977), it is possible to catch the essence of technology
in its description. He presented that technology can be conceptualized as: (1)
instrumental and (2) anthropological.
3. Technology is a means to an end. Technology is not an end in itself. Technology is
used as a medium for people, organizations and communities who wish to have an
effect on society. In this context, technology is a tool that helps to get things done.
4. Technology is a human activity. Alternatively, technology may also be characterized
as a human activity because it achieves an end and is, by itself, a human activity to
create and use a means to an end.
5. Heidegger sees technology as a means of unveiling a mode of "bringing forth." For
Heidegger, therefore, technology is a type of poeisis-a way of revealing the aletheia
or the reality of the unconceals.

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To further develop our understanding of the topic let us do this activity.

Activity 4.2 Reflection Writing

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Read the full text of Martin Heidegger’s The Questioning Concerning Technology
available at
and answer the key guide questions.

Key Inquiry Questions:

1. What are the main points of Martin Heidegger’s Philosophy?

2. What implications can you give regarding these concepts?

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3. Why is it important to question the essence of technology?


1. Martin Heidegger was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century.
Technology was an important element in his work: for Heidegger, technology was the
key to understanding our current time. Especially his text ‘The Question Concerning
Technology’ (1954, English Translation 1977), which has been very influential in
philosophy of technology.
2. Heidegger’s analysis of technology in The Question Concerning Technology consists
of three mains ‘claims’: (1) technology is “not an instrument”, it is a way of
understanding the world; (2) technology is “not a human activity”, but develops beyond
human control; and (3) technology is “the highest danger”, risking us to only see the
world through technological thinking.

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Let us examine and hear your remarks and observations about the activities that you had
by answering the following questions. You may also research for further understanding of the

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. Who is Martin Heidegger and what are his philosophical concepts regarding technology?
2. How will you distinguish technology from modern technology based on Heidegger’s

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3. Explain “Enframing” according to Heidegger.

4. According to Heidegger “Art is a saving power.” How?
5. Why do we need to question technology?

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Let us continue learning more and try to deepen them by doing the next activity.

Activity 4.3 Collage Making

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. According to Heidegger, Art can be a key to save humans from the danger brought by
2. In this activity, search for pictures, artworks and the likes and create a collage which
will reflect the human person in the midst of technology.
3. Paste your work on the box provided.
4. Discuss your work through answering the key inquiry questions.

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Paste your work here!

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Key Inquiry Questions:

1. How does your collage(art) reveal humans amidst technology?

2. How will these creation affects your opinion about technology?
3. How can art served as a saving power?

1. Heidegger’s concern about modern technology stems from its potential effects of
blinding humanity from seeing truths, and letting humans to see the world as a set of
resources. In this age of danger, Heidegger suggests that art might be the saving
power, since art shares its roots but also strays away from technology through its own
sense of revealing.

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Now, let us check your understanding of the topic by answering the following questions.

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Multiple Choice: Read carefully the statements and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write it on the space provided.
______ 1. Which of the following describe technology as a means to an end?
A. Fish Kills C. Waste Dumpsite
B. Computer shop D. Junk Shop
______ 2. Why Heidegger look art as the saving power?
A. Art is a tool for mankind
B. Art is a work of mind
C. Art is the power of doing
D. Art is key to express feeling
______ 3. Why do we need to question technology?
A. Through questioning human will know the truth
B. Through questioning human will learn to decide carefully
C. Through questioning human will eventually persists
D. Through questioning human will realized its position in everything
______ 4. What does Enframing means?
A. It is a way controlling human activities
B. It is a method of ordering nature to better utilization
C. It is a process of managing natural resources
D. It is a gathering procedure of utilizing resources of nature
______ 5. How does technology differ from modern technology?
A. Modern technology gathers good amount of resources
B. Modern technology collects excessive resources
C. Modern technology extract something from nature
D. Modern technology utilizes nature at its constant amount

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Finally, let us deepen and extend our understanding of the topic by doing the last activity.

Short Reaction Writing

Read the Article “The Danger of Technology” by brycefistler and write your opinion about
the topic in 2 paragraphs.

You may search for the article in this link


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Lesson 5. Human Flourishing

With the advent of science and technology, this lesson addresses human
prosperity. It introduces the idea of development, focusing in particular on the de-
development concept of Jason Hickel. This idea was thought to be the solution to
reducing the difference between rich and poor countries.

At the end of this lesson students are expected to learn the following competency
a. Examine human flourishing in the context of S&T development;
b. Make an idea about de-development as a progress and development
c. Distinguish between progress and development traditional model and
Hickel’s de-development concept.

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Before you start this lesson, work with this activity to pump up your interest and prior

Picture Analysis
Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________
Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Analyze the picture below and relate it on the present situation in our country.
Connect this scenario in science and technology. Answer the Key Inquiry Questions below.

Key Inquiry Questions:

1. How do you think over consumption puts the planet and society at risk?

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2. How this scenario is being affected by the progress of science and technology?
3. What can be done to regulate this issue?

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Let us begin the lesson by doing this activity. This will lead you into exploring and
discovering the concept of the topic.

Activity 5.1 Reading Comprehension (Jason Hickel’s Article)

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Read Hickel’s article entitled “Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to ‘de-
develop’ rich countries. Answer the key inquiry questions.
(The article can be access in this link:

Key Inquiry Questions:

1. What does the article introduce?


2. How is this framework differ from the common acts of development?


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3. Based on Hickel, how is de-development possible?


1. Economist Peter Edward argues that instead of pushing poorer countries to “catch up”
with rich ones, we should be thinking of ways to get rich countries to “catch down” to
more appropriate levels of development. We should look at societies where people
live long and happy lives at relatively low levels of income and consumption not as
basket cases that need to be developed towards western models, but as exemplars
of efficient living.
2. According to the article, some of the excess income and consumption we see in the
rich world yields improvements in quality of life that are not captured by life expectancy,
or even literacy rates. But even if we look at measures of overall happiness and
wellbeing in addition to life expectancy, a number of low- and middle-income countries
rank highly.
3. According to recent consumer research, 70% of people in middle- and high-income
countries believe overconsumption is putting our planet and society at risk. A similar
majority also believe we should strive to buy and own less, and that doing so would
not compromise our happiness.

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Let us discover more about the concept of the topic by doing the next activity.

Activity 5.2 Post-It-Parade

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instructions: After reading and learning the framework of Hickel’s on de-development, you are
tasks to generate at least three questions about the concept by writing your questions on the
figures below (if you have more questions feel free to add another sheet of paper). Now with the
questions you have written, try to answer the questions. Paste your work on the box provided.

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Paste your work here!

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1. In the classical Aristotelian notion, human flourishing is described as being "good
spirited." In general, humans have a notion of what it means to flourish; while they
chose to hinge their ends alongside the latter's outcomes in the advent of science and
technology. Although it is true that science gives certain information about the universe
to its connoisseurs, its primary claim to objectivity and systematic methodology is at
least flawed.
2. Eudaimonia, literally "good spirited," is a term invented by Aristotle (385-323 BC), a
revered Greek philosopher, to describe the peak of happiness that people can
achieve. In literature, this has also been translated as "human flourishing," arguably
comparing humans to flowers achieving their full bloom. Aristotle's human flourishing
occurs as a consequence of various components such as phronesis, fellowship,
money, and strength, as discussed in the Nicomachean Ethics.
3. People have found ways of living more comfortably, visiting more areas, producing
more goods, making more money, and then repeating the whole cycle of the process.
In the beginning, to make hunting and collecting simpler, early individuals depended
on simple machines. This progress allowed them to create bigger and more advanced
machines to assist them in their efforts that eventually led to space explosions,
advances in medicine, and life after death projects. Our idea of human flourishing
today proves to be different from what Aristotle originally considered then. Citizens of
today are required to become a "man of the world." In order to accomplish a common
objective, he is supposed to be situated in a global community, working side by side
between institutions and the government. Competition has become passé as a means
of survival; the latest trend is teamwork.
4. Science also developed in different parts of the world and other civilizations; in Asia,
Europe, Mesoamerica and Africa. People in these continents invented tools to help
them in everyday life, discovered many things, and invented mathematics as a tool
and as a discipline.
5. Science provided different ancient civilizations the means to survive and understand
the natural and physical world. It also enabled human beings to develop various
technologies that helped them in their everyday tasks.

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Let us examine and hear your remarks and observations about the activities that you had
by answering the following questions. You may also research for further understanding of the

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. What is Human Flourishing?

2. How does Human flourishing influence the development of science and technology? And
vice versa?
3. Based on the article of Jason Hickel, what are the reasons that hinders the development
of poor countries?

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4. How do you think de-development concept of Jason Hickel will affect the development of
science and technology?

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Let us continue learning more and try to further understand them through doing this

Activity 5.3 Reaction Paper Writing

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Choose a partner(optional). Discuss and Compare Jason Hickel’s framework of de-
development and Martin Heidegger’s “The question concerning Technology.” Use Heideggerian
concepts learned in the previous session in explaining your thoughts and ideas about Hickel’s.


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1. The business of uncovering the universe's secrets reacts to the issue of our life and
gives us something to look forward to. Our idea of self-importance is elicited by having
a specific position, which is uniquely ours. In this regard, human flourishing is
profoundly entangled with the aim that science and technology are important. In this
case, the latter is necessary as a method for achieving the former to echo Heidegger's
argument that technology is a human activity that we excel in as a result of science
achievement. It is enough to claim that the ultimate goals of both science and
technology and human prosperity are connected, and that the good is ultimately linked
to the facts.
2. As contemplated by Joseph Hickel, implying that developing countries should not
press for further growth but pursue "de-development" policies instead or else,
everybody loses. The rapid speed of technological growth does not allow nature to
recover, resulting in exploitation and irreversible harm to nature. Right now, in the
hands of man-made climate change, which will snowball and affect the majority of flora
and fauna, we are witnessing consequences of such exploits, driving half of the latter
extinct within less than a hundred years. We could bring on our own extinction if this
continues at its present alarming pace.

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Now, let us check your understanding of the topic by answering the following questions.

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Multiple Choice: Read carefully the statements and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write it on the space provided.
_____1. Which of the following shows human flourishing?
A. Industrialization C. Famine
B. Over population D. Pollution
_____2. How does de-development will help for more development?
A. It will allow other countries to develop
B. It will give time for human to be educated
C. It will give time for nature to heal
D. It will allow nature to regenerate itself saving more resources
_____3. Which of the following will help in addressing de-development?
A. Educating the mind of the people
B. Adopting and enforcing policies
C. Practicing on saving energy
D. Developing educational manuals
_____4. How does de-development related to Heideggers philosophy?
A. The mechanism of enframing development
B. The importance of questioning development
C. The essence of technology
D. The realization of utilizing excess natural resources
_____5. How will de-development helps in preventing climate change?
A. It will prevent further production of pollutants
B. It will generate economic balance among countries
C. It will control excess extraction of resources
D. It will implement strong environmental policies

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Finally, let us deepen and extend our understanding of the topic by doing the last activity.

1-2-3 Reflection Making:

1. Read the article Sustainable Development: An Evolving Paradigm for the 21st Century
by Fabian Dayrit in Stellar Origins, Human Ways (2011).
2. Answer the following questions.
a. What is the article all about?
b. Write two things you think is very significant to this article.
c. Write three things you have learned from this article.
3. Paste your work on the box provided.

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Paste your work here!

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Lesson 6. The Good Life

This lesson introduces the theory of the Nichomachean Ethics of Aristotle on the
ideals of good living. Explore eudaimonia and arete, and how science and technology
contribute to these. In addition, this chapter will allow the students analyze S&T's
relationship to living a good life. The current problem will also be introduced to students
and they will try to investigate and suggest a solution.

At the end of this lesson students are expected to learn the following competency
a. Describe the idea of the good life;
b. Explain Aristotle’s concept of eudaimonia and arete; and
c. Investigate current issues and come up with innovative and creative

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Before you start this lesson, work with this activity to pump up your interest and prior
Brainstorming: The Alphabet
Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________
Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Think of words that may connect to the concept of Good Life. Fill out the ABC Boxes
with the word you think has links to the concept starting with the letter of the alphabet. Choose a
partner and discuss your answer.



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Let us begin the lesson by doing the following activities. These activities will lead you into
exploring and discovering the concept of the lesson.

Activity 6.1 Picture-Reflection

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. Describe Good Life in your perspective by pasting pictures/words on the box provided.
2. Discuss and Reflect about the good life you picture out below.

Paste your work here!

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Let us discover more about the concept of the topic by doing the next activity.

Activity 6.2 Video Clip Viewing

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instructions: For this activity, students will watch the concept of Aristotle on Good Life and
Answer the key inquiry questions below. You can access the video clip thru this link

Key Inquiry Questions:

1. What are the points of the concept of good life of Aristotle?


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2. In what way did this concept affects your perspective of the good life?
3. What question will you ask on Aristotle’s concept of good life? Give an assumptive answer to
this question.

1. Everyone has the definition of what is good: having a college degree, traveling
around the globe, thriving in a business venture, following a safe and active
lifestyle, or becoming a responsible parent. Nevertheless, though everybody
strives to do what is good, Aristotle posited two kinds of good. Aristotle explained
in NE Book 2, Chapter 2, (NE 2:2) that every action is aimed at some good. Certain
actions, however, aim at an instrumental good, while others aim at an intrinsic
good. He made it clear that while the former is good in itself, the ultimate good is
a way to achieving something else or some other goal.
2. Unlike fun, money, glory and honor, the ultimate good is happiness. "Happiness is
living well and doing well, in the Aristotelian sense" (NE 1:4). This is known as
eudaimonia among the Greeks, from the root words eu, signifying good, and
daimon, meaning spirit. Eudaimonia, incorporating the root terms, means pleasure
and welfare. Others more correctly interpret it as human success or prosperity.
Two signs of eudaimonia, namely virtue and perfection, were suggested by
Aristotle (NE 1:7). Therefore, it is important to differentiate pleasure from mere
living good in the sense of eudaimonia. Eudaimonia transcends all facets of life,
for whatever one does, it's about living well and doing well.

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Let us examine and hear your remarks and observations about the activities that you had
by answering the following questions. You may also research for further understanding of the

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. What is Good Life?

2. How does human being separate from other beings like plants and animals based on
3. What is Arête and how is this connected to happiness?

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4. Do you think moral virtue can be practiced without intellectual virtue? Why or Why not?
5. How is this Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics or Good life can be connected and applied to
science and technology? You may refer to C.S. Lewis aguments.

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Let us continue learning more and try to extend them through doing this activity.

Activity 6.3 Online/Mobile Interview

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. Write an Interview protocol or a list of questions about Good Life.
2. Using this list of questions, conduct an online/mobile interview to three persons.
3. Set a criterion of how did you choose your participants.
4. Preferably choose those people who have already played a great impact or contribution
to your community.
5. Organize and Analyze the responses. Paste your work on the box provided.
6. Students work will be graded using a rubric (see attached rubric on page)

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Paste your work here!

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1. Eudaimonia is what characterizes a healthy life. Living a healthy life means living a
happy life. Eudaimonia is, for Aristotle, only possible by leading a life of virtue.
2. Arête, a Greek word, can also mean moral virtue and is characterized as excellence
of any kind. A virtue is something that makes one perform well. Two kinds of virtue
were proposed by Aristotle: intellectual virtue and moral virtue.
3. Through schooling, time, and practice, intellectual virtue or virtue of thinking is
attained. Wisdom, which governs ethical conduct, and knowledge, which is obtained
through scientific efforts and reflection, are main intellectual virtues.
4. Via habitual practice, moral morality or virtue of character is attained. Generosity,
temperance and bravery are some main moral virtues. Aristotle clarified that while the
potential for intellectual virtue is inherent, only through practice is it brought to

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Now, let us check your understanding of the topic by answering the following questions.

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Multiple Choice: Read carefully the statements and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write it on the space provided.
_____1. According to Aristotle, what is Good Life?
A. Happiness by living a virtuous life
B. Happiness by acquiring material things
C. Happiness by being healthy and prosperous
D. Happiness by doing moral values
_____2. What does eudaimonia means?
A. morality
B. happiness
C. values
D. life
_____3. Which of the following shows Moral virtue?
A. experience
B. generosity
C. education
D. wisdom
_____4. Is it possible to master moral virtue without intellectual virtue?
A. Yes, you can always do good deeds without knowing it
B. Yes, you can do what is right even if you lack reasoning
C. No, you should first know what is right to sustain your good actions
D. No, you should sustain doing good actions by practicing
_____5. Which of the following shows arête?
A. virtue
B. values
C. Intelligence
D. happiness

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Finally, let us deepen and extend our understanding of the topic by doing the last activity.

Article Reflection Writing:

1. Read one of the following articles and make a reflection about it.
a) The Concepts of the Public Good: A View from the Filipino Philosopher by
Rolando Gripaldo in the Making of a Filipino Philosopher and Other Essays,
2009, National Bookstore pp 82-101
b) Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing in Ethics and Human Dignity by
Christopher Ryan Maboloc). Manila, 2010. Rex Bookstore pp 15-23
c) That Sugar Film (2015) (documentary) Ppt: towards a green economy:
pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication–UNEP
2. Paste your work on the box provided.

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Paste your work here!

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Lesson 7. When Technology and Humanity Cross

In the midst of rapid change in science and technology, this lesson will explore
contemporary human experience. It will also monitor and study the fundamental
principles of human rights, as well as present the core concepts of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Scientific
Researchers, and the UNESCO Declaration on the Use of Scientific Information.

At the end of this lesson students are expected to learn the following
competency skills:
a. Examine human rights in order to uphold such rights in technological
ethical dilemmas
b. Evaluate contemporary human experience in order to strengthen and
enlighten the human person functioning in society.

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Before you start this lesson, work with this activity to pump up your interest and prior

Brainstorming Discussion

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. Read the following articles;
a. Is Google Making Us Stupid? 2008. Nicholas Carr
http://www/ /2008/07/Is google making us
b. The ethical dilemmas of robotics
2. Write a Discussion about these articles.

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Let us begin the lesson by doing this activity. This will lead you into exploring and
discovering the concept of the lesson.

Activity 7.1 Article Review

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. Read the article of William Nelson Joy’s (2000), Why the future doesn’t need us?
2. Create an article review of 300 to 500 words by answer the key questions below.
3. You may access the article in this link (
4. Your work will be rated using the Rubrics.

Key Inquiry Questions:

1. What are the main points of the article?

2. What are the difficult concepts of the article?
3. Before reading the article, I thought that?
4. However, after reading the article, I now think/learned that
5. Generate at least three questions you wanted to ask about the article.
6. What can you synthesize after reading the article?

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You may paste your work here!

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1. Our most powerful 21st-century technologies — robotics, genetic engineering, and
nanotech — are threatening to make humans an endangered species.
2. The underlying message in this article was: the rate and direction of technological
innovation over time will lead to a world where humans are unnecessary and machines
will be able to do without us. Instead of interacting with them in the way we historically
have—programming them to execute the tasks we instruct them to perform—we will
cross a threshold where we unwittingly relinquish the responsibility of making
important decisions that we as a society need to make. They will do our thinking for
us. (Michael A. Alvarez, 2020)
3. Meanwhile, with the advent of technology some issues and dilemmas occur like the
a. Technological devices make kids and even adults lazy, alienated and
b. TV hits, the internet, and other social media influenced the character and
behavior of children.

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Let us discover more about the concept of the topic by doing the next activity.

Activity 7.2 Documentary Video Clip Viewing

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. Watch two videos on Human Rights and make a Reflection paper through answering the
following key questions.
a. The Story of Human Rights (

b. What are the Universal Human Rights? - Benedetta Berti


2. Paste your work on the box provided.

3. Your work will be rated using the Rubrics.

Key Inquiry Questions:

1. What is Human Rights? Give at least 5 examples.

2. How did Human rights developed?
3. How will Human rights vital to the used of science and technology?
4. Do we need to include the right to digital privacy as human right? Why or why not?

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You may paste your work here!

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1. In the face of scientific and technological change, human rights are essential variables
in one's path towards eudaimonia or the good life. Human flourishing in science and
technology is demonstrated by the exercise of the right to embrace or deny, minimize
or optimize, and assess and decide on the scope and purpose of science and
technology. Continued scientific and technical advancement and development must
be at the heart of the security of the well-being and upholding of the integrity of the
human person. That is the focus of an approach to research, technology and
development centered on human rights.
2. Universal declaration of human rights (article 27) - This document affirms everyone’s
righto participate in and benefit in scientific advances, and be protected from scientific
misuses. The right to the benefit to science comes under the domain of culture, so it is
usually examined from a cultural rights perspective.
3. UNESCO Recommendation on the status of scientific Researchers – 1974 (Article 4)
- This document affirms that advances in scientific and technological knowledge should
solely be geared towards the welfare of the global citizens, and calls upon member
states to develop necessary protocol and policies to monitor and secure this objective.
Countries are asked to show that science and technology are integrated into policies
that aim to ensure a more humane and just society.
4. UNESCO Declaration on the use of scientific Knowledge – 1999 (Article 33) - This
documents states “today, more than ever, science and its application are indispensable
for development. All levels of government and the private sector should provide and
enhance support for building up an adequate and evenly distributed scientific and
technological capacity through appropriate education and research programs as an
indispensable foundation for economic, social, culture and environmentally sound
development. This is particularly urgent for developing countries.” This declaration
encompasses issue such as pollution free production, efficient resource use,
biodiversity protection and brain drain.

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Let us examine and hear your remarks and observations about the activities that you had
by answering the following questions. You may also research for further understanding of the

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

1. How does technology play a vital role in the life of humans?

2. What are the dilemmas brought by the advancement of technology in human?
3. How will we know that we are the point of intervention regarding the influence of

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4. How does Human rights significant in addressing issues and concerns brought by science
and technology?
5. According to the video clip, where do human rights begin and why?

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Let us continue learning more and try to further understand them through doing this

Activity 7.3 Report Making

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________
Course/Section: ____________________

1. Choose and study any of the document on Human Right-based approaches to science,
technology and development below.
a) International Covenant on Economics, Social and Cultural Rights (1966)
b) Declaration on Social Progress and Development (1969)
c) Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interest of Peace
and for the Benefit of Mankind (1975)
d) Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005)
e) The Declaration of Dakar (2007)
f) The Cairo Declaration (2006)
2. Write a report and paste it on the box provided.
3. Your work will be rated using the Rubrics.

Key Inquiry Questions:

1. What does the document talk about?

2. Who are involved in the signatories of this document?
3. What section of the document emphasized the importance of human rights in science and
4. Identify the challenges and issues that arises in the development and implementation of this
document to human rights amidst the progress of science and technology.

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Paste your work here!

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1. International Covenant on Economics, Social and Cultural Rights (1966)
- ICESCR is an international human rights treaty adopted in 1966. The UK agreed
to follow ICESCR in 1976. It ensures the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural
rights, including the rights to: education, fair and just conditions of work, an
adequate standard of living, the highest attainable standard of health, and social
2. Declaration on Social Progress and Development (1969)
- The United Nations Declaration on Social Progress and Development was
proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on December 11, 1969. This
proclamation primarily aimed at promoting higher standards of living, full
employment and conditions of economic and social progress and development. It
states that social development can be attained only through peaceful coexistence,
friendly relations and cooperation among states with different social, economic or
political systems.
3. Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interest of
Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind (1975)
- In 1975, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Use of Scientific
and Technological Progress in the Interests of Peace and for the Benefit of
Mankind. This document concentrates on the possible abusive use of science
contrary to human rights.
4. Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005)
- This Declaration addresses ethical issues related to medicine, life sciences and
associated technologies as applied to human beings, considering their social, legal
and environmental dimensions.
5. The Declaration of Dakar (2007)
- The High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development took place on 23 and 24
October 2007 in New York. On this occasion, the Leading Group on Solidarity
Levies to Fund Development met and decided to reaffirm its commitment to new
sources of financing for development.
6. The Cairo Declaration (2006)
- Reaffirming the civilizing and historical role of the Islamic Ummah which Allah
made as the best community and which gave humanity a universal and well-
balanced civilization, in which harmony is established between hereunder and the
hereafter, knowledge is combined with faith, and to fulfill the expectations from this
community to guide all humanity which is confused because of different and
conflicting beliefs and ideologies and to provide solutions for all chronic problems
of this materialistic civilization.

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Now, let us check your understanding of the topic by answering the following questions.

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Multiple Choice: Read carefully the statements and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write it on the space provided.
_____1. What does Human rights mean?
A. The right bestowed to human being
B. The right given to human being
C. The right established to human being
D. The rights inherent to human being
_____2. Which of the following is NOT included in the lists of human rights?
A. Right to life C. Right for work
B. Right to data privacy D. Right for education
_____3. Which of the following is included in the affirmation of UNESCO Declaration on the use
of Scientific Knowledge?
A. Biodiversity protection C. Artificial Intelligence
B. Cultural heritage D. Democracy
_____4. Why do we need to established human rights in the face of science and technology?
A. It will protect the right of the masses
B. It will uphold the basic rights of human being amidst ethical issues
C. It will help in the development of science and technology
D. It will lead human being to flourish together with science and technology
_____5. It affirms everyone’s right to participate in and benefit from scientific advances.
A. Declaration of Social Progress and Development
B. The Cairo Declaration
C. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
D. UNESCO Declaration on the Status of Scientific Research

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Finally, let us deepen and extend our understanding of the topic by doing the last activity.

A TO Z Summary
Fill out the ABC Boxes with the word you think can summarizes the things you have
learned in this lesson. Discuss your answers and paste it on the box provided.


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Paste your work here!

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Science and technology have been part of human activity since the beginning of
our species. It has aided us in survival and helped us outsmart our adversaries, provided
us comfort living, allowed us to explore the world and assisted us in discovering more
about ourselves and the truth. However, it also leads us to a paradox in which we are
only able to see the world in the lenses of technological innovations. In our pursuit of
growth, we had conveniently forgotten that technology only presents one approach in
viewing the world. Advancement in the field exposes us to previously unknown
predicaments, effectively helping us to reveal our own natures and enforcing one
perspective in finding the truth. Now that it is acknowledged, we can try and divert our
search to other approaches.
Human flourishing is defined as being “good spirited” in the classical Aristotelian
notion. Humans generally have a notion in what it means to flourish; albeit in the advent
of science and technology, they chose to hinge their ends alongside the latter’s results.
While it is true that science equips its knowers some details about the world, its main
claim to objectivity and systematic methodology is at the very least flawed. Finally, the
economic perception of enrichment, otherwise known as growth, is heavily fueled by
technology and should be impeded. We have to rethink of our perception of a good life
apart from one presented in this regard.
Man is a constant in pursuit of the good life. Every person has his perspective
when it comes to what compromises the good life. Throughout history, man had worked
hard in pointing out what amounts to a good, happy life. Some people like the classical
theorists thought that happiness has to do with the insides of human person. The soul,
as the seat of our humanity, has been the focus of attention of this goal. The soul has
to attain a certain balance in order to have a good life, a life of flourishing. It was only
until the seventeenth century that happiness became a centerpiece in the lives of
people, even becoming a full-blown ethical foundation in John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism.
The only question at the end of the day is whether science is taking the right
path toward attaining what it really means to live a good life.

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In modern times, there are different technological advancements in all

forms and sizes may it be inside the home, the workplace, the learning place, or
simply on the streets. It is now very accessible to almost anyone in the world. It is
not completely impossible to say that each person in the world owns at least one
technological device. Besides, technology is not enclosed to expensive and high-
end devices.

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Quinto, E.M., and Nieva, A. D.(2019). Science, Technology and Society: Outcome-Based Module,
C&E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines

Serafica, J.P.J., Pawilen, G.T., Caslib, B.N. Jr., and Alata, E.J.P. (2018) Science, Technology and
Society 1st Edition, Rex Book Store. Manila, Philippines

Internet Sources

Hickel, J. 2015 “Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, its time to ‘de-develop’ rich countries.

Martin Heidegger’s The Questioning Concerning Technology Retrieved:,

The Danger of Technology by brycefistler Retrieved:


William Nelson Joy’s (2000), Why the future doesn’t need us? Retrieved:

Why the Future Does Need Us Reviewed by Michael A. Alvarez, March 2020. Retrieved:

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