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Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

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Inter- and intra-annual wave energy resource assessment in the

south-western Black Sea coast
€ lbali a, Ajab Gul Majidi b, Adem Akpınar b, *
Bilal Bingo
a  University, Inego
Bursa Uludag €l Vocational School of Higher Education, Bursa, Turkey
b  University, Department of Civil Engineering, Go
Bursa Uludag €rükle Campus, Bursa, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study focuses on the inter- and intra-annual variation in theoretical wave power along the south-
Received 24 March 2020 western coast of the Black Sea. Long-term (1979e2009) hindcast developed using the calibrated
Received in revised form three-layer nested SWAN model was used for a detailed assessment of wave energy resource. Annual
11 December 2020
change, monthly and seasonal wave power variability indices were evaluated, and the Optimal Hotspot
Accepted 9 January 2021
Available online 13 January 2021
Index (OHI) was calculated for 62 sites along the coast to rate the hotspot locations. The assessment
shows the highest wave energy resources in western Karaburun with higher variability. However, the
western Sinop sites have lower wave energy resources compared to western Karaburun sites, in spite of
Wave power
considering the lower variability, these sites are more appropriate for wave energy extraction. The
Wave height location with the highest potential (KA5 100 m depth) has an average of 8.4 kW/m and a maximum of
Inter-annual variability 1015 kW/m wave power capacity. The east sites of Sinop and Filyos are comparatively less dynamic.
Black sea Moreover, it was found that the average peak values of wave heights are in February, and the lowest sea
state was in June. 2003 was the most, and 1989 was the least energetic years in the 31-year period.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction According to the statistics [5], the global capacity of marine energy
was 532 MW in 2018. South Korea (256 MW) and France (240 MW)
Today world and Turkey is increasingly moving toward the are presently at the top of the list of the installed capacity of tidal
diversification of energy resources. One of the concentrated areas and wave energy power around the world. Ocean wave energy is
for sustainable energy is the vast, untapped potential of ocean the sum of potential and kinetic energy in which kinetic energy of
energy [1]. Marine energy resources can make a significant waves is generated from the horizontal and vertical motion of
contribution to clean and sustainable energy generation [2]. To particles. Potential energy is the result of the wavelength caused by
meet the necessity of the growing global energy demand and to the displacement of water particles from the mean water surface
solve the problems regarding the energy security and the envi- [6]. Several studies such as Bohai Sea [7], China’s seas [8e12], Beibu
ronmental effects of global warming, referable to fossil fuels, has Gulf [13,14], Peru [15], Uruguay [16], Aegean Sea [17], Indian shelf
led to the development of a large number of renewable energy seas [18], around Orkney, north of Scotland [19], Caribbean area
projects around the world. Sotenäs Wave Power Station in [20], Australia [21], Gulf of Oman [22], Balearic Sea [23], Portuguese
Sweden, Orkney Wave Power Station in the UK, Agucadoura Wave Nearshore [24], southern Caspian Sea [25], as well as globally [27]
Farm in Portugal, and Ada Foah Wave Farm in Ghana are some have recently evaluated the temporal and spatial variations of the
examples of wave energy projects [3]. Renewable energy is pro- wave power for wave energy harvesting.
duced from resources that are not decreasing or can be replenished Nevertheless, for more accurate wave characteristics estima-
in a time loop. The most common renewable energy sources are tions locally, a high-resolution data set is needed. Liang et al. [28]
hydropower, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and ocean waves. on Shandong peninsula in China, Rute Bento et al. [29] on the
Oceans nearly cover three-fourth of the surface of the earth, which Galway Bay, Silva et al. [30] on the Iberian Peninsula, Guillou and
only waves are capable of 8000e80,000 TW-hours potential [4]. Chapalain [31] on the Sea of Iroise, Monteforte et al. [32] in Sicily
(Italy), Gallagher et al. [33] in Ireland, Rusu and Guedes Soares [34]
in Archipelago of Azores and Hadadpour et al. [35] on the Caspian
* Corresponding author. Sea have focused on the spatial and temporal variations of wave
E-mail address: (A. Akpınar).
0960-1481/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

power with high-resolution analysis at their specific study areas.

Several important studies on the spatial investigation of wave and rg2 Te Hm0
Pw ¼ y0:486H2m0 Te (1)
wave power conditions of the Black Sea [36e50] are already 64p
existing. However, there is no detailed study on the inter- and intra-
annul wave power assessment in the south-western Black Sea to where Pw is wave power in deep water, r is the water density
make a clear comparison of different depth points. (1030 kg/m3), g is the gravity constant (9.81 m/s2), m0 and m-1 are
The remaining structure of the present study is as follows: the the zeroth and the minus first moment of the wave spectrum,
details about the data set and the geographical details about the respectively [55].
study area are given in Section 2, the computational methods and
mathematic formulas in Section 3, the results and discussion in Te ¼ (2)
Sections 4 and 5, respectively, and finally the study is concluded in
Section 6. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Hm0 ¼ 4 m0 (3)
2. Data set and study area
Different moments in the above statements are taken into ac-
count. The (nth) spectral moment equation is given below.
The data needed for this study was extracted from the dataset
produced by Refs. [51,52] using a calibrated nested layered wave ð 2ðp

hindcast SWAN model (version 41.01AB) [53], forced with Climate
mn ¼ Sðf ; qÞf n dqdf (4)
Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) winds [54]. The layered nested
grid numerical model is based on three grid domains. Firstly, waves 0 0

are generated on a regular computational domain (coarse grid), The n takes 0, 1, 1, 2, and 4, and the zero, first, minus first,
which covers the entire Black Sea. Secondly, a finer regular grid second and fourth moments can be calculated. S(f,q) represents the
covering the south-western part of the Black Sea with the boundary directional spectral energy density, and (f) and (q) represents the
condition inputs from the coarse grid is produced. Finally, using the frequency and direction [50,51].
boundary conditions provided by the finer grid domain, the high For the determination of the most appropriate area on behalf of
resolution sub-grid domains (Karaburun (SD3), Filyos (SD2) and the survivability and maintenance of the wave energy farms, the
Sinop SD1)) wave database are produced (Fig. 1). In this nested monthly and seasonal variability indices are very important. The
wave hindcast SWAN model is calibrated and validated separately monthly variability index (MVI) is calculated according to the
at each domain using the data of buoy stations installed in the following equation [16]:
domains. The detailed information on the calibration and validation
of the coarse grid at three buoy stations Gelendzhik, Hopa, and P M1  P M12
Sinop can be found in Akpınar et al., [46]. The complete calibration MVI ¼ (5)
and validation of the nested grid models can be found in Bingo € lbali
et al., [48]. The finer grid SWAN model is calibrated and validated The Seasonal variability index (SVI) is calculated according to the
with Gloria buoy measurements. For each sub-grid domains, SWAN following equation [16]:
model is calibrated and validated with the data at the measuring
stations located in the corresponding sub-grid domain. This model P S1  P S4
SVI ¼ (6)
was run for a 31-year period, and the hindcast data was collected at Pw
2-h resolutions from 1979 to 2009. In the present study, the sig-
nificant wave height (Hm0), wave energy period (Tm-10), and the in which P M1 and P S1 are the mean wave power of the most ener-
mean wave direction (DIR) data needed for each location were getic month and season of the year (average of 31 years are used for
extracted from this dataset for a 31-year (1979e2009) time interval every month and season of the year in the present study), respec-
at a temporal resolution of 2 h. The selection criteria for the sites tively. P M12 and P S4 are the mean wave power of the least energetic
was the water depth (5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 m). The locations are month and season of the year (average of 31 years are used for
named as following: The first letter is formed as the result of the every month and season of the year in the present study), respec-
initial letter of the name of the sub-domains (K for Karaburun, F for tively. P w is the mean annual wave power (average of 31 years).
Filyos and S for Sinop), the second letter is lettered from west to As the MVI and SVI parameters can only present the necessary
east starting from A, and the third number is numbered starting information about the stability of the sea states, it is also needed to
from 1 from the shallowest to the deepest. For example, KA1 rep- take the potential of the corresponding location into account as
resents the location designated at the westernmost axis in Kar- well. Kamranzad et al. [26] defined Optimum Hotspot Identifier
aburun digital network for a depth of approximately 5 m. Three (OHI) using a combination of mean wave power, frequency of wave
locations (KD1, FC1, and SB1) are missing because of the sudden powers higher than 2 kW/m, and monthly variability index (MVI).
slope changes in the bathymetry of the region, so the bathymetry
The OHI has a direct relation with P w and frequency of wave powers
around 5 m doesn’t admit to select a location for wave energy
greater than 2 kW/m (ftotaltime ) and indirect relation with MVI. The
extraction. Therefore, lines KD, FC and SB have only four locations
OHI parameter is calculated by the following equation [26]:
(25, 50, 75 and 100 m depths) in Fig. 1.
P w  ftotaltimeð > ¼2kW=mÞ
3. Methodology OHI ¼ (7)
For analyzing and assessing the potential of the sea waves, it is In the present study, the inter-annual variability of the theo-
needed to have a look over the spatial and temporal changes of the retical wave power in the south-western coast of the Black Sea is
wave power. The wave power potential in deep water (d > 0.5 L) is discussed in detail. The potential wave power assessment is
calculated according to one of the most common methods [17] searched inter- and intra-annually by using a long-term wave data
using the significant wave height and the energy period, presented set produced by Refs. [47,48] from 1979 to 2009 for 62 locations in
as follows: five different depths along the south-western Black Sea coast. After
€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

Fig. 1. The coarse grid, fine grid, and nested sub-grid domains SD3, SD2, and SD1, the bathymetry of the entire Black Sea, and the position of the considered locations.

preparing the required data for the considered locations, the In contrast, it is observed that more severe waves are formed in the
theoretical wave power potential is computed. Before inter- and Karaburun sub-domain. At locations in Karaburun, the median
intra-annual variability of wave parameters is discussed, a general values of the Hm0 are changing between 0.4 and 0.8 m, and mean
aspect of the wave power potential is determined. For this analysis, Hm0 is between 0.57 and 1.14 m, in maximum this range changes in
the statistics of the different wave parameters are determined. 2.6e12.82 m at KE1 and KA5 respectively. In the Filyos sub-domain,
Firstly, the boxplot (minimum, 25th, 50th, 75th percentiles, and the median, mean, and maximum values of the Hm0 changes be-
maximum) of significant wave height (Hm0), maximum and average tween 0.2 and 0.6 m, 0.34e0.79 m, and 4.28e9.02 m at FB1 and
values of Hm0, the frequency of Hm0 < 0.5 m, and Hm0 2 m are FD5, respectively. In the Sinop sub-domain, while the median and
examined. Secondly, the boxplot of wave energy period (Tm-10), mean values of the Hm0 is changing between 0.3 e 0.7 m and
maximum and averaged values of Tm-10, and the frequency of Tm- 0.42e0.92 m, maximum Hm0 has a range from 4.00 m to 9.52 m at
10 < 5 s are discussed. Thirdly, the wave directions of all locations SD1 and SA5, respectively. The Hm0 is decreased from west to east,
are visualized spatially. Fourth, the boxplot of wave power (Pw), and it was determined that the lowest Hm0 values have appeared in
maximum and average values of Pw, and the frequency of the 5 m depth in Filyos FB1 and westernmost 5 m depth location
Pw > 10 kW/m are investigated. Fifth, spatial distributions of mean SA1 in Sinop among all considered locations. The median and
and maximum Hm0 (m), mean and maximum Pw (kW/m), frequency maximum values of the Hm0 at the locations in the Sinop sub-
of Pw  2 kW/m (%), monthly and seasonal variability of Pw (kW/m), domain are considerably lower than those of the Karaburun sub-
and OHI parameter of Pw (kW/m) are discussed. This general view domain locations. Also found that the median Hm0 values of the
presents all general wave climate information along the south- westernmost part of the Sinop sub-domain with a lower maximum
western Black Sea coast. After this general evaluation, inter- and value are similar to the median values in easternmost Karaburun
intra-annual variations of mean and maximum Hm0 (m), mean and areas. By having a look to the power matrices of the existing WECs,
maximum Pw (kW/m) are investigated. they cannot extract energy from the waves with less than 0.5 m of
Hm0. The frequency of Hm0 < 0.5 m and the frequency of Hm0  2.0 m
4. Results are also presented in the upper panel in Fig. 2. It is known that
lower Hm0 values from 0.5 m are thought as the calm sea state.
The boxplot for significant wave heights hindcasted for 62 lo- Therefore, the frequency of the calm sea state at any location can be
cations located on 13 perpendicular lines starting from Karaburun important because the higher probability for Hm0 < 0.5 m will
to Sinop is presented in Fig. 2. Every line is including five different present lower design waves for the coastal protection structures
depths (5, 25, 50, 75, and 100 m) from offshore to the shoreline. The but low energy to capture by the wave energy converters (WECs).
data obtained for the locations are the result of a 31-year long-term The higher probability for Hm0  2.0 m will give high energy, which
SWAN simulation between 1979 and 2009 time interval. The box- will be suitable for the installation of WECs. It is interesting if the
plot of the Hm0 is observable up to 3 m; due to a brighter display, the location KA1 (4 m depth, 3.2%) in Karaburun is compared with
maximum Hm0 values for all locations in the area of interest are location SD5 (100 m depth, 3.7%) in Sinop, the frequency of the Hm0
presented as a colorbar in the middle panel. In all calculations of the greater than 2 m is almost equal. In all Karaburun and west of Sinop,
standard boxplot, the outliers are not used; they are dealt with as higher Hm0 are frequent and decreasing from offshore to the
error values. In the calculation of all mean values and frequencies, coastline gradually. The Hm0 less than 0.5 m shows KA5 (only 25%)
including the outliers, the total data is considered. It can be seen in Karaburun and SA5 (only 27.6%) in Sinop as the best locations
from these sub-plots that the median, average, and maximum and considering the stability of WECs because of the maximum
values of the Hm0 decrease from offshore to shallow water, and a values of these two locations SA5 (max. 9.5 m) is a better choice for
significant decrease is observed in maximum values at 5 m depth. wave power farms with a 3.3 m difference in the maximum Hm0.
In terms of the median, average, and maximum Hm0, similar fea- FB1 and SB2 with 81% and 65% of Hm0 less than 0.5 m get the worst
tures are observed in the locations in Sinop and Filyos sub-domains. situation in the study area, respectively.
€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

Fig. 2. The boxplot of the significant wave height (Hs, Hm0) in the lower panel, mean Hm0 as a blue line over the lower panel, the maximum Hm0 as colorbar in the middle panel, and
the frequencies of Hm0 < 0.5 m (blue histogram) and Hm0  2.0 m (red line) in the upper panel for all locations considered in the study.

The changes in long-term average values of the wave energy hindcasted for all 62 locations is presented in Fig. 4. The wave di-
periods at all locations considered are compared and visualized in rection is changing between NNW and E along the coastline. From
Fig. 3. Since maximum values can be seen in the boxplots of the offshore to the shoreline, except for lines KA and SD, the dominant
periods, a colorbar was not added for maximum values as in Hm0. In wave direction is changing from E to N slightly because of the
contrast to the situation with significant wave height, the mean coastline front direction. The wave direction of the locations with
wave energy periods are higher in the locations in the Filyos and the same depth is gradually transformed from ENE to N from line
Sinop sub-domains compared to the sites in the Karaburun sub- KA to FB, and then it is almost constant between FC to SB between N
domain. It is also observed that the periods of 5 m depth loca- and NNE. In the Sinop sub-domain, because of the nose-shaped
tions are mostly higher than the period values at deeper locations. natural barrier, the direction starts to change from NNW to NE
The median values of the energy period range from 4 s to 5 s except rapidly.
for the easternmost line in the Karaburun domain, and their Fig. 5 presents the boxplot of wave power, the maximum wave
maximum values range from 12 s to 14 s. It is also seen that the power, and the frequency of Pw  10 kW/m for 62 locations located
energy period in Karaburun and Filyos sub-domains tends to in- on 13 perpendicular lines from offshore to the shoreline, including
crease from the offshore to the shoreline. It is understood that the five different depths (5, 25, 50, 75, and 100 m) starting from Kar-
median, average, and maximum energy period values in the Filyos aburun to Sinop obtained from the results of 31-year long term
sub-domain are higher than those in the Karaburun sub-domain. It SWAN simulation at the time interval of 1979e2009. The boxplot of
has been determined that the locations in the Sinop sub-domain the Pw shows a limit at a maximum of 11.5 kW/m, so its maximum
have lower median, average, and maximum wave energy periods values do not seem there. Therefore, maximum wave power values
compared to locations in the other sub-domains. at all locations in the area of interest are also given as a colorbar in
As can be seen from the power matrices of the WEC systems, the middle panel in Fig. 5. This figure shows that the median and
nearly all of the existing WEC systems cannot convert energy from maximum values of the wave power are decreasing in all areas of all
the waves with periods less than 5 s. Therefore, the upper panel sub-domains from offshore to the shoreline. It should be noted that
(the brown histogram) in Fig. 3 presents the probability of Tm-10 < the difference between the median in the boxplot and the mean Pw
5 s. At all 62 locations, more than half of the waves in the study area in Fig. 5 is strikingly high. It is because of the outliers which are not
own a period (Tm-10) of less than 5 s, which means that more than considered in the calculation of the median value of boxplots (in
50% of the waves do not affect the common full-scale WECs. The standard boxplot outliers are dealt with as error values), but they
figure reports the increase of the wave periods from offshore to the are considered in the calculation of mean Pw. In the Karaburun sub-
coast generally, and site FB1 (53.5%) with 13 m depth has the least domain, the median value of the wave power is around 0.6e1.2 kW/
wave periods shorter than 5 s where site KE5 (100 m depth) has m, and the mean wave power is approximately 2.4e8.2 kW/m,
only 21% of wave periods higher than 5 s. excluding the eastern line KE, and for the maximum, this range is
Beside the Hm0 and the Tm-10, the energy output is also depen- 42e1015 kW/m. The wave power is decreased from west to east,
dent on the fetch distance and dominant wind direction, locally. and it was determined that the lowest wave power occurred in the
The predominant wind direction of the Black Sea is from the west- FB1 and SD1, having 13 m depths location among all considered
southwest, and these wind conditions favor developing the waves locations. In the Filyos sub-domain, the largest and smallest median
from west to east. The spatial distribution of mean wave directions wave power values were determined as 0.8 kW/m at FD5 and

€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

Fig. 3. The boxplot of the wave energy periods (Te, Tm-10) in the lower panel, mean wave energy periods (blue line over the lower panel), and the frequency of Tm-10 < 5 s (brown
histogram) in the upper panel for 62 locations, located on 13 perpendicular lines from offshore to the shoreline including five different depths (5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 m) starting from
Karaburun to Sinop obtained from the results of 31-year long term SWAN simulation at the time interval of 1979e2009.

Fig. 4. The spatial distribution of the occurrence frequency of the mean wave direction (DIR) for 62 locations considered in the study.

0.1 kW/m at FB2, respectively. It has been determined that the areas. In the upper panel of Fig. 5, the probability of Pw greater than
smallest value of the maximum wave power occurs at the location 10 kW/m shows the first 4 perpendicular lines of Karaburun with
where the median value is the lowest in this sub-domain. However, the highest frequency and the westernmost line in Sinop as the
the maximum value is not observed at the station, where the me- lowest. Comparing the Pw at the locations with 100 m depths, the
dian wave power is the largest. In this sub-domain, the maximum most energetic site KA5 reports 15%, and the least dynamic site SD5
wave power (567 kW/m) is generated at FA5 with a median and an reports 5.7% of their power that is higher than 10 kW/m.
average of 0.7 kW/m and 3.3 kW/m, respectively. These median and In the wave energy assessment, the occurrence of energy level is
maximum wave power values are lower than the values in the an essential criterion to measure the amount of energy. When the
Karaburun sub-domain. However, the median and maximum density of wave power is greater than 2 kW/m, it is worth being
values of the energy density at the Sinop sub-domain locations are exploited, and greater than 20 kW/m is a rich energy region [57,58].
considerably lower than those of the Karaburun sub-domain loca- The frequency of Pw  2 kW/m is presented in Fig. 6 (left upper
tions. Found that the median energy density value of the west- panel) for all 62 locations. As expected, the highest frequency of
ernmost part of the Sinop sub-domain with a lower maximum Pw  2 kW/m is in Karaburun (50% at KA5), followed by western
value is similar to the median values in easternmost Karaburun locations in the Sinop sub-domain. The variability of the wave

€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

Fig. 5. The boxplot of wave power in the lower panel, the maximum wave power as the colorbar in the middle panel, and the frequency of Pw  10 kW/m in the upper panel for 62
locations located on 13 perpendicular lines from offshore to the shoreline including five different depths (5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 m) starting from Karaburun to Sinop obtained from
the results of 31-year long term SWAN simulation at the time interval of 1979e2009.

power also significantly affects the energy conversion from the considered in Figs. 7 and 8, FB1 with 5 m depth and KA5 with 100 m
energies of the incoming waves in a region. The larger monthly or depth are the calmest and the most dynamic locations, respectively.
seasonal variability indices represent a larger monthly or seasonal In the long-term hindcast, site KA5 presents the highest average
change in wave energy. The lower monthly or seasonal variability Hm0 in February 2003 (2.94 m), while 1989 is the least dynamic year
indices mean a more stable energy resource. The variability index is almost for all 15 locations. The inter- and intra-annual changes in
the ratio of the difference of the monthly or seasonal average wave maximum Hm0 of the same 15 locations plotted spatially in Fig. 8.
power of the most dynamic month or season and the monthly or The highest maximum Hm0 value is 12.82 m at location KA5 in
seasonal average wave power of the least month or season to the January-2004, and as expected, November, December, January and
annual average wave power. Therefore, monthly and seasonal February, present the highest maximum values for Hm0 at all sites.
variability indices of wave power are calculated from offshore to the The monthly mean and maximum Pw of the same 15 locations are
coastline and along the southwest coastline of the study area, and presented in Figs. 9 and 10. The changes of Pw at these sites are
the results are presented in Fig. 6 (upper right and lower left similar to the changes in Hm0. Line KA has the highest mean Pw
panels). values, but the Pw variability during the year is higher than the
Another critical parameter is the Optimum Hotspot Identifier locations of FB and SA lines. The locations of FA have the lowest
(OHI) developed by Kamranzad et al., [26]. In order to identify the power values during all months of the year compared to locations
most suitable and comfortable areas for wave energy extraction, of SA and KA. The highest mean Pw in Fig. 9 is 64.8 kW/m in
the OHI (kW/m) parameter combines P w the frequency of the wave December 2001 at KA5. The important information presented in
power, which is greater than 2 kW/m, and the MVI of the wave Fig. 10 is the high variability in Pw of KA2, KA3, KA4 and KA5 lo-
power. The most suitable area is prescribed by the highest mean cations during the 12 months of the year. For example, in 2003 the
wave power and the highest frequency but the lowest monthly maximum Pw of the most energetic month (January) is approxi-
variability. The OHI parameter is calculated for all considered lo- mately 500 times higher than the maximum Pw of the least ener-
cations and presented in Fig. 6 (lower right panel). As it can be seen getic month (July) at KA5. However, the maximum Pw at the
from this plot, the OHI parameter shows Karaburun, especially KA5, locations of line SA are more homogeneously distributed among
followed by KA4 and KA3 as the most suitable locations for wave the months of the year. The highest maximum Pw in Fig. 10 is
energy extraction in the study area. 1015 kW/m in January 2004. The mean and maximum Pw has
After investigating the statistics and the spatial distributions of higher values in November, December, January and February.
the several important wave parameters, the inter-annual changes However, May, June, July and August are the calmest months in the
of mean and maximum Hm0 in months for the 31-year long-term 31-year hindcast.
dataset was analyzed. The monthly mean and maximum Hm0 of
15 locations located on the lines KA, FB, and SA for the period from
1979 to 2009 are presented in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The line 5. Discussion
KA in Karaburun is the most energetic line in the study area.
Generally, November, December, January, and February are the The traditional approach to the selection of a suitable area for
most intensive months, and June is the calmest month along with wave energy extraction is the emphasis on the mean wave power.
the 31-year long-term wave dataset. Among all the 15 locations In spite of being an important metric, it is not enough for the
characterization of the wave energy resource assessment. The
€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

Fig. 6. Spatial distribution of the frequency of Pw  2 kW/m (%) (upper left panel), monthly variability index of Pw (kW/m) (upper right panel), seasonal variability index of Pw (kW/
m) (lower left panel), and OHI parameter of Pw (kW/m) (lower right panel) obtained from the results of the 31-year long term SWAN simulation for 13 perpendicular lines (62
locations in total) to the coastline between 1979 and 2009.

Fig. 7. The inter-annual changes of monthly mean Hm0 (m) along the 31-year time interval (1979e2009) for 15 locations located on three perpendicular lines to the shoreline (KA1 -
KA5, FB1 e FB5, and SA1 - SA5).

approach proposed for the wave energy resource assessment is average (64.8 kW/m in December 2001) and the highest maximum
based on the variability of different important wave parameters in a Pw value as 1015 kW/m in January 2004. On behalf of the mean Hm0,
long-term wave (1979e2009) dataset, both inter- and intra- the winter seasons of 1979e1987 and 2003 to 2006 have more
annually. During the time interval, KA5 presented the highest intensive sea states than the other years, especially 1989 and 2000.

€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

Fig. 8. The inter-annual changes of monthly maximum Hm0 (m) along the 31-year time interval (1979e2009) for 15 locations located on three perpendicular lines to the shoreline
(KA1 - KA5, FB1 e FB5, and SA1 - SA5).

Fig. 9. The inter-annual changes of monthly mean Pw (kW/m) along the 31-year time interval (1979e2009) for 15 locations located on three perpendicular lines to the shoreline
(KA1 - KA5, FB1 e FB5, and SA1 - SA5).

Generally, the difference of the maximum and mean Hm0 is higher which can be a positive point for the maintenance and survivability
in the sites located in Karaburun than the locations in Filyos and of wave energy converters. As expected, a shorter time interval
Sinop. As line SA, the most active line in both Filyos and Sinop gives higher variability, so it is seen that the monthly variability is
presents a lower difference between mean and maximum Hm0, higher than the seasonal variability. The inter-annual variability of

€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

Fig. 10. The inter-annual changes of monthly maximum Pw (kW/m) along the 31-year time interval (1979e2009) for 15 locations located on three perpendicular lines to the
shoreline (KA1 - KA5, FB1 e FB5, and SA1 - SA5).

winds in the south-western of the Black Sea is shown to be strongly present study, it can be said that the potential for the future wave
related to the local monsoon effect and the dynamics of tempera- power production in moderately wave power rich seas is sub-
ture contrasts [55]. This can be one of the strongest reasons that the stantial. Social concerns and activities can reduce the areas to be
mean and maximum Pw has higher values in November, December, exploited, but more important are economic concerns with the
January and February are the most intensive months, March, April, final technical issues and solutions.
September and October are the average and May, June, July and
August are the calmest months within the 31-year long-term 6. Summary and conclusion
(1979e2009) wave hindcast. It is observed that the areas with
high theoretical wave power has higher variability indices, and A 31-year long-term nested high resolution calibrated and
areas with lower theoretical wave power have lower variability. validated wave hindcast for the south-western of the Black Sea was
This indicates that the installation of wave energy converter sys- used. The derived SWAN wave hindcast enabled us to derive reli-
tems is more suitable in the stations of Karaburun sub-domain, but able estimates of wave power potential distribution, perform inter-
the systems to be installed in these areas should be installed with annual analysis, annual variability, identifying hotspot areas. The
the sensitivity to resist severe storms. The energy density of Sinop percentiles of Hm0, Tm-10, Pw, the frequency of Hm0 <0.5 m and Pw
is lower than Karaburun but because of the stability of the wave 10 kW/m, the monthly and seasonal variability, and OHI param-
conditions in the sites of line SA in Sinop are more suitable for the eters are discussed in detail. The considered 62 locations are
installation of smaller wave energy converter systems. distributed on 13 perpendicular lines or 5 parallel lines to the
A case study carried out by Andre s et al. [56] on Canary Island coastline on five different depths. The results proved that the study
coasts, which is one of the most energetic coasts (North Atlantic area has the potential for wave energy extraction. The west of
Ocean), presents an average and maximum wave power of Karaburun and west of Sinop are the most intensive and dynamic
z16.5 kW/m and 798 kW/m in a 17-year dataset at the reference areas. As the wave energy converters work on different principles
site B02, respectively. These values can be compared with the site and have to be installed at the specified depth. The area is inves-
KA5 (100 m water depth) with a mean of 8.4 kW/m and a maximum tigated for 5, 25, 50, 75, and 100 m depths separately. The most
of 1015 kW/m of wave power in the present study. Another energetic site is (KA5 100 m depth) with an average capacity of
research study by Rusu and Onea [37] on the assessment of the 8.4 kW/m and a maximum of 1015 kW/m, which is quite high in
wave energy and the performance of various WECs along the Eu- semi-enclosed seas. Generally, the sites with higher energy ca-
ropean coasts is performed. It can be clearly observed that the pacity are more variable; the average and maximum Hm0 decreases
present study area has a higher wave power capacity comparing to from offshore to the shoreline. The average and maximum Hm0
some insight into their study. For instance, they obtained 4.18 kW/ values are the highest at the locations in the Karaburun sub-domain
m, 3.42 kW/m, and 3.23 kW/m mean wave power at P19, P20, and (mean 1.2 m and max 12.8 m at KA5) and the lowest in the Filyos
P21 in the Romanian and Bulgarian coasts of the Black Sea, sub-domain (mean 0.3 m and max 4.3 m at FB1) compared to other
respectively. These three locations have approximately 50 m water stations.
depth. In the Karaburun sub-domain of the present study, the sites As predicted from the changes in significant wave height and
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(KB3) and 5.1 kW/m (KC3) of mean wave power (Fig. 5). From the theoretical Pw at the locations in the Karaburun sub-domain is
€lbali, A.G. Majidi and A. Akpınar
B. Bingo Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 809e819

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