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Objective: The objective of this lesson is for Grade 11 students to

identify various forces/elements of the firm's environment in the subject

of Organizations and Management.

Subject: Organizations and Management

Grade Level: Grade 11

Learning across curriculum:

1. Economics - Students can explore the economic factors that influence a firm's
environment, such as supply and demand, market competition, and economic

2. Social Studies - Students can examine the social and cultural factors that impact a
firm's environment, such as consumer behavior, social trends, and demographic

3. Business Ethics - Students can analyze the ethical considerations and

responsibilities of firms in their environment, including corporate social responsibility
and sustainability practices.

Review Motivation:

1. Show a video clip or news article about a successful company and discuss the
various factors that contributed to its success.

2. Conduct a class debate on the importance of understanding a firm's environment

in order to make effective business decisions.

3. Present a case study of a company that failed due to its inability to adapt to
changes in its environment.

Activity 1: Environmental Forces Scavenger Hunt

Materials: Worksheets, computers or mobile devices with internet access


1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a worksheet containing a list of environmental forces.

3. Instruct the groups to research and find examples of each force in real-life
business scenarios.

4. Encourage them to use various sources such as news articles, company websites,
and industry reports.

5. Set a time limit for the scavenger hunt and have the groups report their findings to
the class.



- Accuracy of examples (10 points)

- Clarity of explanation (10 points)

- Presentation skills (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. Give an example of a technological force that can impact a firm's environment.

2. How does a political force affect a firm's operations?


Discuss the findings of the scavenger hunt as a class. Identify common trends and
patterns among the examples provided by the groups. Facilitate a discussion on the
significance of each environmental force in shaping a firm's environment.

Activity 2: Environmental Forces Role Play

Materials: Index cards, markers


1. Assign each student a role representing a specific environmental force (e.g.,

economic, technological, social).

2. Instruct the students to research and prepare a brief presentation on their

assigned force.

3. Divide the class into small groups and have each group discuss a fictional
business scenario.

4. Each student will then present their assigned force and explain how it would
impact the business scenario.

5. Encourage the students to engage in discussions and debates based on the

different forces presented.



- Knowledge of the assigned environmental force (10 points)

- Clarity of presentation (10 points)

- Active participation in the group discussion (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. How does the economic force impact the decision-making process of a firm?

2. Discuss the potential social implications of a technological force on a company's



Reflect on the role play activity as a class. Discuss the different perspectives
presented and the potential conflicts or synergies between the various environmental
forces. Encourage critical thinking and analysis of the complexities of a firm's

Activity 3: Environmental Forces Case Study Analysis

Materials: Case study handouts, pens, papers


1. Distribute a case study to each student or group.

2. Instruct the students to analyze the case study and identify the environmental
forces at play.

3. Have them discuss the potential impacts of these forces on the firm's operations
and decision-making process.

4. Encourage the students to propose strategies or solutions to address the

challenges posed by the environmental forces.

5. Allow time for group presentations and class discussions.



- Identification of environmental forces (10 points)

- Analysis of impacts on firm's operations (10 points)

- Creativity and feasibility of proposed strategies (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. Identify two environmental forces that are evident in the case study.

2. How can the firm effectively respond to the challenges posed by these
environmental forces?


Facilitate a class discussion on the case study analysis. Encourage students to

share their insights, recommendations, and alternative perspectives. Discuss the
potential long-term implications of the environmental forces on the firm's
sustainability and competitiveness.

Summarize the main concepts and key learnings from the activities. Emphasize the
importance of understanding and adapting to the various forces in a firm's
environment for successful management and decision-making.


Present a real-life problem related to the objective, such as a local company facing
economic downturn and changes in consumer preferences. Instruct the students to
analyze the environmental forces at play and propose strategies to help the
company adapt and thrive in the changing business landscape.


Teachers can assess the learning of the students based on the learning
objectives through the following methods:

1. Written assessments evaluating the students' understanding of the different

environmental forces and their impacts on a firm's environment.

2. Group presentations and discussions assessing the students' ability to analyze

and apply their knowledge of environmental forces in real-life business scenarios.

3. Case study analysis evaluating the students' critical thinking skills and their ability
to propose feasible strategies to address challenges posed by environmental forces.


Assign the students to conduct a research project on a chosen company and

analyze the environmental forces that have influenced its success or failure. Instruct
them to present their findings in a written report, including recommendations for the
company to adapt to its environment effectively.

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