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Fairy Tale Infomercial Project

Your job is to create a 2 to 3 minute Infomercial about a fairy tale object (i.e. Cinderella’s glass
slipper, the poison apple from Snow White, etc.). You will be in groups of 3 - choose your
group wisely.

Requirements to include in your presentation:

● Visual and audio elements

● 2:00 - 3:00 min. that grabs the viewers' attention
● gives accurate facts
● makes one point concisely
● has a “catch phrase” and “un”official logo
● uses appropriate examples to help aid in understanding of content

Think about:

● What is the main point you want to make to this audience?

● What specific content do you want your viewers to remember?
● What techniques are you going to use to grab the viewers' attention?
● What visual and audio elements are you going to combine in your

Scoring Rubric – use the rubric as your guide!

Due Date: Monday, October 24, 2022

Examples: Flex TAPE® Commercial (2017) -- Phil Swift

Original ShamWoW Infomercial (Full Length) - Vince Offer (The ShamWoW Guy)
Fairy Tale Infomercial Rubric
Criteria: /1 /2 /3 /4 /5

Student Student uses a

Student’s voice
mumbles, Student’s voice clear voice and
is clear. Student
incorrectly is low. Student correct, precise
Unable to hear pronounces incorrectly pronunciation of
most words
student and terms, and pronounces terms. Student
Volume & Clarity correctly. Most
information speaks too terms. Audience is enthusiastic.
goes missing quietly for members have All viewing
members can
viewing difficulty audience can
hear with little
audience to hearing hear without
hear effort

20 to 39
40 to 59 60 to 75 2 minutes or
Length seconds 2 minutes
seconds seconds more

Student explains
presents the
Student is Student explains content, makes
content but
Student does unable to content and eye contact, and
Presentation doesn’t make
not present present the makes eye keeps
eye contact and
content contact audience’s
is hard to

Student Student
Audience Student
Audience has presents presents
cannot presents
difficulty information but information in a
understand information in a
following the sequence is logical,
Organization presentation logical sequence
presentation not logical, interesting
because there is which the
because student making it hard sequence which
no sequence of audience can
jumps around for audience to the audience
information follow
understand can follow

Presentation shows an Presentation
Presentation shows some appropriate shows an
Presentation shows little level of level of advanced level
shows no creativity creativity creativity of creativity
creativity or and/or and/or and/or and/or
Originality &
originality and originality. originality. originality. originality that
has no care for Presentation Presentation is Presentation makes it unique.
appearance shows little care neat but had a looks Presentation
for appearance “last minute” well-planned exemplifies
appearance. and thought professionalism.

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