Professional Development in ELT Presentation

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Special Teaching Methods

Development in ELT
Mercan Aslı Erkurt
h a t w i l l I d i s c u s s ?
W sional
Wh a t is p r of e s
deve lo p m e nt ?

anc e of p ro fe s sio na l
The import
developme n t fo r E LT
lu d e d in p ro fe ssio n a l
What needs to be in c
a nd w h a t h a p p e ns if
development fo r E LT
s sio na l d e ve lo p m e n t
here is a lac k o f pr of e
What is Professional
Professional development
refers to the idea of getting
education or training that is
continued in order to be
suitable and up to date with
the recent improved skills
regarding one’s career.
The Importance of Professional
Development for ELT
English teachers’ teaching methods, the
materials they use, the technological
tools, the activities, the subjects depend
on the learner and the time setting that
they are in. While these change, it is
inevitable for English teachers to take
professional development trainings and
be up to date.
What needs to be included in
professional development for ELT?

A study mentioned the focus of the professional

development courses as before and now. In the
before part, they say the focus was on general
professional growth, curriculum, design,
collaboration, teaching and pedagogy and they say
the focus is now on the usage of technology and
the rationale behind the use of a technological tool
or platform.
The results of a study showed that teachers who didn’t access online
training materials or didn’t attend the webinars related to the online
education had poor professional developments during the online
education period.

what would happen if there is a lack of

professional development?
As the professional development programs make English
teachers become up to date with their profession with
current teaching methods, technological tools, it is highly
crucial for them to take these programs. If there occurs a
lack of knowledge with the current method or technology,
then the teacher would have a poor professional
development and would provide his or her students with
old technological tools. As long as changes happen,
teachers' professional developments need to continue.
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Professional Development—Teachers’ Self-Awareness, Perception, and Feedback.
Freeman, D. (2016, September 30). ERIC - EJ1127296 - Who Provides Professional
Development? A Study of Professional Development in Qatar, Iranian Journal of
Language Teaching Research, 2016-Oct. ERIC.
Yang, J. (2021). Understanding and Enhancing Chinese TEFL Teachers’ Motivation for
Continuing Professional Development Through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory.
Al-Abri, A. S. (2020, November 30). ERIC - EJ1321739 - Investigating the Attitudes and
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Teachers’ Professional Development in Higher Education. The Journal of AsiaTEFL,
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American Hospitality Academy. (2017). What Is Professional Development and Why is it
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