Chapter 3

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a walk of life

a person’s job or position in society

She has friends from all walks of life.

2. Get hooked on st
3. A piece of advice / information/ ..
4. A piece of cake
Ex : the exam was a pice of cake
5. go for somebody/something
to apply to somebody/something
o What I said about Peter goes for you, too.
o They have a high level of unemployment—but the same goes for many other countries.
to choose something
o I think I'll go for the fruit salad.
to put a lot of effort into something, so that you get or achieve something
o Go for it, John! You know you can beat him.
o It sounds a great idea. Go for it!

6. As best I can
7. Try/ do my best
8. Be best remembered for / as st
9. Follow in sb’s footsteps
10. Take my hat off to sb
11. Of course/ of course not
12. For a song
= very cheaply, at a low price

 She bought the painting for a song.

13. At the expense of

14. Stick sb’s nose into other people ‘s business
15. Have/ Get sb’s foot in the door
to manage to enter an organization, a field of business, etc. that could bring you success

 I always wanted to work in TV but it took me two years to get my foot in the door.

16. Let nature take its course

17. To sb’s door
=directly to somebody’s house
Ex : we promise to deliver to your door within 48 hours of you ordering.

18. Let go of st/ let st go

19. Give it a try / go for it /give it a shot
20. Trade something off (for st)
21. Behind the scenes(*)
22. Have a sweet tooth
23. All over again = once again= start over
24. Over and over again
25. Back and forth = travel back and forth
26. Flip through( books , magazines , websites , tv..)
27. Drop into st
= to pay an informal visit to a person and a place
 on the way home, I dropped into a bookstore
 Sorry we're late—we dropped into the pub on the way.
28. be common/ public knowledge

to be something that everyone knows, especially in a particular community or group

o Their relationship is common knowledge.

29. Come over ( to)

= to come to a place, especially sombody’s house, in order to visit for a short time
30. The apple of sb’s eye
31. Be up to my eyes in …( work)
32. A morning person
33. Keep an eye on st
34. Meet sb’s eyes/ people’s eyes meet
35. Turn a blind eye to st
36. Cross sb mind = pop into my head= come to mind
37. It never enter my head that..= It never cross my mind that
38. Out of place
not in the correct place
o Some of these files seem to be out of place.
not suitable for a particular situation
o Her remarks were out of place.
o I felt completely out of place among all these successful people.
39. Out of work/ in work
40. All over the place
41. All over the world/ country
42. Act as if you own the place
43. Stare/ look into space

to look straight in front of you without looking at a particular thing, usually because you are
thinking about something

44. In the first place/ second place.

.= used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce the different points you are making in an
45. In place
= working or ready to work
46. in the first place

used at the end of a sentence to talk about why something was done or whether it should have
been done or not

o I still don't understand why you chose that name in the first place.
o I should never have taken that job in the first place.

47. Put sb in their place

To make sb feel stupid and embarrassed for showing to much confident
48. Take place
49. Be in season <> out of season ( fruit, vegetables..)
50. In high season<> in low season
Ex : hotels usually raise their prices in high season

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