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APRIL 2007

Geo file 544

Paul Warburton

Salt marsh ecosystems

Figure 1: Early stages in the development of salt marsh
Introduction – what is salt
marsh? example
Extremely sheltered Estuary Freshwater
A marsh is a damp area with conditions mixes with
vegetation; salt marsh is vegetation seawater
associated with the shallow saline

waters near the coast. A salt marsh may River meanders,
be defined more precisely as the slows and meets the
vegetation that occurs on muddy sea. Particulates
shores between approximately mean
high water neap and extreme high Negatively charged
water spring tides. A halosere is a suspended clay
particles are
series of communities displaying a neutralised by
successional sequence where the plants Clays cations in seawater
are adapted to salt water. and settle
The development of salt Muddy shore
marsh: preconditions
A number of conditions are needed for
salt marsh to develop (Figure 1). Figure 2: Ongoing development of salt marsh

• A sea shore with very little wave Muddy shore GeoFile Series 25Microscopic
Issue 3 algal growth
action. Fine particulate material Fig 544_01 Mac/eps/illustratorBlue-green
11 s/s algae
consolidate the mud and
like muds, silts and clays cannot help it resist erosion
Artist: David Russell Illustration
fall out of suspension
(sedimentation) and build up
(accretion) in anything other than
Macroscopic algal growth Height of
calm conditions. Clay particles are Large algae help stick the Height of shore reaches
very small, they are also negatively mud together and trap mud increases roughly mean
charged and mutually repellent, more sediment high water
hence they stay in suspension in neaps
the river water. In an estuary, river
water mixes with seawater and the
charges on the clay particles may be
neutralised. The clay particles are 2–3 days continuous emersion means that some seeds can germinate.
no longer repellent and may stick This stage, where flowering plants begin to grow, would be called by some
the start of the ‘true’ succession (see salt marsh definition above)
together (flocculate) and settle out
(sedimentation). This will help the
build up of a muddy shore in an tide. This is a critical point in the sufficiently undisturbed (i.e. if the
estuary. Various algae can also help development of a salt marsh, because at mud has built up high enough) they
mud particles to aggregate. this height there are several times in will germinate and grow successfully.
• Shelter from exposure (wave GeoFile Series 25 Issue 3
the year when the shore is emersed for Small pioneer
Fig 544_02 Mac/eps/illustrator 11 plants
s/s will begin to
action). Such places are found on two or three days continuously. NELSON THORNES colonise the surface of the mud. A
the sides of estuaries (where rivers halosere
Artist: David Russell will have entered the first
meet the sea and meander, If a flowering plant seed is to grow, it stage proper of primary succession
producing shores that are very well needs sufficient undisturbed time to which can be called colonisation.
protected from the open coast) or germinate and get a grip in the ground.
on coasts protected by shingle or A few days of emersion is just enough The presence of a fledgling community
sand bars or spits or in large bays time for some seeds to germinate and on the site will affect the physical
with narrow entrances. attach (Figure 2). conditions. The roots of pioneer plants
• A source of mud. This can be from will help consolidate the mud that has
the sea or rivers or both. Continuing development – already built up by binding it together.
Their upper parts will help trap more
The height of the mud increases as flowering plants sediment. (It has been estimated that
time goes by and consequently it The first flowering plants that begin to Spartina can add 8–10cm of mud a year
experiences longer periods of emersion grow are pioneer species like to a salt marsh.) Primary producers
(being out of the water). Eventually, Salicornia sp (glasswort) or Spartina spp will provide a source of food and places
the height of the muddy shore reaches (cord grass). Migration must have of refuge for animals. When
a point that equates roughly to the occurred for anything at all to be individuals die their roots will remain
height of an average high water neap present on the site. If plant seeds are in the mud helping to hold it together.

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April 2007 no.544 Salt marsh ecosystems

Some parts of them will be resistant to competition between new plants that At this stage it is to be expected that
decomposition and they will add grow quickly and die young fewer changes will occur. The height of
humus to the mud. (opportunistic species) competing with the ground has increased to such an
those that may take longer to grow but extent that it gets immersed much less
There will be lots of bare ground are stronger and will eventually frequently. The rate of height increase
available because not many species can dominate (equilibrium species). of the shore is reduced. Few if any new
survive the marginal conditions found species will be added to the
at this early stage of community Opportunistic species put most of their community at this stage which may be
development. As time passes and the energy into fast growth rapid called stabilisation.
processes outlined above contribute to maturation and production of vast
raising the height of the mud the numbers of offspring. These offspring Some species which might be expected
community enters the next stage of are spread far and wide. The offspring in this stabilising assemblage are
succession. do not have much in the way of food Cochlearia officinalis (scurvy grass),
reserves. They depend entirely on Limonium humile (sea lavender) and
finding by chance a suitable habitat. Glaux maritima. The community is
Establishment Most of them will die or be eaten but now changing much more slowly and
With species like Spartina growing and because of their vast numbers some gradually will develop into the final
trapping sediment the mud height will survive and within a short time stage of succession.
increases. Consequently the muddy produce offspring of their own. This
shore spends more time emersed (out of approach can be very successful (think Climax
the water). Conditions become suitable of a dandelion for instance).
We are now entering the final stage of
for more species and they migrate to the
Equilibrium species invest more of community development on a salt
area and begin to grow. Examples of
their energy in long lasting structures. marsh. This is called the climax stage.
species that may appear at this time are
Puccinellia maritima (salt marsh grass) It may be years before they reach
The height of the shore is now such
and Aster tripolium (sea aster). All maturity and produce offspring of their
that it is only immersed on exceptional
species (including the pioneers) start to own. They will not make so many
tides maybe once or twice a year. The
do better. They will grow bigger and offspring and they may not be so
type of vegetation that comes at the
they will exist in greater abundance. widely dispersed. Each one however
end of the succession depends on
The vegetation is becoming “closed”, will have protection (say a tough coat or
several things.
forming a continuous carpet over the unpleasant chemicals) and be provided
ground and there is much less bare with a food reserve to ensure a good At the back and drier side of a salt
ground available. The community has start in life. This strategy can also work marsh there are species like Juncus
entered the next stage of succession – very well (think of an oak tree). maritimus (rush) and Schoenoplectus
establishment. tabernaemontani (sedge) in the damper
Pioneers tend towards the
bits and Festuca rubra (red fescue
There will be a general increase in opportunistic end of the scale and
grass) in the drier bits. Whether this
number of species at this stage. Seeds equilibrium species tend towards the
is the climax community depends on
of flowering plants from the area will long term approach. During the
what is meant by ‘climax
be dispersed by water currents all over competition stage of succession our
community’. If there is a freshwater
the marsh. Many of them will fail to pioneer species will tend to be out-
influence at the back of a marsh the
germinate should they find themselves competed and replaced by equilibrium
salt marsh will probably develop into
at a site at this early stage of species.
freshwater marsh and that will
community development. Some of develop into scrub and finally forest
them will germinate and be found as It’s not always easy to see this in the
field but species like Spartina and (this has occurred at some East
seedlings at the establishment stage Anglian sites). On the other hand
but will not survive to maturity. Salicornia are often replaced by species
like Halimione portulacoides (sea where there is no freshwater
purslane) and Armeria maritima (thrift influence the upper salt marsh
As time passes the height of the mud community appears to be very stable
increases. There are more species or sea pink).
with time, so it might be regarded as
taking up more space and there will be a climax. The famous botanist Sir
less bare ground; the community The number of species continues to
increase as abiotic factors become more Arthur Tansley (who coined the term
enters the next stage of development. ecosystem) regarded such vegetation as
favourable. Competitive exclusion
would suggest that where different a regional climatic climax. The less
Competition species are in strong competition one well known botanist V.J. Chapman
will prevail at the expense of the other. (who was very knowledgeable about
Plants need water, light, carbon salt marshes) called it a sere climax.
dioxide, oxygen, nutrients and space to
grow. If many other species (or many Stabilisation If the climax is different because of
of one particular species) want these human intervention (for example
things in the same place and at the The various species continue to because of a dyke or because of
same time and there isn’t enough of compete until there is an assemblage of grazing or trampling ) then it is
any or all of these requirements to go dominant, successful species. These known as a plagio-climax
round there is competition. will not be competing strongly with community.
one another. They all occupy different
In general terms we can think of this niches. This is the ecological background to
stage in the succession as a salt marsh. From a geographer’s

Geofile Online © Nelson Thornes 2007

April 2007 no.544 Salt marsh ecosystems

point of view, salt marsh areas are both now and in the past put pressures Figure 3: Salt marsh and other
part of a bigger picture. They are on the salt marsh environment. environments on the Essex coast
areas which have significance from a
number of human points of view and Agriculture and forestry: Essex has Sea cliff

are also fragile environments which well over the national average of high Saltmarsh
Shingle/shell bank
are facing a number of pressures. quality and versatile agricultural land. Sand/mud foreshore
Hamford Water
These can helpfully be examined by This plus the flat nature of the land
looking at a specific area. allows for large amounts of arable
crops to be grown. Forestry is also
important in the area.
! se st!y! ! salt marsh in Colne Estuary
Blackwater Estuary
s! se! Fisheries and aquaculture: fisheries
The coastline of Essex is an example is one of the key economic activities
Dengie Flat
of a submerged lowland coast. It has on the coast. West Mersea on the
been sinking slowly since the end of River Blackwater hosts the largest Crouch Estuary

the Ice Age due to isostatic inshore fishing fleet of almost the
Foulness Island
readjustment relating to the loss of entire English south and east coasts.
weight of ice on the British Isles. Southend-on-Sea
There has also been eustatic change, Tourism and recreation: the Essex
notably recent rises in sea level coast is a traditional tourist area based
believed to be associated with global on caravan holiday parks, campsites Source:
warming. It is a relatively flat coast and golf courses. Annually the total Essex%20estuaries1.pdf
number of visitors is nearly 2 million. GeoFile Series 25 Issue 3
and combined with rising sea levels Fig 544_03 Mac/eps/illustrator 11 s/s
the land is quickly flooded, giving industrial
NELSON enterprises
rise to long, broad and shallow Ships and ports: the Essex estuaries Artist:coast,
Russell Illustration
the Essex light engineering
estuaries with extensive areas of are amongst the premier leisure
works and a boat-building/repair yard
fringing salt marsh, mudflats and boating areas in northern Europe,
at Brightlingsea and some light
offshore sand banks (Figure 3). The with about 11,000 boats moored in the
engineering on the Blackwater
area also includes grazing marsh and area. At Brightlingsea there is also a
Estuary. A number of oil refineries are
small areas of shingle shore. It small commercial and leisure port and
located at Canvey Island.
represents a major complex of soft in Colchester there is another general
sedimentary habitats in the cargo harbour.
Nature conservation: almost the
predominantly flat alluvial landscape. entire Essex coast is designated as a
Industry, transport and energy: most
protected area under national or
Essex is situated on the south eastern of Essex is well connected by road to
international laws. It is an area of
coast of England. The Essex coast and the rest of the country and rail
international importance for
estuaries covers the coastal area from especially to the Greater London area.
migrating birds.
Hamford Water in the north to Harwich International Port serves
Benfleet in the south, including ferry connections to various
Southend Marshes, the Colne and destinations on the European
Blackwater Estuaries, River Crouch continent. There are small and light
Marshes and Old Hall Marshes,
Dengie, and Foulness, all of which are Figure 4: Management options on the Essex coast
designated as Sites of Special
Scientific Interest (SSSI) and some as POLICY OPTIONS OUTLINE
National Nature Reserves (NNR) POLICY 1 Hold the line by maintaining or changing the standard of
under UK statutory conservation protection. This policy should cover those situations
legislation. where works or operations are undertaken in front of the
existing defences, to improve or maintain the standard of
The coastal areas of Essex are low- protection provided by the existing defence line. This
lying with large areas of land in policy has been adopted at Sales Point, Marsh House,
agricultural use. Much of this area is Deal Hall and Hamford Water. At locations like Deal Hall
protected from inundation from the and Hamford Water, barges filled with sand/mud and
brushwood groynes have been used as well as beach
sea by earth, sea walls and concrete replenishment.
embankments. To seaward of the
seawall there are large areas of salt POLICY 2 Move seaward by constructing new defences seaward of
the original defences.
marsh which flood on high tides and
provide a form of protection from POLICY 3 Managed realignment by identifying a new line of
wave attack. Saltmarshes and mud and defence and constructing new defences landward of the
original defences. Some experimental sites of this option
sand flats are the dominant inter-tidal were Blackwater Estuary, Orplands, Tollesbury and
habitats. The maximum depth is 40m Abbots Hall.
which is not reached until well
POLICY 4 Limited intervention by working with natural processes to
offshore. Within the estuaries there reduce risks while allowing natural coastal change. This
may be deeper channels. policy was adopted at Cudmore Grove.
POLICY 5 Do nothing i.e. no investment in coastal defence assets
There are a number of important or operations.
functions to the coastal zone; these

Geofile Online © Nelson Thornes 2007

April 2007 no.544 Salt marsh ecosystems

Management of the coastal Figure 5: Kite diagram showing distribution of plant species on lower section of salt marsh
Rising sea levels pose a serious threat Bideford Saltmarsh
to low lying areas like the Essex coast. Cochlearia officinalis
The coast is being eroded and salt S
marsh lost through coastal squeeze Atriplex portulacoides O
(areas of salt marsh or mudflat that Aster tripolium O
become trapped between the seawall S
and the rising sea levels). Festuca rubra O
Phragmites australis O
Figure 4 shows that there are a S
Plantago maritima O
number of possible management S
options, some of which have already Puccinellia maritima O
been used. Strategies will involve a Salicornia sp. O
combination of both soft and hard Spartina maritima O
measures. Triglochin maritima O
Strategies in part depend on the Suaeda maritima O
population density and the value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
placed on the land and developments lower Stations upper
along the coast. The population
density in Essex County is
approximately 427 inhabitants per Source:
square kilometre. The population
GeoFile Series 25 Issue 3
density of the rural hinterland Julian Cremona (Head ofFigCentre) at
544_05 Mac/eps/illustrator 11 s/s
adjacent to the coast (based on Dale Fort Field Centre, NELSON THORNES PUBLISHING
estimates from the late 1990s and Artist:
Pembokeshire. This material wasDavid Russell Illustration
excluding the settlements of Clacton- obtained from the following website:
on-Sea, Colchester and Southend-on-
Sea) is 123 people per sq km.

It is clear from the analysis of the

Useful sources of
situation in Essex that a rising sea information
level imposes severe restrictions on
the capacity of the ‘Hold the line’ upload/pdf/CoastalDefenceEH.pdf
option to be sustainable in the
medium to long-term. Recent flooding
events in the UK (and in the rest of sex/3401011.stm
Europe) suggest that whatever is spent
on capital and maintenance of coastal
protection features, extreme events livingwiththesea/champs/pdf/
will always overcome the defences. CHaMPs/Suffolk%20Final%20
Hence it seems likely that the policy of CHaMP%20rev1.pdf
managed realignment will provide
some respite from current trends in
coastal erosion and it may need to be
extended both along the coast and

The loss of habitat, changing

Focus Questions
perceptions of the implications of sea 1. Figure 5 is a kite diagram showing the plant succession in the lower
level rise and cost of maintaining section of a salt marsh.
hard defences have all contributed to a) Which species is dominant in the lower part of the salt marsh?
the move away from ‘protect at all b) Identify the two main species at station 14.
costs’ to a policy of ‘realignment’
which accepts that some land will be 2. Outline the physical conditions that encourage the development of salt
lost to the sea. This combined with marsh.
the use of ‘softer’ engineering options
such as beach recharge, represent a 3. Describe and explain in your own words each stage leading to a climax
much more flexible approach to community in an area of salt marsh.
coastal protection.
4. Evaluate the different options that are available to manage salt marsh coastal
environments like those in Essex. In your answer make reference to hard and
Acknowledgements soft engineering approaches and to the policy options referred to in Figure 4.
The author particularly wishes to There is an opportunity here to carry out some research using relevant websites
acknowledge material provided by on the internet.

Geofile Online ! Nelson Thornes 2007

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