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- Personal packaging combines inner and outer beauty, encompassing visual poise,

social grace, and aesthetic awareness.

- It sends out messages to others but should not solely camouflage the real you.
- The package must have substance and value within it.
- Image refers to how others perceive you.
- The way you present yourself, including your appearance, speech, and behavior,
determines how you are treated in the world.

Factors that shape your identity:

1. Family: Your relationship with your family during your formative years greatly
influences who you are today.
2. Peers: The opinions and perspectives of your friends and classmates contribute to
your self-perception.
3. Names: The names you have been given impact how you see yourself. It's
important to consider the name you'd like to have as an adult.

Making your image fit your aspirations:

1. Determine how you want to look, aligning your image with your desired style (e.g.,
chic casual, authoritative feminine, creative tailored, sexy flashy, understate macho,
2. Body language: Your body language plays a crucial role in projecting the image you
3. Consistency: Maintain consistency in your image to avoid appearing incongruous
or mismatched.
4. Balance: Ensure that you feel comfortable with your image; it should be a
balanced representation of yourself.
5. Environment: Adapt your image to harmonize with the environment you're in,
whether it's a professional or social setting.

Personality refers to all the factors within a person that influence their
characteristics, behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
It is the sum total of a person's qualities and characteristics, including their manner
of walking, talking, dressing, attitudes, interests, and interactions with others.
Other people form judgments about us based on our personalities.
Cognitive Biases:
Cognitive biases are patterns in perception, interpretation, or judgment that lead
individuals to misunderstand themselves or their social environment, resulting in
poor choices or irrational behavior.
Examples include the halo effect, where positive impressions in one area influence
opinions in other areas, and the horn effect, where the presence of unfavorable
aspects affects judgments negatively.
Components of Personality:
Physical: Includes dressing style, posture, body build, health, complexion, and facial
Intellectual: Relates to a person's ability to think and understand ideas, as well as
their way of speaking and topics of conversation.
Social: Involves having good manners, knowing how to act appropriately, and getting
along well with others.
Emotional: Encompasses a person's likes, dislikes, sociability, calmness, nervousness,
and temperament.
How Personality is Revealed:
Crisis situations
Boy-meet-girl situations
Acquaintances turning into friendships
Social situations
Personality is not fully revealed in just one meeting.
Personality Differences:
Three factors contribute to our differences:
Heredity: Genes and chromosomes inherited from ancestors and parents set limits
to our potential.
Environment: Includes family, school, church, social groups, and other interactions
from an early age.
Experiences: Everything we encounter, whether physical, emotional, or social,
throughout our lifetime contributes to our personality.
The Case of the Jim Twins:
The Jim Twins of Ohio were reunited at age 39 after being separated at birth. They
discovered that they had lived identical lives, including shared names, wives' names,
sons' names, occupations, and even vacations.
Techniques for Improving Personality:
Recognize the need for improvement.
Have a strong motive or desire to improve.
Assess strengths and weaknesses through self-reflection or checklists.
Develop a step-by-step plan for improvement.
Importance of Studying Personality:
Studying personality helps us improve ourselves and understand others, leading to
harmonious relationships and effective adjustments.
Defining Beauty in Men and Women:
Beauty is not solely based on physical appearance but also on personal
attractiveness, behavior, poise, and education.
Outer beauty is enhanced by personal attractiveness and communication skills, while
inner beauty is the perception of one's own beauty.
Note: "Beauties are made, not born."
Outer Beauty:
Outer beauty encompasses the total image that determines a person's beauty,
including personal attractiveness, behavior, poise, and communication skills.
Inner Beauty:
Inner beauty refers to a person's perception of their own beauty, reflecting a positive
"Thinking beautiful is to be beautiful."
Title: Wardrobe and Personal Style

- Wardrobe: A person's entire collection of clothes.
- Wardrobe: A large tall cabinet in which clothes may be hung or stored.

Purpose of Clothing:
1. Protection: Clothing serves as a barrier against external elements such as weather,
insects, and physical harm.
2. Comfort: Clothing should provide comfort and ease of movement for the wearer.
3. Modesty: Clothing helps maintain social and cultural norms of modesty and
4. Enhancement of Beauty: Clothing can be used to enhance one's physical
appearance and express personal style.
Guidelines to Avoid Mistakes in Developing Personal Style:
1. Aim for Appropriateness:
- Dress according to the occasion, company, age, location, and weather.
- Follow classic good taste and a sense of propriety.
2. Fashion is Serious:
- Your clothing choices communicate messages about your attitudes and
- Develop a personal style that aligns with your values and desired image.
3. Consider Others and Your Self-Image:
- Strive for a wardrobe that reflects your body, personality, environment, and
specific occasions.
- Dress to feel a sense of belonging while staying true to yourself.
Elements in Creating Fashion:
1. Line: Lines in clothing can create illusions and impact the overall appearance.
2. Color: Different colors evoke emotions and have symbolic meanings.
3. Texture: The texture of fabrics adds visual and tactile interest to outfits.
4. Mass: The volume and weight of clothing affect the overall silhouette.
5. Movement: Clothing should allow freedom of movement and create dynamic
visual effects.
Assembling a Basic Wardrobe on a Limited Budget:
1. Clean Your Closet:
- Remove unnecessary items and organize what is left.
2. Know Your Figure:
- Understand your body type and proportions to make informed clothing choices.
3. Shop Wisely and Well:
- Make thoughtful purchasing decisions, considering quality, versatility, and
Dressing for the Occasion:
1. Dress Properly to Benefit the Occasion:
- Follow dress codes and guidelines appropriate for the event or situation.
2. Interpret Season's Fashion Based on Timeless Qualities:
- Incorporate current trends while considering classic elements.
3. Incorporate Individual Style:
- Personalize your outfits to reflect your unique taste and preferences.
4. Maintain Appropriateness:
- Consider your body, lifestyle, age, and the occasion when selecting outfits.
Shopping Rules and Traps to Avoid:
1. Think Twice Before Shopping with a Friend:
- Friends may have different tastes and preferences, leading to conflicting advice.
2. Avoid Shopping Out of Loneliness:
- Seek alternative activities to prevent impulsive and unsatisfactory purchases.
3. Don't Shop for Bargains Based Solely on Price:
- Consider quality, fit, and personal style rather than solely focusing on discounts.
Dressing for a Shopping Trip:
1. Wear Comfortable Shoes.
2. Wear Makeup (for women).
3. Wear Undergarments Suitable for Trying on Clothes.
Lines in Clothes:
- Different lines, such as vertical and horizontal lines, can create visual effects and
influence the perception of height and width.
Color Combinations:
- Monochromatic, complementary, analogous, and triadic color combinations can be
used to create harmonious or contrasting outfits.
Meanings of Different Colors:
- Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple each have distinct associations and
psychological effects.
Factors Affecting Choice of Color:
1. Color of Skin, Eyes, and Hair:
- Different colors may complement or clash with one's natural features.
2. Personality:
- Color choices should align with one's personality traits and preferences.
3. Occasion:
- Consider the appropriateness of colors for specific events and environments.
Modern Research on Color Psychology:
- Studies have explored the effects of color on emotions, behavior, and perception.
Terms of Dress:
- Casual, smart casual, business casual, semi-formal, white tie, and black tie are
different dress codes for various occasions, each with specific guidelines for attire.
Combinations of Color:
1. Monochromatic:
- Uses the same color in different shades.
- Example: Brown, light brown, and beige.
2. Complementary:
- Uses two colors opposite each other on the color wheel.
- Example: Red and green, blue and orange.
3. Analogous:
- Uses colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
- Example: Yellow, yellow-green, and green.
4. Triadic:
- Made up of three colors that form an equidistant triangle on the color wheel.
- Example: Purple, green, and orange; Red, blue, and yellow.
Meanings of Different Colors:
1. Red:
- Associated with energy, danger, passion, and love.
- Symbolizes strength, power, and determination.
- Can evoke feelings of desire and sexuality.
- Various shades of red have different connotations.
2. Orange:
- Combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow.
- Associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics.
- Increases mental activity and stimulates brain function.
- Used to attract attention and promote food products and toys.
- Different shades of orange have different meanings.
3. Yellow:
- Associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
- Stimulates mental activity and muscle energy.
- Often used to highlight important elements.
- Different shades of yellow convey different messages.
4. Green:
- Symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility.
- Associated with safety and healing.
- Indicates stability, endurance, and sometimes lack of experience.
- Different shades of green carry different symbolism.
5. Blue:
- Associated with trust, loyalty, wisdom, and calmness.
- Symbolizes confidence, intelligence, and truth.
- Considered beneficial to the mind and body, producing a calming effect.
- Used to promote cleanliness and air-related products.
- Different shades of blue have different connotations.
6. Purple:
- Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red.
- Associated with royalty, power, and ambition.
- Symbolizes wisdom, creativity, and magic.
- Different shades of purple evoke different emotions.
Factors Affecting Choice of Color:
1. Color of skin, eyes, and hair:
- Different color tones complement different complexions.
- Certain colors may enhance or clash with one's natural features.
2. Personality:
- Personal preference and individual personality influence color choices.
- Colors should resonate with one's character and make them feel comfortable.
3. Occasion:
- Different occasions call for different color choices.
- Office attire tends to be more subdued, while evening wear can be more
Modern Research on Color Psychology:
- Studies have shown that color can have psychological effects on individuals.
- Warm-colored placebo pills were reported as more effective than cool-colored pills.
- Blue-colored streetlights have been linked to reduced crime rates.
- The color red can increase speed and force in physical activities.
- Sports teams wearing mostly black uniforms are more likely to receive penalties.
- Students tend to associate negative qualities with players wearing black uniforms.
Accessories are items that contribute to a wearer's outfit and complement their
look. There are certain rules and guidelines to follow when it comes to accessories:
1. Moderation: Avoid over-decorating your body and keep the accessories balanced.
2. Appropriateness: Choose accessories that are suitable for the occasion, your age,
and the company you're in.
3. Avoid excess: Don't wear too many accessories that create noise or distract from
your overall appearance.
4. Day and night: Different occasions call for different accessories, so adjust
accordingly and keep add-ons to a minimum if unsure.
5. Avoid ostentation: Don't wear expensive jewelry in groups where others don't
have or wear such items.
6. Final check: Before leaving, take a final look in the mirror and remove any
accessory if you have doubts.
Laws of Proportion:
1. Unbroken lines: Contrasting colors, horizontal lines, or large bands of colors can
make you appear shorter and wider.
2. Height illusion: Dress for height and avoid breaking the vertical line if your figure
and height are proportionate.
3. Weight illusion: Light colors add weight, while dark colors diminish weight. Place
them strategically on your body.
4. Light reflective fabrics: Shiny fabrics like satin or sequins add visual weight. Use
them sparingly or on areas where you want to add weight.
5. Bulky fabrics: Avoid heavy fabrics that add visual weight.
6. Small patterns: Small patterns like plaids and checks give the illusion of less
7. Transparent fabrics: Clinging fabrics reveal figure faults and perfections, so choose
them wisely.
8. Scaled-to-size accessories: Match the size of accessories to your body
9. Coordination: Ensure that every detail and accessory coordinates with the overall
10. Emphasize your good points: Select clothing and accessories that highlight your
11. Avoid dramatizing weak points: Be cautious about emphasizing good points if it
draws attention to weak areas.
Shopping for Accessories:
- Determine what items you need and pre-shop to compare cost and styles.
- Decide on the shape, size, and color of accessories in advance.
- Set a budget and prioritize quality over quantity.
- Examine items before purchasing and avoid being persuaded into buying
unnecessary items.
Types of Accessories:
1. Belts: Made of various materials and widths. Wide belts are not suitable for short
2. Shoes: Invest in quality shoes that fit well and prioritize comfort.
3. Stockings: Choose appropriate stockings for work, and consider the color based on
leg size.
4. Umbrellas: Essential for rainy weather, opt for solid color umbrellas made of
durable materials.
5. Attache case: A practical item for carrying business documents, choose a size that
suits your body.
6. Handbags: Build a collection of essential handbags, including casual, shoulder,
tote, structured, and evening bags. Coordinate handbag colors with your shoes.
The Jewel Box:
- A special box for storing jewelry, often decorated and with separate compartments.
Historical Background of Jewelry:
- Jewelry was once restricted to the nobility, but today it is widely accessible.
- Laws in different countries limited the wearing of precious stones and gems.
- Jewelry has become an art form and a means of self-expression.
1. Platinum: Rare and silvery blond, preferred by older wearers.
2. Gold: The most important metal for jewelry, available in different karat levels. 14K
is the minimum acceptable for fine jewelry.
3. Silver: More affordable than platinum or gold, often used as a foil for colorful
- A practical and appropriate gift, with dressy and sporty options. Avoid constantly
checking or adjusting it in public.
- Pearls are elegant and formal, suitable for all formal gatherings. They are a staple
for a jewelry wardrobe.
- Precious gemstones include sapphire, ruby, emerald, and diamond.
- Semi-precious gemstones include opal, garnet, aquamarine, topaz, turquoise, lapis,
amethyst, and jade.

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